Beyond the King's Gate

By ElenaAlexandra10

11.5K 480 60

A servant's daughter befriends the prince and finds an unlikely friendship. One that would be greatly scrutin... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter One

1.2K 32 12
By ElenaAlexandra10

The door opened.

She didn't expect it to. Holding her breath, she hoped no one would be in there. She knew the moment her foot passed the servants quarters into the King's personal quarters she would be in deep trouble. The library was large with an aisle separating it. One half facing the courtyard, the other side had a large fireplace, with gold ornate detailing.

Scrambling with light feet, whilst not talking a single breath in fear of being found out, she neared the grand library. Standing in awe at the grandeur, her eyes grew wide. She bounced with giddy excitement. Her mom always said that she was too young to bother around the kitchen to help the servants cook, so she would let her play if there was nothing to do. Wandering the halls she stumbled upon the library when the door stood slightly ajar.

So Bethany decided today was the day, she would go to the library. She overheard the butlers talking of the King and his family leaving for a short vacation to somewhere sunny. While the rain set the King in a bad mood. So he often left. There wouldn't be anyone there.

I won't be bothering anyone. She reasoned.

Her head swiveled back and forth. Mouth dropped open, eyes wide with excitement.

The candles cast a soft glow against the gloomy rain pouring outside, just beyond the palace windows. The library was set at the west end of the palace with the best views of the courtyard lined with spectacular trimmed rose bushes. Beyond the palace courtyard, far beyond lay the greenest hillside, with lush trees and bushes. In the library, near the windows, were grandest armchairs that would almost but engulf you as one sat and read. It was beautiful, it was safe. It felt safe.

The books called to her, if only she knew how to read. Oh she heard the stories being told. The lucky servants, rare few, were taught how to read. The rest were at the mercy of those who knew, to be entertained by stories only dreamed of.

Nearing one of the leather bound books, she beamed with joy. The leather had stripes of gold and careful initials engraved. Carefully she pulled one out. She never saw a book up close. The servants daughters would be jealous if they found out she touched the king's personal books.

She would never tell. That would mean a horrible penalty for her mother who was slaving away in the kitchen. Guilt filled her stomach. She shouldn't be here. Her mother didn't deserve to be kicked out just because of her incandescent desire to read a book.

Before she could scramble back to the servants quarters the most terrifying feeling came over her when she heard the heavy doors of the palace doors opening. She froze and felt tears coming, along with a long list of apologies. Her heart thumped in her chest, wild and out of rhythm. Nobody was supposed to be home. Only the servants, butlers were with the king and his family. So who could it be?

Her mother always said she was getting into trouble. There wasn't anyone to keep her in check. Maybe it was true. This time, there wouldn't be a firm warning and long hours on her knees scrubbing the kitchen floors until she passed out. It would be out on the streets. Forever banished. Forced to fend for themselves. Because her mother was a castaway woman after she slept with one of the prominent men of society she was cast out and banished. Punishment for what she did, breaking apart a marriage in the process.

She was barely accepted into the palace for work. She only got this job because of one of the butlers. He vouched for her. He was a kind old man, but had a firm side, who knew his way around the palace. And how to get people hired, and fired.

"Who are you?" A young boy around her age of nine, peaked around the corner of the bookshelf. Her knees trembled, and teeth chattered, so much so she barely could answer.

"Serv-servants daughter." She managed to say. Chewing her lip, for she knew who the young boy before her was. He would tell all to his dad. The most powerful man in the kingdom.

"What's your name?" He asked, his eyes studying her response.

"Bethany Bolace," she sniffed. Her small frame slumped forward. "I'm sorry I never intended to come in here," she lied. It was for a good cause. "I'm so sorry, my mother always tells me I get into too much trouble. Please, your majesty, don't tell King Thomas." She hiccuped and swiped the single tear with irritation.

Bowing before him, she waited to hear the chaste words and promise he would tell everything. A long moment passed and she dared not to look up. It would be a great disregard to the prince.

