The Twenty Year Itch

Od BethylTWDFan43

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It's no secret to the world that Emma Watson had a big crush on Tom Felton. Yet the friendship between them w... Více

Part 1: A Few Words
Part 2: Sweethearts
Part 3: South Africa Mate
Part 4: A Trip Alone
Part 5: Speculation
Part 6: The Storm
Part 7: A Long Time
Part 8: How It Seemed
Part 9: More
Part 10: The Broken
Part 11: What To Do?
Part 12: Paradise
Part 13: A Rock
Part 14: The Unspoken Truth
Part 15: Fight or Flight
Part 16: A Dinner
Part 17: Property
Part 18: Fierce

Part Twenty: Sweet Justice

1K 20 23
Od BethylTWDFan43

The news about Leo's fucked up business hit the world in a hot fiery blaze. He and Aidan- along with several other were publicly shamed and sentenced for life in prison on not only sex trafficking charges, but as well as kidnap, attempted murder, and much much more. Emma was a champ in the sense that she endured going to trials and telling her side to the story- despite the personal information needing to be shared- everyone continued to love Emma and if it wasn't half the world loving her like before- it was the whole world now.

Howie, Britney and the other celebs they had taken were set free and the gratitude from them has yet to stop.

The news crews from all over the world were eating mine and Emma's story and everything seemed to be going perfectly.

But Emma could rest easy at night until it was officially over with. Her rage for Leo was not dulled even after they convicted him and out him away. She went after everything of his and frankly I'm hoping when she gets it- cause no doubt she will- it will satisfy her anger towards him.

It took a good year for everyone involved to be put to trial and found guilty. L'Barre was closed down for good after everything and people seemed to be okay with it...well, all except the billionaires who went there for all things illegal and a good meal. 

So as Christmas approaches and we get closer to saying goodbye to 2021- I'm relieved to say Emma and I lasted this passed year despite the odds.

"What are you working on now? You realize it's two in the morning and you've yet to come to bed?" She says as she comes down stairs and wraps her arms around my neck. Sitting at my computer desk, I quickly close the tab before she can look at it. "What are you hiding?"

"Porn. Looking at porn is all." I lie and she pulls my swivel seat back and sits on my lap.

"Well...let's find something good- shall we?" She smirks and honestly- she ceases to surprise me. Opening up the internet, she goes to type in my search bar and I'm not quick enough to remember that if she goes to type- it'll pop up with current searches.

"Let's not actually. I couldn't find anything good anyway- so let's just go all natural upstairs." I say and she fights me on it.

Of course she fights me on it."

"What don't you want me to see? If it's a weird fetish- I could be down."

"No! It's not! It's just..." Too late.

Hitting the search bar, she notices what I've recently searched.

How old is too old to be a father?


"Let's just go upstairs." Beneath that search is another question I regret.

How to convince woman to have baby?

Should I be married before I have kids?

What's wrong with me wanting children right away?

"Tom..." Her voice is soft and nurturing. I get up, forcing her off my lap and I head upstairs.

It's been all I could think about lately.

Okay, not just lately. Since Emma and I finally got together.

Maybe I am feeling the pressure to have kids.

"Hey! Wait! Come back here!" She calls and I hear her coming up the stairs behind me. Going to my bedroom, she grabs my hand and tugs back on me to stop me. "Will you stop."

I do so and look at her. Her brown orbs searching mine curiously, as a soft smile tries to sympathize with me.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong."

"You would've rather me thought you were looking at porn by yourself than looking up questions about having babies and what not? Tom- that's not nothing."

"I don't need to...think...about all of it. It's just...huh nothing." Pushing me to sit down on our bed, she straddles my lap and looks at me.

"No- let's talk about this- because I might surprise you." I highly doubt it. We've been off lately- not that we're fighting- we just haven't had sex in a good month and a half and I'm worried it's because she doesn't actually want to be with me or have a family. Between her being investing in the trials and a movie she was working on and me getting my own HBO TV series, we haven't had the time to really sit down and discuss everything or even be together intimately. "I know we've been...I've been distant lately and I'm sorry. I really am..."

"Ems, it's no big deal- I've just been..."

