...And He's Back (Book One, B...

By LivingRed

219K 7.8K 3K

Him coming back was all it took to turn her world upside down. Harper Collins is perfectly content with where... More

Pulled Over
Good to Be Back
Pay Up
The Routine
Give Me Pie
Pulled Over... Again
You're Missing A Button
Don't Say Something Stupid
Call More
Sneak Attack!
I'll Need to See Your ID
All. But. One
Unexpected Tragedies
What Now?
Bro Fight!
A New Beginning
Play Ball
Not This Time, Firecracker
First Day Back
Nervous and Excited
Owen... Someone Stole Your 1911
Hey Firecracker
My Wife, My Firecracker

An Earthquake?

8.2K 311 85
By LivingRed

Before reading please know that this chapter has mature content and trigger warning for violence in school.

I'M STANDING AT PATTY'S DESK telling her all about Saturday night. I choose to leave out the part about me kissing Owen though. That is still raw. The pity in his eyes when he had turned me around burned my skin right off and I yanked him into me, kissing him full-force. I took that as my official rejection and that he will never develop any feelings for me.

But God, did I want that kiss to last forever.

Daniel was nice though and charming, but he's still not Owen. I bounce a pencil on Patty's desk. "He was sweet Patty. I think I'll take him up on the second date."

She gives a motherly smile that says, sweetie I know that's not what you really want. "Harper, Daniel told me you and Owen were constantly flirting with each other."

I give a heavy sigh. "We were just being our normal selves. All brotherly and sisterly."

Patty gets up from her chair and crosses her arms, placing them on the high part on the desk where I'm at. "I'm going to quote exactly what Daniel said... Brother's don't look or touch their sisters the way he did."

I shift on my feet and push the pencil back and forth on its eraser. "I love him Patty but he doesn't feel the same way."

She tugs on a piece of my hair then tucks it behind my ear. "He loves you. He just might not know it yet."

We say nothing, allowing the morning silence to bring in some peace before the school day. A knock on the door interrupts the pleasant sound of bird's chirping. Patty and I see Owen holding up a bag filled with my favorite breakfast.

"I've got an order of bacon, egg and cheese egg rolls with a side of tater tots."

Come to momma.

I snatch the bag out of his hand mumbling my thanks. Patty gives him a big momma bear hug. "Daniel told me how much fun he had getting to know you both."

Owen gives her his big dimple filled smile. "It was a fun night."

His eyes clash with mine and I wonder what's going on in his mind. I've never been able to tell. My attention draws to his lips and a flash back to last night makes my heartbeat as fast as it did then. When he teased me, my lips shook, my hands quaked, but when his irresistible, seductive mouth trimmed my cheek I had fully melted and all my shaking had stopped. I hum at the memory of the feeling that small moment of the most pleasing high.

It was almost as good as the kiss itself.

The sound of Patty smacking his arm brings us both back from our thoughts and stare down. "He also told me about your heroic act."

"No heroic act Mrs. Newhouse...

Patty quickly interrupts him, "For the last time. Please call me Patty."

"Patty," He says with a twinkle in his eyes, "It's all part of the job."

"Oh hush, you've always been a little hero Owen, your father taught you well." She praises.

Owen gives a heartfelt smile making my heart ooze and gush. "I better get going, Luke's waiting in the car and we're patrolling around this perimeter today."

I give a lazy wave while stuffing my face with my breakfast egg roll. Owen chuckles and hugs Patty before he leaves. She turns to me but I am quick to answer the question I know is coming. "He lost at bowling and now has to bring me breakfast for a week."

Patty grins. "You two are so cute."

I roll my eyes and get to work. And by work, I mean finishing my tater tots. I head to my office and glance out my window as the sun shines down on the dark green grass. Soon it will be brown and gross with the coming fall, but for now it's not.

I spin in my chair and this time, actually get to work thinking about my upcoming game with Matt's team in a couple weeks. I'm excited to get grass and dirt stains all over my legs, and to slam softballs out of the park. At the thought of that I'm reminded of Daniel.

Maybe I should invite him, get some ice cream afterwards.

My day passes by nicely and soon it's lunch time. There's a knock on my door and I see a large beautifully wrapped sub. Beautiful because the white paper has my favorite hole in the wall sub place's name stamped on it. My mouth waters a little and Patty pokes her head through my door.

