Love in Relationship (LHR 2 s...

By GoodnessShadrach

58.7K 1.5K 138

"I can give you what you want but in my condition, people are going to talk and you know how I value my reput... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven

Chapter eight

11.7K 255 80
By GoodnessShadrach

Michael grabbed the handrails as he slowly but gently takes each step, he was sweating profusely and was breathing heavily, with each step he took, his hands tightened on the handrails and his brows creased tightly. The gentle voice of Dr. Cage urging him on while he stood behind him, ready to grab him should he lose his balance.

"That's it. That's it. One more step. You are getting it. You are getting it. Go on, keep trying. You can do it. Good work, now one more. That's it. You are doing great. Marvelous" Dr. Cage kept praising and urging him with each step he took.

Michael let series of hard breathing escaped through his mouth, beads of sweat forming on his forehead and soaking his body and the hospital cloth he was putting on. He took one step and stopped, panting, his eyes closed as he tried to endure the pains that surged from his waist down to his feet, he licked his lips and slowly opened his eyes while shaking his head softly "I can't go on" he breathed out.

"No, no, no it's okay, you have tried for today. That's twenty steps, amazing" Dr. Cage praised and helped him sit on his wheelchair, he handed him a towel which Michael took and dabbed at his face and neck, he was still breathing heavily when Dr. Cage wheeled him to his locker to change into his clothes before wheeling him out to meet Gary.

Gary rushed to Michael when he saw him, he took over wheeling him from Dr. Cage after muttering "thank you" to him. They got outside to their car and while opening the door he asked Michael "where to boss, home or office?"

"Home" Michael answered as Gary helped him into the car. Gary shut the door and quickly got in the driver's seat before driving off.

Michael watched Gary through the barricade in the car, he could sense there was something wrong with his expression but he can't name it. He wanted to leave him be but his curiosity got the best of him "what's wrong with you?"

"Huh?" Gary looked like he had been called out of his thoughts, he glanced at Michael at the backseat briefly before putting his eyes back on the road "nothing boss, I'm good."

Michael remained silent and spoke after a while "we have been together for nearly eleven years, don't think I won't know when something is troubling you or is it because I act like I don't care a times?"

"That's it boss, when did you start caring?" Gary looked at him briefly again with a faint smile just in time to see Michael roll his eyes.

"Well forgive me for caring, I won't bother myself anymore."

Gary chuckled softly and heaved a sigh "I'm happy you are caring, at least it shows that you are still human" he took the time to joke with him.

"What the?" Michael leaned forward and passed his hand through the barricade to give him a knock but Gary saw his action through the rear mirror and dodged the sneak attack, laughing. Michael withdrew his hand and straightened his suit before asking "how is she today?"

Hearing the question, Gary's smile vanished and he looked troubled again like he really wants to say something but don't know how. Michael saw through his difficulties and asked again "what's wrong? Did something happen?" 

Gary contemplated over telling him and decided to just let it off his system "boss, mistress" he sighed "mistress visited her lawyer today" he glanced at Michael through the rear mirror to see his action.

Michael's heart missed a beat when he heard 'lawyer' but he didn't let his fear show as he asked "what for?" Even though his heart was already pointing at something but he didn't want to believe it.

Gary bit his lips as he answered "she is filing a divorce."

Michael felt a lump grow in his throat, he swallowed to push it down but it didn't budge, he sucked in a deep breath and looked out through the window, he felt his eyes sting as his vision blurred. His heart grew heavy and he felt alone, the little happiness he has been getting for the past few days of watching her smile while picking up his flowers and reading his notes vanished without a trace and he felt so cold that he shivered, he tried to speak but opening his mouth caused the tears which were already forming in his eyes to drop and he reached up his hand to cover his mouth immediately while he fought to get a hold of himself.

Gary watched everything through the rear mirror and his heart ached for him, he knew his boss will be seriously affected should he learn of his mistress recent action. These past few days have left the boss really happy, he has finally opened his heart for the mistress again and he is working really hard on himself just to walk again in order to go get her back only for her to be filing a divorce even before he started working properly. A month was all it needed for the boss to work on his own again, why didn't mistress have a little more patient?