"Surrounded by you friends having babies and with your new series where you literally are dealing with a fake pregnant wife: I understand your want." Looking down at her chest, I close my eyes and sigh heavily. Maybe those are some of the reasons...but not all of them. "Huh...I wanted to wait until Christmas- which is as you know a day and a half away- but seeing how you've slowly been going bonkers- so should probably give you your gift now."

I watch her curiously and she stands up.

"Okay- close your eyes and absolutely no peeking. I mean it!" I do as she says and hear her pad across the floor and out down the hall. I'm tempted to open my eyes, but I don't and after a few minutes, I hear her coming back and she clears her throat. "Okay, open your eyes."

I do and she hand me a small box.

"Go on- open it."

When I do I find a Christmas ornament that is the Hogwarts crest made of metal die cast. Flipping it over, I look at it and then at her.

"Well...what's it say?" She asks with a grin.

"Baby Feltson to be sorted in their house July 2022." I say and my cheeks burn hot. I can't believe it. I just look between the ornament and her and tears start coming to my face. "Duck!"

Pulling her into my arms, I kiss her all over and she beams brightly at me.

"Merry Christmas, Daddy."

"I'm...I...I can't...Really?!" I ask and she laughs.

"Haha, yes. I love you. I've been so nervous about hiding it from you until now. I was worried I would slip up and you'd find out."

"Feltson, huh?"

"Well, I didn't want to put Watson and I didn't know how appropriate it'd be to just put" My smiles wides and I get off the bed. Walking past her to the living room, I put it on the tree and then grab an ornament. She watches me curiously and I go to her. "What's that?"

"Something that I have had for a very long time. Like years." I say and I hand her the locket tho ornament. She takes it and unlatched the little locket and inside is a ring I used to wear all the time growing up. Emma always used to try to swipe it from me because she's loved how it looked- the deep set oval alexandrite stone that's a blackish purple gemstone set on black tungsten. I get down on my knee and take her hand. "Emma, for twenty years I have had you in my life and I hate to say it's never going to be long enough for me. I've known since standing next to you in auditions that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I'm so blessed to still have you in my life. You're my best friend in the whole wide world and I want you to be my wife and the mother of my children. So Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson- will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

"Yes!" I stand up and grab her around her waist, pulling her as close to me as possible and our lips meet softly. Placing a hand on her stomach, I feel the finest bump of our baby and my heart flutters.

"Oh Darling, I am so over joyed. How long did you know?

"I found out beginning of November- I wanted to tell you, but I wanted it to be a surprise."

"How far along?"

"Three months. In January we can find out what we're having."

"Mmm, you are amazing, Darling. I love you so much." We head to bed and as we lay down, I scoot down the bed and kiss her stomach- pull her shirt up so I can do so. "Hi, baby... I'm your Dad. I can't wait to meet you. I love you so much."

"Haha, are you conspiring?"

"What? No!" I say to her and continue to whisper to her stomach. "Don't listen to her, Love- she can't tell us what to do. We're going to have so much fun and..."

"You realize I can hear you?"

"Do you want to tell her? Or should I?" I ask her stomach and leave little kisses on it. "We think we need some privacy- if you don't mind."

I say and grab my pillow- putting it on her face.

"Haha, as I was saying. It's alright if I'm your favorite. Your Mum doesn't need to know."

"Tom!" She throws the pillow at me and I drop to the bed beside her.

"Ah...Ah...she's killed meh! Yer Mum's  killed meh!"

"Alright Malfoy! Are you done? Are you going to come to bed now?" Sighing, I kiss her stomach one more time before laying down by her.

"Rude- interrupting me and my child's first conversation."

"You're such a dork. Just lay down- it's already 3:48."

We lay down and snog a bit before she falls asleep soundly in my arms. In my dreams- I see our child and Emma happily playing with Willow and it makes my heart hurt, it's so sweet.


"Here we are at the Red Carpet premiere of Harry Potter and The Cursed Child- coming down the red carpet right now is  Danial Radcliffe and long time girlfriend Erin Darke. How's it going Dan? How excited are you to go watch the movie finally?"

"Hi, Katie- yeah, I'm really excited. I mean it took two years to finish the filming and everything and I think it is a big success." Dan smiles and holds onto Erin as Katie Todd from the E interviews everyone.

"So have you seen any of your other cast members since filming finished?"

