The Empire King | ✔️

By cloudy_Alya

436K 11.6K 4.1K

Mason King 👑 Leader of One of the most feared Mafias in the country, The Empire. Strong ,handsome, rich... More

.♦. Welcome .♦.
.♦. Aesthetics .♦.
.♦. And So It Begins .♦.
.♦. Coincidence .♦.
.♦. Emotions .♦.
.♦. Alaska .♦.
.♦. Whipped .♦.
.♦. The Ball .♦.
.♦. Ex boyfriend .♦.
.♦. Secrets Exposed .♦.
.♦. Dinner .♦.
.♦. Betraying Him .♦.
.♦. Confrontation .♦.
.♦. Escaping .♦.
.♦. Girl's Night .♦.
.♦. Finally Free .♦.
.♦. Part Of The Family .♦.
.♦. Back To Work .♦.
.♦️. Date .♦️.
.♦️. Empire Queen .♦️.
.♦️. I love you .♦️.
.♦️. Eavesdropping .♦️.
.♦️. Mask Off .♦️.
.♦️. The End .♦️.
.♦️. New Book .♦️.

.♦. First Day .♦.

21.9K 562 168
By cloudy_Alya

🌹 Eliza's POV 🌹

"Ugh!! What the hell am I supposed to wear?!" I huffed as I searched through the few pathetic clothes that I have.

Today is my first day at work at the Kings Industry and I'm freaking out. I'm trying to look good and professional but my ripped jeans won't do the job. Finally after having the umpteenth breakdown I found an old black pencil skirt, that belonged to my mother, in the back of my closet.

I paired it with a plane white shirt and black heels. Really basic but I have nothing to wear, I'll have to go shopping as soon as possible.

I applied some concealer and mascara then grabbed my purse and stuffed my phone ,keys and some money before rushing downstairs. Luck must've been on my side today since my father left earlier this morning.

Twenty minutes later I was standing in front of this huge and beautiful building. I entered it and was met by an amazing smell, it kinda smells better than my own house, but then again what do I expect from a house with my filthy father in it. I headed to the front desk where a girl who seemed to be in her early twenties stood, looking so elegant and pretty it made me feel really insecure about what I'm wearing.

"Hello, welcome to the Kings Industry, how can I help you?" She asked with a welcoming tone.

"Um hey, it's my first day here and I was wondering where I can find Ma- I mean Mr. King's office?" What the hell Eliza! Really Mr. King?

Shut up inner me!

"What's your name dear?" She asked.

"Uh Eliza Stone" I replied.

"Right! Mr. Mason is expecting you at eight, is that right?" She asked as she typed God knows what on her computer.

"Yes" I answered.

"Well go to the gold elevator right there " She said pointing towards the elevator where two bodyguards stood " I'll inform the bodyguards to take you up to the last floor and Mr.Mason's secretary will meet you up there" She explained.

"Thank you" I thanked her then made my way towards the elevator.

One of the bodyguards let me inside the elevator and pressed the top floor for me .Wow !why the hell is all of this necessary?

Finally when I reached the last floor the doors opened and I was immediately face to face with a woman in her mid thirties i guess, she was wearing eyeglasses and a tight black dress, not too slutty rather elegant and professional.

"Mrs.Stone?" The lady asked.

"Yes this is me" I replied.

"I'm Darcy, Mr. Mason's secretary, will you please follow me " She said to which I nodded.

I followed her as she made her way through the hall. We then reached a black door with 'Mason King' written with gold on it. "Mr.king is expecting " Darcy said before leaving me in front of the door and leaving.

I took a deep breath and fixed myself before raising my fist and knocking. "Come in" His deep voice sounded behind the door.

I opened the door and entered , there he was typing on his laptop as I stood next to the door like an idiot. " Well close the door and take a seat " He said, still not glancing my way.

I closed the door and took a seat as he ordered and waited for him to finish. He finally closed his laptop before diverting his attention to me. "You're a bit late but I'll let it slip since it's your first day " Mason said.

"Uh well yeah your office kinda take some time to reach " I said as he smirked.

"Anyways now that you know how to get here let's talk about what you'll be doing" He said getting off of his chair and sat in front if me" I already have a secretary and a lot of employees so the job you'll be doing is not that important but you'll still be paid well"

"What exactly is my job?" I asked curiously.

