Haikyuu Headcanons and Drabbl...

Bởi Kaxami-kun

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While I make my other two stories, this one is just going to be like a little idea outlet, where I can put wh... Xem Thêm

TsukiKage (Kageyama x Tsukishima) Headcanon :D
If Kageyama and Oikawa were friends
If Kageyama and Oikawa were Friends Pt. 2
Haikyuu Fandom Rant
Kageyama x Akaashi
Sakusa x Kageyama
Angry Blueberry
Kageyama Tobio and Akashi Seijuro || Brothers
What If?
My mother told me-
Kageyama and Kenma being Friends-
Karma :)
Levi and Kageyama
Tobio Kageyama-Kambe
Kageyama in Quarentine
Family Gatherings
Kageyama in the Wizarding World
Kageyama as Oikawa's Senpai
How to train your Blueberry Child
Flashbacks and Heartaches
Bokuto x Kageyama
Bokuto, Kageyama, Kuroo, Akaashi, and Kenma || Adorable Little Mages
Todoroki, Kageyama, Giyuu, and Ray
Kita's Family
TsukiKage Moment
Bird Taming
Dense, dense as heck.
If We Have Each Other
Kageyama as Oikawa's Senpai Pt. 2
SakuKage in AOT (+ Inarizaki)
A Little Thought
Kageyama Harem Scenarios
Kageyama Harem Scenarios
Kageyama Harem Scenarios
"Dear Future Husband"
Oikawa vs. Atsumu
He's Mine!
Yandere Tsukishima
Kageyama Harem Scenarios
KuroKage || Click
OiKage Headcanons
Todoroki and Kageyama
Todoroki and Kageyama Pt.2
Kageyama in Demon Slayer
Gaming Nights
9 Kageyama Moods (Ft. Kageyama's Harem)
7 More Kageyama Moods (Ft. his harem)
SakuKage at the Store
Kageyama Harem Sceanarios + 20k Special
SunaKage || Mornings
If Kageyama was Oikawa's Senpai Pt.3
ShiraKage Headcanons
Kageyama's Facebook
Kita's Happiness
Kageyama in Tokyo Ghoul (Images)
An AkaKage Thing
Kageyama as Oikawa's Senpai Pt.4
Heart Attacked || Nekoma High
Kageyama Memes
Kageyama, you've become a child! || KuroKage
Outfits || IwaKage
Kise and Oikawa
Haikyuu Family Members || 30k Special
Kita's Family Pt.2
Jealousy || AtsuKage
Kageyama Harem Scenarios
Blueberry Cheesecake
Kageyama's "Parents" and Their Roles
Heart Attacked || Nekoma High Chats
If Karma and Kageyama were twins....
SugaKage Headcanons
SunaKage Headcanons
Memories || Iwaizumi and Oikawa
Memories || Atsumu and Osamu
Memories || Akaashi and Kenma
Kageyama as Oikawa's Senpai, Final.

Favors || KuroKage Oneshot

3.3K 109 84
Bởi Kaxami-kun

First oneshot of this book, and it's ...... KuroKage!

This one is a sweet one that I came up with to vent my thoughts a bit, so enjoy reading it. The story doesn't follow the original plot at all. It's going to be very long (7365 words to be exact), so get comfy, or read it when you have the time. 

I can also make it into a mini book itself and add more things but we'll see about that!

Warning: Swearing, Angst, Characters a bit out of character, and a whole lot of cute stuff

Don't read if you're not comfortable with any of that :)


"Hey Kuroo, I'm going to go out now." Kenma said, pulling on his hoodie.

Kuroo looked up to his boyfriend and nodded. He kept a smile on his face as he finished cleaning the dorms. Nekoma and Fukurodani had traveled down to Miyagi during winter break for some training camp with Karasuno and Aoba Johsai.

Kenma walked outside, excited to see a certain ginger. Kuroo on the other hand, dropped his smile the second Kenma left. He was annoyed. He didn't like it. Kenma started to rarely spend time with him now. He would hang out with Hinata, going on days off and even canceling their plans last minute once.

'Kuroo, come on. He's just hanging out with a friend, nothing more, nothing less. It's alright, there's nothing bad about it.'

Sadly, these words still didn't bring reassurance to Kuroo, but he did his best to ignore it. Maybe he could go outside for some fresh air. Yeah, that would be nice. Quickly, he changed and walked down the stairs, but nearly tumbled when he bumped into someone.


"Ohh- Sorry Kuroo I wasn't look where I was going!"

He stared at his teammate and gave a smile.

"Chill out chicken, it's just a bump, nothing big."

"Chicken? Captain you're the one who looks like a whole ass rooster!"

"Offended!" Kuroo said lightly, which caused the both of them to laugh.

"So where are you going? I'm just gonna play some games with Yaku and the others."

"Oh, I'm going outside for a walk Yamamoto. I haven't been to Miyagi before so I thought I might as well look around."

"Smart smart captain! A good man with guts! Here," he tossed a bottle to Kuroo, "some of the juice we made this morning. Keeps you hydrated."

