Wake of the Dead | Two

By Lup1ne

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After the events of Swanston, Killian-Grey struggles to prove himself to the group after being branded as a t... More

Author's Note
Chapter One | Killian
Chapter Two | Jasper
Chapter Three | Killian
Chapter Four | Jasper
Chapter Five | Killian
Chapter Six | Killian
Chapter Seven | Jasper
Chapter Eight | Killian
Chapter Nine | Jasper
Chapter Ten | Killian
Chapter Eleven | Jasper
Chapter Twelve | Killian
Chapter Thirteen | Jasper
Chapter Fourteen | Killian
Chapter Fifteen | Jasper
Chapter Sixteen | Killian & Jasper
Chapter Seventeen | Killian
Chapter Eighteen | Jasper
Chapter Nineteen | Killian
Chapter Twenty | Jasper
Chapter Twenty-One | Killian
Chapter Twenty-Two | Jasper
Chapter Twenty-Three | Jasper & Killian
Chapter Twenty-Four | Killian
Chapter Twenty-five | Killian & Jasper
Chapter Twenty-Six | Jasper
Chapter Twenty-Seven | Jasper & Killian
Chapter Twenty-Eight | Killian
Chapter Thirty | Killian
Chapter Thirty-One | Jasper
Chapter Thirty-Two | Killian
Chapter Thirty-Three | Jasper
Chapter Thirty-Four | Killian
Chapter Thirty-Five | Jasper
Chapter Thirty-Six | Killian
Chapter Thirty-Seven | Jasper
Chapter Thirty-Eight | Jasper
Chapter Thirty-Nine | Killian & Jasper
Chapter Forty | Killian
Chapter Forty-One | Jasper
Chapter Forty-Two | Killian
Chapter Forty-Three | Jasper
Chapter Forty-Four | Killian
Chapter Forty-Five | Killian & Jasper
Chapter Forty-Six | Killian & Jasper
Chapter Forty-Seven | Jasper
Chapter Forty-Eight | Killian and Jasper
Chapter Forty-Nine | Killian
Chapter Fifty | Jasper & Killian

Chapter Twenty-Nine | Jasper

353 16 35
By Lup1ne

Having Killian's body curled up against Jasper's side in the mornings was something he wished would never end. He was re-reading the book Killian had found him a month ago, maybe longer. Keeping track of the days wasn't exactly an easy task anymore.

The younger man's warm skin pressed up against Jasper's, comfortably nestled between his arm and his side, with one of Killian's arms draped over his chest. The sunlight from the window touched Killian's face, showing the small details Jasper didn't usually get to pay attention to.

Barely visible freckles lightly dusted across his lover's nose and under his eyes, the reddish tint to his brown curls. There was a small freckle just under Killian's left eye that was a bit darker than the others, a dimple on his cheek when he smiled in his sleep. 

Beautiful. Jasper thought. He longed to reach out and delicately run his thumb across Killian's bottom lip, but didn't want to wake him. He deserved a good rest.

A yawn parted Killian's lips, his eyes blinking open. It wasn't the first time Jasper had noticed those beautiful golden-hazel irises or thick lashes, that gave his lover a deceptively fawn-like innocence. Immediately when his eyes opened though, Killian nuzzled his face closer against Jasper's body and buried his head amongst the blankets.

"Good morning," Jasper murmured softly, barely holding back a chuckle. "Did you sleep well?" Killian nodded but didn't speak, only sighing peacefully. "The sun's not all the way up yet," Jasper soothed. "You can rest for a little longer."

When Killian's head lifted away from the blankets, his curls were even more disheveled than they usually were. Jasper's heart melted when the younger man's chin rested on his chest. Killian's tired gaze trailed along the page for a few seconds. A little bit, he shut his eyes tight and went back to sleep.

When the sun had reached its place in the sky and the birds started singing, Jasper nudged Killian awake. The younger man protests were made in the form of headbutting his shoulder. "I know, but we've got to get up sometime." Jasper said.


"Tell you what," Jasper chuckled, "If you get up with me now I'll take you outside for a long walk later. Maybe you can start hunting again."

Killian's eyes practically glowed from Jasper's offer. He hugged Jasper and mumbled, "Yes please." Jasper knew that the younger man loved the outdoors more than the indoors, much unlike himself. Being cooped up in the farmhouse for so long while also neglecting some sort of physical therapy to prevent a permanent limp—he was still irritable with Cohen over not helping Killian with that–was almost torture for the hunter.

