254 45 211

"I knew I shouldn't have believed you" "I tried to protect you and your family" "You are a liar like everyone... More

Author's apology


13 4 2

"Good morning Blaire Bear; it's your d-day" Caitlin said smiling opening the curtains in Blaire's room.

"Good morning Caitlin; what is the time?" she rubbed her eyes sitting up

"It's fifteen minutes to seven and you are supposed to report to work before going for your duty" she said to her sister

"Oh no! Why did I over-sleep today of all days?" she asked and ran into the bathroom asking Caitlin to pass her a towel.

After her bath she dressed hurriedly and carried her luggage rushing down the stairs before Ashton came to her aid, she muttered thanks and they moved to his car while their parents hugged her.

"Take care Blaire, do not forget to call us" Caitlin said and Ashton drove off.

On getting to her work she hugged Ashton so tight he squirmed and told her to release him. They said their byes and Ashton left for work.

She signed in and asked Cassie if the director was in and she nodded.
"Thank you Cassie."

"Good morning sir," Blaire greeted the director

"Good morning Blaire, you may go I just wanted to ensure you do not go late and I hope the address of the place has been sent to you." he ensured

"Yes sir," she said and he dismissed her
Blaire went to the reception and bided Cassie farewell "Do not miss me too much." she teased

"I won't one bit, now off you go because you are getting late."


On getting to the house Blaire knocked and was attended to by the gate keeper "How may I help you ma'am?" he asked harshly

"Good morning sir, I am here for the post of a house keeper" Blaire said

"Oh, so you are the new maid" the man answered harshly

"Yes sir"

"Let me contact the woman in charge" he picked up the land line phone

"Beatrice, a lady is here and said she is the new maid. What is your name?"

"Blaire sir,"

"Her name is Blaire; okay I will let her in"

"Thank you sir" she said, earning a nod from the man. The gate suddenly opened as the man pressed a button not far from him. She entered with her luggage and followed the man; she was amazed at the size of the house but she kept a straight face.

On getting to the entrance of the house she met a woman who she assumed to be Beatrice and bowed greeting her

"You are late!" Beatrice shouted

"I am sorry ma" she pleaded earning a scowl from Beatrice

"I wonder who goes late to a new job on the first day." she scoffed making Blaire feel so bad.

"Anyway, I am Beatrice, the head of the house keepers."

"Now let us go inside," she said ushering Blaire inside the house "The owners of this house have two children who live here and they are Nathan and Natalia Smith. I will warn you not to cross paths with Nathan or you will see what he will do to you. Am I clear?"

"Yes ma'am," she bowed earning a scowl from Beatrice

"Also the sir of this house does not condone laziness and-"

"Who is this Beatrice?" Robert Smith interrupted

"Good morning sir, this is the new maid."

"You are the new maid. We have been expecting; you were meant to resume at 7'o clock and this is 7: 30." he was explaining when Natalia joined them in the living room.

"Good morning father, Aunt Beatrice. Who is this father?" Natalia interrupted making her father angry at her

"Talia, this is not the time for questions; you can ask your questions once I am done." her father reprimanded

"As I was saying Miss -"

"Blaire Willows sir"

"Yes Miss Willows, please do not forget all I just told you so that you would not lose your job" he warned and went to his car driving off

"Now Miss Willows your duty is to take care of the house and ensuring everything is in order at all times. Let me show you around so you can resume your duty." Beatrice said taking her into the living room to the kitchen then upstairs

"I will warn you not to enter Nathan's room or you will face his wrath. Every member of this family has someone cleaning their room already so you just take care of mostly the living room and other places"

"Aunt Beatrice is she the new maid?" Natalia interrupted again

"Yes she is; this is Natalia the younger of the two children" Beatrice pointed out

"Good morning Natalia," Blaire greeted earning a smile from Natalia

"Morning, I hope we'll be wonderful friends." Suddenly a shadow was casted on them and this made Blaire who had guessed it was Nathan nervous.

"Natalia you are not going to be friends with her, am I clear?" Nathan said before scowling at Blaire "Let us go downstairs now!" he said tugging at her arm

"I'm coming." she followed. When they got downstairs Natalia shouted "I am not a baby Nathan; so you better don't try to boss me around now just because of what-"

"Shut up Talia! I expected you to be wiser than this." Nathan shouted making Natalia burst into tears.

"Nathan you do not need to shout at your sister, try to take things lightly with her" Beatrice said to him while Blaire watched all that was happening in surprise and she reminded herself not to cross paths with Nathan Smith

"Blaire I want you to go the dining room and assist the cook in setting the table" Beatrice ordered

Blaire who remembered the place immediately bowed and moved leaving angry Nathan and Beatrice alone in the living room.