"Thanks, and bye!"

He waved and headed out. The breeze blew over him, and he stood at the doorway for a solid two minutes before moving around. It calmed him down, it really did.


Kenma opened the door to the cafe, and there at the corner table, he saw Kageyama and Hinata talking and eating cake. He sighed and rolled his eyes at the black haired boy before approaching them.

"Hey Shoyo, it's 5:32 already. Let's go."

The ginger brightly smiled before tossing away his trash and waving to his boyfriend, who simply nodded. It was normal now, Kenma dragging away Hinata. Honestly, he didn't even feel attached to Hinata anymore, like as of all those feelings he had just washed away.

He took a glance at the two, who were ordering drinks, while Kenma was literally gripping on to Hinata's elbow. Kageyama shook his head and slipped away, unnoticed. Maybe he should head to the riverside and practice some volleyball by himself. It made him calmer anyways, so it wasn't a bad thing.

And so he did. It wasn't bad, though it was getting dark soon. He packed up his things and was ready to go home, when he bumped into someone. He seemed to be about his height, and was muttering anxiously.

"It's so dark in Miyagi, I should've brought a flashlight. My phone decided to die too, dang it! "

"Uhm hello, are you okay?" Kageyama asked, which caused the man to flinch.

Suddenly, he recognized the voice.


He turned on his phone light and shine it around the area, in which he heard a sigh of relief.

"Oh yeah, hey Kageyama. Sorry, I'm just new to Miyagi and not really used to it. Haha, did I bother you? My bad."

"No it's alright. I was just practicing volleyball."

"Now? It's like, what nighttime?" Kuroo was taken aback. No wonder people called him volleyball obsessed.

"Time doesn't matter. Why are you here anyways?"

"I got lost."

Kageyama had overhead the other's rant earlier, so he pulled out his portable charger, and told him to use it. Kuroo was reluctant at first, but when he saw Kageyama wasn't going to listen, he gave up.


The sound indicated that battery was in his phone once again. He checked all his chat messages, mostly just his teammates being worried about his whereabouts, and one from Kenma.

Kuroo and Kenma'a Private Messages

8:12 pm

I had a lot of fun with Shoyo today.
Also, the others seem to be worried about you, so get back soon

His eyes narrowed at the message. He didn't like the sound of it. Shrugging it off, he typed a small "ok" as a response. Finally he went to check maps for the direction home, and he almost forgot Kageyama was there if the latter didn't ask him, "You seem a bit tense? Are you done yet?"

"Whoops sorry! Here you go! This should be enough battery to last me on the way home. Thanks again, bye!"

The two waved at each other, little knowing of the drama that would unfold.


"Ok, so today is the official start of our Training Camp. Since we've all introduced each other already, the coaches have decided to randomly place you guys into teams of two and have you play against each other. This will allow us to get aquatinted with other schools while showing of your skill to work with others no matter what. I expect you all to do your best." Coach Ukai announced to everyone, whom nodded in excitement.

After a while, Kuroo finally heard his name, and to his surprise, he was paired up with Kageyama. They were going to go against Yahaba and Bokuto.

Kageyama didn't care, to be honest, and when it started out with one of Bokuto's serves, he received it nicely. The game was all that mattered to him, right now, in this moment. Nothing else. Kuroo's following spike landed on the floor of the other side, and they took the first point.

'He's....really good. Even though that recieve wasn't on point, he was able to get it up to me nicely, allowing me to hit it......'

He flinched a bit when he saw Kageyama look so happy at several intervals during the game. He was something new, something different, and he liked that. He didn't know why, and he didn't think too much about it.

During the whole game though, he was completely mesmerized by the way Kageyama played. It was like a break from his Nekoma team and Bokuto, but he saw how Bokuto was slowly slipping into his emo mode, seeing that he was losing.

'The way he plays though, so elegant and refined. And he can adjust to anyone in a matter of moments. It's so skilled. And his eyes, they way they seem to lock on to the ball. It feels like Kageyama knows everything on the court, how nice.'

He ignored the warm feelings growing inside of him, and went back to focusing on his game. Kuroo was kind of thankful they were on the same team together. Finally, the match ended, and the four boys were exhausted.

"Hey Kageyama! That was a really nice match today!" Kuroo called over to the boy, who was stretching.

"Ah, yeah you too. Your blocks and your recieves are good, but your speed and spike is neutral and your jumping power and stamina was inferior to Bokuto."

"I- so blunt...." Kuroo said with a defeated look, but Bokuto suddenly lit up again.

Kageyama gave a questioned look, which the other just shook his head and brushed it off. Everyone started to pack up and leave the gym, and Hinata and Kenma seemed to be walking and talking to each other happily.

"Something bothering you, Kuroo-san?" Akaashi asked, snapping the other out of his trance.

"No no, just thinking about how to improve my uhh.....jumping power and stamina and erm....the other stuff that Kageyama said that I was lacking in."

