Inuyasha's first friend.

By Whitewolfspirit29

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So long ago everyone assumed Inuyasha didn't have a single friend except for Kikyo, well they would be wrong... More

Chapter 1. Naraku and The Spirit.
Serenity Inuyasha's First Friend and Love.
Chapter 3. Serenity's Go Home.
Chapter 4. Serenity's Life Part 1.
Chapter 5. Heartbreak, You Promised Me. Part 2.
Chapter 6. Kagome's Feelings and Inuyasha's Feelings.
Chapter 8. The Kiss of True Love.
Chapter 9. The End of the Moon Kingdom.
Chapter 10. Recusing the Girls.

Chapter 7. The Secret Garden and The Shrine Guardian.

112 3 0
By Whitewolfspirit29

So, everyone was so officially inside the garden Naraku sneaked I behind them all thanks to the spirits magic, but now he just had to wait for the right moment to strike and to destroy Inuyasha's first love as well. He'd take great pleasure in doing so. So, let's continue where I left off inside the garage. Enjoy.

Inuyasha and group looking around at everything. Inuyasha started looking for Serenity right away.

"We have to find Serenity...!!! Shouted out Inuyasha," ordering for them to snap out of their heads.

Soon they all were running all over the place trying to find the cave that she was placed inside of or the place the ice box that contains Serenity's body was inside of was said to be inside some kind of cave that leads to a shrine inside of it.

"How are we to find the princess in this place; This Garden looks huge? Asked Sango, " worriedly.

"I say we spilt up for now and go check out the area if anyone gets into trouble here light one of these off, And I will use my arrow for a signal for you all in case something happens, spoken up Kagome" handing up flare's too Sango and Miroku. 

"What do these do? Asked Miroku curiously.

"These are flares, and they shoot of balls of light into the sky sort of as a signal, so if you guys find anything or see anything or need help just light the end of it with a lighter and point to the sky, and one of us whoever is closest will come too their aid, Say's Kagome" explaining this.

They all agreed upon using the items for help if they ran into danger. Shippo went with Kagome, and Sango went with Miroku and Kilala. Inuyasha went off on his own for the moment.

So, they all split up to cover more ground. Naraku was waiting and hiding out, but he did try and investigate this place as well, but then he felt a blast of light coming from a far-off area of the garden because he was evil, he ejected from it.

He found himself outside the doors. He shouted out damn it, but now he'd have to wait for them to come back through to kill the girl.

Meanwhile as everyone else was inside looking through areas inside the garden trying to find the cave or the shrine that she was locked inside off. But they found 4 caves, and Kagome found an empty one.

Sango and Miroku located two of them, so they both took a risk and went into the ones alone. Each cave connected to 4 caves, which led them to Kagome's cave entrance.

So, Kagome said this wasn't it. As they shook their heads, nope. So, they went off looking once again. 

Inuyasha managed to finally find 3 caves, and 2 of them were empty. And then the last one was covered by a barrier. It was locked on the outside, and he was sure of it. The shrine had to be inside of this very place.

So, he used his sword as a signal for the others as they all saw it. And ran too Inuyasha's area.

"Did you find it? Asked Kagome, " running up to him. "I did, but there's a barrier. Can you break through it? Asked Inuyasha, " curious.

Kagome used one of her arrows by forcing through the barrier like she's done with others before.

As Sango and Miroku watched and stood by carefully watching.

"Nope...!!! It's not going to come down that easily. This must be the cave she's locked inside of Say's Kagome." Positive of it. "So why can't we enter it? Asked Shippo' confused.

"Perhaps it's because the barrier is protecting her perhaps, we have too clear are minds just like with Madioko's cave, perhaps maybe if we show respect and then maybe the cave will allow us to enter it's domain, Say's Sango" sensing something rather familiar to the cave of her home village. 

"Do you really think it's the same here as it was there? Asked Miroku curiously.

"Well, if this place is like the cave that Madioko was sealed inside of...!!! Well, I would think that would mean this place is of pure harmony and peace like the Princess herself and as she spoke the Sliver crystal protected her and its only peace and harmony and love, so maybe if we just show are respects the barrier will allow us to enter its domain, spoken up Sango" seriously trying out a theory. 

So, they all tried to do it Sango's way, but it still didn't open up for them. They tried every way possible, even asking for permission, too, even entering the cave. But it didn't drop its barrier.

"I am stumped, I was sure that it would work," replied Sango, confused.

