When one wants revenge. (Bill...

By Why_me---

7.2K 248 152

After they escape the castle where everything went wrong. Mable frames dipper for starting Weirdmageddon, sca... More

A New Begining
Oculi Praedicere
I should prob explain myself.
The wait

A Cliff And A deal.

2K 52 77
By Why_me---

As the young boy stood there, close to the edge of the cliff. He let the wind blow into his face. The last few weeks had been, well, eventful. Behind him, he heard the people he had travelled with to this peak, they were whispering. He wasn't listening to them. He should have. He felt at peace at this moment only the wind in his ears.  He knew it wouldn't last long. Then one of the voices spoke up. Directed at him.

"Hey, bro bro?!" His sister said. Her voice sounded shaky and quite serious, which it normally didn't. This got him concerned.

"Yes, what is it?" He responded while he looked one last time at the view, and started to slowly, turn around.

    "Sorry." She spoke. He didn't notice that some of the others scoffed at that. Or that some of the others muttered something like 'Why should she be sorry? This is the right thing to do. Or Look how forgiving she is.' under their breaths.

"For what?" In the middle of his spin. He was even more concerned now.

    "This." At that moment everything goes slower. All the people that are on the Cipher wheel stood there with Mable in the middle. Behind them are a few more people like Candy, Grenda, Wendy and Robbie's friend group, Wendy's family and a few more. As he looks, he notices that Mable was holding something. Almost immediately when he starts to concentrate on it, Mable's arm moves a bit higher right into the light, and he gets a clear view. It was a gun. And not a normal one. This one had been tampered with by grunkle Ford. So, he knew that would do some serious damage if it hit somebody. And it was pointing at him. He looks at them. Most of the group look at him with mixed feelings, some of them hate, some feeling sorry for him, some of them with regret, two with guilt and one with desperation and sadness. Then the shaky hands of his sister pull the trigger. There was no time to dodge or run away.
All sound seemed to have fled the world at that moment. He felt it hit, it made him stumble back closer to the edge of the cliff. He feels the thick warm blood run down his chest and then the second shot hit, as if one, wasn't enough to do the deed. He stumbled back once more. Then he fell onto his knees. He looks down at the damage his sister had done. It wasn't good. He saw the holes; they went straight through him. The first shot was in his upper abdomen, he could even see some of his entrails. The second shot was a bit higher and seemed to have hit one of his lungs in the lower part.

He feels blood coming up his throat. The blood leaks out his mouth while he looks back up at them with a confused look. He sees tears in his sister's and his grunkle's eyes. Then everything is starting to get a bit blurry and then it dawns on him. He's dying, here, alone at the age of 13. As he falls sideways, he sees the group slowly walk away. Except for his sister and there grunkle's are still there. He sees tears run down her face, Ford's face seems made out of stone, no emotions visible only the slight hint of guilt in his eyes. Ford takes the still smoking gun from her and blowing the smoke away then putting it in one of his many pockets. Then he lifts the crying Mable in a hugging way. Then all the sounds come back only it seems like it's a bad recording and quite a distance away, which it wasn't.

    "Stan, can you go check if he is dead yet and get his hat? We can use it as a reminder and a trophy. I mean there is no way he's still alive after that. But we should still check." Ford said with cold voice but deep in it you could hear something else, however, he was way too far gone to place it. He looks to his other Grunkle he doesn't say a word and nods and starts to walk into his direction. His breathing was already quite painful, but now he started to gurgle a bit, let just say, it wasn't pleasant. As Stan is walking forwardly his face starts to get into his view. It looked even harder than that from Ford, but once he gets even closer his expression changes. A few tears leave his wrinkly eyes as he looks emotional destroyed at the boy. He crutches down next to his nephew and takes his hat that apparently had fallen off his head and starts to speak, the young boy hadn't expected what would have come out of the older man's mouth.

''I'm so very sorry that couldn't stop them. I tried but they, they wouldn't listen to me. They needed to blame somebody for all of this. And since you gave Him the orb, you became it." He said with such sadness it was hard breaking. This all would be understandable, but one thing didn't make any sense. It wasn't him that had given orb to Him it was Mable. It was her fault, not his. Ford knew this why didn't he say anything? Was Stan the only one that tried to help him? And Stan didn't even know that it wasn't him that did it. Why was he the one that had to die for her mistake?  He tried to grab his grunkle's shirt, but he had no energy left. However, his grunkle noticed this and grabbed his hand. "I'm still here, kiddo." He said trying to sound less sad, in which he failed miserably. It made his nephew give a very dim smile, but only for a split second. He took a shaky deep breath his body hadn't been ready for that, so he ended up having a weak coughing fit. He hoped it had ended up clearing his throat enough for him to speak a few words.

