The Other Side of the Door

By enicolec298

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"Mademoiselle, you mustn't be too angry with him, he has had a hard time coping, you know," the teapot spoke... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
New Story!

Chapter 6

2.8K 85 13
By enicolec298

I didn't come out of my room for what felt like weeks. The servants, or... er... objects, came and visited me every once in a while, but Hortense was my only real companion.

I tried to write my father and Marriette. I wanted them to know I was fine, as far as comfort goes at least. I refused to tell them who my captor was. I didn't want to cause them to worry for my sake. I wanted them to forget me. I hoped that Marriette wasn't even there, and that she had gone to find a new job position, somewhere far away from my family. I wanted them to have a little closure, though, over how my life was going to be. I wasn't going home, even if it had just become my home.

Was it even home?

Some say that home is where the heart is, but my heart wasn't exactly in that little cottage I had just moved into. Where was my heart, though? Was it in my childhood house, the manor? Could it have been with Mr. Whitmore, who I turned down with every fiber of my being?

Was my home this enchanted castle with a monster of a prince?

I had been told since I was little that home was a happy place, where dreams come true, and everyone you love is with you. So if my home was this dark, cold castle, where was my papa?

I had felt a slight anger towards my papa when he had made us move homes, but I wished so hard that I could go back and not complain. I wouldn't have thrown a hissy- fit, I would have shown more appreciation for my papa, and I would have told Marriette thank you, for once in my life.

I tried to convince the clock to send the letter out in a carriage, but he wouldn't do it.

"I wouldn't like to lose my life over a letter, sorry," he had told me before storming out of my room.

The few visits I had by servants mainly consisted of food and an occasional comment about how I need to come see some other part of the castle. Not even the thought of the library cheered me up.

I was deep in thought, which was all I ever seemed to do anymore, when there was a loud knock on the door.

"Mademoiselle, you must come down to dinner," a voice said, demanding in every sense of the word.

"I would rather starve," I spat out. We carried on arguing through the door, as I refused to answer it for such a beast.

"I don't wish to be responsible for your death," he replied, almost sounding whiny.

"Then let me go home."

"You're here as prisoner. What makes you think I would simply let you go?" he sassed.

"I was mostly hoping," I replied.

I heard a sigh come from the other side of the door. "If I send it to your room, would you eat it?"


"It will be there as soon as possible," he grumbled, and I heard his large footsteps retreating.

I almost felt bad about being so obstinent. I mean, he did almost sound genuine about not wanting me to die. Almost being key.

I always remembered that I was being held captive by an actual monster from the deepest parts of my nightmares, though, and that got me to stop my almost sorrow.

Within minutes my food arrived at the door, accompanied by the teapot and many teacups.

"How are you feeling, Mademoiselle?" the teapot asked.

"Do you really want an answer?" I replied, feeling bad as soon as I said it. I just couldn't hold my tongue sometimes.

"Yes. I worry for you," she replied.

"I'm sorry. I'm very irritable as of late. I have too much on my mind, I'm afraid," I told her, looking down at my lap.

"I understand. Would it help for you to talk about it?" she offered, hoping over to where I was sitting.

"I don't know if it would help," I looked over at her, and she offered a small smile, which still scared me, as she was a teapot.

"It always helps me to talk," pointed out one of the tiny teacups.

"Okay, I guess I can try... Where should I start, though?" I looked down at my lap again.

"The beginning is always the best," the teapot told me.

That's exactly where I started. They sat there and listened as I told everything, from Danielle in Vannes, to Mr. Whitmore proposing, and finally to my father's sickness.

"That is quite a lot for someone like you," the teapot gave me a sympathetic look.

"I know it's not like you all... I mean, I didn't change to an inanimate object, but... I have a lot of stress," I replied, looking her in the eye.

"Maybe some food would help," one of the teacups replied, and suddenly a tray of food bounced onto my lap. I started to stuff my face, not realizing how hungry I had been.

"Maybe you should leave your room, see more of the castle?" the teapot recommended.