I drop my pen and lean back in my chair. "Now I know we didn't place a bet, so what's the catch?"

She laughs and hands me the sub. "Italian with lots of banana peppers."

She opens hers as I give her a quizzical look causing her to sigh and push her sandwich away. "I wanted to talk to you." I give her the go ahead and she continues, "I know what's going on between you and Owen seems like a mountain, but I really feel like you aren't giving it your all."

A low hum escapes my lips acknowledging her comment, but also in delight from how good my sub is. I don't know if it's my drunken sub stupor or what, but I decide to tell her about the incident.

"We kissed Saturday, twice. But I initiated both of them."

She leans over and grabs my hand endearingly. "Sweetie, how can you be so blind."

Giving her a dumbfounded look, I put down my sandwich ignoring it.

Me ignoring a sub! That's a pretty big deal people!

"Patty, the first one was a peck turned into something more. The second he tried to reject it and walk away, but I made this face and he saw it. He didn't want it. He just pitied me so I angry kissed him."

Patty stops me with her strict mother hand that says you say one more word and I'll smack ya. "He's in love with you. Daniel saw it, I've seen it and others certainly have. You need to stop downplaying this and get on the offensive. He's your guy Harp, just like how Walt's mine."

If only.

"I've been on the offense... I kissed him...twice!" I pucker my lips to the side and shake my head, making Patty sigh. She straightens to her full height and looks me dead in the eye, "Did I ever tell you about how Walt and I ended up together?"

I shake my head no. She looks at the clock and we still have some time before lunch is over.

"Walt and I grew up in the same town, like you and Owen, but that's pretty much where the similarities end." She pauses and sits back in her chair, relaxing a little bit. "We weren't close. We just knew of each other. Ran into one another from time to time. We didn't think much of it. But sometimes people need to mature before they can come together and I certainly know that I needed some maturing."

She takes a hot pink sticky note and a pencil writing something down on it. "You may not know this about me Harp but I was very rebellious in my youth. Let's just say I was a special kind of waitress in a big city thinking I was living the life. I had left home, moved to Chicago and allowed myself to make a lot of horrible decisions."

Patty points her pencil at me. "One day, while I was working, Walter came in. He looked completely out of place, a good church going boy in a very ungentlemanly club despite its name. The moment he saw me he stomped right over to me and said straight to my face, I want to marry you."

She takes a sip out of her soda and puts it back down. "Now no man had ever looked so... well manly to me, but I was not about committing to one man. Walt left right afterwards leaving me bewildered, but after some circumstances I had to move home."

She laughs and I can tell she's reliving whatever moment she's about to tell me. "His face when he saw me was..." she slashes her hands through the air, "hysterical. At that moment, I fell in love with him, but didn't know it. I knew after everything I did that I needed some healing and time, so love wasn't even in my mind. I guess you can say I was the Owen in our story."

She re-wraps her sub as she continues. "Long story short. That man chased after me and was there for me every step of the way. He didn't push me or force me into any kind of romantic relationship, but he was... he was there. That man's offensive strategy was patiently waiting and being there, being what I needed and showing me my worth."

Patty stops and grabs my hand. "You love Owen and you keep giving up. Don't. I'm not saying you do exactly as Walt did. If anything I think you need to act, not on your feelings, but by being what he needs, showing him how much you care for him. Stop wasting time on doubting everything."

She pats my hand. "That ends my speech."

I smile at her and say my doubts to her. "Patty not everyone can be like you and Walt."

She looks at me. "Why not?"

I say nothing.

She gets up and looks at the clock. "You have an appointment with Nick and Evan today."

I nod and grin at her. "Thanks Patty, you can send them in as soon as they get here."

She leaves and I crinkle the slightly soggy paper into a ball, throwing it into my waste basket. I get some gum and hear a knock on my door. "Come in."

Nick and Evan walk in and I can sense some tension between the two. They both take a seat and slide their backpacks off as they do. I lean back fiddling with a pen. "What's going on guys?"

Nick looks at Evan then back to the floor as Evan looks out the window. Neither say anything and I lean in but stop when I feel a low vibration under my feet. Nick and Evan snap their heads up feeling it to.