Upstairs in Natalia's room her mother came to console her "Natalia don't be angry with your brother, he doesn't just trust that new maid to disclose all that is happening; she can be a spy for all we know" Gloria said

"I know but he never shouts at me, I was so sad and scared." she said as her mother hugged her

"Sorry my lovely baby, we won't give him dinner." she joked making Natalia smile.

"He will come begging me and I will not heed to his pleading." they hit their palms together laughing.

They moved down stairs with confidence smiling at each other.

"Good morning Ma'am." Beatrice greeted and turned to Natalia "Talia I want to apologize on Nathan's behalf please forgive his harshness."

"Aunt Bea you call that-" Nathan started but was quieted by Beatrice who raised her hand

"As I was saying Talia do not mind Nate, you understand all that is going on that is why he is been skeptical." she persuaded

"Thank you Aunt Bea; now for you my very stubborn brother, if you want me to forgive you, it will take a trip to the mall over the weekend." she said smiling making Nathan scowl "Okay no problem, I will take that as a yes!" she said childishly folding her arms

"Talia I'm sorry, I should not have shouted at you. Please forgive me and I will take you to the mall" he said making puppy eyes

"It is settled then," she said and hugged Nathan making Beatrice and Gloria smile at their childishness

"Both of you never cease to amaze me." Gloria sighed

"The cook is done serving the food." Blaire said all of a sudden making everyone turn to her

"Oh, are you the new maid?" Gloria asked and Blaire nodded

"I am Blaire Willows ma'am" Nathan scowled at her making Blaire squirm.

"Let us go have breakfast; Nate, are you not late for work?"

"I am taking today off" he explained making Natalia smile and he turned to her "I do not plan on taking you out today Talia so don't dream of ice-cream" he teased

"Natie!" she smirked

"We are back to that now right? Talia Sweetie will you pass me the sauce" he smirked

"No, I won't pass you the sauce until you apologize Natie" she said again making Blaire who has been watching them chuckle.

This spiked Nathan and he shouted at her "Is this a cinema? Get out of this room and find something doing"

Blaire scurried away almost bumping into the cook who was entering with a chocolate cake.

"I'm sorry" she mumbled

'I wonder when all this will end, when it has not even started. I don't know why Nathan Smith is like that. I better keep quiet and go about my work to find out the truth'

"Miss Willows please come here." Beatrice called for her and she walked to where the woman was standing bowing her head.

"I want you to go to the living room now and clean it because- Just clean it" she ordered and Blaire went to the kitchen to ask for a vacuum cleaner.

When she got the vacuum cleaner she went back to the living room and cleaned the rug; while she was cleaning Gloria came to her and commended her before going upstairs.

"Mother I'm off to Delight's house." Natalia shouted from the stairs

"Okay don't stay away for too long okay?" Gloria informed her

"Yes mother."

"Talia don't forget to go with Blake" Nathan shouted from nowhere causing Natalia to groan

"Do I have to? I don't want a bodyguard trotting after me. I won't have my freedom." she shouted

"You either go with Blake or you don't go at all." Nathan replied coming to the living room from the dining

"Okay, okay I'll go with Blake." she said in defeat

"Go back to your work Miss Willows." Nathan ordered the maid who was staring

"I'm sorry sir." Blaire said and continued with her work and Nathan went upstairs to his room

When he got to his room he called his P.A. and asked her to send him some files so he could work from home.

While working a call interrupted his work
"Who's this" he asked

"I'm your worst enemy bro; I think it's high time you leave that project or I will put your company in more trouble"

"You better get off my phone or you'll see the worst of me too, stranger" he shouted

"You still have not changed Nathan Smith"

"Does a leopard change its skin?" No answer "I guess not and I don't want you calling my phone again" he said and ended the call.

After ending the call he called Aaron who picked on the third ring

"Yo, bro!"

"Good morning Aaron, I need your help"

"Hey, hey do not give me the formal Nathan or I'm not helping you with nothing"

"Ronnie" he teased

"Don't Ronnie me okay Natie."

"You too?!"

"Did Natalia call you that again?" He said laughing
"Hm, hm"

"Okay I'm sorry Nate so what do up need my help for?"

"A strange number just called me, telling me to stop the project we're doing and I shut him up. I want you to look into it and find the owner of the number. I just sent you the voice record and the number; check your e-mail."

"Okay no problem. I've Seen the mail, I will start working on it now."

"Thanks in advance bro,"

"That is what I'm here for; the real Nathan Alexander Smith is back." Aaron teased and ended the call

"That guy never seems to amaze me." Nathan said to himself and continued with his work.


I hope you enjoy this chapter. ❤

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