Akaashi gave a suspicious look, but decided not to question it. Kuroo didn't feel like going back to the dorm at the moment. He cleaned up, took his phone and a portable charger, and headed outside again. Yaku noticed and told the others, just so they wouldn't worry again.

"It's dark, but it's nice."

He walked for a while, not even thinking about where he was going. Suddenly it started to rain.

'Crap. I didn't bring an umbrella. And my jacket is wet already. Where's the nearest- found it.'

He turned around and saw a store that was open, labeled "Sankanoshita Market" and headed in. A boy who seemed to be running the store at the moment kindly told him there wasn't any umbrellas left, and he was terribly sorry. Sighing, Kuroo decided to wait in the store, buying a drink while he was at it.

'It's still going huh. Wow, must be a whole storm today. Guess I might have to go out soaked then.'

He heard the door ding, signaling someone coming in. It was already 9:52 pm, and he wondered who would come in at the time.

"Kageyama?" Kuroo asked with a hint of surprise laced in his voice. "Why are you here?"

"Just to buy milk and a few snacks. I stayed back to practice so I'm pretty hungry."

"You really are a volleyball freak...."

The younger boy glared at him. "Why are you here anyways?"

"I forgot my umbrella. I didn't expect it to rain today."

"It's not going to let up if that's what you're hoping. Night rains go on for at least another hour, if you want to wait that long."

Kuroo sighed, defeated. He headed out, and opened the door, ready to get soaked.

"What are you doing? You don't have an umbrella. You're going to get wet."

"I'm aware. But I can't stay in the store. I'll just try to-"

Kuroo was about to continue when Kageyama shoved a purple bag in his hand. "Use this. I bought it for my sister in case she was going to come home late, but she texted me that she was staying in a friend's house so I don't need it."

Kageyama shook his head and went to buy something, which made Kuroo guilty, feeling that he wasn't doing enough for the younger boy. He'd let him use his charger, help him during the match, and now he was giving him an umbrella. Despite wanting to say something to show his gratitude, Kenma did tell him that Kageyama was awkward and can't socialize, so he probably shouldn't talk to him much. He managed to say a small "thank you", and headed back to the dorms.

"KUROO!!" Yamamoto and Lev attacked the rooster-headed boy the moment he stepped back into the dorm.



He laughed at the simple chaos, and told them what happened. Kenma joined in later, and the team ended up having a whole chat party for the night.

"Kenma, you're smiling a lot. Whatcha doing?"

"Texting Hinata. He's really cool and funny."

Kuroo narrowed his eyes, attempting to take a look, but the other defensively held his phone against his chest.

'I guess I'm not good enough for him. He seems to not be happy when I'm around anyways. What a pain.....'


Kageyama tossed his groceries on the counter. He was tired and sleepy and wanted rest. And that was what he planned to do, until he heard the phone ring. Grumbling some curse words, he answered it.

"Hi, Kageyama residence, Tobio Kageyama speaking." (This is a formal way to answer a call in most Asian countries by the way)

"Heya lil bro! I'm using my friend's home number."

"Oh, Miwa."

"You sound unhappy to see your sister. I'm offended."

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. What do you want anyways?"

"Geez, i just wanted to check on you- wait are you eating? Sorry sorry."

"Yeah I'm eating. It's just a snack I picked up on the way back from practice." Kageyama answered his sister, taking another cookie from the bag.

"Why do you always practice so late! You need to take care of your health! Get some rest."

"I was planning to until a CERTAIN SOMEONE decided to call me with their girlfriend's number."

"Ugh you're so annoying! Alisa is a nice girl so be quiet!"


"Yeah is the shrimpy with you? The ginger orange hair kid, think his name was Hinata."

"No, not really. I'm too tired to associate with him anymore."

"Why? That's not how you should treat your boyfriend, you know?"

"Well, he ditches dates to go hangout with Kenma from Nekoma, and doesn't seem to talk to me or do anything unless someone tells him something is wrong or he needs help."


"Chill out sis. Nothing big."

"YOU CALL THAT NOTHING BIG? Dude for all I know he could be cheating on you! If he's treating you like this why don't you do anything?! I know you can!"

"Yeah, and get into another argument with him, break the team, have stuff get pinned on me for no fucking reason, and everyone hates me again in the end. It is what it is. Always has been, always will be. You've met my team, and I'm pretty sure YOU can easily tell what's up with them."


"Thought so."


"Nah, too tired. Imma go sleep now. It wasn't nice talking to you. Bye."

And with that, he hung up. Kageyama couldn't care less anymore. he planned to break up with Hinata sooner or later. It wasn't working out anyways. As he laid on his bed, he thought of ways to tell him, then decided to just be straightforward anyways.

'Best option. Not like I want to be roundabout on it anyways. Miwa already said he could be cheating on me.....'

He buried his head into his pillow, letting the sound of his gentle tears dripping down lullaby him to sleep. If it was just him, he could let his walls fall.


With the training camp being two weeks long, the first week seemed to go by fine. Kenma and Hinata were practicing together more, drifting away from their "boyfriends". Kageyama didn't care, and Kuroo just decided that it was okay, as long as Kenma was happy.