Vanessa waved at Sasha when she saw her walked into the restaurant. She smiled when she saw her walking up to her, she stood up from her seat and gave her a warm hug "oh my dear."

"Mom I have missed you" Sasha said in her embrace, she released her and smiled "it's been so long."

"That's because you forgot all about me, you don't call, you don't visit, you don't do anything. You just...forgot me" Vanessa complained.

"No mom, I didn't" they both sat down "it's just..." Sasha sighed "I don't know what to say to you, I mean" she shrugged "knowing how much you want me to be with Michael and how he is not even doing anything, I don't know..." She was lost for words and Vanessa grabbed her hands on the table in hers and smiled.

"Hey, I understand you" she smiled "I wouldn't know what to say to me either" she chuckled before heaving a deep sigh "I really wish..." She stopped herself and looked at Sasha with a sweet smile "but no matter how it ends, I wish you always find happiness in whatever you do."

"Thank you" Sasha returned the smile "so what do you want to eat, my treat this time."

"Oh" Vanessa chuckled "guess I have to look at the menu first" she picked up the menu on the table and flipped through it, she called for the waiter after and laid down her orders, Sasha did the same and the waiter jotted down their orders in his note before leaving.

"I visited my lawyer today" Sasha said when the waiter left.

Vanessa heaved a sigh and nodded "I expected that, after all, the two months we agreed on is over."

Sasha nodded "I would have reconsidered if I had saw him only once or if he had called me but" she shook her head "he did none which is a silent way of telling me that he don't care. I can't keep waiting on him, he doesn't want me, he doesn't care whether I leave or stayed" tears formed in her eyes and she blinked to clear her vision "I just don't know, does our marriage mean nothing to him, don't he want to make it work? I must admit when I left, I wanted him to come for me, to find me but" she blinked again and again to clear the tears from her eyes "two months, two whole months without a single call from him."

Vanessa grabbed her hands again and squeezed "there, there."

"What I'm I to him? A piece of trash he can pick whenever he wants and throw away whenever he wants? Don't he forget, I was on my own and he asked to marry me. Yes I have been in love with him since highschool but I hid my emotions well, my feelings went through unnoticed throughout the time in school" Sasha was angry and raised her voice with each sentence she make, though the tears and pain was there but so was the anger "I dated his best friend just so to be closed to him but then they had a fight just the day we started dating.

I didn't break up with Sean when I found out he lied to me because I was hoping he and Michael will sort their differences and I don't want to be gone when that happen but unfortunately it never happened and then he graduated and left school. I wanted to talk to him during prom day but who knew he wouldn't even show up and the next I knew, he was out of the country. Although I missed him and I really want to be with him but I didn't left my feelings show and just when I was about getting over him, he came along with a proposal to marry me and then this?" She wiped away her tears with the back of her hand, her eyes red and angry.

"First he started with his stupid rules and then he helped me that day at the mall. He filled his walk-in closet with ladies wears that I am not even allowed to touch. I didn't complain, I didn't make an issue out of it, all because I wanted the marriage to work, I did everything, all because I wanted him to love me. Then one night he came home drugged, we made love and he put all the blame on me, I didn't complain, I didn't fight. Seven months we lived in the same house but he never talked to me, I didn't complain, I didn't fight. I stayed with him.

Everyday I rush to be the first to get home so that I will make dinner but none did he touch, I wake up every morning to make breakfast but he will just walk past me without even glancing at the dinning nor looking at me to work everyday. I didn't complain, I didn't leave!" She wiped her tears fiercely, she was losing it.