"Something powerful is keeping the shrine protected, Perhaps the former Queen Serenity placed a stronger barrier to protect her daughter from outsiders? Stated Miroku" thinking about it. 

"There's got to be something here that could give us a hint or a clue too somewhere something to be able to help us figure out this riddle and open up the barrier and the gate? Asked Kagome, " thinking too. 

"Wait......!!! Of course...!!! We are missing the main object of Inuyasha and Serenity's love...!!! Inuyasha hold out the Shell, the very first gift she gave too you, Perhaps the Shell can Shed some light on this situation, Say's Kagome" giving another theory a chance.

As the others nodded and then said it couldn't hurt, giving it a chance. 

So Inuyasha pulled the shell out of its hiding place, uncovering it. It was glowing the same color as the barrier was, but then it started lifting itself into the air.

Then they all saw the shape into the stone wall, and it went inside the shell's shape print into the wall. So, once they connected to each other, the barrier opened up. 

"It opened...!!! Nice thinking Kagome good idea, Say's Sango" impressed.

"Thanks, Now let's go get the Princess so we can defeat Naraku, Replied Kagome" seriously. They all nodded their heads and began to run through the cave's paths.

And shortly they arrived deeper at the cave there was the Shrine, but the big trouble was the Dragon sleeping in front of it...!!! It was Kai he was guarding the shrine and the Princess who lay deep inside the shrine. 

"It's the Dragon we all saw her save, in the visions, said Sango" nervous. "Then that means...! That would be Kai...! the head dragon lord and the most powerful Dragon lord is the guardian of the temple she is resting inside of and that means were in trouble if he wakes up, Spoken up Miroku," worried.

"And Serenity barely beat him the first time, He's the lord of all Dragon's that means he's really high in power and he was named Dragon lord like Miroku, said, Replied Kagome" nervously. "Well, maybe if we are quiet, we can get around him, Say's Shippo," scared.

"We have to get too Serenity, and He's just protecting her, I am sure, so let's go find her, spoken up Inuyasha," leading the way towards the building. But then, they were trying to sneak around him since he was sleeping at the moment. But then he breathed in and then smoke came out of his nose a bit, And Shippo ended up sneezing loudly...!!! As this gave them all away. It woke up Kai he jumped up and roared terribly...!!! Kagome shouted out that they meant no harm. They only wanted to wake the princess...!!! Shouted out Kagome" loudly. 

But he was in a protective mode and rather angry from thriving thieves who came to claim riches and for so much more than that yet. Kai took his guarding job very seriously; He went to attack. 

All those who have come here before trying to seek her staff nothing more, it wasn't about the Princess at all, He was forced to guard her and the treasure deep inside the shrine.

He went to attack them all...!!! But Kagome was forced to shoot a secret arrow at him, but it wasn't strong enough to make a dent in his scales, He was strong too strong.

As his flames burned brightly at them all. Inuyasha's clothing blocked out the flames and kept Kagome safe. 

As Sango used her full-on blast of her weapon and Miroku tried to use other objects. Since he was only guarding the Princess, he wasn't going to let anyone hurt her.

Kagome told him not to use the wind tunnel that would only show that they were evil. "It might be the only way to give him a scare, Say's Inuyasha," seriously.

So, they both tried to do it. But he learned and learned that Kai used a strange move, but he split up acid in his body that was considered poisonous too. It really hurt Miroku badly...!!! Forcing him to shut the wind tunnel. 

"I am beginning to see why no one but Serenity succeeds in defeating these dragons and knowing he's the boss of them all, He's super strong, I don't think we even stand a chance...!! Shouted out Miroku" hurting. As Sango held him over her shoulder. He was hanging low.

"Kagome get the other's out of here, I am going on alone, I am going to get too Serenity if that's the last thing I do, But I won't let this Dragon too defeat me, Say's Inuyasha" seriously as he used his wind scar.

"Inuyasha....!!! Screamed out Kagome" loudly. As the Dragon froze from attacking offiaclly.

He never tried to speak to the humans or these people he assumed they were treasure hunters. As the Dragon turned itself into a man's form. 

As Kagome's eye's glued onto the Dragon take on a Humanly form, long brown hair as long as Inuyasha's sure, Golden eye's yet still with a hint of green showing and the green around his body plus his ears were extra-long and he also has a forest crowd with an antler. But this was humanoid form.

"What in the holy hell just happened...!!! What gives pal...!!! Shouted out Kagome," storming up to his face. "I stopped because of you...!!! You called out Inuyasha's name, didn't you? Asked Kai, " serious tone voice.