Getting Killian out of the farmhouse and outside was a good way to motivate him without being so direct. Jasper knew Killian didn't like being told what to do, his lover was hardheaded and determined, for better or for worse. "Come on then," Jasper said. "We've got to get dressed."

Although Jasper knew better, he didn't move as Killian stretched and hopped out of the covers to retrieve his clothing. Instead, he took the time to watch and observe. But as Killian turned his back, in those few split seconds, Jasper was reminded of what he'd told him. Forcing himself out of bed, he padded up behind his partner, the uneven floorboards uncomfortable on his bare feet. Pressing a soft kiss just below Killian's jaw—where he knew he liked it—he ran a finger over those scars.

Jasper's touch was nothing but delicate, an attempt to be as soothing as possible. Goosebumps raised along Killian's skin, he could feel the small shudder run down his partner's spine. It was tantalizing for Jasper, almost taunting him, knowing he couldn't do anything further. At least not at the moment. "Jasper," Killian said softly. That was the only thing he said. Then followed by, "Don't tease me so early in the morning." His request wasn't convincing, but Jasper complied reluctantly.

"I wish we could stay like this," Jasper murmured, closing his eyes and nuzzling against Killian's neck. It was warm, soothing his already tense muscles. "With nothing to stress over. Just the two of us, in a relatively nice house." He chuckled, but it was laced with bitterness. "Although I suppose those wishes might never come true."

"They will," Killian said, laying his head back against Jasper. "Eventually. I'm sure of it. But to get to the good, we'll have to get through the bad."

"I know, love. I just hope the bad will go away soon." A soft sigh left Jasper's lips, "You make me happy. But I'm not sure I could be completely at ease until I know you're safe from anything that could hurt you."

"I'm tough," Killian reminded Jasper. "I'll keep you safe, too." Jasper stayed like that for a long time. All he wanted to do was hold his lover in his arms, safe away from the monsters of the outside world. Away from whatever chaos plagued their daily lives.

Eventually, Jasper let go. He immediately felt the absence of Killian in his arms, surprised by how sudden the longing to be near him again was. Hastily getting dressed, Jasper had no problem. Killian, however, was glaring at his bad leg. He manually brought it closer to his body, finally pulling a shoe onto his foot and tying it firmly in place. Despite how clumsy he still was, he'd improved a lot. At least he could walk. Jasper had noticed Killian's limp wasn't as bad anymore the past few days. Maybe more exercise would be good for it.

"Fuck," Jasper muttered, "I forgot to wash off those bandages."

"It's alright," Killian said, "You don't need them much today. I'll prep them before we settle for lunch and go for our walk, okay?"

Nodding, Jasper briefly kissed his partner's lips. He barely swallowed back a quiet growl; he needed more. But he quickly reminded himself, Not the time. Think with your head, idiot. Not your extremities.

Pulling away, Jasper could see his own reluctance reflected in Killian's eyes. This room was a safe haven for them, a place away from prying and judgmental eyes. But he knew they had more important things to worry about other than their own comfort. "Thank you, Boy Scout." Jasper ruffled Killian's hair, earning himself a stern glare. "Should we wait a bit for Jackson to wake up on his own before we question him?"

There was clear hesitation in Killian's eyes as he replied carefully, "Yes. But I think he'll be hungry, too. Maybe we can bring him something," He looked down, shifting his stance awkwardly. "I'm sure it's obvious what we..." Killian cleared his throat. "He won't be very happy about that. Maybe food could be a peace offering of sorts?"

"Who says I want peace with him?" Jasper retorted. "I don't need his approval, neither do you."

A frown tugged at the corners of Killian's lips. Jasper immediately knew he'd said the wrong thing. "Jasper, you know how much I care about you, but also how much I care about my cousin too. Can you at least try to get along with him?" The man's voice was scathing as he added, "You might think he's a terrible person. Even if he is, he deserves respect. I won't tolerate you being an ass for the sake of it, Army Man. Got that?"

"R-right," Jasper stammered. He had to admit he missed Killian's fiery disposition in the past few days, but he never expected it to be aimed at him directly.

"Then we should bring him something to eat. Casimir should be back soon." Killian's voice immediately softened again. A small smile curved at Jasper's lips, which only earned him another smack on the chest. "No funny business, mister. We'll get some answers one way or another, without hurting him. This is an interrogation, not torture."