Vanessa was worried, she tried to calm her down but Sasha was angry and hurt at the same time, she just kept throwing out her grievances to absolutely no one and Vanessa decided to let her cry out her heart pains, she stopped the waiter from approaching the table in order to not embarrass Sasha "he left the damn country without telling me and I stayed up all night waiting for him after leaving early from work to prepare a candlelight dinner in oder to apologize for doing absolutely nothing wrong!" She covered her face and sobbed, she looked up again with tear filled eyes "he had an accident, I was ready to stay with him to take care of him but he chose a nurse over me and just to avoid me from helping him, he had all those tables constructed and sets his alarm to wake him up.

And then as a woman that I am, I decided to test my husband's love for me, I left home and in the two months I left home, my stupid God forsaken husband didn't even call to know how I'm doing!" She shouted and sobbed at the same time, she took a deep breath and calmed herself down "my only regret now is why I didn't divorce him sooner, I should have known this wasn't going to work, I shouldn't have accepted this marriage in the first place, I shouldn't have let myself get close to him, I should have kept on believing he was gay and there is no way for us to be together, then this, this wouldn't have happened, I wouldn't have been broken like this."


"I don't ever want to see him, I don't want to have anything to do with him in my life ever again" she sobbed "he has hurt me more than I can bear and I want nothing more but to be free from this marriage" she looked at Vanessa "I'm sorry but I don't want to be with him anymore, I don't want to see him anymore."

"I understand" Vanessa stood up from her seat and walked closer to her, she hugged her head to her chest and comforted her "it's all my fault, I shouldn't have suggested this marriage, I shouldn't have shown your picture to him, all these wouldn't have happened if I hadn't decided to find a wife for him, I'm so sorry my dear. Would you ever forgive me?"

Sasha hugged Vanessa's waist and sobbed. Vanessa pats her hair to comfort her, after a while she asked "should I send you my lawyer? I will have him divide all his assets for you."

Sasha shook her head "I don't want anything from him, I just want to leave him. I want this divorce done as soon as possible, I don't want to have anything linking me to him anymore."

"It's alright. When will the papers be sent to him?"

"Kevin said in less than a week" she sniffed "I'm sorry mom, I know you really want this marriage to work but I don't want anymore, I don't want to be married to him anymore."

"Sh, I understand. Don't apologize, my son is the one who doesn't deserve you and my heart ached that you had to go through all these pains in his hands, I just hope you will forgive my Brown family this time for imposing this pain on you. I am truly sorry."

Michael was in his study when a knock came and Gary walked in, he was carrying a stack of documents and snappily walked to place them on the desk. Michael watched all his actions without uttering a single word. Gary sighed as he searched through the small tower of documents and pulled out one which he handed to him.

Michael lazily stretched out his hand and took the document, he lazily flip through it and froze when he saw the heading 'Divorce papers' he looked at Gary immediately who sighed and then shrugged before saying "it was brought to the office this morning."

Michael nodded and his hand shook before he closed the papers "I'm not signing it."

"Boss, the lawyer said that mistress hope you will sign it as soon as possible."

"I'm not signing it!" Michael snapped, he looked at Gary "you know everything, how can you ask me to sign it?"

"But you sitting here and saying you are not signing it is not going to help the matter, you need to do something."

"Put the lawyer off his work" Michael ordered. 

Gary sighed "boss, this is a matter of the law. If one spouse wants to end the marriage, the other has no right to refuse."

"But I can't, I can't sign it. I know I was wrong but I'm trying to change, I'm trying to make everything right" he looked pained "I want her back not to lose her for good, our marriage is the only way I can have her back and you are asking me to lose it?"

"Then do the right thing. If you really want her back, do what you should have done a long time a go" Gary said and Michael looked at him "go to her."

"I can't. I haven't start walking firmly."

"That's the thing, you keep on waiting till when you start walking to approach her and you forget that she is a human and everyday that passes that she doesn't see you or hear from you makes her wonder if she is doing the right thing by waiting for you."

Michael closed his eyes and sighed "then I will call her."

"It's too late for that now" Gary said "she won't listen to you over the phone now, no woman will" he sighed "you need to go to her. If you really want her back like you claim, then meet her, let her see you and if she is still having a double mind, she will reconsider. Boss, it's time you start doing things in the way that is acceptable, no more stalking, no more relying on Fish or I or anybody else to bring you information on her. If you want her back like you say, then you have to let her see that, you have to show her. No more pride, for once in your life, let it down and get the woman of your dreams."