"What was that?" Nick asks.

"I don't know. An earthquake maybe?" I state as I get out of my chair. The vibration ends but is followed by a much larger one and what sounds like thunder. I glance out the window and see the sun still shining.

I go to sit back down, a little shaken, but then jolt right back up when alarms shrill at an ear-piercing level. Another massive thundering sound screams through the air as the whole room shakes.

"Is it an earthquake Miss Collins?" Evan's voice rises and I can tell he's scared. When I look back out the window and see smoke. My head snaps to the boys. "Get down now. Patty!" I scream but everything goes black.

"Miss Collins..." A small croaked voice calls my name and I slowly open my blurry eyes, finding it hard to see anything. I will my body to move but feel a sharp pain in my right leg along with a terrible mass of sensations. I hiss.

"Miss Collins." The tiny voice croaks out again.

I move my body again this time ready for the pain. My head feels like a storming mess and my ears are ringing. My hands slide across my floor but I don't feel carpet. I feel rubble and glass. I shake my head a little when I pick myself up regretting the action almost immediately.

I feel like I'm in a fish bowl as small coughs echo in my head. I pick myself up again on trembling arms. My vision begins to clear and I feel something warm trickle down my face. My hand flies to my head and I bring it back into my view to see blood. I take in deep breathes and crawl to something that can help support me. Smoke surrounds me as I hear that little cough again. Forgetting all my pain I crawl over to Nick and Evan.

Evan looks up at me and he's covered in dirt and debris surrounds him. "Miss Collins, what happened?"

I look around and see my office in ruin. My door is ajar and ashes float in the smoke like I'm in some kind of horror film. The thick air separates for a second and I see a wall of rubble blocking my view of where my window once was.

My attention shifts back to Evan and Nick. "Are you guys okay?"

Evan slowly gets up his arm bleeding but looking fine. "I think I am but Nick isn't answering me. I even said I was sorry and he didn't say anything."

My eyes flick to Nick and I feel for a pulse that's weak but there. Blood blocks my view for a second and I wipe it away to see Nick's shoulder impaled by some kind of piping. I take unsteady breaths and quickly rip off my cardigan my body screaming at me as I do.

"Evan, you need to stay beside me, got that." He nods as I put my cardigan around Nick and take off my blouse pressing it against the wound to keep him from bleeding out. My skin prickles as my tank top clings to my sweaty skin.

"Should we remove it?" Evan asks his voice quavering.

"No, we shouldn't move him either. My hands are covered in blood and I know Nick doesn't have time to be sitting here. I glance around the room and know searching for my phone would be in vain. "Evan, I need you to press down on this so I can check the receptionist area okay."

His shaky hands come to mine and I look him in the eyes. "Stay calm okay. We're going to be fine, but I need you to be calm and keep yourself together for Nick, you can do that right?"

He gives a shuddered breath and presses his hands on the blouse that's covered in blood. I check Nick's pulse and still feel it beating. "I'll be right back okay. Stay here."

He nods and I get up limping to my broken door that was blasted open and barely hanging on its hinges. I peek around the corner and see Patty's feet where her desk used to be that's now blown apart and on top of her. I rush over and start pulling pieces off her too still body.

Please be alive Patty, please!

My hands shake more and more with each piece that I remove. I finally reach her and feel for a pulse only to find nothing. I feel again and again as sobs escape my raw throat. I cough as tears spring out of my eyes.

No, please God no.

I glance around the guidance counselor offices and see they're vacant and utterly destroyed. My eyes go back to Patty and then to my office where Nick is barely holding on.

"I'm so sorry Patty." I whisper out in a choked sob.

As I get back up a noise coming from the hall catches my attention and I still. Footsteps echo and crunch as a person comes closer. I quietly hobble to my office and hold my fingers up to my lips to Evan. His eyes widen but he doesn't make a sound. I slowly push the broken door in front of us. I peek around as I see someone walk in with something strapped to his chest.

I put my back against the door and cover my mouth as tears slide down my face. Evan looks at me scared and I silently mouth to him that we're going to be okay. The footsteps stop and my heartbeat accelerates and I pray this person can't hear it.

Play dead.

