Forest Germ

By YuzuTree

333 3 1

A child born in the forest pushes forward into the city to play volleyball. A certain ace takes interest in t... More

0. Upbringing in the Forest
1. First Day of School
2. Tryouts Results
3. Seniors vs Juniors
4. A New Good Luck Charm
5. Itachiyama vs Fukurodani (Boys' Volleyball)
6. Getting to Know Each Other
7. One Practice Day...
8. Golden Week: Day 1
9. Golden Week: The Next Day
10. Golden Week: Nohebi Girls' Scrimage

3. Practice Match with the Boys

34 1 1
By YuzuTree

『3rd POV』

Volleyball practice came. Before warming up, everyone was told to gather around to listen to Coach Orihime, "This Friday we will have a practice game with the boys' volleyball team. That day I won't be there due to having my final ultrasound. I'll be counting on you to do a good job and represent our team well. Before you go practice, I'll reveal the starting members for the practice game. Takao, Juumonji, Otake, Kido, Imai, Makino and Mori. I'll leave the rotation formations to Takao and Miura. Now get practicing."

"Yes, Coach." [F/n] hands her ball to Miura again only to see Juumonji with very scary face of a dragon along the other third and second years. Everyone's eyes were burning with some form of anger. This made the first years, except the libero, lean back from the heat in fear. [F/n] quietly asked, "Ano... Miura-senpai are they ok?"

"They are fine... I think. Last time we had a practice game with them, we lost and Sakusa-kun kept 'taunting' us. Of course we know he doesn't mean it, but it still got under everyone's skin. Which is why they are like that."

"I see."

"Oi Little Fairy! Come over here and receive my spikes!First-year middle blocker you come and jump some blocks, too!" Juumonji yelled at her and the others to come over, "I'm going to show that arrogant brat who's number one ace! Kaori gives me some tosses!"

[F/n] made her way to where Juumonji and Imai are and commented, "Juumonji-senpai is pretty intense."

"Yeah. She's mad that Sakusa is ranked higher as a spiker and that he beat her last time," the setter replied while stretching. Chiba and Harune followed to warm up as well.

"Ranked?" The libero asked while stretching.

"Haru is ranked as the 3rd best spiker in the nation among the girls. Sakusa is ranked number 1 in the nation among the boys."

[F/n] hummed impressed but her face was still blank expressionless, "I didn't know Sakusa-senpai was that good." Imai agreed with the libero until the ace butted in to hurry up and to help her practice.

Toss after toss [F/n] was able to receive a good portion of Juumonji's spike. The two middle blockers did their best to tighten up course so it was easier for [F/n] to receive. They either went to the other side of court or to the middle of her side when received them. Other times they would be heavy and would spin out of bounds or a wipe out. During break [F/n] asked about Interhigh, "Imai-senpai, what day does Inter-High start?"

"Inter-High Prelims doesn't start till June 10th, 17th and 24th. Last year, we made it to the top 8 so we are seeded. We don't play till the third round on the 17th, however, we will be observing teams on the first day," Imai informed.

"Thank you, Imai-senpai." [F/n] took a swig of water and went back to the court to practice.

~ ♪ ~

Practice ended around 6 pm. She did her usual home routine and next day came. This repeated for the following day. Sakusa and Komori came to the library again to have lunch with [F/n]. They secretly snuck in their lunches like [F/n] to eat after Sakusa disinfects the table.

During lunch hour, [F/n] asked, "Why did you guys decide to eating in the library? Wouldn't most people go in the cafeteria or in the classroom?"

"It's because of Sakusa. He has a pretty big fan base and they would try to give him gifts or confessions during this hour. We came here to avoid everyone."

[F/n] hummed in response and ate the last of her kombu (seaweed) onigiri. It makes sense since he is the number one spiker and pretty handsome.

"We can't even get a manager because they can't do their jobs. All they do is stare googly eyes him," Sakusa chimed in saying, "They are germs who don't understand personal space of 2 meters (6 feet)."

"That reminds me, we have a practice match this Friday after school with the girls' volleyball team. Do you want to come?" Komori asked.

"Sure, I'll come," she replied stoically, semi-lying she's actually participating.

"Great! See you then." The bell rang for the end of lunch and the start of the second half of school.

~ ♪ ~

It was practice day between the boys' and girls' team. Both teams were their respective gyms reviewing their strategies.

