Emperor in Hell (Hazbin hotel...

By thehawkzenman66

63.7K 380 418

After the DBS broly movie Frieza (Y/N) is invading a planet but suddenly he gets infected by the virus with n... More

Frieza (Y/N) bio
meeting the rulers of hell
meet the Hazbin crew
frieza (Y/N) vs the Doom slayer
getting to know the crew
Hazbin hotel pilot + Christmas special
ok i have finally decided
wolfku's inner conflict
just a meme
a date with the hellhound
The Father of all sayain's is coming part 1
The Father of all saiyan's is coming part 2
spending time with everyone and Loona
The Emperor's proposal
The real devil shows himself
Thanks for reading
wolfku gets kidnapped by umm who is she again?
Katie killjoy roasts the DOOMSLAYER
valentine's day (special)
wait what snow in hell?!!!
part 2 is out!!
Frieza (Y/N) has some new powers!!!

The wedding(Final chapter)

696 3 2
By thehawkzenman66

*1 year after Lucifer Morningstar attacked also Frieza (Y/N) POV*

(Also Chalies redemption idea came true in this story so the Extermination stopped also the wedding is about to start Hazbin hotel Lucifer is Frieza (Y/N)'s best man and Loona's maid of honor is Charlie.)

God I'm so nervous this is the wedding for me and Loona after all everyone from my realm and this realm are here after all.

Hazbin Lucifer:"hey hey it's ok I was nervous on my wedding to it's a natural thing also I say that she will find you cute in that suit."

Frieza (Y/N):"shut up."

Now he just laughs.


Also did I forget to mention that the god of this universe is the justice of peace in this wedding.

(Yep that's him oh also frieza (Y/N) can go back to his final form again but I just made him stay in his golden form because he wouldn't survive in this universe in only his final form.)

Now the music starts(the wedding music just so you know) and here comes my to be wife Loona and damn she looks beautiful.

(I couldn't find a picture of her in a wedding dress so there you go.)

Now she gets to me and we are looking at each other now God is talking.

God:"we are all brought here today for these 2 beautiful souls now do anyone of you have something to say to each other before we start?"

Loona:"I do."

Huh what does she have to say to me?

Loona:"(Y/N) before I meet you i used to be the worst person around just treating everyone very badly but when i first layed my eyes on you you made my soul feel better like I actually belong here and that I have a reason to exist and ever since then I never acted the way I used to and I thank you for that."

That is beautiful wait is god crying.

God:"that was beautiful ok."

(Let's just say they already have there rings on.)

God:"Loona do you take Frieza (Y/N) as your lovely holy and unholy husband?"(I'm making him say these things because hes god what do you expect.)

Loona:"I do."

God:"and Frieza (Y/N) do you take Loona as your lovely holy and unholy wife?"

Frieza (Y/N):"I do."

God:"and now by the power vested within me you are now husband and wife.you may kiss the bride."

Now we both kissed and a new song plays.

Everyone is cheering and clapping for us except Frost because I killed his stupid butt before this even started.

(Frieza (Y/N) may be the last of his race but he is the greatest and the best of his race ever.)

*timeskip(why you may wonder well you will see)*

Now me and Loona are giving gifts to each other I gave her a cake with us on it and it read "greatest Emperor and empress ever".

Frieza (Y/N):"I wasn't the only one who made it Lucifer and blitz helped me."

She looks at them and says thank you.

Loona:"now open yours."

I open it and it's a (I don't remember what there called) and it reads positive.

Frieza (Y/N):"does this mean what I think it means?"

Loona:"yes it does."


Frieza (Y/N):"we are going to be parents."

Loona:"what do you think we should name them?"

Frieza (Y/N):"how about Foxy."

Loona:"ah a name from FNAF I like that name."

Frieza (Y/N):"Foxy it is then."

*narrator's POV*

And now everyone has a happy ending and now not only did Frieza (Y/N) get married he will also be a father now thehawkzenman66 thanks you for reading.


I thank everyone for reading this story and I hope everyone loves this story and that's the end of this story and basically there child foxy is actually foxy from FNAF but now if you want to then go check out my other stories now I'm not sure if Alastor says this but THATS ALL FOLKS.

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