"You'll be Darcy's assistant and you'll be responsible for preparing my morning coffee everyday. I usually arrive here at eight thirty , except for today, you'll be here at eight sharp everyday, prepare my coffee and do whatever Darcy asks you to do" He explained.

"Okay, I can do that" I said before asking nervously " Uh what about the -"

He cut me off " You'll be paid one thousand five hundred dollars at the end of each month, but since you'll have to buy some work related stuff I'll make an exception and pay you two thousand dollars now" He said handing me an envelope.

"Woah! Don't you think that's too much for such a job ?" I asked, shocked.

"It's not that much. You should know that all my employees are paid well and that makes them work better" He said going back behind his desk.

"Any questions?" He added to which I shook my head.

" No not really " I said, still in shock.

"Perfect! If you have any questions you can always ask darcy or me if I'm not busy" He said before continuing " Dorcy will give you a tag with your name on it so that you'll have the access to this floor, since not everyone can get here"

I nodded at him then said " Thank you so much for giving me this job and I won't be disappointing you " I said sincerely.

He only nodded at me in acknowledgment before the door knocked then opened revealing Darcy." Darcy you already know what to do" Mason said.

" Yes sir " Darcy said before signaling me to follow her.

👑 Mason's POV 👑

I watched as Eliza left my office with Darcy . I don't know what the hell possessed me not only to give her a job , but also pay her that much and she didn't even start yet.

I just felt how desperate she was to find a job and how in need she is for the money. Her clothes seemed old, elegant, but still old so I figured that I'll give her some money to go shopping for new clothes.

A knock echoed through the room bringing me back to reality. Luke entered the room after I said a faint 'come in' ." Uh Mason today is-" Luke began but I cut him off.

"Sophia's birthday? Yeah I know" I said.

"You don't forget anything do you?" Luke asked with amusement as he took a seat.

"Of course I won't forget Sophia's eighteenth birthday" I said bordely.

"Anyways we have to set the party for her and well we need you to take her somewhere until we prepare everything" He said.

"Before you ask no one can take her except you cause everyone is given a job to do , even Ace" Brent said as he barged in.

"Next time knock " I said, shaking my head.

"Yeah yeah whatever" He said dismissing me.

"Fine I'll take her " I said to which they grinned.

"Well we're leaving to buy the party stuff, see you" Luke said then exited the room along with Brent.


I grabbed my jacket and headed outside my office. "Darcy, cancel all my meetings for the rest of the day and reschedule them for another day " I told Darcy on my way out.

I got into the elevator and pressed the first floor button .As the door was closing the door got blocked by an arm I locked at who the person was and sure enough it was Eliza.

"Oh sorry sir" She said nervously before getting in to which I nodded.

The air was so tense, not for me but for her. Usually my employees don't get with me in the elevator either because I make them nervous or because they fear me. "How was your first day" I asked, trying to put her at ease.

What the hell? Since when did I care about others ? Sophia is really turning me so soft.

"It was quite good really!" She said with a bit of enthusiasm " Everyone is so nice here and I love it" She added.

"Glad you like the place here" I said to which she smiled.

Her smile is so dazzling, my God!

The elevator dinged followed by the opening of the door. We got out and the bodyguards gave me a nod of respect along with the employees I met on the way. Morty was waiting for me outside next to my SUV, when he noticed me he rushed to open the door for me.

I looked back at Eliza and offered her a ride back home but she refused claiming that she had to go to the mall. I nodded at her and asked Morty to go pick Sophia from her highschool.

When we reached Blue ocean Highschool all the heads turned to me as Morty opened my door . I put on my black sunglasses then exited the car and leaned on the front of it.

Girls stared at me with adorness in their eyes while the guys looked at me with envious glares. Not that I give a shit about them. I took a cigar and lit it up as I stared at the bright sky.

"Mason!?" Sophia's voice grabbed my attention as I diverted my eyes to her.

"What are you doing here? And how many times did I tell you to quit smoking" She said with a frown.

"Get in, I want to take you somewhere " I said ignoring the second question.

"Okay" She said then closed the door behind her as Morty drove to our next stop.

"What about my second question?" She added.

"What question?" I asked as if I didn't hear her.