Michael heaved a deep sigh as he let Gary's words sink in before nodding "fine, I will go to her."

Gary smiled "that's the first step."

Michael sat in his car, he watched the all too familiar silhouette getting into the house, he heaved a deep sigh as his heartbeat increased, he looked beside him at the contract lying on the seat, will she listen to him because of it? Is she still interested in it? She couldn't have loose her interest already, it's only been two months right? After all, she married him at first because of it.

But she still left, a voice said in his head, yes, yes she did and that's his biggest regret now, he shouldn't have let her go, he should have stopped her that day, he should have asked her to stay, but would she have? He can't even tell. He took a deep breath again and pressed on the intercom to call on his driver "help me get down."

It wasn't up to a minute and the car door was opened, his wheelchair was before him and Gary helped him to sit on it. Michael looked at him and Gary nodded a go ahead for him. Michael could feel his heartbeat thumping loudly in his chest, he is nervous, yes, he has not seen anyone that could make him nervous, there is absolutely no one who can, except her, only her.

"Get it for me" he told Gary who picked up the contract and handed it to him, the weather was still cold, after all, it's still just March. He took in a deep breath and let it out slowly again, many times he had tried to approach her since she left but always stop himself halfway, but he should, if he really wants her back, he has to meet her, to talk to her.

He still can't believe it, it's been only two months and she already sent him the divorce papers, he thought she said they were only separating for a while, why do she want to divorce him already? He can't tell and he is certainly not going to let it happen, he really want her back and this time, he is going to try his best to settle their differences.

True, she hurt him really bad in the past, uncountable times, but he has been wrong, he shouldn't have let their past encounter to affect their marriage, the only opportunity they had to make things work between them. He had been wrong, that he already know, and now he wish of nothing but a second chance to do the right thing, a second chance to save his marriage, he only wish heaven is on his side and that she will listen and grant him this favor.

Gary wheeled him to the porch of the house, he pressed the doorbell and shifted aside to give them room to talk. Michael could hear the sound of approaching footsteps inside and gulped, trying really hard to steady his fast beating heart. The door swung open a second later to reveal Sasha's face, her face revealed shock when she saw the man at her doorstop before slowly covering up in anger.

"Why are you here?" She asked coldly.

"I came to talk to you" Michael answered carefully.

"I don't want to talk to you."

"That's...well" he licked his lips and gulped, he searched for what to say but ended up with nothing, he picked up the contract from his lap and showed it to her "I think you need to sign this. It will be starting very soon" he stared at her intently, not knowing what else to say, he was actually lost for words in her presence.

Sasha stared at the contract in his hands, she really still want it but she just don't want anything to do with him again, this past two months in her life has been hell and she has finally decided to get over him or so she thought but she is definitely not going to let him play with her heart again "I don't want it anymore. You can give it to anybody you want."

Michael bit his lips at that "but I have been keeping it for you" he mumbled but she still heard him, her heart missed a beat at that, no Sasha, don't grow soft.

"Mr Brown, I think you are forgetting something here. We are no longer together and I really wish you can do me one last favor" he looked at her "sign the divorce papers."

"Do you really want that?" Michael asked after a few seconds silent.

"Nothing will make me happier" she replied casually.

"I think I will put it off for a while, we still need sometime to decide."

"There is nothing to decide, I just want my freedom."

"Don't you think you are making a decision so fast?"

"I have always been fast with making a decision" she replied coldly "I will be waiting to hear from you through my lawyer, now if you will excuse me, I have something to do" she turned to walk back inside but Michael grabbed her wrist to stop her.