"Let's have Mori-chan match up with Sakusa as much as possible," Miura said and captain agreed, "I agree, it would give us a better chance to counter his spikes. We'll make more room for Mori as she have a bigger range in receiving."

"We should also try to tighten up the course and make him hit a straight to her as well." Otake said.

"And leave the points to me!" Juumonji yelled.

"Alright, time to head to the other gym." Takao said with everyone yelling they are ready.

The boys' gym were in the gym 1. The girls were dressed in their gym attire with yellow tanks. [F/n] had a green one to show she was a libero. All the girls brought their belongs to the boy's gym.

"Thank you for having us!"

"Boys, the girls are here. Clean up and get ready."

The boys began to clean up, while Komori was looking for [F/n]. "I wonder where Mori-san is. She's a bit late."

"She'll show up."

"Look that libero. She's so short, compared to rest!" The two look to see [F/n] stretching while the girls warm up with spikes. "Mori/Mori-san!?"

Komori ran up her to with Sakusa following. "I'd didn't know you were on the volleyball team. Much less as a libero, too!"

"You didn't ask," She replied tonelessly while focusing on her stretches.

"Even so, you could've said something?"

"Sorry...?" She had a habit to giving vague answers so she couldn't say much. "Any who let's both do our best."

"I won't lose." Sakusa smiled and she thought, So he can smile.

"Me, too."

~ ♪ ~

The practice match had begun. The boys were the first to serve and girls were to receive.

"Everyone knows the game plan right?" Captain asked as they huddle.

"Direct Sakusa to Little Fairy." Captain nods. "Let show them what we got. Itachiyama girls..."

"Fight on!" The girls cheered.

Both teams line up and greet each other, "Let's play!"

The ball was starting on the boys' side with the girls receiving.

"All right!" [F/n] received the ball and passes to Imai, "Imai-senpai!"

The ball is set to Juumonji with one blocker in view. The ace spikes the ball with a cross. The opposing team is able to receive it and it's set to Sakusa.

"Get ready! 1, 2, 3... Jump!" The front row shift to the side to cut the cross. Sakusa hits a straight to [F/n]. That ball looks like it has a heavy spin. I got to try to compress the force as much as possible.

The ball is received by [F/n] with ball going up. [F/n] had to break her platform and fall backwards to get the ball up. "Sorry a bit short!"

Takao got the ball up and passes it the setter. "Right!"

The ball is set to Juumonji again and it goes through. Point for the girl's.

"Nice kill, Juumonji-senpai," [F/n] complements.

"Nice receive, Little Fairy!"

On the other side, the boys were impressed. Sakusa was also surprised. "No one has ever been able to receive Sakusa's spike for the first time."

"But it might be a fluke."

"I'm not losing," Sakusa said. The boys' captain clapped his hands, "Don't worry about it. Let's get back into the game."

Boys - Girls
0 - 1

As the teams rally, Sakusa was getting frustrated at how many spikes [F/n] was able to get from him. There were moments he didn't know she was there after spiking. The scores were very close to each other and game continued that way for the following rallies. Just how many of my spikes are you going to get, Mori!

Boys - Girls
11 - 11

It was Sakusa's turn to serve. Juumonji and Kido make room to the right for [F/n] receive range. "A strong one is coming! Brace yourselves!" Kido yelled.

"Come on, bring it!"

Sakusa tosses the ball and does a 4-step jump serve. The ball goes straight toward [F/n]. She was able to set up behind the direction of the ball to receive. The ball however flys off behind the court. Point to the boys. What a strong spin!

"Sorry, I'll get the next one."

"Don't mind."

"You'll get the next one!"

Boys - Girls
12 - 11

Sakusa is up to serve again. He does the same motion as before aiming toward [F/n]'s right. [F/n] notices this makes her way toward the direction of the ball. This time making the ball go up. Tch! She got the ball up.

"It's up!"


"Center!" Imai sets the ball and it goes up to Takao. She goes up to spike to be faced with 2 blockers completely closing a chance for a straight. The captain cuts the ball with a cross. The ball is received by one of the boys.

"Sorry a bit long!"

"Sakusa!" Iizuna sets the ball to Sakusa for a back attack. He spikes the right of the girls' side away from [F/n].

"Mori-chan!" [F/n] thrusts her way to the ball with Juumonji and Kido near by to help cover the ball. The girls' libero was able to get ball up.

"Cover!" Kido platforms with an under to the setter. Imai then sets the ball this time Juumonji for a back attack. The spikes goes through. Point goes to the girls.