Hinata noticed how Kageyama didn't really talk to him, hug, or comfort him anymore, and he didn't understand why. Sure, he went out with Kenma more, and didn't pay attention to him, and probably cared about Kenma more, maybe even cuddled him a few times...and probably could get really close....but that was okay right? As long as he didn't go over it would be fine!

'I'm the only one who can hit Kageyama's perfect tosses anyways, and Kageyama loves me a lot, he was the one to confess. It's alright for a little something here and there. I love him too...I'll invite him to practice with Kenma. I hope he doesn't mind that....'

Kageyama, however, seemed to know right away what Hinata wanted to do, and the second Hinata was about to walk over to ask him, his instincts told him to talk to the nearest person that seemed free to practice with.

"Hey Kuroo, can I work on some of my spikes and sets with you?"

Kuroo looked a little surprised, but he didn't mind. For some reason, it seemed like the blueberry boy was helping him cope with his stress and his feelings of loneliness when Kenma wasn't there. He liked that feeling. He wanted it around more.

"Sure! Oh, do you mind practicing with Bokuto and Akaashi too? We were planning on doing it together anyways, and a fourth person would be nice."

"Sure. I could take some tips from Fukurodani's setter."

Bokuto and Akaashi seemed pretty happy that someone else was joining them. The setters practiced exchanged tips while "thriving" in the chaos of Bokuto and Kuroo. Kageyama had to admit, practice wasn't the normal thing he was used to or expecting, but it certainly was fun. He even taught them a few things.

This started to be a normal routine for the four for the rest of the week, which was really just three days. After group practices, they would practice with others of their choices and then practice with each other for the rest of the day. All of them seemed to enjoy it, and really liked it.

"Let's be friends!" Bokuto said out of nowhere.

Kuroo broke out into a hyena laugh, asking his bro if he was dumb. The other yelled in retaliation, and they started to argue. Well, more like play-fight, but that's just Kuroo and Bokuto being Kuroo and Bokuto.

"I thought we were?" Akaashi tilted his head in confusion.

The two stopped, and Bokuto said (well, you know how loud he is), "Nooo! I was talking about Kageyama! I like him a lot and I was saying how he should be our friend."

"You sound like a child bro!" Kuro calmed down, though he still seemed to be laughing.

However, Kageyama had a different reaction. His neutral looks turned into a pouty, but happy expression. "Oh? Uhh...."

"Hm?" The trio looked at the setter, waiting for his response.

"Yeah! Kinda just....no one really asks me that-" Kageyama awkwardly said.

For a second, they were all frozen, but then Kuroo and Bokuto went wild.

"You poor poor child."


They started being over dramatic, and even Akaashi gave him pats on the back. Kageyama was a bit confused, but he was really happy that these people were willing to be with him. They started coddling him jokingly, but it still felt nice. The four mentally ensured that they would be happy together.

Finally, it was the last day of the first week. Again, the quartet did their normal practice routine. They practiced together for a few hours with breaks in between, until it was around dinnertime. Akaashi was about to dump a few things into the storage room, when he saw Hinata's slightly dejected look, and something else that completely shocked him. Hinata and Kenma holding hands.

'What.....Kenma wouldn't do that to Kuroo, would he? And Hinata.....should I ask them, or say anything? No, not now. When the time is right, then I will. I don't want to break their spirits right now. Maybe I should do something still though....'

Akaashi walked back with a normal passive look on his face. He made up his mind on what to do, as a quick final decision. Casually, he asked, "You guys want to get dinner together? I did see a few restaurants nearby that we could check out. Besides, the first week of training camp is over, so we could do it to celebrate."

Bokuto seemed extremely excited to do so. Kuroo and Kageyama glanced at each other for a moment, and decided why not. They quickly texted the others in the groupchat so everyone could see.

Volleyball Chaos Groupchat



Bokuto, Kuroo, Kageyama, and I will go get dinner together.

Oh ok! Have fun! And please keep an eye on them!

And kick Kuroo is he does anything remotely out of hand


Ehhh??? Kageyama you're getting dinner without me? no fairrrrrr

Well I agreed to them before so I can't back out now


Ok. Shoyo, you want to get dinner together too?


Alright, we'll be on our way now. Do you guys want anything?

I think we're all good



why did i agree.........

Your fault king

Don't call me that.


"Ok, so Kageyama, since you live here, any recommendations?" Bokuto asked excitedly as they walked down the streets.

"Uh....oh! That restaurant over there has some pretty good traditional foods."

Akaashi nodded, and the four headed in. They took the time to order their foods, and awkward silence ensued. Kuroo was the first to break it.

"Well, Miyagi is pretty small compared to Tokyo, you know?"

Kageyama nodded. "Yeah, it is. I still can't get used to Tokyo though. It's like, just different. The teams there are good though, so it's alright."

"Wow, you really are a volleyball freak aren't you!"

"That's what I said Bokuto!"

The three chatted around, while Akaashi was trying to keep his sanity calming them down. They definitely didn't seem like they wanted to though, with the older two messing around with their underclassmen.