"Oh, yeah. We party all the time I was actually just at Rupert's house the other day for his little girl's fifth birthday party and obviously everyone was there. I better get going though- lovely chatting with you." Dan moves along and we all move up.

"You okay, Duck?" I ask and Emma smiles at me.

"Yes, but I think someone is more excited than us." She says as Annemarie bounces up and down on her mother's hip.

"Want me to take her? For a bit? Show of your beautiful dress?" She smiles and hands me the excited three year old.

"And here comes the couple of the hour- Emma and Tom Felton. Oh and they have their beautiful daughter Annemarie. Hello!" We approach Katie and Emma beams while Annemarie his more or less choking me with my tie.

"Hi! Can you say hi, Duckling?" Emma asks Annemarie, who's blonde hair is wildly strewn all over the place- despite Emma's best effort of taming it earlier on the car.


"Wow- you are so beautiful! Are you excited to see Mummy and Daddy's movie?"


"I think she's more excited than anyone else here." I say.

"So how wonderful is it being back in the Harry Potter world?"

"Well, the last we left it- it was hard imagining being parents on the screen and I didn't know if it ever came around again- how I would play it, but with this one- I think we all had an easy go at it. It was fun." Emma comments and Annemarie reaches over for her Mum- who takes her without question.

"Now last time we talked you has just had Annemarie and you confessed you were quite nervous. Has it changed in the last three years?"

"Oh most definitely. I mean- we still get nervous as she gets older and challenges us a bit more- but it's so wonderful. It's more Emma that I get nervous about cause she's constantly breaking the rules and getting in trouble- that the toddler and I have to sit her down and have a chat. So she's the real challenge." We all laugh and Emma playfully pushes me before leaning into my side.

"Haha, so what's the best thing about being married?"

"Well aside from being parents- the best thing for me is knowing that I get to wake up and go to sleep next to my best friend of twenty three years- so that's been the biggest plus to our marriage I think."

"I would agree- although- I also have to add snogging in public is almost widely more acceptable than it used to be. People sort of don't want to be taking photos of you cause it's not a scandal any more- so we get away with that a lot more." I joke and the girls laugh.

"Annemarie- what's the best thing about Mummy and Daddy?" She asks our little girl who just smiles and kisses us and waves. "Haha aw, I take it as the love and bond you all have. Well have fun tonight- I'm looking forward to watching the movie and I know you guys are as well.

"Bye!" We say and leave down the carpet- cameras flashing and people cheering as we enter the cinema. Going in and finding our seats, we sit down and Emma just smiles widely.

"I think that went well." I say and Emma glances at me.

"I think we need to be a bit more appropriate in interviews- but not bad."


"Snogging? Really- I don't want people thinking we're snogging all the time in public."

"But we do snog all the time in public."

"Occasionally." She clarifies and I roll my eyes. "Sorry...I'm just...Huh, never mind."

"No- come on, Duck- you know that's not how we do things. Talk it out." I say and rub my hand over her arm. She looks around and then leans towards me.

"It's just...I'm late."

"No you're not- we made it on time. We were actually ten minutes early- surprisingly." I state and she shakes her head and sighs.

"Not that...."

"What then? What do you mean you're late?"

"Think about, Tom. Think real hard." I do and after a few minutes of her staring off at the screen- I finally piece it together.

"You think you're..."


"Well how late we talking?"

"Like...two...two and half weeks..."

"Weeks? Okay..." Two days wouldn't be bad- we've been there before. But two weeks is an entirely different kind of late. We never discussed if we wanted more kids- especially since we are constantly juggling schedules between her job and mine and Annemarie. We got lucky that the last two years we worked together on Harry Potter so it wasn't hard making everything workout. "Well...we'll be alright. After the showing we can duck out and get a test."

The look on my wife's face is absolutely tortured. She hates the unknown and I know she won't be happy and comfortable until she knows.

"How about this- you watch the movie and I'll run down the street and buy one and you can take it so you don't have to wait." Her eyes glisten with wet tears and I kinda smirk because I know she doesn't need to take the test for us to know if she's pregnant or not.

Mostly because she's absolutely glowing, but also because she's been all over the place lately. Moody, over cleaning, more of a perfectionist than usual, and slightly more willing to put out than before. She's most definitely pregnant- but if me running and grabbing a test for her will quell her fears- then I will do so.