My eyes snap to Evan's and I motion for him to hit the floor. He quietly does as he's told and I soundlessly crawl to Nick and pretend to lay on top of him. The footsteps start up again then stop. The hairs on my arm stick straight up on high alert and I know this person is examining my room. I bite my trembling lip sending prayers that they go away. After the longest fifteen seconds of my life pass by, the footsteps start the other way and out the hallway and fade until I hear nothing.

I want to vomit right on the spot but I pull myself together knowing two children's lives depend on me. I take a shaky breath and get up, ignoring the pain in my leg once again.

Evan cries silently as I slowly limp over to him. "Come on buddy, we need to get out of here."

My mind is racing at what's best to do and I know escaping is what needs to be done. If we stay and wait the person might come back or worse detonate another bomb.

Then we're all dead.

Evan shakes his head as I slowly pick up Nick. "I can't..." he whispers, his voice breaking as he does, "I'm scared."

I grab his hand while I still cradle Nick. "I'm scared to, but we're a team, just like we were during the summer. I can't do this without you."

He swallows and gets up shaking all over but stands. My leg howls in pain as I scuffle up and out the door with Evan behind me. I glance over at Patty and I know I can't leave her there.

I limp over to her. "Evan, you need to help me get Patty on my back.

His eyes widen. "But Miss Collins, your leg."

I refuse to look at it. I know if I do my mind will only register that and I'll be rendered useless. "Don't mind my leg Evan just help me."

I place Nick down gently and his heartbeat is still there. I see some scissors and cut off a sleeve to my cardigan that's wrapped around Nick. I stuff it in my mouth and bend down giving a muffled screaming cry as my legs throbs. I grab Patty's arms and pull her over my back as Evan keeps his hands pressed on her to keep her from falling. I give myself a moment and pick up Nick gently, while balancing Patty on my left shoulder.

I spit out the sleeve once I'm up and the pain is somewhat manageable and look at Evan. "Walk right behind me and keep Mrs. Newhouse steady. If anyone comes... you run."

We start for the door and I peek around and see no one but debris and smoke. I turn out and start walking on both legs earning a searing pain, making me grit my teeth and cry, but I push through it. Patty stays slumped over my shoulder and pressed against my back thanks to Evan as Nick's breathing remains the same.

I step over a small pile of rubble and hear sirens wailing in the air. I move towards the noise and see a door with light slightly pouring out from it. We reach it but it's stuck as I try to push it open. I reposition Nick and use my free shoulder to slam against it and I give a sharp cry of pain. I go again with Evan pushing Patty against my back. This time the door gives and I tumble out into the blinding light coughing and hacking up smoke. I take a couple steps out and hear people rushing toward us. An EMT gets in my line of sight taking Nick out of my arms and another getting Patty off my back.

I hug Evan as he cries. The EMTs try to take me but I make them take Evan instead. I hear Matt yelling out my name in horror, "Harp!"

I stand motionless as Matt comes beside me. He's asking me a ton of questions but I can't hear any of them. I just look up at the sky my mind completely numb to anything but the image of the smoke tossing and turning in the air corrupting it. My stomach follows the smoke's rhythm churning and twisting building up bile.

Part of the school is in ruins with ashes floating in the air and my heart squeezes so hard I begin to panic and clutch my chest. Matt grabs my arms as I bend over causing all the bile to race up my throat burning it in the process. In an instant, all the noise comes back as I vomit everything out of my stomach.

My eardrums feel like they are about to burst from all the blaring sirens and hoarse cries from people. I finally stop and feel an emptiness inside of me I never thought was possible. I stagger forward feeling shaky and I cry out when the pain in my leg shoots up all the way to my sternum.

I clutch my hand to my ribs trying to take deep breaths. Matt gently gathers me before I can collapse. "Harp we need to get you to the hospital."

I finally looked down at myself. I'm covered in soot, ashes and blood. Nick's blood is covering the tips of my fingers all the way up to my elbows. I feel like vomiting again but instead glance around for Nick and Patty.

"Harp, please say something." Matt begs.

I go to stand on my own but crumble to the ground and he's quick to be at my side. I'm huffing and my voice croaks out, "Nick, Patty."

"Nick's already on the way to the hospital in the ambulance." Matt pushes back my hair trying to pick me up. I push with my weak arm. "Patty."