"I... didn't..." he coughed and spit out some more blood. Another shaky breath shortly followed. "Give... Him... the-chough- Orb..." He told his grunkle while trying to look him dead in the eye, which was hard because his eyesight was deteriorating by the second. Stan's mind was doing overwork. He didn't know what to think. Was the kid lying to him? But why would he? He knew the kid was smart, so he knew that the kid knows he was gonna die. However, lying when you're in this state should be hard. The blood loss would make it quite hard to think properly.

"What are you talking about, kid?" He asked with a broken whisper. As he took another loud, raspy, and shaky breath.

"It... Wasn't... me..." he said again. "It... was... -chough- Mabl-" This time he got another coughing fit, I was way worse than the time before. Blood was leaking out from both his wounds and mouth at an alarming rate.

"What do you mean 'it was Mable'? Why would she lie...?" His voice slowly stops at the last word of the sentence. He seems to have understood the situation. "She tossed you under the bus. She blamed it all on you, now didn't she?" The only thing he could do was nod his head in agreement, as he was trying to catch his breath. At this point, he was wheezing. He needed to tell him only two more things before he was allowed to pass on from himself.

"Hey?..." he said not very sure of were Stan's face was, he could only see a black mass hovering above him.

"Yes, Kiddo?" He heard the broken voice above him.

"Be careful..., don't... let them... -wheeze- know... that... you... know... -chough- that... they lied..., you could... end up... like... me... - chough-" It was merely a whisper, but Stan heard every word of it. He wiped the kid's mouth with his sleeve.

"Alright, I'll do that." Stan said, barely holding it together.

"Promise?" he said while coughing up a bit of blood, it seemed to be getting less.

"Promise." He told the dying child. The small promise made the kid give a weak smile.

"Good..." he whispered so quietly that the older man almost missed it. Everything was getting Darker and quieter.

"Hey... Grunkle... Stan?" He asked.

"What is it kiddo?" The muffled voice above that seemed so far away asks in return.

"Thank... you... for... trying..." And now he got that off his chest he felt the last bit of power he had, disappear. He felt his bloody hand sip out of the big hand of his grunkle. He heard a soft, muffled sniff or something above him. He didn't have enough power to properly register it. He wanted to lay a bit more comfortable. So, he turned his body so that we would lay on his back, but there was just one problem there was no ground to lay on. Apparently, he had stumbled so far back that he was laying almost of the cliff. When he felt that his eyes opened in fear for a moment but then he decided that it wouldn't matter. If he fell then it would be quick, he hoped. He felt himself slip off the cliff and the presence of his grunkle quickly leave. Sadly, for him, it wasn't a quick death. His fall was broken, by an abnormally gigantic Pinetree, what are the odds. As he falls to the ground he can somewhat feel getting hit by branches. Then as the tree trunk gets wider near the ground and the branches are getting bigger. He kinda rolls down the last few meters against the tree trunk. And then he hits the ground, hard. He can't really feel pain anymore, but he gets the feeling that a lot of bones must be broken. He did manage to fall onto his back as he originally intended. Staring up at the sky from the forest floor. The red sky that was above him was starting to lose colour. He was ready for what was next. As he closes his eyes and is ready to breathe his last breath. He feels something or better someone. It was like a cherry on top. He knew who it was, he didn't even care anymore. He couldn't fight back, heck he couldn't even move. His friends and family betrayed him, and now this asshole comes to annoy him in his last moments. As he thinks that, he hears the giggle of the dream demon above him.

"Hello Pinetree" the demon says.

All he could do was stare at his silhouette. Hoping that maybe the demon could take him out of his misery. Or maybe just leave.

As the demon starts to laugh at that thought. "Oh Pinetree, I'm not gonna kill you. I'm gonna save you. So, you can help me, and get some revenge of your own. There is no way you don't want to stick it to that bitch. We can help each other."

