The Twenty Year Itch

By BethylTWDFan43

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It's no secret to the world that Emma Watson had a big crush on Tom Felton. Yet the friendship between them w... More

Part 1: A Few Words
Part 2: Sweethearts
Part 3: South Africa Mate
Part 4: A Trip Alone
Part 5: Speculation
Part 6: The Storm
Part 7: A Long Time
Part 8: How It Seemed
Part 9: More
Part 10: The Broken
Part 11: What To Do?
Part 12: Paradise
Part 13: A Rock
Part 14: The Unspoken Truth
Part 15: Fight or Flight
Part 16: A Dinner
Part 17: Property
Part Twenty: Sweet Justice

Part 18: Fierce

722 12 3
By BethylTWDFan43

Heading back to Josh's, he looks in his rear view mirror to make sure no one followed us.

Last thing I need is for them to come after us before we can get any more information. When the coast seems to be clear, he gets out of the car and walks around to let me out. Going to the gate, he unlocks it so we can head upstairs into the apartment.

He says nothing as we go and after locking the front door and shutting all the blinds and does a quick sweep of the house to make sure no one else came in here before he turns back to me and pulls me close to him

"It's alright, I got you darling." He says kissing my neck.

"Which one of your friends was Josh again?" I ask.

"You never had the pleasure of meeting him- but he's a contractor. Super nice and very laid back. Doesn't really have a public life around town. He has a few good friends in the military and CIA so he recruited them for me. He texted me earlier tonight saying that they were tracking Leo's whereabouts and going through his phone records." He nods and I place my hand on his prosthetic face mask.

"Is this his face too?"

"Yeah...much more handsome than I am."

"Oh...I don't know about that. I've always loved your face." I smirk and shyly run my fingers down his chest.

"Listen, I feel horrible about tonight. You know I would never..."

"I know. It's alright, Tom. Really. I trusted you."

"I know I hurt you though and I..."  Pressing my lips to his again and I deepen the kiss by putting mytongue in his mouth.

"I'm over looking it...besides...I didn't 100% hate it." I devilishly say with a lustful grin. "I can act too you know."

"Oh...shit..." He says deep in his throat as I press my pelvis into his and back him up so he's sitting on the couch.

"I found you to be....rather enjoyable- though I personally prefer to be on top." My hands come down and unbutton his trousers without a hint of nervousness to them. When they're unbuttoned and unzipped- I pull them down off his legs along with his boxers and the next thing to go is my dress. Standing in front of him in my black bralette and g-string, I pull it to one side and touch myself as I get on my knees and begins putting him in my mouth.

"Oh....fucccckkk...." He inwardly moans and he seems to relish my slow decisive moves. "Shit....Em...."

Looking up at hum as I do this and I can say I have never enjoyed doing this task so much as I have now. He pushes my hair out of my face and watches my pouty lips wrap around him.

"Mmm....are you enjoying this?" I lowly ask as I kiss the head of his shaft.

"I'm....yes...a huh...ooooohhhh..." He moans and I look at him devilishly.

"I want you...inside me..." I breathlessly say as I get up and straddle him, slowly sliding down onto him- my warmth enveloping around him- soaked with want.

"Fuck... mmm, you're so perfect." He moans against my chest as I slowly start moving up and down against him. My hands rest on the back of the couch and his go to my hips. My guttural moans fill the apartment and he can't take his eyes off of me as I pleasure us both.

"Mmm...yes.....mmmm....Tom...." I can feel my insides clenching as I moves and my stomach knots and twist.

"Oh, baby...mmmm...hmm....I love you..." Gyrating my hips and moving with a purpose, I begin to rise to my orgasmic peak faster and faster as I moves.

"Mm...fuck....huh....yes....mmm, I'm so close...." Taking his thumb, he slips it between my legs massages my clitoris, which sets my fire blazing even hotter. He doesn't take his eyes off of me. I feel so beautiful and beyond anything as he watches me. It doesn't take long for me to find my release and him to find his as well.

I don't give him the option to pull out though- because I push myself down hard against him and slowly spasm and jerk against him as we both cum. He felt too good to remove from me. Laying against his chest, he kisses me a few times as we try to catch our breath.

"I love you, Emma..."

"I love you, Tom." I say as my finger traces over his chest. His hands go up and down my back slowly.

"Can we take off this ridiculous mask? I want to see my favorite boy." I say and he catches my fingers in his hand.

"Not yet, Darling. When we get Leo put away- then we can. For now- I need him to believe I am the person he made a deal with." I understand his reasoning, but that doesn't mean I like it.

"Huh...I just miss holding you ."

"You're holding me right now." He laughs and I shake my head.

"No, I'm holding someone else who simply sounds like you." Sitting back, I look at him and his eyes look over my chest and down to my stomach. It churns under his gaze and I can't help but feel lost. "I almost didn't recognize you...until you mentioned ducks and chickens....but...I felt it....I felt it in your touch and under your gaze. It calmed me....because I thought for a moment- you were someone else. Someone who would buy me like an animal and..."

