All I Want for Christmas is a...

By thadelightfulone

4.8K 315 74

This is my story for my friend's 3rd Annual 25 Days of Christmas Challenge. Here is the completed story. ENJO... More

November 15-19th, Part 1
November 15-19th, Part 2
November 20th
November 21st - Part 1
November 21st - Part 2
November 21st - Part 3
November 21st - Part 4
Late Night - November 21st
November 22nd
November 24th
November 30th
December 4th
December 6th
December 14th
December 16th
December 18th - Part 1
December 18th - Part 2
December 19th - Part 1
December 19th - Part 2
December 22nd
December 25th - Part 1
December 25th - Part 2
December 26th
December 31st
Mama's Birthday

December 18th - Part 3

175 12 2
By thadelightfulone

Erik sat back and observed DeeDee as she finished her gumbo. She wiped her mouth with a napkin. They shared a smile. When it was genuine, it reached to the eyes and lifted their full cheeks. When she looked over at him, he saw the same big bright eyes behind her glasses that he always saw when looking at Miss Carrie.

He could see the familial resemblance between them now. And after seeing Miss Carrie after so many years, he could see exactly what DeeDee would look like in about 50 years. He smiled at the thought of waking up to an aged like fine wine DeeDee.

"What?" DeeDee asked.

"Huh, oh. It's nothing." Erik took a sip of his drink.

"Not true. You have been staring at me for the last five minutes."

"Ok, you caught me. I was just noticing how much you look like Miss Carrie." He set his drink down. "I don't think I would have ever put that together."

"Oh yeah, she's my twin. Or so I'm told." DeeDee shrugged, "I just see Mama so I don't pay it much attention."

"Girl, you gonna stop downplaying what I passed on to you." Miss Carrie said as she dropped off two more plates. She looked at Erik. "You still like Red Velvet?"

"Yes ma'am- Miss Carrie. You would swear I still come in here every week? How do you do that?" He pulled the plate with the red velvet cake towards him.

"There are just some people and things you remember, baby." She collected their bowls, "You need anything else?"

"I think we are good Mama." DeeDee glanced at Erik who was already shoveling bites of cake into his mouth, "Maybe one to go?"

"Sure thing, suga. I'll leave it in the kitchen, you can pick it up when you leave."

Miss Carrie left the table and DeeDee reached for her piece of 7-up pound cake. Her hand met Erik's as she tugged the plate towards her.

"Excuse me. You have your dessert." She smacked his hand, "This one is mine."

"But, I want to try some."

"Then you could ask politely."

"May I have a bite?"

DeeDee eyed him.


"Nah, you good with your cake. You don't need any more."

"Come on, Dr. DeeDee. Please." Erik pouted.

"Don't you dare."

"You gonna deprive me of some cake?"

DeeDee covered her mouth to try and stifle her giggle. Erik noticed her movements.

"Oh, you are nasty, Miss DeeDee." He brushed her hand away from the plate, "I was only talking about what is on this table."

DeeDee grabbed her cup.

Erik took his fork and cut into her piece of cake. He savored the bite, then moaned as he swallowed. "But if you are as sweet as this, then I mean I want a bite of that as well."

DeeDee choked on her iced tea.

"You good?" Erik patted her on the back. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen."

DeeDee held her hand up as she tried to get her breathing under control. It took a few moments and a short coughing fit, but she was ok. She picked up her fork and jabbed him in the hand.

"Ow, what was that for?"

"You know what that was for?" She lowered her voice, "I can't believe you said that."

"Oh, you thought I would only make those statements online or over the phone." He sat back and laughed, "Nah, this is me, sweetheart."

"I see why you wouldn't want anyone to call you Doctor anymore." She pulled the cake back in front of her. "You are awful." She tried to hide her smile.

"If you don't like it, just tell me and I'll stop." Erik turned his whole body towards her.

DeeDee picked up her fork and cut a piece, "I never said I didn't like it." She popped the bite into her mouth and licked the end of the fork.

Erik's eyes went wide and he picked up his drink, "You better stop that."

"Or what?"

He took a sip and put his glass down. "If we were anywhere else, I would make you pay for that."