He had to think about that for a split second. He actually hadn't gotten mad yet, there would be no point if he was gonna die. But now that revenge was mentioned and a means to achieve it... He'd be Damned if he passed this up. He felt anger rise, he had never felt this type of anger before this was something entirely new. He didn't trust the demon, not for a long shot but... why not? He was gonna die anyway why not delay for a bit.

The demon started to laugh once again. "Good, now that it seems we're on the same page. Let's get you fixed up. And we can talk about the details of this deal later after you can actually shake my hand with a bit of force." And with that, the young boy felt something feel, better. More like he wasn't dying anymore. Then he felt himself get picked up, with magic it seemed. It was warm. He soon started to lose consciousness, the blood loss seemed to be getting to him.


The days that followed were mostly a blur for him. Well, he thought it was days, but he wasn't quite sure on that. As his physical state was getting better and his mind started to work again. He had woken up in a big room. And in a big bed. As his eyes were adjusting to the light around him he saw the silhouette of a floating triangle to his right. When his eyes had completely adjusted to everything and his head got clearer, he recognised the silhouette. It was the infamous dream demon, Bill Cipher. Dipper had to think for a moment why he was here but within a second he remembered everything. And he felt the hate rise, the urge to find her and rip out her throat was overwhelming. But as soon as he thought that he stopped himself. It wouldn't be very satisfying to kill her quickly. As thoughts were consuming his brain, he had completely forgotten about the demon in front of him.

Bill was quite pleased with the things that the young boy was thinking about. He was filled with hate and the urge for revenge. You could almost physically feel it in the air around the boy. If he could smile, there would definitely be a sinister smile on his lips. To get the boys attention he made a coughing sound. This snaped the boy from his vengeful thoughts.

"Ah... I'm, sorry." He said a bit awkwardly to the demon, that once had been his enemy.

"O its quite alright, Pinetree" The demon assured him. "Now, how do you feel?" He asked.

"A bit sore and it's a bit hard to move." He said while trying to sit up. But as soon as he tried to do that the pillow behind him seemed to be helping him with this. It pushed him up and placed him in a comfortable position. He looked a bit curiously at the pillow but didn't question it. He decided to look at his chest. As he looks down he wasn't wearing a shirt nor pants only some trousers. He looked at the places he was shot and what he saw wasn't pretty. The surface texture looked a bit like burned cheese, and when he reached for it and he touched it he couldn't feel his fingers on the skin. Well, his fingers felt the hard surface that was like dried magma, and a bit warm. But he couldn't feel his fingers on those said spots. He looked back up at Bill. A but confused hoping for some form of an explanation on the skin.

"Those are the only way we could heal you. We tried to heal you with normal low-level magic that can be used for healing a human. The gun that you got shot with was originally designed for demons. So, the residue that it left on your body and wounds made it so that the magic refused to work and if we had continued trying you'd probably be dead. So, I dug up some old spells and curses and I came across one, and it did that." While saying the last few words he pointed at the spots. "And I don't know if that is permanent. But if it is you can say you have survived a demon hunter. And it's quite hard to penetrate those parts now. I've tried." To make it seem a bit better and cooler than it was.

"Did you try to stab a sleeping child?" He questioned the demon. He wasn't really offended. I mean he did save his life, and if he wanted to end it he could within a second.

"I did." The demon replied in a calm manner. "I mean if I did hurt you I could heal you again, if I wanted to." He stated.

Dipper didn't quite know how to respond to that. So he just nodded that he understood and started to check out the hard skin again. The atmosphere was starting to get a bit awkward. He looked back up again to see that the demon seemed to be distracted. So he just waited. After a deafening silence of a few minutes. The demon looked at him again. They stared at each other. For a few minutes past again. Dipper decided to just start talking.

"How long was I out?" He stated.

"About 4 days." He replied.

"Oh," Dipper responded as he was trying to process. "Wait! 4 days! 4 FUCKING DAYS!" He yelled. And he immediately realised who he was yelling at. "Sorry, I apologise for my tone and inappropriate language." He quickly said. The demon wasn't offended in the least. It wasn't meant to be offensive. "But, they probably left town by now and we or well you can't follow them that way." he started to ramble in a panic. "Calm down kid." The demon said. "I said you were out for 4 days not that 4 days have passed." Dipper looked at him in pure confusion. "What?" he said. "Well I don't know if you heard, but I killed time baby. And now I can do what I want with time and space. I made it so that the room you are currently inside of time doesn't work normal. In here a year could pass and not even 2 days would have past outside. I can decide on how I want it to work."