"I did...!!! This is Inuyasha, and we are only here to wake the girl up, we have no interest in the treasure here, Spoken up Kagome, honestly. 

As he looked into her eyes as he was looking right through her soul. "What is it? Asked Kagome, " freaked a little bit.

As she backed up a bit, he smiled.

"You are afraid of me? Asked Kai, " smirking. "I might be scared but I won't run and hide when my friends are in danger, you protect the Princess in the past, we've seen you before, And We came here because a spirit told Inuyasha that Serenity still waits for him, Said Kagome" seriously. 

The others also nodded their heads. As he smirked and said that she did, she did wait for him for a long time, but years have passed between them, she might still be in love with Inuyasha but does he still feel the same way, Otherwise the kiss is pointless, Say's Kai" seriously. 

As they all look at each other.

"We don't know what will happen, but all we can do is have faith, so please let us pass? Asked Inuyasha, " serious tone voice. "Please, Kai? Armon...! Asked Kagome, " pleading with such a cute face but calling him his true name. everyone else has called him Kai. because his full name is Armon Kai. Kai was his last name, but she remember him telling Serenity his actual name given to by his mother, his name was Armon. 

"How did you know my name? Asked Armon" confused. "Will you let us pass, I will explain it? Asked Kagome" willing to be open about this. As she showed such a cute face as she poses and said please.

As they both looked upon each other. Sango suspected that Kai was hitting on Kagome. As he took a deep breath and finally said, "Fine, I suppose I never could say no to a pretty girl," said Kai, " serious tone voice. 

As Kagome blushed a little bit. As Inuyasha looked between them both. "Cool it you two...!!! Said Sango" seriously.

"Well, this has just gotten weird, Say's Miroku," seriously. But then Sango suspicion was correct.

"Fine I surrender for now; I give up this fight for now...!!! So please by all means give it a chance if you can unlock the ice box first, It's keeps anyone from getting too close to her body, So unless you have the key to open it a true loves kiss wouldn't matter the spell is blocking out everything, So you have to be able to kiss her directly and the ice is blocking out that from happening so unless you can unlock it with the key to unlock the ice, You're shit out of luck,  Say's Kai" seriously. 

"Don't worry I've got this, I have faith in us yet, I have faith in the gift Serenity gave me, I know I can do it, I will wake her up, spoken up Inuyasha" believing in this more than anything. 

"Very well then go inside but only one may enter the shrine only the chosen one can enter which is you in this case, if you truly are her true love and the only one who can break the spell and wake her up then only you can enter the shrine, so go on now, you all must wait outside, Say's Kai" serious tone voice.

Inuyasha looked upon the steps and then back at the others.

"It's alright, go, we will be right here waiting, Say's Kagome," giving him the courage to go.

"You can do this, it won't be so bad you have the key on you, you can do it go break this curse, Like Kagome helped freeing you from Kikyo's spell so you could break free so you could return the favor for Serenity, Say's Miroku" believing in him.

As Kai wasn't blind, he knew what he saw, and their friendship was a strong one. But the girl that sealed Inuyasha was dead or so they heard from when serenity learned the truth and then she told him all this years ago, But the only way an arrow of sealing can be undone is if the person who placed it breaks it themselves.

As he looked upon the one, they called Kagome, He knew what his eye's seen he too has seen this girl must be a reincarnation of the woman who sealed Inuyasha for in order for the spell too be broken. 

As the Cherry tree beside the shrine rained down petals and Kagome's smile gave Inuyasha the encouragement to go inside.

"We will be waiting for you here," she said to him. His friends waited there.  "You're the one who broke Inuyasha's enchantment? Asked Kai curiously. "I did, you see the truth is that I am....!!! "You the girl that was born from the same source of the same soul that sealed Inuyasha in the first place, Witch means your an Reincarnation of the woman who casted the spell upon the Princess's true love, Say's Kai" cutting her off.

"How did you know? Asked Kagome curiously. "I'm the Dragon Lord, I know a lot more than most would in your era of time, but also sensing a great Power from you, you are not of this time, are you? Asked Kai curiously. 

"Wow, he is smart, Say's Shippo!" shocked.

"No, I come from a faraway time that is yet to be born, but no I wasn't born here, I was bought back here by the Jewel of four souls, I was bought here to break it's curse upon the world and set the Priestess soul free that is trapped inside the jewel, Spoken up Kagome" honestly. 

