Realize : A Twist of Fate| Bo...

Autorstwa The_AlphaKing

152K 7.5K 1.8K

Hey Guys!!! This is Book 2 of my Realize series. If you haven't read the first book yet, I highly recommend... Więcej

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126 - Final Chapter
Bonus Chapter (1) - New Addition
Bonus Chapter (2) - Unexpectedly Expected
Bonus Chapter (3) - The Start to Forever (Part 1)
Bonus Chapter (4) - The Start to Forever (Part 2)

Chapter 77

1K 53 15
Autorstwa The_AlphaKing

Marcus's POV

I was currently looking over the map of the Werewolf Capital when the doors opened to reveal Carlos who walked in with John behind him.

"I thought that you would like a drink, my Lord." My first in command said before handing me a glass of wine which I took after giving him an approving nod.

"I see that you're a bit busy my Lord." John mused as he took a look at the maps himself.

"I'm just making sure that we have every route covered. Who knows, those pesky pack wolves might have a plan of escape once we attack." I said.

"Don't worry, Lord. My wolves will have the whole capital surrounded. And I also think that we should be more concerned of the Dark Wolf and his allies." John said but I only gave out a chuckle.

"The Dark Wolf and his little possy are no longer in the capital. So I don't think we'd have a problem with them when we take the capital." I said, taking a sip on my drink.

They both looked at me in curiousness when I said that. And as I placed my glass on the table, I decided to answer their unasked question.

"Jayden Grey and the others are staying at the Alpha of the Clawtooth pride's lands. And I also know that they are no longer working with those pack wolves." I lightly explained to them but I could still sense a tinge of curiousness with them.

"If I may ask, my Lord. How did you come of this information??"

"I still have my ways, Carlos. Did you really think that those werecats, Leo and Tracy, were the only eyes and ears I had in that pride??" I chuckled. "Oh no. I have, one more."

Both John and Carlos looked at me in surprise before they gave out a chuckle of their own.

"As always, you surprise us my Lord."

A sudden knock came from the door and soon, one of the rogues I was familiar with came in.

"Ahh, Miya. Did you do what I asked of you??" John asked her.

"Yes Alpha. They assured me that they will arrive in time tomorrow and that they have taken the necessary precautions to be careful in case that they encounter some wolves that aren't ours." She said with her head slightly bowed as a sign of respect.

"Good, that would be all then. I am sure that you're keen on seeing your mate again so go on. That would be all." She gave her alpha a bow before turning to me.

"I'll be taking my leave, Lord." She said before turning as she headed out of the cabin.

"She's a sweet young wolf." I mused when she was gone. "Too bad she's already taken."

"Miya is one of the most loyal wolves I know. And yes, it is a shame she's already taken, my Lord." John chuckled in the end.

"I don't mean to change the subject my Lord but, going back to the wolves. If what you said is true, then the capital is completely right now. Why don't attack and end those pack wolves once and for all?? Then we can turn to eradicating the Dark Wolf." Carlos said, looking at me with determination in his eyes.

"Because Jayden Grey is the biggest threat to us, Carlos." I said. " To me. The Blood Moon is in a few days and I can assure you that they will make a move against us. Taking the capital will be easy once we eradicate Jayden first."

"So that's the reason why you ordered the army to come here. The Dark Wolf knows our location." John voiced.

"That he does." I mused. " And I'd want to arrange a little surprise for them." I chuckled. "What do you two think would be their reaction once they see that we outnumber them ten to one??"

"They'd probably run with their tails between their legs." The first chuckled. "But I regret to say that Jayden and his group aren't as stupid as those pack wolves my Lord. The wouldn't attack if they didn't have a plan."

"And that's why I still have a spy in their group. Once the spy knows of their plan, I will be informed immediately so do not worry." They both nodded their heads and I took a sip of my drink as the three of us continued to plan out and strategize on the map in front of us.

But as we did, I had a tinge of worry. For other than Jayden, there was another that posed another threat to us. For she had the power to completely oppose mine.

But I think I already have a plan on what to do about that.

Michael's POV

Today's the day!!!

Today's the day!!!

Goddess, I was so excited that I didn't even manage to get enough sleep last night.