"Got it," Jasper nodded once. Finally satisfied with his reply, Killian whipped around and stalked clumsily out of the room. Jasper hastily followed, shutting the door behind him. This'll be harder than I thought.

❖ ❖ ❖

Not too much time had passed until Casimir returned from an early morning hunt, followed by Samantha and Harley. Jasper noticed a pang in Killian's eyes when he watched Harley walk by, talking excitedly with Casimir, who'd become somewhat of a mentor to him. He knew Killian was thinking of Dominick. That kid had died too soon, Jasper could only think. Sometimes it was all too easy to forget how fragile human life really was, gone in a split second with nothing anybody could do about it.

To Jasper's surprise once again, Keagan hopped down the stairs and laughed, wrapping her arms around Casimir's waist. A rare smile crept across the hunter's lips as he ungraciously handed Samantha their catches of the morning and paid all of his attention to the other young woman. Maybe experiencing what happened with Wilson had brought the two closer together than he'd thought. "Oh, Jasper." Casimir dropped Keagan, who elbowed him playfully in return.

"You'll pay for that," Keagan huffed. She tried to barrel into Casimir, only resulting in him putting her in a headlock. She struggled, but eventually, she gave up and stood there, waiting for their conversation to be over.

"I caught an extra rabbit this morning. I...wouldn't put it over the fire just yet. Not sure if Jackson likes his food cooked nowadays." Casimir muttered. He then nodded to Killian, "Looks like you're doing better. When that leg heals up, you'd best go out and help Samantha and I." Before Killian could deliver a sharp retort, Casimir turned away and let go of Keagan, resulting him in immediately being tackled.

Jasper carefully stepped over Casimir and Keagan as they wrestled on the floor of the living room, offering Samantha an apologetic smile as he took one of the fresh-killed rabbits hanging from her arms. To his disgust, Jasper could see ticks lining the inside of the animal's ears. "That's why you skin them." Killian said bluntly. "Usually in the field right after you catch them, but I guess they had to make an exception for Jackson. If his diet really has changed, I doubt he'll care all too much." His comment sounded casual, but Jasper could see the uncertainty on Killian's face.

Knowing how much Jackson meant to Killian made Jasper's heart ache. If Jackson wasn't fully dead or fully alive, there was an ongoing debate to be had whether he should be treated as a person or as a danger. How self aware was he? Had his empathy--if he'd had any in the first place--for others dissipated over those four weeks he'd been infected? Just how far was Jackson willing to go to find his next meal, how hungry was he, or was his goal not even to satisfy hunger and just to spread the biter virus?

"Let's just hope I don't get fleas." Jasper muttered.

"If you could get fleas from a dead rabbit, I'd have been infested a long time ago." Killian retorted. He shrugged, "And if you do, then just take a big dive in the river. They can drown." The way Killian spoke was as if he'd had experience. Did he ever have fleas? Jasper shook his head to clear his thoughts. Thinking of tiny pests from a dead animal wasn't their biggest priority at the moment.

"Jasper, you've seen--I'm guessing--lots of dead people. Well, we all have." Killian began as they headed to the basement, where they'd tossed Jackson down with a big blanket and a candle the previous night. Jasper had been tempted to give him his second book to read, but he wasn't sure if Jackson would take care of it right or burn it out of spite. "So, why are you so grossed out by dead animals?"

"Well...I don't know," Jasper mumbled. "I guess they're just so innocent. I've always been an animal person," He suddenly perked up, a distant memory from his childhood drifting its way through his mind. "My grandfather on my dad's side had a big farm. Bigger than this one, with lots of horses. Ben and I used to go there every summer."

Killian chuckled, "Did you learn how to ride one?"

"Yep," Jasper nodded, "Still know how...at least, I think. Maybe." He almost rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, but reminded himself he'd probably want to wash his hands after handling a recently-deceased wild rabbit.

Pushing open the door to the basement, Jasper was none-too-pleased with the lack of visibility. It was dark--of course it was--but hopefully his vision would adjust quickly. His muscles stiffened as a threatening, "Who's there?" Rumbled from the shadows.

"It's just me and Jasper," Killian said before Jasper could reply. As his eyes gradually got used to the dim basement, he could just barely make out the shape of Jackson in the farthest corner of the room. His head was lifted and alert, but more wary than aggressive. There were dark circles under his bloodshot eye, as if he hadn't slept at all the night before. His frame was almost pitifully frail, his hair disheveled. Glancing beside him, Jasper's heart almost broke at the expression on his partner's face.