"You know what I'm talking about" She said, crossing her arms.

"Do I?" I said with a smirk.

"Yes you said you won't smoke cigarettes anymore" She said.

"Well did I?" I said , annoying her even further .

"Mason! you were just smoking outside in front of everyone" She exclaimed.

"I said I won't smoke cigarettes, not cigar" I said, smirking to which Morty chuckled.

"Haha really funny " She mocked.

"We're here " Morty announced.

"Come on" I said, exiting the car.

"What is this place? " Sophia asked.

"I used to come here with mom when I was younger" I told her as she looked between me and the place.

It was an ordinary amusement park, but it had a special place in my heart. I looked around as the memories floated in the back of my mind.

"It's beautiful, but why did you bring me here?" She asked.

"Well it's your eighteenth birthday and I wanted you to live your last day of being underage like a real child" I answered her.

"Aww Mason" She said as she gave me a sad smile.

"Let's go, which one do you want to try first?' I said dragging her behind me.


I spent the whole time with Sophia riding each game that I almost forgot that I'm the leader of a mafia. The sun was seating so I ushered Sophia towards the wheel so that we could Enjoy the sunset from above.

We set there admiring the view as we were lost in our thoughts. " Sophia" I said, grabbing her attention. She averted her eyes to me as she waited for me to continue " After our parents death I was given the responsibility to watch over you and the others , it was hard at first to take all this responsibility , but whenever I felt like giving up I remembered the promise I gave to mom that I'll watch over you all and make sure you're okay "

"I know it was hard for you Mason and I really appreciate everything you sacrificed for us and we'll never forget that" She said.

"I know . Anyways that's not what I wanted to say, after their death I found nine envelopes in mother's safe , a letter for each one of us." I said before adding " It's like mom knew something bad is going to happen so she wrote a goodbye letter to each one of us. She mentioned how I should give you the letter on your eighteenth birthday, that is if you got to know about the mafia and since you do here's the letter " I said handing her the envelope.

"I- " She tried to say something but she didn't know what to say.

I took a necklace out of my pocket and motioned her to turn around so that I could put it on for her. She complied and as I hooked it I said " She also left you her necklace, it was for your grandmother who got it from her mother then handed it over to mom and now it's yours" I explained

Sophia touched it as tears streamed down her face " I miss them so much" She said wiping her tears.

"I know " I said simply before hugging her. " Now this supposed to be a happy day, no more tears " I said patting her head.

"And as for my gift to you " I said then took a box out of my other pocket " We can buy you anything with money but I wanted to give you something more meaningful".

"What is it?" She asked.

"It's a bracelet with ten pearls, each pearl has the first letter of each of us, including mom and dad, so that you'll always know that we're always with you no matter how far we are. Plus, I made sure it matches the necklace so that they look good together" I said then asked " Do you like it".

"No, I LOVE it" She said then buried her head into my chest to which I smiled.

" Thank you so much Mason this was one of the best birthdays " She said truthfully.

" No problem Principessa " I said, kissing her crown. (Princess ).

As we made our way back to the car a man grabbed my attention making my blood boil in anger. "Sophia, get in the car I'll be back in a bit " I said closing the door behind her then ordering Morty to stay with her, he tried to stop me from going alone but I didn't listen.

" What the fuck are you doing here?" I boomed at him.

"M-mason ? I.. I-i was just.." He stuttered.

"It's Mr. King for you bastard" I said.

"O-of course Mr. King , I apologize " He said

"You know what, shut the fuck up!" I said silencing him " Get the fuck out of my territory Ben, and if I see you near my territory I'mma fucking kill you" I said his name with disgust " Do you understand? " I gritted out

"Y-yes" He said.

I for some reason got really angry and punched him in the face causing him to lose his footing then delivered a kick to his stomach.

"Get the fuck out of my face" I ordered him.

He held his stomach as he coughed vigorously before rushing away and out of my sight.

The motherfucker ruined my mood.

-- - ♦ - --

(A/N): umm hey !*laughs awkwardly*

Ik I'm taking so long to update and I'm really sorry . I don't actually have an excuse except that I'm ✨ Lazy ✨ and I couldn't find the motivation to write ☺

Don't forget to vote and comment ❤

💐 Sending all of my love 💐

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