'Well, it's worth it. Just to get their minds off the other two. They don't seem to think that they're doing anything bad yet. It's only the end of the first week though....'

Akaashi shook his head, forcing himself to think positively. Smiling internally, he was happy about how Kuroo seemed to be enjoying himself with the two more then he did with Kenma. He joined their conversation, and they talked for awhile, from volleyball to personal experiences to whatever else.

"Thanks for bringing us here!"


Kuroo, Bokuto, Kageyama, and Akaashi all said their thanks, and the four went their seperate ways. It had been some time since training camp started that Kuroo was quite happy. Especially around Kageyama, he felt really happy. Everything was going pretty well today, and even his talks with Kenma was fine.

The path he took was quiet. There was no one around, just him and his thoughts and the calm air.


The sound of rustling startled him. He turned around quickly, and saw two silhouettes. He couldn't make out how they exactly looked like, but both were short, one with longish hair seemingly wearing an oversized jacket, and the other had wildish hair with a short sleeve.

"I really like you..." A voice breezed from the one wearing the oversized jacket. The other pulled him in close, and their foreheads touched each others.

Kuroo felt frozen. The voice and the boy's build seemed all too familiar. And the other one as well. There was no way. No, he wouldn't believe it. They were just some people who happened to look like those two. Right.....Right?

'No, no, you know it isn't him. There is no way. No way. They're coming closer, I have to go. Please.....why.....'

His senses felt tired, but he wasn't hallucinating. It really was him. His boyfriend.

Why......WHY!? He truly loved Kenma, he really did. He showered him in all the love he could. He was as understanding as he could be. So why.....why.....why did this have to happen....

He didn't want to go back to the dorms. He hastily flipped out his phone, wanting to tell someone so bad. It hurt too much for him. Did Akaashi know? Was that why he abruptly suggested that out of nowhere? Normally, Akaashi wouldn't suggest dinners with people other than his teammates or those he was really close with.

'Text someone......go somewhere.....just not back to the dorms.....'

One of the only people he truly trusted had turned away from him. Was he too into it that he couldn't see the signs? Kenma had been hanging out with the ginger more, of course, but he didn't want to believe that they were that close. He wanted some comfort from someone he could trust, but first.....

Yaku and Kuroo's Private Messages



I'm going to be hanging out with the Fukurodani team for the night.
we're just going to mess around.


Look after the team like the mom you are and make sure nothing crazy happens.
I'm going now, bye.

What's the meaning of this?
Are you ok?
You're not acting like your usual self
You're the captain-


He put his phone away, and found a spot near the riverbank. Miyagi sure had some nice views. Kuroo sat there for a while, ignoring the blasting notifications from Yaku. No matter how hard he tried, the heavy weight in his heart wouldn't go, and he felt like crying so badly.

Maybe he could ask Akaashi? No, Bokuto would be there most likely, and might blab it to everyone. He didn't want that. Not to mention how it seemed like Akaashi knew, but didn't want to tell him. He understood why, but he couldn't bear it.

Stop thinking about it...STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!


A tap on his shoulder and Kuroo sprung back a bit.


Of all people to run into. It was Kageyama again. In the end, he kept bumping into this boy, and whenever he looked at him, he would get lost in those royal blue eyes.

"You're crying." The boy bluntly said.

Kuroo hadn't even noticed it. He wiped his tears and turned away, but Kageyama grabbed his wrist.

"What's wrong?"

"It's..." Kuroo wanted to say something, but he couldn't force it out. He knew it involved the other, but he didn't want to say it.



"Lies. It's 11:23 pm, you're outside crying by the riverbank. Explain."

"Why do you care?" Those words came out harsher then Kuroo wanted them to, and he held his face in embarrassment. Kageyama didn't seem to mind though, and shrugged it off.

"Because I do. Also, it's late. You're not staying out in the middle of a park for the whole night. Where's your dorm?"


Kageyama narrowed his eyes, and decided it was best not to ask. He didn't really know how to anyways. His friend seemed really dejected, like something was really wrong.

'Miwa always said when someone seems sad, you should help them in whatever way you can.'

Awkwardly, he held put his hand on Kuroo's shoulders, and asked, "Do you want to head back to my house....it's not very far.....and you don't seem to want to go back."

Kuroo didn't know whether to accept or decline, but in the end, he decided that it was rude to say no, so he followed him.

"Here are some snacks. There are a few drinks in the fridge too. My sister isn't going to be home for a while, so uhhh....make yourself at home I guess.."


The two sat in peaceful silence. Kageyama cleaned the house a bit, while Kuroo sat on the couch with a cup. Now he felt guilty. This boy is doing so much for him, and he's just being here. He hit himself mentally, and asked Kageyama if he needed anything.

"No, it's alright."

Kuroo sighed. "You're doing a lot for me. Maybe too much. First you let me use your portable charger, help me during the game, then let me use your umbrella, and now you're letting me into your house because I'm too scared to go back to my dorms."

"And what's wrong with that."

'This stubborn kid...'