Looking at the time on my phone, I saw that it was exactly 4am so we had an hour to get everything in place. So I quickly unlocked my phone and texted one of my accomplices.

Scanning through my contacts, I then found the name I was looking for.

Mikey : Hey Cindy. You awake yet??

But then after a few minutes, I still had no reply so I decided to text her again

Mikey: Yow Cindy!! Wake up!! You don't need the beauty sleep. There's nothing you can do about your face.

I typed. Chuckling as I clicked send before waiting. But then she still didn't reply and I was really losing my patience.

Mikey: WAKE!!

Mikey: THE!!

Mikey: HELL!!

Mikey: UP!!!

I texted, but still there was no reply.

Mikey: FLATTS!!!

Ms.AA cupsize: I'M ALREADY AWAKE!!!

Finally she replies and I laughed softly. Till now, I still found her contact name on my phone funny as hell. Oh and don't ask me how I knew of cup sizes.

Mikey: Finally, she replies😒

Ms.AA cupsize: I was in the bathroom you brat!!

Mikey: Ok, I'm sorry🙄 you ready for the plan now??

Ms.AA cupsize: Yeah. Did you wake Lindzey yet??

Mikey: Not yet. I'll txt her after. Well, see you.

Ms.AA cupsize: Yeah yeah. I'm gonna need that phone so hurry up and txt her already.

Mikey: Sheesh. Looks like someone woke up in the wrong side of bed.

Ms.AA cupsize: Whatever. Just txt her already so you can give me the phone.

Doing as she said, I texted Lindzey who luckily was already awake when I did.

So afterwards, I carefully and gently opened my door cause since supernaturals tend to have acute hearing I didn't want to wake them and ruin the plan.

It was still pretty dark since it was still early so I did my best to try and avoid bumping into things in the hallway.

Keyword being tried.

Cause I suddenly stubbed my toe on a damn hell spawn called a table.

"Son of a..." I quickly covered my mouth as I bared the pain of my poor toe.

"Keep in mind, Mikey. This will be worth it." I whispered to myself as I limped the rest of the way towards our meeting place.

"What happened to you??" Lindzey asked as soon as she saw me limping which made me grunt.

"That damn table happened." I mumbled.

"Aww, did the poor brat stub his toe??" Cindy teased which just made me roll my eyes at her.

"Here's my phone. You go on ahead first. I gotta help Lindzey first." I said before giving it to Cindy.

"You sure you can help?? Cause I doubt it with you all... limpy" she chuckled.

"Just go already. And you remember where to find it right??" I asked.

"Pfft yeah, of course. And even if I didn't, you're going to catch up with me when you're done helping Lindzey right??" I nodded my head in response, and with that, she left us.

"So. Where to first?? And do you have everything you need??" I asked.

"Yup. And to asnwer your questions, its right outside Raph and Louren's room. We have to place the camera and set it up before they wake up. Then we'll do the same with Sebastian and Anna's room." She explained with a smirk on her face which made one appear on my face as well.

"You know, I'm wondering why you even have those 'stuff'."

"Well duh, for pranking." She stated. "But hey, can we really set it all up without waking the four lovers??"

Giving out a scoff, I then said. "Look who you're talking to. I'm quieter than a ninja."

I might have jinxed it cause I wasn't watching where I was going which ended up in me another hallway table.

"Yeah right. So much for being quieter than a ninja." She giggled beside me and I lightly blushed from embaressment.

"Let's just hurry and get there before they all wake up." I mumbled.

When we finally reached their rooms, I could see two black bags right outside the room.

"I didn't even notice these bags when I passed by." I said.

"Maybe you were too busy pretending to be a ninja??" Was what I heard from her which made me give her a 'seriously' look. I didn't even know if she noticed since it was still dark.

"Okay, take one bag. I'm going to open a door." She said.

"Make sure to be quiet. We don't want to wake then."

"Don't worry. I'm a ninja."

"You're not going to let that go anytime soon are you??" I grumbled.

"Nope." She mused before going on to carefully turn the knob of the door.

"They don't even lock their door. What if someone walks in on them like the last one??" And when I meant 'the last one', I meant me.

Ugh, the horror.

When Lindzey managed to open the door wide enough, we gingerly walked to and saw the two sleeping figures lying on the bed.