"Pay me back? I am only giving you a taste of your own medicine." She waved the fork at him, "You are a walking tease. Do people know this about you?"

"It is only meant for certain people to see or know." Erik winked at her.

DeeDee's cheeks heated up at his comment and she looked away from him.

"Exactly. So, as long as you know where you stand -- you getting all this attention, girl."

"I see that." DeeDee closed her eyes.

Erik grabbed her hand in both of his. "DeeDee, look at me."

She turned towards him.

"If I am coming on too strong, you'll let me know, right?" He caressed the top of her hand, "I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

DeeDee nodded at him, "We wouldn't be here, if I was. Trust, I kind of knew you were a handful and much more comfortable being so -" she waved her free hand, "open than me. But I do enjoy that part." She maneuvered her hand so that she could hold his. "I like the simple, too."

"I'll dial it back," he squeezed her hand, "for now."

Erik licked his lips at her and DeeDee shook her head at him.

She reached for his fork and cut another piece of her cake and fed it to him.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."


Erik watched as DeeDee left the table to go to the kitchen.

"So, my great-grandbaby, huh?" Miss Carrie's smiling voice came from beside him.

"She is wonderful."

"That she is. But you know what I mean."

Erik nodded, "She found the note, Miss Carrie."

"NO. Really?" She slid into the booth beside him.

"It's actually how we met."

"I thought you said Quis introduced you two."

"She went in search of the note writer and it led her to Quis. He told me someone was looking for me for my expertise. Then I get this email from DeeDee telling me she found my note in the textbook."

"Well, I'll be. Who would have thought? You finally put into words what you wanted, and she showed up."

"Yeah, who would have thought." He wrapped his arm around her, "So, how are you? Are things ok?"

She tapped the hand on her shoulder, "I'm fine baby. Things have picked up again and I have been able to expand a bit." She sighed, "I never did thank you for helping me out."

"It's not necessary. I couldn't let anything happen to this place. It's home."

"Home. But you never come and visit?"

"I deserve that. Quis got on me for that, too."

"Had you visited," she looked straight ahead at DeeDee, "You would have found her a lot sooner."

Erik laughed, "But I don't think I would have been ready for her. Not like I am now."

"Good answer." Miss Carrie stood up, "Hey baby, you get all that I set aside?"

"Mama, I just said some extra cake." She held up two bags of food. "You gave the man a whole meal including an entire cake."

"And he will still be back in here before he leaves. What's your point?"

"Did I , at least, get some slices of cake?"

"Yup, it's the container on top of his cake."

"So, what's the damage?" Erik pulled out his wallet.

"Boy, if you think," Miss Carrie pulled out her spoon. "You both are asking for it."

"You heard the lady. Let's go before we both get beat." DeeDee leaned over and gave her great grandmother a kiss. "See you soon, Mama."

"Alright baby. You two, be safe." She hugged her, "And congratulations, Dr. Chabert."

DeeDee smiled, "Thank you, Mama."

Erik grabbed DeeDee's purse, stood up, and gave Miss Carrie a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Thank you again, Miss Carrie."

"You know you are always welcome here. Now, don't be a stranger and come see me before you go back to California."

"Yes ma'am."

Erik let DeeDee walk ahead of him as they headed towards the front of the restaurant.

Miss Carrie watched as they left and stuck her hands in the pocket of her apron. She shook her head and pulled the cash out, "That damn boy."


They arrived back at DeeDee's apartment. Erik carried all the bags inside as DeeDee opened the door.

"Do you want me to keep your food? I know that little mini fridge ain't gonna cut it."

"Yeah, you right. But that's not why I want to keep it here."

He followed DeeDee into the kitchen.

She looked at him as she removed all the containers from the bags.

"You don't need a reason to come over, if you just ask."

Erik stood back as DeeDee laid everything on the counter. "Is that red beans and rice?" He reached for it.

She slapped his hand, "Stop that." She moved it away from him, "You would eat all this food tonight, if you could."

"Yeah, I would." He looked down. "It's been a long time since I have had some good southern cooking. And your great-grandma's is the BEST!!!"