"Well, I want to return the favor. I don't like it when people do things that they need to do for me."

Kageyama's royal blue eyes looked up, piercing into Kuroo's soul. That weird feeling Kuroo had before came back.

"Ok then. Tell me why you were crying."

Crap. Should he tell him. No, he's going to end up bursting into tears if he does. He wasn't even completely sure, right? No he was. He was. And it sucked. It didn't feel right to put this problem on Kageyama, yet he didn't want to turn down the request again.


"Yeah? What is it?"

"It's just....."

He felt a jab to his side. Kageyama's hands were in a fist. it brought him back, and he finally said it. "IsawKenmaandHinatatogetherreallyclose."

Too fast. Dang it! Kuroo gritted his teeth, but the younger one got the message.


"What do you mean?"

"They seem happier together don't they? And Hinata's ditched me for time with him. I guess it's both of our problems."

'Why does he sound so unfazed?'

Kageyama let out an annoyed noise. "I knew before already. Well I suspected it. I stopped caring about him a long time ago then."

"Can you read minds?" Kuroo asked, taken aback.



Tears formed into Kuroo's eyes again, and out of nowhere, he let out everything to Kageyama. The latter didn't know what to do or say, so he just nodded and listened. both of them liked this. Little did either know, they'd developed a liking to each other, and that feeling was starting to blossom into something greater.

The rooster head's tired body flopped onto Blueberry boi's instinctively, and they sat there just like that, not knowing what to do or say. In the end, the fell asleep on each other. How cute!


Hinata woke up in his house, and memories of his time with Kenma flooded in. He was happy, more than he was when he was with his "boyfriend".

'Should I tell him I don't like him anymore? I mean, I'm already kind of dating Kenken.'

He thought for a moment, but then sat up with a smile. "Nah, Kageyama's too dense to notice anyways. It'll be much better if I leave it just like this."

The first two days of the second week went by pretty smoothly, and our two couples seemed to be getting closer. Bokuto and Akaashi were lowkey cheering for KuroKage, but they knew they were dating someone else. Well, Akasshi knew the truth.

On the third day though, Hinata brought something up. While Kuroo, Akaashi, Bokuto, and Kageyama were practicing together (it had become a routine), Hinata and Kenma told the others a lie. One that would change what the team could see of them with the slightest slip up. However, Hinata and Kenma had thought it through.....

"We broke up with them. We decided it was better to be just friends, since we kind of felt like we were drifting away. Don't worry! We agreed on this and it won't affect the team. But-"

Hinata paused, leaving suspense. "Don't mention our breakup at all. Just act causal and normal as we always do. It's not something we like, alright?"

His creepy eyes, along with Kenma's darkish aura, made everyone nod and agree to his terms. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary at all, and everyone kept quiet about it, except for a certain someone.

'Since we've done this, people won't question why we're together, and that's good.'


"Wow! I'm dead!" Bokuto yelled as he fell face down to the floor.

"Bokuto, get up. You need to clean up." Akaashi plainly said.

"Noooo!!!! I want to talk to my friend the floor! He listens and is cold like my temperature right now!" He whined in return.

Akaashi didn't know what to do. His attempts were unsuccessful, but when Kageyama saw this, he somehow pulled Bokuto right up, which surprised all three of them.

"What?" He asked.

"I thought Akaashi was the only one that could drag Bokuto out of his tired mode." Kuroo said, still shocked.

"Tired mode? He has that and his emo mode?"

"He can be quite the handful." Akaashi sighed.

They finished cleaning everything. Bokuto pulled on his jacket and put his hands into his pockets, feeling a slip of paper. Confused, he pulled it out and unfolded it. When he read the messy writing, he stared in complete horror.

Bokuto may be a bit of a loudmouth, but he's not dumb. He knew he shouldn't announce it, so he grabbed Akaashi's elbow, and the latter understood immediately.

"Bokuto and I are going to meet up with our team. See you tomorrow."

They said their goodbyes, and Akaashi asked Bokuto what was up.

"Uhh, so I was wearing my jacket and then I found this in my pocket."

He handed over the note, and Akaashi's reaction was a small scowl on his face.

'Those jerks....'

The note was written in a rushed handwriting, simply saying:

ₕᵢₙₐₜₐ ₐₙᴅ ₖₑₙₘₐ ₜₒₗᴅ ₑᵥₑᵣʏₒₙₑ ₐᵦₒᵤₜ ₜₕₑᵢᵣ ғᴀᴋᴇ ᵦᵣₑₐₖᵤₚ ᴡᵢₜₕ ₖₐɢₑʏₐₘₐ ₐₙᴅ ₖᵤᵣₒₒ․

"They didn't break up though......"

Bokuto nodded to Akaashi's words, and they knew exactly what was going on here.

"Should we do something Akaashi?"

"I don't know, but for some reason, I have a feeling they already know Bokuto-san."

And they did. They were aware of that, and for that reason, they'd been distancing themselves. Kuroo was thankful to have Kageyama, Bokuto, and Akaashi by his side. Well, mostly Kageyama, but still.