"Sasha" he called softly and she froze, if she is to calculate it, this, in all the years she has known him, is the first time she was hearing him say her name and it sounded so beautiful coming from him, she turned to look at him but he had his head bent and slowly he raised his head to look at her "I can give you what you want but in my condition, people are going to talk and you know how much I value my reputation. But let me give you a proposition, the doctor said I will be able to walk again in three months time, come home with me and stay and after three months, I will sign the divorce papers."

Both Sasha and Gary was shocked, Gary never knew his boss will result to that means but literally, it seems his mistress has already made up her mind to leave him.

Michael's heart was beating loudly in his chest, he gulped as he waited for her answer while he prayed that she will agree.

Sasha stared at him and let out a sigh, he is right though, if they are to divorce now that he is still in a wheelchair, people will talk and his family being an all too well known family, it will really affect them. But she really don't want to be with him anymore, and going back to his home where she will have to see him everyday might reignite her feelings, she thought. She looked at Michael who was still waiting for her answer and sighed, she can do this, it's just three months, once he starts walking, she is out of his home, she won't even spend one more day.

"I will think on it" she said but then sighed again, why drag the issue if she will still agree after all, he said he will only sign the papers after he starts walking again, why don't she agree to everything and be done with it as soon as possible? "Fine, I accept on one condition."

Michael's heart rejoiced when he heard her answer "what condition?"

"Should you walk before the three months is over, you will sign the papers."

Michael was silent as he thought on it, well it's better than nothing "I accept."

"Fine, then we have a deal" Sasha agreed.

Michael really wanted to hug her but he shouldn't rush things now, he had three months to win her heart, if only she will be like she was before then it won't be too difficult, he sighed and still let a faint smile grace his lips "when will I be picking you up?"

"I will come on my own time, besides, you will be too busy to pick me up" Sasha said sarcastically.

Michael grew silent, well she is right, if it was him before, he will really be too busy to pick her up or that would have been his excuse but things has changed now, he wants her back, so giving her his time will be his top priority "I will pick you up, just let me know when."

Sasha was shocked to find out he was insisting, that has never happened before "don't worry, I can drive myself over" at the end, she still refused him.

"Okay, I will be waiting for you" he said gently. 

Sasha still found him weird, why is he so gentle all of a sudden and again, she still can't believe he said her name, don't grow soft Sasha, she reminded herself again "mm."

Michael still wanted to stay or perhaps for her to invite him inside, he really want to see how she had decorated the house but he lacked the stamina to ask her to let him in and that made him lost at what to say "okay then, I ..."

"See you later, I have something doing" Sasha interrupted.

"Oh, okay. I guess I will take my leave now."


"Okay then" he sighed "bye Sasha."

Sasha froze again when she heard him repeat her name but she didn't let it show on her face, she mainly walked into the house and shut the door.

Michael sighed as the lump in his throat slowly disappeared, he looked at Gary and caught him stifling a laugh, he frowned "what are you laughing at?"

"Nothing boss" Gary straightened himself and cleared his throat.

"Let's go" Michael ordered and Gary walked closer to wheel him back to the car.

"That's a nice move you played there boss" Gary admitted once they got to the car "claiming you are to walk in three months just to get her to come back. If I remembered correctly, the doctor actually said you will walk firmly in less than a month, when did it become three months?"

Michael glared at him "say a word and you are dead."

Gary gave a throaty laugh as he started the car "don't worry boss, I want her back in the house like you."

Michael sighed "I just need to win her heart before the time is up."

"Then you got to let your feelings show, don't let your pride get in the way. The way I see mistress now, I believe she has gone cold towards you."

"I know."

"So it's time for you to endure. This time, she will be the cold one and you the soft one" Gary joked and secretly laughed, he will really be in support if mistress wants to give the boss a taste of his own medicine.

"I know" Michael replied again, judging by how Sasha talked to him back there, he don't need Gary to tell him that things has changed but no problem, if it means winning her back, he don't mind doing anything necessary. 


Hi dears, this is where the sample for this book ends. To read the complete story, you can buy it on amazon.

Thank you all so much for your love on the story, I appreciate big time.

Happy new year, and may your dreams be fulfilled ❤😘

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