He doesn't say anything and I start bawling my eyes out when I see gurneys and body bags. My voice is hoarse and unrecognizable, "No, no, no, no, no."

I can't stop saying it, like if I say it enough times God will grant my wish and reverse time and erase this from happening, or that I'll wake up and it will just be a horrid nightmare. Matt straightens holding me and I lift my head up even though the world tilts on its axis. I see dark blue uniforms and my teary vision sees Owen, Luke and some other officers rushing into the school after bringing out some more kids, who were coughing but okay. The figure I had seen by my office comes to my mind.

I grip Matt's arm. "Matt, they can't go in. Owen can't... they... they..." I flay my arm around my chest as I start crying hard, "they had something strapped to their chest Matt. Owen... Owen..."

Matt gets in my view. "It's his job Harp, I hate it too, but it's his job."

I swallow and stare at my older brother who held me as we watched dad pack his bags and leave. The guy who came to all my games and cheered for me with all his heart. I could've died and never had seen him again.

"I love you Matty."

His eyes go from strict to sadness as he pushes back my hair. "Shit. Harp. I love you too." His voice cracks and his grip on me tightens. "Let me get you to the hospital."

His eyes go to my leg and I follow slowly. When I see it there is instant acid in my stomach. There's blood and I can see some bone where my leg must've caught some of the explosion. I shut my eyes tight and quickly turn away as the pain intensifies by a hundred tons.

Why isn't a medic here?

To answer my question, I look up and see them attending to some children, which I'd rather have. I shake and my fists grab the grass ripping some out. "Am I going to lose my leg?" I whisper out.

Matt's faces morphs into horror and his tears don't stop. "I don't know but we need to get you to a hospital now."

My tears are slow to fall. "Not until Owen is out." Matt goes to object but my words stop him, "I love him too Matt. I love him too."

I'm reminded once again that Owen's a police officer, but this time it isn't because of his air or confidence. It's because he's putting his life on the line right now. My stomach churns and Matt rubs his face impatiently.

"Please Harp." Matt yells crying in frustration at this.

My whole body stills and I look at the school where Owen ran back into. "Not until he's out."

I'm surprised by the calmness of my voice. An officer strolls over to Principal Reed. "That was the last one."

My eyes widen. "How long was I in there for Matt?"

He quiets for a second and then his voice cracks, "We thought you were dead. You were one of the last ones to get out besides that group."

"What happened? Is Elise okay? Does mom know I'm okay?"

Matt breathes, "Elise is going ballistic, but she's fine. Thank God, she's on maternity leave. I just texted them." He pauses and slowly lets out a shaky breath, "There were three bombs, one at the library, one in the gymnasium and one... by your office."

An earthquake blasts through my body as Matt continues, "It was recess and most of the kids were outside. Thank God."

My head turns back to the half-blown school as I lay in the grass. Matt takes off his shirt and covers my leg and I realize I'm losing a lot of blood. No wonder why I feel so weak. Matt stands. "Enough, I'm getting you to the hospital."

Just as I'm about to protest gun fire rings out and I clutch my hair and dig my face into the grass praying. Matt holds me and I detach myself from the grass and grab onto him. It stops and everyone is quiet. I turn my face away from Matt's chest and stare at the school in horror as my heart pounds. All there is, is smoke and ash.

My whole body relaxes in an instant as Owen and Luke come out with the perpetrator, cuffed and head down. They give him over to other officers and talk with the sheriff.

I want to run to him and leap in his arms but an overwhelming sadness hits me when the question pops in my head, Why did this happen?

I start sobbing and Matt strokes my back, "Please sis."

I nod and a medic comes rushing over and checks my eyes for a concussion and I know I probably have one, remembering the blood dripping down my face. They go to my leg and pause when they lift off Matt's shirt. I bite down on my lip crying, not because of the pain, but because I know what the silence could mean. When I open my eyes, I look straight ahead and see Owen staring at me in horror.

My tears flow and he runs to me. My vision blackens and the last thing I hear is him sliding next to me.

A/N: Hey everyone! I was really on the edge of updating this chapter because of the mature content and graphic content. Let me know what you think and don't forget to comment and vote!

~ Living Red

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