"I am not up to it today, I'm afraid. Maybe tomorrow?" I asked, gaining some positivity in my mood.

"Tomorrow would be lovely. We can give you a tour!" one of the little teacups suddenly became very excited.

"You will not be joining us, Chip. You are too young to do such an adult thing," the teapot scolded.

I chuckled a bit. It was all so strange. How could such nice people be under such a curse? It was unfair.

"But Mama!" Chip, the little teacup, protested.

"You cannot join us, and that is final," the teapot stated firmly.

I chuckled at the sight. Chip was just too cute. "I would be fine with Chip joining us, if that makes any difference."

"That's lovely, however he cannot join us with all of the work he must do. I do think it is almost your bed time, Chip," the teapot turned down my offer, and the frowning tea cup hopped off to his bedroom, or cupboard, or whatever he slept in.

I looked down at my finger while awkwardness filled the room. I had chipped my nail, which was ironically very similar to Chip's... chip. I gave a small laugh, but the awkwardness in the air still lingered.

"What would you like most to see in the castle, miss?" the teapot asked me, filling the silence.

"The library!" I exclaimed. I had ruined that chance before, though, so I decided to come up with a back up plan. "Does the castle have a ballroom? I do love to dance."

The thought of dancing brought up a horrible memory, though. The last time I had been dancing was at the Fleur-de-lys Ball the previous year. My sisters thought it would be wonderful to try and set me up with as many men as they could attempt. Danielle and Tatienne thought it would be hilarious. I, naturally, disagreed. They found as many smelly, unattractive men they could find, and would force them to dance with me. As much as I had tried to enjoy the evening, it had practically ruined dancing for me.

"It has a large, grande ballroom, miss! Oh, I look forward to showing it to you! We must have a ball of our own!" the teapot sounded a bit like a giddy school girl.

"That would be lovely," I smiled graciously, slightly gritting my teeth. I loathed the day I had to dance in this castle. As much as I once loved dancing, those days ended when I danced with Sir Ellington.

"I'm afraid I must leave you now, Mademoiselle. I have to go make sure the children get to bed safely. Sweet dreams," the teapot told me, then hopped out of the room.

"I would rather shoot myself with a gun than go dance in a ballroom in this castle," I mumbled to myself.

"Dear, mumbling is not an attractive quality in a woman," the wardrobe scolded.

"How would you know?" I barked back, then realized what I said. I was turning into the monster in the castle. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

"I know what you meant, dear," the wardrobe sighed. "I'm just not a human. Look at me. I'm a big fat wardrobe. I don't even have real hair."

"But you're still perfectly lovely. You're the prettiest wardrobe I've ever seen," I chuckled a bit.

"You think?" the wardrobe got a small smile on her wardrobe-y face.

"Of course! You have nice colors, the carpentry is extraordinary, and you have a lovely face," I replied.

"T-thank you. No one has ever complimented me since I've been in this state. I used to be a beautiful woman, you know?"


"Oh, yes. I was the most sought after young woman in the entire kingdom. Men followed me every where I went, begging for my hand. I was just a servant, however, and I couldn't accept without giving my job up. I should have chosen someone, though, because look where I am now," she huffed a bit at the end.

"You wouldn't be talking to me. As much as you may not enjoy my company, I appreciate yours very much," I smiled at her.

"I appreciate yours, as well. It's nice to have a girl to dress up," she chuckled.

"Not that you've dressed me up much recently. I haven't left the room since I got here," I smiled again, but then it faltered. I was making it harder for the servants than it needed to be. All of their struggles at the moment were my fault.

"But eventually you will. Maybe not today, but one day you will get up the courage to leave this room. I mean, you have made plans for tomorrow," the wardrobe reminded me.

"Oh, yes. Such the optimist. Tell me, how do you and the other servants remain so positive?" I asked.

"Truthfully, I do not know. We just do," she gave a small smile, and then our conversation ended.

"I think I am going to go to bed now," I announced.

"I think that would be the best," Hortense smiled at me, and I quietly fell asleep. 

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