Among the Clans:A Shadow in S...

By GalaxyTheStarWatcher

404 29 2

One of the warriors of Stormclan, Greypelt was killed during a Leafclan battle. Stormpaw discovers a shocking... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5+Updated allegiances
Chapter 6

Chapter 4

31 1 0
By GalaxyTheStarWatcher

Stormstar and Stormpaw returned to their camp. Many cats gathered around the Highrock, beetwen the big group of cats you could see a gray body covered in blood. Stormstar made her way trough them and reached the fallen body of a dear gray furred tom..covered in blood. The cat was none other then...her dear mate Greypelt....Stormpaw reamined shocked looking at his father who was now dead. He remembered Leaffal's words about Dragonsoul...waht if he killed his father? Stormstar was crying and Greypaw ws running around camp crazy and angry. Deerpaw was also crying over the tom's body couldn't belive what was happening. Dragonsoul was the only cat who didn't show any sadness. Stormpaw realized that Dragonsoul murdered him. The apprentice heard his mother talking with Snowpelt, since she was on a patrol with her mate:

-What happened here..? she said with a sad tone.

Snowpelt looked at Dragonsoul and said:

-Dragonsoul came with him twoards us...he said a LeafClan cat killed him.

-LeafClan attacked again?! she said confused.

-Yes...they overpowered us so we had to reatreat. After Greypelt was killed....there was no more hope for us to win the fight...I don't even know why they killed him...It's not a war...and it's agaist the warrior code! said Snowpelt angrily.

-You're right...but maybe they did it to defend themselves...who knows why...anyway I need to call a meeting.

The leader jumped on the Highrock flicking her tail right and left and said:

-Let...all the cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneth the Highrock for a clan meeting!

The cats stopped arguing and looked at Stormstar, only Greypaw and Deerpaw couldn't took their eyes off the dead body of Greypelt...neither Stormpaw could...Stormstar continued taking a last look at Greypelt dead body and said:

-Today...we have lost one of the most loyal and bravest warriors from StormClan. Greypelt....was a good warrior and mate and father...we will never forget everything he did to take care for this clan. A vigil will be stood for him tonight at Moonhigh, in the mroning Gingerclaw and Luckyclover will bury his body. Anyone has anything to say about him?

-May StarClan welcome him with kindness. He was a good warrior. said Leaffal who was trying to hide her guilt.

-He...was the best father ever....I could never had a better father then him. said Greypaw crying crazy over him.

-Greypelt w-was a good mentor....even if he d-d-didn't manage to show me too many battle moves o-o-or hunting techniques...said Deerpaw that mostly was scared then sad..

-I loved him father ever...said Stormpaw with a silent tone.

-He loved his kits alot...He will always be remembered for his bravery. said Gingerclaw, Luckyclover and Snowplet in the same time.

The other cats that gathered around said in the same time:

-May StarClan greet you, Greypelt.

Stormstar gulped and cleared her tears with her paws and continued:

-Since Deerpaw's mentor was Greypelt, he needs a new mentor...Dragonsoul...will you train Deerpaw?

Dragonsoul grinned evily and said:

-Of course...I am honored.

-Alright then...Meeting dismissed!

Deerpaw saw Dragonsoul approching him and he backed up slowly, Stormpaw heard Dragonsoul whispering to him "I told you..." Deerpaw gulped and said with a scaredy voice also whispering to him "W-W-why are you doing could be just a normal everyone else..." Dragonsoul pushed Deerpaw and hissed at him "Come!! We're gonna train." The apprentice looked furious at him "Answer my question!! And No! I'm not going anywhere with you, my mentor is Greypelt not you...Murderer!!" Dragonsoul hissed and gave Deerpaw a scratch across his muzzle. Stormpaw runned quickly towards him and jumped in front of Deerpaw hissing:

-Hey!! I saw everything! Leave him alone! What did he do to deserve this?!

Dragonsoul growled angrily:

-Get out of the way Stormpaw! You're not supposed to be here! Go back to your den, Foxdung.

-Hey...D-d-don't talk to my friend like that! said Deerpaw from behind Stormpaw.

Dragonsoul scratched Deerpaw's eye and Stormpaw furious gave a deep wound on the big tom's cheek. Dragonsoul hissed, but then Stormstar came near them and said angry:

-What is going on here?! Stormpaw,Dragonsoul,Deerpaw?! 

Stormpaw opened his mouth to speak but Drsgonsoul said faster then him:

-Stormpaw scratched my apprentice beacuse he said he got a better mentor then him. When I tried to defend Deerpaw...Stormpaw scratched me too...You need to do something about this..hurnting a agaist the code! We can't allow this kind of behaviour in our clan! Right?

Stormstar looked at the 3 cats and looked at her son saying:

-Stormpaw....Is it true what he says?

-No!!! He attacked Deerpaw I defended Deerpaw and I...I gave a scratch to him...not too deep....I-I had to!!

-He's lying!! said Dragonsoul angry.

-Deerpaw...who is saying the truth....Strompaw or Dragonsoul. said Stormstar to the brown apprentice with green eyes.

Deerpaw looked at both cats and Dragonsoul rised his paw and unsheated it's claws,then he grinned evily at him. Deerpaw forgot about everything..and he said scared:

-S-Stormpaw did it!....he said feeling gulity and bad for saying that.

-What?! Deerpaw!!! No!!! Why are you lying?!

-I told you Stormstar! Your apprentice cannot be controlled!!

-If thats so...Stormpaw 1 moon take care for the elders...after usual training you will take care for them and won't be able to eat till Sun-down. So you can learn how to be a good StormClan apprentice.


-SILEANCE! You will do as I said! Conversation over!

Stormpaw looked furious at his friend..and said with tears falling down his cheeks:

-I trusted you...

Stormpaw runned sad towards the apprentice's den and started crying very badly.

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