"Killian?" Jackson's voice softened a tad bit. Jasper couldn't help but feel at least a tad bit guilty for the way the group had treated Jackson. He reminded himself almost immediately of how Jackson almost killed him once before, then nearly scarred his face for life. Perhaps the latter was an exaggeration, but he felt justified in his dramatics. What kind of person nearly clawed somebody's face off with no remorse? How Killian still cared about Jackson was beyond his understanding.

"Jasper's here," Killian said, "We're not here to hurt you, we just want to talk, okay?"

A small smile twitched at the corners of Jackson's lips when he heard Killian's attempt to be soothing. "Even if I'm scared, I've still got some fight in me," When the man paused, Jasper could have sworn he heard a small, barely audible growl. "Food?" The scent of fresh prey must have clouded Jackson's mind, Jasper could see all sense of humanity left in him melting away the longer he held the rabbit.

Quickly Jasper said, "You cooperate with Killian and I, answer our questions, then I'll give this to you." To his relief, Jackson nodded without argument—albeit reluctantly. Once again there was that bit of guilt he felt, dangling food in front of a starving...whatever Jackson was.

As soon as Jasper tossed the prey to the ground, Jackson practically pounced. One hand pressed its neck down and the other its hind legs, even though it was already dead. He quickly looked away as the half-biter ripped into his food without hesitation. "You have no idea how hungry I've been," Jackson said in between big bites. The iron-y tang of blood was almost overwhelming. Jackson would definitely need something to clean him off when he was done.

"I only just found out," Jackson mumbled through a mouthful, "I can't eat anything other than fresh, untreated prey." Jasper's stomach lurched when he heard the crunch of a bone. "Or else I'll get sick. Then I tried hunting," He continued, "Harder than you think on two legs."

"Why don't you just...enjoy your breakfast while we ask the questions?" Jasper said.

"If ya want," Jackson growled, his mind preoccupied.

Jasper wasn't sure whether to be disturbed or impressed by how calm Killian was managing to be, especially with the pain reflected in those hazel eyes. Jackson let out a loud snarl, for a few seconds Jasper was worried the half-biter decided a human might make a better meal plan, but instead Jackson tore away the mask hiding half of his face. Jasper once again had to look away and re-gather his thoughts.

Every instinct told Jasper to run or prepare a weapon. The part of Jackson's face obscured behind his mask was rotting, just like the biters. The strange part was, above the rotting flesh, new skin was growing—was this just an endless cycle of Jackson's body rotting and healing over again?

"First of all, you'll have to tell Cohen all the basics of your...situation. That's his job as the medic. My job right now is to piece together any possible threats to our group," Jasper forced himself to sit down, keeping a hand on his knife. "So why don't you tell us what happened in the city?"

Jackson finished eating the rabbit faster than Jasper expected. There was nothing left but bones and less desirable parts such as the paws, between legs, intestines and liver—even the fur was gone. How Jackson's body would handle that, Jasper didn't even want to begin imagining. "Well," Jackson said smoothly, "Now that I've gotten my food I don't see why..." He paused as he looked at Killian.

"I'm not leaving their group," Killian said softly. "Anything that happens to them could happen to me, Jackson. I know this is bad for everybody, especially you, but please at least try to help." He tossed a rag and rolled a water bottle across the floor to Jackson, who started cleaning the blood and gore off of his chin, mouth, cheeks, neck and hands—even his nose and forehead.

Just before Jasper's nerves got the better of him Jackson rasped, "Alright. But only for you, Grey." Killian looked as if he wanted to kill Jackson there on the spot. "Did you know he has two first names? And a middle name? Bit pretentious if you ask me." Killian groaned and hid his face in Jasper's shoulder as Jackson said in a sing-song voice, "Killian-Grey Ransom Smith."

"Enough tomfoolery," Jasper sniffed, "For the last time Jackson, tell us what we want to know."

"Tell us what we want to know," Jackson mocked playfully. Killian snickered, but Jasper ground his teeth together, clenching his hands. "Right," Jackson cleared his throat. "Serious. Got it, Muscle Man." Jasper definitely wasn't fond of the smile that crossed Jackson's lips, almost sardonic. "Okay then, where should we start?"

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