"I've made up my mind Kuroo. I'm going to tell Hinata that we're going to break up tomorrow. I don't want to drag it out and I don't think he'll mind too much." Kageyama quietly said, and Kuroo nodded.

He might as well say it too, but he decided to do it after training camp. The two walked towards Kageyama's house again. It started to be a normal thing, where after practice if there was nothing going on (which usually there wasn't), the two would head over to Kageyama's house to do their normal things. Yaku knew about this too, and honestly he thought it was cute.


"Hey Hinata, I'd like to break up with you. It's not working and I think it's for the best." Kageyama said to the short boy, who gave a sad look.

Unfortunately for them, since Shoyo and Kenma had said a CERTAIN something, everyone got slightly curious on what the two were talking about. Three people, well more like four including Kenma, knew already, but the rest were completely shocked. Didn't they break up before already? Why again?

And of course, Tanaka's loudmouth was the first to question it.

"Wait, I thought the two of you broke up already?! Isn't Hinata dating Kenma now or something?"

Tanaka, you idiot.

"Huh?" Kageyama questioned, completely confused.

"Uhhh....I said that you two broke up already right?"


And those words turned everyone, contemplating on who to believe. But like Kageyama's predictions, and to what most would have expected, they took Hinata's side, or they didn't choose at all. 

"Tobio-chan, I didn't think you were this heartless."

"He really is the king."

"But it could be a misunderstanding?"

"What misunderstanding?"

"Shrimpy and Kenma clearly told us yesterday that they'd broken up because it wasn't working."

At the mention of Kenma's name, Kuroo felt his stomach churn. He hated this. And the people joining the argument didn't make it better at all. 

No one noticed how calm Kageyama had been. All they saw and heard was the dumb, orange headed shrimp. Bokuto and Akaashi suddenly felt shivers down their spine, coming straight from the raven haired setter. They went to comfort Kuroo, who couldn't even say a word. 

Like a blade used over and over again, Kageyama had put up with Hinata long enough, from him ditching dates, to skipping practice with him, to only coming to him when he needed help or felt he was straying away. Gradually, he lost the shine, his feelings for the boy. He became dull and broken and now, he's completely shattered.

"Shoyo Hinata." He said calmly.

The smaller boy gulped, not even willing to look Kageyama in the eyes. 

"This is annoying. You're not even worth talking to, but let me set something straight. I don't want a damn explanation. What I want is for YOU to set your ego straight. You think you're so amazing? I may be the last person you want to hear this from, BUT AT LEAST I CAN SPEAK MY FUCKING MIND AND BE HONEST!"

Hinata looked completely scared, but what made it worse, was how Kageyama was saying this with a neutral, slighting smiling  expression. His voice was too calm, it was bothering. Everyone's eyes looked at him, and Tsukishima began to say something.

"Oi King, he-"

"You should address a king, a member of royalty, with manners and majesty, shouldn't you? I thought you were smart. "

A lump formed in the tall blonde's throat, and he quietly muttered a "tch" before going quiet. Kenma stepped in though, ready to defend his boyfriend.

"Hey! It's not like you get to decide. Obviously you weren't good enough for him, which is why he decided to have someone else. You're just the King of the Court! A tyrant. A jerk. Someone who doesn't even deserve to be here. Why can't you just disappear!?" 

"Mhm. Kenma Kozume, wasn't it? Ok, first of all, you're one to talk. Kuroo SHOWERED YOU IN ALL THE LOVE HE COULD. He gave up time for you when he could have been doing something MORE productive. You turned on his back and took it for granted. He was crying at MIDNIGHT because of you. I'm not great, BUT I'M TRYING TO CHANGE AND FIT MY TEAMMATES NEEDS, INSTEAD OF PLAYING INNOCENT LIKE YOU TWO AND GOING BEHIND OTHERS BACKS AND LYING."

Everyone stared in shock. If everything he had just said was true, then they had been played the entire time. Hinata and Kenma looked like they were ready to have a mental breakdown.

"WAIT A MOMENT! SO WAS THAT THE REASON FOR THESE MESSAGES?!" Yaku yelled angrily as he held his phone, with those words Kuroo had sent.

People gathered around him as he held his phone out. The messages sounded so desperate. 

"I'll say, I'm disappointed, but we don't completely have any proof yet. We can't pin it-" Daichi began, but Oikawa cut him off. Despite not showing it, he cared for his underclassman, especially Tobio. 

"You don't have any proof? Chibi-chan, can we take a look at your phone?"

"Why don't you check Bakageyama's phone instead? He could be lying! Why am I the one at fault here? It was because Kageyama was mean sometimes! He would ignore me now, so I went to Kenma's for comfort! What's so wrong about that?"

"HEY HEY HEY! Hinata! Why are you getting so defensive? It's ok, we completely understand, but that wasn't the right thing to do!" Bokuto called out from behind. Inside, he really wanted to hit Kenma and Hinata. How dare he hurt his bro!?