"I wanted to give you a bit of mind...even if tonight wouldn't have went as well as it had- I wanted you to at least know I was trying. That I will always try to keep my girl safe." His hand rest on my hips, but his thumbs massage my stomach and it twists and heats up. "You'll always be my girl and I will always try to keep you out of harms way."

"I know you will. I know, I needn't fear when you're around." Leaning forward, I kiss his lips longingly and feel as though nothing could take him from me.

"Emma, when all this is over..." He doesn't need to finish his question before I answer. I know what he's going to ask.

"Yes, Tom...yes." I say and he smiles widely- pressing his lips to mine and hold me back to his chest.

"I was going to ask if I can keep the mask...." He smirks and I slap his chest. "Kidding. I couldn't deny you my naturally beautiful face. I mean one of us has to be pretty in the relationship."

"You're such an arsehole! Hahaha!" I laugh and continue to slap him, but he simply turns enough so he can get on top of me and pin me to the couch. He voraciously kisses my face and neck- as his one hand holds him up and the other punches gently at my sides- tickling me. "Hahaha!!! Stop! Stop!!"

He does and his eyes search mine.

"Be mine forever, Emma?"


***The Next Day***

Rolling over in bed, I feel that low ache in my stomach as I open my eyes and find Tom's gone. Sitting up, I wrap the blanket around me to keep out the slight chill of the apartment as I remove myself from the warmth of the bed.

Walking cautiously out to the living room- I hear voices whispering and as I peek around the corner- I see two me I don't recognize, but hear the comfort of one I do.

"Good. So the CIA has him then?"

"Yes- with your extra help we have already traced all his accounts and the port authority is under investigation as we speak." A man with flaming red hair says and the blonde- who vaguely looks like Tom smiles at me.

"Hey, Mate- your girl's up." He quietly says with a smile and Tom- who's still masked like Josh- turns around and comes to me with excitement. Pulling me in his arms, his lips move about my neck and face as he squeezes me tightly to his body.

"Morning...what's all this?" I quietly ask and he pulls back.

"Recon team. Come, I'll introduce you. This is CIA Agent Donovan Peace, my good friend Josh Cartman, and Devin...where's Devin?" He asks and someone pulls our attention.

"Sorry, Josh's home is a disaster area- could hardly find the restroom. Hi, I'm Devin Coolic." A very pretty woman with straight raven hair extends her hand and her piercing blue eyes are nearly white- they're so crystalline.

"Pleasure to meet all of you." I say and cling to Tom- Devin smirks and goes to sit next to the real Josh.

"Devin did all the prosthetics and got the counterfeit money for me. We worked together on The Flash. Bloody Brilliant, she is." My insides burn with Jealousy- though I know I shouldn't be jealous at all.

"Oh please, stop inflating my head." She chuckles and leans into Josh's arm.

"See, and you didn't want to be apart of this originally- now you have some arm candy." Tom laughs and Josh's eyes widen as Devin looms deep into his eyes.

"At the moment he look better." She smirks and winks- but I work hard to ignore is.

"Alright, I noticed my friend at the FBI and they are aware of the situation.  They will be waiting to see if Robinton deposits the money at all. Meanwhile my buddies with the Coast Guard are narrowing in on the containers holding the people. In the men's time- I need all of you to lay low. I have two agents outside watching the front of the apartment and two cars surveying the streets in this sector. And Miss Watson- we have notified Scotland Yard of this business so they will be observing your home as well."

"Thank you." I say graciously.

"I have to go back to base and. Start compiling the evidence- Tom- we took the liberty of sending Willow to your Brother John's."

"Thank you." With that Donovan leaves us four to sit and stare at each other. 

"I suppose we can remove the masks now." I look at Tom and Devin slowly starts removing Josh's- when it's all the way off- I find Josh is quite attractive. She goes over to Tom and removes his and when I see Tom's face, I cry slightly. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." I push into him and he holds me tightly around my waist. "I'm just so happy to see you."

"Haha, you weren't happy last night?"

"Oh shut up- you know what I mean."

"Yeah...I do." Pressing his lips to my neck, I feel his hand slide down my back slowly before Josh clears his throat.

"Do I even want to know what you did in my bed last night?"

"Well nothing happened in your bed." Tom says with a grin.

"Good, I thought you..."

"Your couch on the other hand is a different story." He finishes and Josh pretends to throw up while the rest of us laugh.

"Grow up. Act like we didn't..." Devin starts to say and Tom raises an eyebrow.

"You had sex in my bed?!" He asks angrily.

"No...that's not to say we didn't go at it on your pool table downstairs."

"Seriously? My grandfather gave me that." Josh's face goes pale white.

"Bro, I'm so sorry, I'll..."

"Hahaha, kidding. It's John's I was storing it for him." Laughing hard again, Josh's face slowly relaxes and I lean more into Tom. "The look on your face, Mate. Classic."

"Yeah, well, you're an asshole. Haha- Emma- I don't get what you see in him."

"He's a duck." I simply say and Devin and Josh seem so confused- but they don't question it.

"Quack, quack Motherfucker."

"Hahahaha!!!" We laugh at Tom and I feel as though everything is finally perfect.

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