"You would do that...for me?"

"You're a smart woman- you should already know the answer to that question." I say and she smiles. Standing up, I kiss her lips and then Annemarie's head. "I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Thank you..." I wink at her before hastily moving around people to leave the theater. Getting out into the grand entrance hall, I try to avoid eye contact with people- so not to have to carry on conversations. Getting outside, I run down the street and find a convenience store. Going in, I head up and down the aisles and find the pregnancy tests. I grab the name brand kind and as I'm heading to check out, I grab one of those Nutella packs Emma adores and a Kinder egg for Annemarie.

"Find everything?"

"Yes, thank you." I quickly say and hand the guy twenty bucks. "You can donate the rest to the children's fund on the counter."

"Thank you, Sir." I wink and race back to the cinema with the bag. Getting in and around security and reporters, I find Emma and she is biting her bottom lip nervously. Getting her attention- she smiles and leans over to Rupert- who must've arrived just after I left- and asks him to watch Annemarie. He smiles and waves at me smuggly- assume I must be getting laid.

"That was fast." Emma says and I smile.

"I can run." I say and she laughs. Sneaking out, we go to the restroom and lock the door. "Alright- you go wee on that and I'll wait here."

"You got me Nutella and Annie a Kinder?" She emotionally asks as if I bought her the most expensive diamond ring in the world.

She's definitely pregnant.

"Yes, love- but you gotta go wee first." I say and she tearfully hugs me and kisses my face.

"You're such a good, Daddy. I love you." She cries and I kiss her neck and lips.

"You realize you're pregnant, Babe?"

"We don't know yet."

"I do."

"What are you saying?" She becomes defensive- Mood swings...lovely.

"Just go wee, Darling." Kissing her again- I send her in the direction of a stall she she shuts the door. I listen to her do the deed and she comes back and sets the stick on the counter. "Now we wait."

"Tom...I'm so nervous."

"Why, darling? We already know what to expect. You did amazing the first time and I have no doubt you will this time." I say and she paces back and forth.

"It's just...we haven't discussed it and I know you are happy with our little family as it is and if we have another one- it'll change everything and I don't want you to be upset and resent that we just got back the ability to have sex while Annie sleeps and another baby will make it hard to do that and..." She rambles and becomes hysterical and I just pull her into my arms tightly.

"First off- I never said I wanted just the three of us. You're right- we haven't discussed having another one and just got back to having wonderful sex, but Darling- I love you and Annie and I will love this baby and all babies after them just the same. I love when you're pregnant and moody and I actually don't mind not getting a lot of sleep at night because it means I get to watch over my perfect beautiful family. There's nothing worry about Emma. Nothing at all." When I say all this, I feel her relax in my arms and her breathing normalize.

"You love when I'm pregnant? When I'm moody? But the last time I hit you with..."

"With your vibrator cause I wasn't getting awake enough to be aroused- yes I remember fully. Em, I think you are the most beautiful woman on this planet and when you carry our children- you are ten times more beautiful. Wielding a vibrator or not you are my favorite thing in this world." Kissing her a bit, she starts laughing slightly and I look at the clock on the wall. "Well...what do you say Duck? Ready to see if we're adding another to the flock?"

"Haha...yes." We go over to the counter and after a count of three we look at the test and our faces elongate. "Well....I guess there was nothing to worry about..."

Becoming upset, she wipes the pregnancy test at the wall- making it actually land in the trash- wonderful shot- and she storms out the door.

Damn it.

I really thought she was.

I just got her fucking hopes up and now there's no point in them. Rushing out the door, I find her rampaging storm slowing down and she soon stops and leans against a wall- crying. Sighing, I go to her and turn her around- pull her slim frame into my arms.

"I'm so sorry, Duck. I really thought..."

"I was nervous cause I didn't really want another one cause I thought you didn't...but then...and now..."

"I know...but think of it this way- darling- now that we know we want another one- we can start trying and that's always fun...we are over achievers in that department." She starts laughing and looks up at me.

"Haha, I guess you're right."

" you wanna start now?"

"I want to eat my Nutella and watch this movie we worked so damn hard on...but I can take a rain check if you can?"

"Any day of the week, Sweetheart."

"Quack?" She smiles and I kiss her before we head back.


The End.

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