"Ah." Is all he could say.

"So how did you want to stop them from leaving. I could capture them but that be too boring now wouldn't it." He questions the child that was nodding to that last part of the sentence.

"Could you bring up a barrier right in front of the natural barrier? That way they are also stuck in this place. No escape. And if you could make it so that the people outside can't get in or see what's happening inside, we wouldn't want an unexpected incident. Or cause unneeded panic." He quickly said. Bill thinks about it for a moment and seems to nod, dipper didn't know for sure. "Good idea kid. Let's do that. For now." He carefully grabs dipper and hovers up to a window that seemed to have appeared in that second. He lets dipper look and then he snaps his finger and there seemed to be an invisible force just like the barrier. The only way you could see it was because there was an unnatural glimmer. Then bill just places him back into his bed with another snap. "So what about our deal?" Dipper asked.

"O yes we hadn't discussed that yet." He says like he forgot to take the trash out.

"Well, what I want is mostly revenge, power and knowledge. And a safe future and the safety of a few people." He says "What do you want from me?"

"Hmm well, I need someone to help me break the barrier or do it for me. And I need an intelligent right-hand person. Someone I can trust. A partner. I think you fit the bill with a few, adjustments." He tells the kid.

"A few adjustments?" he asks hesitantly.

"Yes, you can't really be weak, as my right hand" he takes a moment "Man." Dipper gives him a look that clarifies that he didn't think it was funny. "Now can you? So, were gonna make you stronger, more powerful then this mortal you are now. You'll be a demon. I'll teach you all that you need to know and more." He looks him in the eye anticipating what Dipper thinks.

"How does one turn someone into a demon?" he askes

"You need to take in some purified blood of the first demon king. Well, you could take it from any demon but his blood is let's just say better. But you can only do that when you are an adult physically and mentally. For you, a man that would be at the age of 26." He says. Dipper seemed that he wanted to say something but before he could Bill quickly starts to speak again. "And before that time you will be thought by me. Trained if you will. In everything, from magic to science, martial arts and many more things. And you will do that in one of these similar rooms where the time goes different so that those 13 years will only be a year in the outside world. Then you will change and then we can officially take that barrier down." He seemed to have finished with his speech.

"Alright, and my safety after I get my revenge and help you? And some of the people I want to protect?" he asks.

"Whatever you want, Pinetree. I'll guarantee your safety and those who you wish to protect. But who would you even want to protect?" he asks curiously.

"The ones that didn't want me dead of that group. The ones that voted that I didn't need to be killed. The ones that spoke up. The children that didn't know. Of course, I will need to find out who they were. But that won't be hard with magic now would it." He says with a determent look in his eyes. "Don't worry I am only talking about the people in gravity falls. They were the closest to friends I ever had. The rest of the world can burn for all I care." He says with hatred. "Even my parents and family." He whispers while griping the blanked tightly. There were a few seconds of pure silence.

"Alright then, let's shake on it. Your help with breaking the barrier, being my right-hand man and loyalty of all time in exchange for power and revenge. And the safety of you and whom you wish of the people of gravity falls." He holds out his hand and it lights up in a blue flame. Dipper steres at it for a moment not sure if he should take it. But then his eyes light up in determination and grabs the hand and shakes. The fire reflects in his eyes making the look on his face even more disturbed and angry and if anyone normal would look at it, it would send shivers down there spine. He looks up at bill and says; "when do we start?"


This story was heavily inspired by a story of @Ch276Zj , called: Pines VS Ciphers.

I really liked certain aspects of that story. However it sadly didn't go where I wanted it to. So I decided to take fate into my own hands and become a God. I will only use tiny parts, information, and versions or parts of certain scenes. And from that story I will only use up until the 7th chapter and the rest of it will be all mine. In the original sorry there was a 5 year skip that I won't do so there will be a lot of differences.

I hope you enjoyed my start and take on this and a Billdip fan-fic. I might make another billdip story, but who knows.

See you in the next chapter.

I asked @Ch276Zj permission. Please go support her.

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