"I won't." He surprised her by laughing, "Besides, my dad tells me that too. He says that it takes a whole town to keep me from trouble." He gave a small chuckle. Yet she still did not raise her head. Anyone of any importance never gave anything other than a harsh command. Why was he being kind to her?

Her heart fluttered and she wondered if something was wrong. She never had that before. Taking in a breath she smiled at the ground. Raising her head slightly, she allowed a small peak at him. Looking into his eyes she was amazed. He looked at her back.

The golden hazel specks made his eyes glow like amber. Warm like the summer sun. Kind. It was the first time she ever saw the prince, his hair was as they said, gold and curly, eyes just as bright. He was also taller than her. Standing a few inches above her head. He was different than others.

Even his clothes, though he were a prince, he was dressed much simpler than those of his friends. She wondered how he was allowed that.

"So Bethany, do you read?" He nodded to the book that stuck out from the rest, the one she hastily put back. She felt embarrassed.

"No, I do not, your majesty." Bethany answered him. She mindlessly rubbed her hand where the healing scabs on the palm of her hand. From last time she got into trouble.

"Call me Ronald." Prince Ronald the first.

Her mouth dropped open a little. His first name? That was unheard of. A servant must always refer to anyone as Lady, Sir, Majesty. Never say their name without the proper address.

She kept her distance, but he insisted to follow him to the fireplace where he ordered her to sit across from him in the armchair. Bethany sat perched on the chair, for fear of soiling the soft red velvet covered armchair.

"Would you like to learn to read?"

She only starred. Unsure of what to say she only nodded.

"You don't speak much do you?" He tilted his head, curiosity shone his eyes. He smiled at her, making her feel welcome to answer truthfully.

"I'm but a mere servant's daughter, when I will be old enough, I will be serving you, your majesty. I should not be allowed to speak to you." She kept her eyes respectful, cast down to their feet. "Besides I was taught only speak when being spoken to. Not many people speak to me."

In the corner of her eye she saw the prince shrug, and sat closer to her. "I am." He said simply. The prince went back to looking at the book. She didn't let it show but she all of a sudden felt a ball of nerves at the pit of her stomach. He opened to the first page, and pointed at the first letter.

He sat and with care, sounded every letter out for her. Bethany sat coward more, absorbing everything he was saying with rapt attention.

The sounds were familiar, so it was only a matter of connecting the sound to the letter. For the next half hour they sat sounding out letters and stringing words. She smiled when she read the first word, "Thine.."

"That's right!" He exclaimed. "See I knew you could do it-" The prince was cut off, the large door opened. The sound sent off warning bells through her.

"Your majesty you are asked in the front hall. His Majesty King Thomas the third is nearing home. His trip was cut short." The prince cast a quick glance at her, but the butler didn't see her. Thankfully. He stood and walked off ensuring the butler wouldn't come closer where he would see her.

Bethany didn't dare let out a single breath, she sat as still as she could.

When the prince was at the door, he looked back at Bethany, and gave her a small wink. Smiling, he walked off with the butler trailing behind him. The door closed and she ran as fast as her little legs could allow, back to the servants door. Not caring to put the book back on the shelf, it was left there on the armchair.

Leaning against the staircase she felt the cold stone wall biting into her flesh. She tried calming her breath before she would go back to the quarters, but before she could a servant round the staircase.

"Marie!" Bethany said in surprise.

The servant wasn't happy to see her, "There you are, I was looking everywhere for you!" She grabbed the collar of her dress, Bethany gave a small welp when the collar ripped. The servants' brows were drawn in an angry scowl. "To think that you never learned from last night!" She was pulled further, walking as fast as she could to keep up.

"Why am I always the one forced to look after you?" She grumbled as she walked even faster.

Oh no. She would be in trouble. She knew it. When she saw her mother in the doorway to the hot kitchen, her mother stood hands on her hips and perspiration gleaming on her forehead. Not in a happy mood. Gulp.

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