Death's Captive: Will she esc...

By AuthorScarlettReed

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A woman is trapped within a London hospital and can't move beyond its grounds. She doesn't know exactly how l... More

Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6


7 0 0
By AuthorScarlettReed

I watch as Jason slides into the backseat of a cab that has pulled round to a quiet side entrance adjacent to the old hospital. My sense of relief from knowing that Jason has slipped away undetected is counteracted by a pang of guilt as I look towards the old hospital. I can't judge how long it's been since I saw my unresponsive friend, whom I feel drawn to watch over, but it feels like weeks. I follow the path and enter the ancient stone building then take the stairs down to the coma ward in the basement. Walking down the old familiar corridor towards Albert's room I console myself with the knowledge that old Albert wouldn't have missed me – even if he could sense I was there. His vegetative state would have prevented a real life visitor being a remembered presence by his bed, but I feel guilty all the same, much as if I was neglecting an infirm grandparent rotting in an aged-care facility.

I walk into Albert's room and one of the three beds is empty – the one previously occupied by a young man. It's so rare that any of the nurses mention the men in the coma ward, unless one were to wake after being stable for so long, so I can only assume he has passed. It seems a shame that someone so young didn't get the opportunity to live, but I'm comforted by the idea that the young man didn't need my help to pass on, so he must have been ready for what was on the other side. I smile at that thought, assured that his passing was peaceful.

I'm pleased to see that Albert is still here – someone I can keep coming back to for a chat, regardless of whether he can hear me. It's nice to have a sense of constancy – someone familiar who isn't busy with a task. I pick up Albert's withered hand and slip right back into my game of pretend, where I imagine I'm a regular visitor and that Albert can feel my presence, and know that I'm here to visit him, not as Death but as Ava.

"Hello Albert, I hope you are well and that the nurses are keeping you comfortable." I smile at him weakly. "I'm sorry I haven't visited you. It's no excuse, but for once I've been preoccupied with something other than helping others pass on. I did something extraordinary yesterday – I saved someone's life. I'm sure you've heard the nurses whispering about Dr Reeves being admitted last night; he would have died if he didn't have my help."

With the happy news imparted; my mind turned to darker thoughts about Reeves.

"He might have tried to commit suicide, at least that's what Dr Matthews thinks. If he did it was half-hearted. When he left with Nicole that night he didn't look himself – he was distracted and withdrawn – but I wouldn't have thought he was suicidal. The most amazing thing is that as he lay dying I kissed him and I remembered part of my former life. Turns out I was a naughty little home-wrecker!"

I laugh out loud in spite of myself. I look at Albert as if this is a real conversation and I'm looking to see his reaction.

"Before I was... whatever I am now... I used to be intimate with Dr Reeves' father. I don't know whether I actually loved him or not, but I think maybe I did. I may have destroyed his marriage, but at the time I didn't care. Does that make me a bad person?"

Of course he can't respond, but in my mind I see him crinkle his brow and shake his head in disappointment.

"Their marriage must have mended well enough, or else they wouldn't have had Jason. I think the person I was then was very different to who I am now, though occasionally they cross over and I'm overcome with feelings and objectives that wouldn't ordinarily enter my thoughts. My mind is becoming clouded with memories, feelings, and a new sense of promiscuity that is empowering. I kissed Niklaus for Christ sakes!"

Letting go of Albert's hand I lean back into the chair and ponder.

"I enjoyed it. It felt so good being in his arms feeling him pressed against me when we kissed, I couldn't stop. I enjoyed controlling him, making him moan."

A wicked smile stretches my lips as I reflect, then I snap back into reality, shake my head and laugh.

"I must be unnatural, Albert. To enjoy tormenting Death himself! Enticing him to fixate on me more than he does already. I could be like naughty nurse Nicole and taunt Niklaus by dancing naked..."

My mind's eye sees a swirl of fluttering coloured silk that reveals Niklaus lounging on white linen sheets holding a glass of red wine.

"Shall I dance for you, sir?" I say mockingly while clothed only in undergarments and swirling a piece of Chinese red silk around me. His eyes are mesmerised by the long-haired brunette spinning rhythmically in front of him. She falls dizzily at his feet; he laughs, sets down his glass and lifts the girl's face to his own and kisses her.

Bah! I stand up abruptly with my hands clenched into fists – I keep getting these little flashes like whispers of a previous life, small things like a familiar smell, a vision of a place or a mannerism that's echoed through to the present. It's uninvited and it's getting worse. It was bad enough when the visions were of my recent life, but these whispers feel like they're centuries old and are such a tease!

With a deep breath I try to calm myself.

"Do you want me to help him pass on?"

I jerk my head around, though I already know who it is. Niklaus is standing at the base of the bed looking at Albert.

"No thank you, it's not his time." I'm caught off guard by his sudden appearance, but manage to keep my voice controlled and polite.

"Sometimes it doesn't have to be. Occasionally, you can tip the balance, so long as it doesn't affect another person or a major event."

"Is that what you tried to do with Jason? Try and tip the balance?"

"Dr Reeves should have died, Ava."

I stand in silence. Niklaus walks around the bed and looks down at Albert again.

"He's going to be trapped inside himself for a long while yet, and he'll never come out the coma. I could pull his soul out right now, although it would be cracked from the decay of being trapped, but at least he could move on. Souls need to live and achieve or they begin to collapse upon themselves."

"But I've come to feel like Albert is a friend of mine. I'm not ready to let him go." I know it sounds lame but it's all I've got.

"Come," he says. "I want to show you something." Niklaus holds out his hand and I take it. Without even blinking I find we're suddenly in the children's oncology ward.

A/N: I've been terribly wicked and not updated. I honestly thought nobody was reading but my number have spiked a little. I'll upload a fair few chapters to make up for my poor scheduling. But if you ever get sick of waiting for the next chapter you can buy this book cheap on Amazon. 

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