Boys - Girls
12 - 12

The boys team called for a time out. Both sides went to their respective sides for water and a towel.

"Who the hell is that libero?"

"I can't even notice her until she receives."

"Right? She keeps stuffing a lot of Sakusa's spikes." Komori drinks his water and looks over to Sakusa only to flinch at his competitive aura.

"Oi, are you okay, Sakusa?" Komori asked.

"Like I'm okay. Their plan to get all my spikes and serves to Mori and it's annoying but at same time exciting," Sakusa replied.

"That's great hear," Komori said giving him a grin.

"After time out, the libero will be subbing out with Otake." The couch said, "That being said the girls have a solid defense so they will stuff a lot of your attacks. They have of one the top blockers in the nation so be careful. Keep an eye out and move accordingly."

"Yes, Coach!"

On the girl's side...

"Mori-chan, how are your arms?" The little libero replied back she was okay, "My arms are fine. They hurt but nothing I'm not used to."

"That's good, but don't push yourself to hard." Miura said.

"Don't worry. I've taken a lot of spikes from men before. The difference is spin so have to be extra careful," [F/n] said trying reassure her.

"Even so..." Juumonji leaned on the manager with her arm around Miura's shoulders. "Don't worry, Lia. If she's okay, then she is okay."

"That's right, Miura-san. If she needs help, she knows she can count on us." Makino said.

Time out ended and everyone went back to the court. Mori went back and then high-fived Otake to sub out back to the warm-up box.

"[F/n]-san." [F/n] looked behind her to see Chiba calling her. "Can I call you by your first name? We're both the same year so there is no need to be formal. You can call me Mion."

"I'm fine with that, Mion-san," [F/n] replied back.

"Me, too! You can call me Chiori!"

"Me too!"

"Me three!"

"Okay, Chiori-san, Juri-san, Sophie-san."

"Oi, first-years quiet down and pay attention to the game," Goda scolded.

"Sorry, Goda-senpai!"

Back at the court, Iizuna sets up the ball to one of the wing spikers. Captain and Otake move the right closing up the straight. The spiker attempts to score a point with a cross only to closed of by Otake sweeping in to counter. Point to the girls.

Boys - Girls
14 - 14

~ ♪ ~

They played 5 sets in total. First two sets went to the girls' team. The third and fourth set went to boys' team. The last set went the boys' again but the score was 30 to 28. The boys' volleyball team won the practice match.

"Thanks for playing!"

Both teams began to clean and others began to chat with one another.

"Saku-kun!" Makino yelled as she ran to hugging Sakusa.

"Don't come near me with your germs, Makino!" Sakusa dodges and Makino pouts, "I told you to call me Kino. How long have we known each other? Almost 9 years."

This made Sakusa grunt in response wanting to get changed. Komori came and said, "Hey, Kino-chan!"

"Hey, Ko-kun! You were great out there! Saku-kun too!"

"Thanks, but Mori-san was amazing out there."

"Right? I wish I can move as fast as she can on the court."

The first-years (minus [F/n]) watch Komori and Makino amicably with each other while Sakusa went clean himself of today's sweat.

"They sure are friendly with each other." Chiba said.

"Right?" Takamina said.

"I wonder how they know each other?" Minato said.

"Maybe they are classmates?"

"Childhood friends?"

One of the seniors called them out, interrupting the the chattering, "First-years, get moving!"

"Yes, Captain!"

~ ♪ ~

It was 6:00 pm by the time they were at the gate. Sakusa was waiting for Komori to finish and go home. [F/n] was on her way out still in her dirty clothes and volleyball in her arms after talking with the captain.

"Mori." [F/n] stopped near Sakusa, but at a distance to keep him away from her stinky self. "You did great out there."

"Thank you. Your spike were very strong. It was hard to get use to your spins." Sakusa nodded in response. Komori came out running toward them.

"Sorry, I'm a bit late! Oh Mori-san, you were amazing. It the first time I've seen Sakusa get stuffed so much." Sakusa glared at Komori, but he couldn't deny that statement. The taller libero waved is hands saying to calm down.

"Mori-san, do you have time now?" Komori asked.

"I do... why?"

"Great! I want to treat you to something as thanks for helping with our project. Do you like dorayaki (red-bean paste & castella pancake sandwich confectionery)?"

"Dorayaki? What that?" The little libero asked.

"That all the more better to treat you! Come on!" Komori walks forward with [F/n] and Sakusa following.

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