" Dang, it reeks of... You know what I'm not even going to say it." I thought.

"Place the bag beside their bed and wait for me while I place the camera." She instructed in a hushed tone.

Nodding my head, I quietly walk towards the bed and looked at the couple.

"Aww, they both look so peaceful." I thought. "Well not for long."

"Hey. Take the stuff out of the bag." Came Lindzey's whisper from behind me.

And so on, the both of us carefully and quietly installed it on their bed. And if you're asking what its going to do, then just wait and find out what.

As I made sure that everything was good to go, I looked up and almost laughed out on seeing Raph's sleeping face. Cause he was drooling like a damn waterfall.

"Oh if only I had my phone with me." I thought. But suddenly, he started to stir which made me freeze on the spot.

"Baby.. c'mere beautiful I wanna cuddle." He mumbled which snapped me out of my frozen state as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Even in his sleep he flirts with his mate. Unbelievable."

"Is everything good to go over there??" Lindzey whispered from the other side of the bed. And instead of replying, I gave her a thumbs up which was enough.

"Okay, everything's good." She said. "The camera's up and rolling. Lets get out of here and head for Sebastian and Anna's room.

Giving her a nod, I took the bag with me and as quietly like before, we walked out of their room.

"Well, that was fun." I said when we were in the clear.

"No time to talk. We only have half an hour left." She said before we walked a short distance down the hall, passing my room, till we were now outside the targeted room.

And I would have loved to say that everything went smoothly but then I would be lying.

Cause when we were just about finished installing the contraption on their bed, they both stirred.

Sebastian gave out a snort as he sleepily awoke which made me and Lindzey to the only thing possible at that point.

We dived down.

And for me, that was when I was met with the most terrifying, most diabolical thing that I have every faced in my entire life.

It made me want to cry on the spot and scream out towards the dear Goddess in the heavens..

"Why me?!?! Why me?!?!"

Cause at this moment ladies and gentlemen, with a mere few inches in front of my face, I was now upon the dark and destructive presence of ...

Sebastian's underwear.

The owner of this instrument of torture let out a groans as he slowly sat up from their bed. While I slowly moved my hands to cover my nose and mouth.

Their window was covered with curtains so luckily it was dark enough for me to stay hidden.

As long he doesn't look down that is.

Sebastian's feet were on either sides of my head and as he stretched out, all I could think of at that moment was...

"Don't look down. Don't looking down. Don't look down." But then it hit me.

"Wait." And when I looked at the used undergarment in front of me, I realized. "If his underwear is here, then...."

"Oh for the love of... Mikey, whatever you do... don't look up. Don't look up. Don't look!!!" I tell myself.

Looking to my side, through under the bed I could make out Lindzey's figure and I could tell that she staring dead at me.

She too had covered her mouth but I think it was so that she wouldn't laugh out at my predicament.

I was more than convinced that Sebastian was about to stand up and catch me there hence ruining this whole revenge plot but then a saving grace happened.

"Hey baby. It's still early out. Come and lie back down." Anna cooed out at her mate who didn't even think twice  before doing as she said.

But unfortunately, we still had to wait a while longer to make sure that they were fast asleep which meant that I had to endure the pain of having this used fabric in front of me.

And might I remind you that I'm a werewolf. Other than having enhanced hearing and sight, I also had a very ENHANCED SENSE OF SMELL!!

"Oh Goddess." I thought before turning back to Lindzey who finally gave me a nod which said that the coast was clear.

So I quickly, but carefully, but mostly quickly, got up.

We finished everything up and made our way out of the room without another incident.

Other than me going to have nightmares of Sebastian's underwear for weeks.

"Oh Goddess you should have seen you.." Lindzey tried to say when we were clear.

"NOT A WORD." I cut her off. Raising a finger at her. "No word is to be spoken of what happened here today."

And with that, I started heading towards where Cindy was waiting for me. And as I walked, I did with only one thought in mind.

"Man. This better all be worth it."

Honestly, do you all think with Mikey's efforts it will all be worth it??

Poor Mikey😂

Anyways, I really had fun writing this chapter cause I imagined what Mikey's situation was like and that would make me laugh as I typed.

Hope it made you all give out a laugh as well😆

Next update will be coming soon but until then guys please don't forget to...


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