"So, the Kikyo failed in the protecting the jewel and so the jewel passed itself too you, and now it's your burden to put an end too it's evil, Say's Kai" understanding. "Yeah, that's about right," replied Kagome, nodding her head. 

"Inuyasha's love has always been for another woman, I know that now, But it still hurts a little bit, But I know where I belong and it's not here in this world like I thought at first, Or maybe it is but not by Inuyasha's side that's for sure, After seeing through that Mirror that the Spirit showed us, And showing Inuyasha of his past with Lady Serenity, I can respect when I am beaten but also the fact that I don't know if I know what love is, Spoken up Kagome" serious tone voice.

As Kai stood up onto his feet and then went and grabbed something that was in the piles of gold behind him.

"What is he doing? Asked Shippo, " confused. "I don't know. Replied Kagome" confused.

"Kagome, why did you say that to him for? Asked Sango curiously. "What do you mean? Asked Kagome, " confused. "About you and Inuyasha? Asked Sango curiously. 

"Because it's the truth, I am fine with him moving on, I told him too, You all were listening I know you were so I don't have to explain myself, It's not love between us it's friendship true, And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't just a little jealous about his past with Her, But I know what's best for him and for me, I know that's not for us to be together, I just want to find a new path of my own that's all, Spoken up Kagome" seriously.

"I suppose she knows what's best, Sango, and I think it's about time you both settled your true feelings out into the open, Replied Miroku," agreeing.

"Me too, I will find my own path on my own time, But I hate the thought of never coming back, I know my mission is to be rid of the jewel, But what then, Say's Kagome" worried.

"I hear you; we love you too, not just Inuyasha, we'd miss you too if we could never see you again, spoke up Sango, hugging her. 

As Kai returned to their sides.

"What is that? Asked Miroku, " surprised. As Kagome stood up onto her feet from sitting on the steps. 

"It's a bow...!!! Spoken up Kagome," surprised. As she looked at the green bow with light yellow in it. "It's beautiful, Said Kagome" shocked. 

"This type of bow was crafted by many minors back in the day, It came from the finest craftsmen's ever known, Made by Elves in fact used with real gold but also this string was once used from unicorn hair that was forged in the deepest volcano fires of the world, And a elder dragon's fire ruby, So believe me you deserve it, It will help you along your journey Priestess Kagome, this last bow was given to me by her, Spoken up Kai" giving it to her. 

As Kagome took the bow and said her? "Wait you mean Serenity? Asked Kagome" curiously. "No, lady Selene...! She was the last elf I ever met or saw; she gave it to me before her journey ended and she married a mortal and left the life of war to find peace, that's the only picture I have of her as a painting, but that was her, she once fought alongside us, she was my first love, just like how Inuyasha was Serenity's first love and still is, but she loved another more than me, but I loved her, and so I held onto the bow, Said Kai" seriously.

As she looked upon the arrows and the bow and the picture on the wall. Shee didn't know he had one, he never even mentioned it to Serenity or not that got to see everything they went through most the important stuff they saw.

"I couldn't take this, I can't. I don't deserve this weapon's powers; I wouldn't even know how to handle a true bow like this one. Said Kagome, " nervous and not so sure she earned it fair and square.

"Trust me my dear you've earned it and it will help you out in tough times and even hard times when you need encouragement to help find the light too, So believe me now is the best time for taking hold of this bow it will test you but it will also help you out in battle it can help protect you, It also never misses its target believe in yourself Kagome, You will find your destiny too...!!! It will also help your powers to grow, Say's Kai" serious tone voice as he placed the bow into her hands. 

As she took hold of it into her grip. "Thank you, Kai, I don't know if I deserve it, but I will try to find the light within myself, my destiny, Replied Kagome," nodding her head.

"You will be fine and with that bow you should be able to break down any barrier possible too, Like I said it's enchanted like most of the treasure around here, But I give this gift too you too help guide you on your path you will find where you belong one day and be a proud priestess and mother one day too I believe in that, You also might be surprised that this gift might come in handy in the end of your mission once the jewel is gone, It might just help you too one day come back too this era too, Replied Kai" honestly. 

Kagome was surprised by the gift he had given to her.

"Thank you, Kai, Spoken up Kagome" happily. He nodded his head but returned to his Dragon form and took his flight about the garden's domains, keeping eyes out for other creatures that could be a threat to his new friends. 

So, what will happen next, Will Kagome be able to use these news arrows and bow, Will Inuyasha's kiss work and wake up Serenity after so long will it work? Keep reading and find out. To Be Continued.

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