"Oh, you can let that shit go now."

"Oooop, did I hit a nerve Little Miss DeeDee?" He walked around the island to stand beside her.

"Shooo," DeeDee stood in front of the fridge. "Let me put this all away. I don't trust you not to do something."

"Wow, really? I was just gonna help you."

She pointed to the other side of the island, "You had a perfect view from over there."

"So, you are gonna shake a lil something for me?"

DeeDee shook her head and picked up some food containers and put them in her fridge. She stood up straight the whole time while reorganizing items inside to make room for the new ones. She turned around and saw Erik posted on the island, just watching her.

"What, man?"

"You, woman."

DeeDee stopped moving the food to her fridge.

"I'm sorry. I can't help it. You're finally in front of me." He used his hands to outline her, "In all your glory. I just can't believe you have been hiding from me."

"Excuse you. But I was not hiding from you. You just happened to see me in my normal everyday attire."

"Hoodies and yoga pants or sweats?" Erik crossed his arms over his chest, "The lies."

"Nope, that is my normal clothes around the house. We all don't run around wearing nothing just because we live alone."

"One time and you won't let me live."

"Absolutely not." She leaned back on the fridge, "I was minding my little business and made the decision to give you a call. Only for you to visually assault me when you answered."

"Visual assault? That's cute. Especially when I could see the flush on your face when you came back on screen." He dropped his arms, "Tell me I'm lying."

"Listen, I was not expecting to see all of that. Just your face and shoulders max, ya know." She moved forward and hip checked him, "Excuse me, I need to put this away."

Erik barely moved from the bump, but he side-stepped out of her way. "Well, can I at least have another piece of cake before you put it away?"

"Yeah, the desserts are still on the counter." DeeDee reached up for a plate. "Here you go. The utensils are over there." She pointed to the other side, near the stove.

Erik took the plate and opened the container with some 7-up cake inside. He grabbed a fork and put a piece on his plate. He closed it up and moved behind the counter.

DeeDee finished up putting away the food and took out a small container. She grabbed another plate and a bowl. She went to the sink, dumped the container and rinsed it off. Then she turned back to the counter, and grabbed a slice of cake.

"Of course, you took some of mine." DeeDee dumped some raspberries on her plate and set the bowl down.

"I thought what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine?"

"We aren't there yet."

"Yet? So, you see it too?"

DeeDee stuffed her mouth with cake and fruit, then shrugged.

"Alright, you gonna answer that one of these days." Erik took his plate to the sink and washed it off.

He watched her continue to eat, and popped a few raspberries into his mouth. He looked at his watch.

"So, what time am I picking you up to go to the Christmas Festival tomorrow?"

DeeDee swallowed and set her fork down, "Oh, I always meet Dr. O and his family at his place then we carpool from there."

"Always, huh?"

"Yeah, it's been a tradition for the last few years since a lot of my cousins thought they were too old to go. I ran into them one year and joined them."

"That's sweet." He walked over to her. "So, then I guess I will see you tomorrow at Marquis'."

DeeDee inhaled his scent as he moved in close. "Yeah, tomorrow." She took his hand and walked him to her door. "Thank you for tonight. I had a great time."

He swung their hands together, "I'm glad to hear that. I'm here until next Saturday, so maybe we can do it again."

"Just say you want to see my great-grandma again, next time." She pouted.

He dragged his thumb against her bottom lip, "What did I tell you about pouting?"

"You don't like when I do it."

"No, you don't have to do that around me." He lifted her chin so that she looked directly at him. "I can see Miss Carrie at any time. Besides, Dr. Bell's retirement, I am here for you, DeeDee."

She closed her eyes.

"I know you know that." He removed his hand from her chin and grabbed her other hand.

"I do."

"So, understand that I am trying to spend as much time as I possibly can with you." He rubbed the backs of her hands, "Okay?"

DeeDee slowly opened her eyes, "Yeah. I understand."

"I'll let you know when I get back to my hotel." He leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. "Good night."

He released her hands to open the door, and left.

DeeDee walked over to her chair and dropped into it. "Is this what love feels like?"

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