"Hey now. I'm sure there's all a plausible explanation. They have their reasons! Hinata just wanted some comfort, it's alright! Kenma gave it to him, didn't he?" That was Suga's attempt to stop the fight, hoping to still have the first year's heart.

"And yet that doesn't explain this." Oikawa scrolled through photos of Hinata's phone. The date was labeled "October 23", two months before this training camp. And the two were kissing. K I S S I N G. In a disgusted tone, he continued.

"Now, If I recall, you two were still in a relationship, were you not?"

"Why do you care! I have my reasons! SO what?! That was an invasion of privacy!" Hinata starting ranting about how he wasn't being treated fairly.

Then someone's hand was raised. And brought at the the boy's face. All in a split second.

"A-Akaashi?!" The last person anyone would expect to do that, and yet he did. His normal passive look was replaced by a slightly annoyed one.

"Stop whining. It's not going to help the situation at all. I hung out with Kageyama and Kuroo for the past week, and all I can say is that, the deserve better. You guys are at fault, accept that. This isn't something you can undo." Akaashi's eyes pierced through Hinata, and everyone took it as a sign to go.

Kageyama grabbed (not literally, you know?) Kuroo, who looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"We're all officially done. You get no second chances."

And with that, the two left with Akaashi and Bokuto trailing behind them, hoping to ease them.

All the captains agreed to end practice early. 


"Sit down. I'll go get us some drinks." Kageyama instructed as they entered his house. 

There, a pretty lady was waiting, much to their surprise. She noticed their looks, and introduced herself happily.

"I'm Miwa Kageyama, Tobio's older sister. It's nice to meet you."

Everyone else greeted her too, and they chatted for a while. After eating dinner together, they went back to the trusty couch and played a few games.

"Thanks for receiving my message and helping Tobio." She said.

"Wait you were the one who sent it?" Bokuto said is awe.

"Yes, I was. I wanted to help the two. I can't stand to see him alone and suffer again."

In the end, the four did any fun stuff they could find to do in the house, and collapse. Miwa smiled at them, cleaning up the rest of the house. Turning off the light, a warm feeling fluttered through her. 

"Mom, dad, grandpa. He's in good hands, like you wanted them to be."

They woke up in embarrassment, then laughed it off.


"Hey Miwa-san, before we leave, can you give this to Kageyama? Your brother I mean..." Kuroo asked before he boarded the bus.

"Sure! Why though?"

"Ah uhm...." Kuroo looked away for a moment, slightly flushed. "He did a lot of favors for me while I was here, and I kinda feel guilty."

"Ok ok, don't worry, that's enough! I'll be sure to give it to him." She took the small package handed to her. Everyone said their thanks and goodbyes.

Kageyama and Hinata distanced themselves, rarely talking and only practicing or speaking a word to each other when they had to. The team did their best to not bring it up, fearing what could happen. Eventually, the two made up, even if it took a few months. The team couldn't completely forgive Hinata either, but they all did their best to have fun.

And despite the distance, Kageyama also kept in touch with Bokuto, Akaashi, and Kuroo, with them doing late night calls that started at ten and ended at one, chatting about whatever they felt like.

And when April came......

"SPRING BREAKK!!!" Tanaka and Noya shouted from the gym. 

Everyone had their bags, ready to visit Tokyo again. They had recieved an invitation from Fukurodnai and Nekoma to spend the time with them, along with Aoba Johsai. 

"Nice keychain." Suga complimented, taking a seat next to their blueberry setter (who he cared about a lot), and watched him fiddle with it.

"Thanks." Tobio flushed a bit. 

It was the gift from Kuroo that he had gotten custom made. A plump little crow that looked like Kageyama with a volleyball. He chuckled at how the gift was so small, yet made him so happy.

"KAGEYAMAAAAA!" Bokuto screamed as he greeted his "student". 

Akaashi and Kuroo followed not long behind, with a lot of waving and hugging.

"Bokuto-san and I have gotten together."

"Not surprised, Akaashi-san." Kageyama replied with a smile.

The trio dragged the poor crow all over Tokyo, having them participate in their antics and giving him the time of his life. Finally, on the fifth day of the trip, Kuroo requested to see Kageyama alone.

"What is it, Kuroo-san? It's midnight, you know."

"I don't know how to do this......but....uhm....."

Tobio looked up at the rooster head, waiting patiently for what he was going to say.

"So, I've really liked you Kageyama."

"Yes, we're friends."

"No no no! Not like that. How do I say it......When we first met, I thought you were a bit mean, but I was wrong. You helped me so much at the training camp. You were there when I needed someone. You seemed to completely make everything better for me. I can't thank you enough for what you did, so...." Kuroo gripped the first year's delicate hands tightly.

"Will you.....go on a date with me?"

And Kageyama was now a tomato. Not a blueberry, a tomato. He had the brightest smile ever, and replied with an enthusiastic hug. 


"Bokuto-san, just like we predicted." Akaashi smiled from the bushes, joyed to see his friends so happy together.

"I know righttt!!!!" Bokuto did his best to speak quietly, not wanting to ruin the moment.

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