The Archer โ†  Percy Jackson

By simplystilinski

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819 38 8
By simplystilinski

In the medical tent lays the injured Percy Jackson.

Opening his eyes Percy is met with the bright sunshine making him immediately rub his eyes soothingly.

"Perce." he hears breaking him out of his thoughts.

Looking up he is met with the sight of Grover in all his glory. "I'm sure glad you're alive."

Sitting up Percy is met with a sharp pain in his shoulder, "ow." looking around he sees sick and injured people getting treated for their wounds. "Where am I? What is this place?" he asks furrowing his eyebrows.

"The infirmary." Grover says. "You've been unconscious for three days."

His eyes widen in disbelief. "Three days?"

Grover nods his head in aggrement before coming to sit next to him. "So uh Perce." he says before pausing. "What do you remember?"

Percy scoffs before rubbing his forehead with the back of his hand. "Some crazy dream. I don't know. There was a monster. My mom was there. Mia Ashford was there but she had this bow and arrow. Uh you were there too, but you were some weird hybrid man goat thing..." he says.

He looks down only to come face to face with Grover's unclothed goat legs. "Woah!" he exclaims in shock.

"Yeah." Grover breathes out. "The politically correct term is satyr."

Pausing to process the new information Percy shakes his head turning to sit on the bed sideways. "No. No. No. All of it was real? My moms gone?" he asks heartbroken as he looks down.

Sighing Grover says, "I'm sorry Percy. I try man, I really do. But frankly, I'm just a junior protector. I don't have my horns yet. That's the whole reason Mia was sent with me. In case I needed back up."

At the mention of her name Percy picks his head up to look at Grover. "What do you mean that's why Mia was sent with you?" Furrowing his eyebrows in thought he lets out a groan. "Please tell me she's not going to turn into a half goat too."

Grover laughs, "She wishes." He pats him on the back before standing up. "Come on, I'll show you."

Groaning, Percy stands up as he lets Grover lead him out of the infirmary with his thoughts lingering on the aforementioned blonde.

"So, this is Camp Half Blood." Grover explains.

"Half meaning what?" Percy asks.

"I think you know. Half meaning half mortal, half god.- WOAH guys! Watch the arrows! Newcomer. Hello. Didn't Mia teach you guys anything?" Grover says protectively.

Mia? Percy thinks to himself. What does Mia have to do with anything?

"Look Man. Remember all the myths about Greek gods and goddesses? Well they're not myths." Grover says moving out of the way of an incoming arrow.

"Look, remember what Mr. Brunner said? Sometimes they come down to Earth and they fall in love with mortals, and then they have kids." he says motioning to Percy.

"No way." Percy says in disbelief.

"Yes way." he says before pausing. "YEP! You're a demigod! Two points for Percy Jackson!" he yells as he begins to laugh. "Look, don't worry, but you're not alone. There's hundreds in the world. Some lead normal lives, and some - I'm not allowed to divulge the names - are very famous. I'm talking about like White House famous." he says patting him on the chest before his eyes catch something in the distance.

"And some are closer than you think." Grover says as he looks in the distance.

"Huh?" Percy asks confused. Grover just points in the direction of what he's looking at.

Percy squints his eyes as he tries to make out the figure. As soon as he realizes what he's looking at his eyes widen the to the size of saucers. "Is that?" he trails off.

"Mhm. Our very own Mia Ashford is a demigod." Grover explains laughing at the shocked expression on his face.

"What? How?"

"Well Perce, when two people love each other very much-" Grover jokes but is cut off.

"I know that idiot." Percy says pushing him. "I mean who is she?"

They watch as Mia stands by herself in the middle of a clearing with ten targets in the shape of people lined up in a row. She takes a deep breath and gently pulls back the string as she lets her first arrow gracefully tear through the sky. Within the matter of a minute Mia has already put an arrow in the heart of every target.

They watch in awe as she walks up to her targets and pulls out the steel arrows with an emotionless look on her face.

"She's the daughter of Artemis, goddess of the hunt." Grover explains.

Percy's eyes widen as he continues to watch her line up her targets. "She's really good."

Grover scoffs, "She's exceptionally good. That girl may be extremely temperamental and filled with mommy issues but she never misses."

As if she can feel their stare, Mia turns around locking her eyes with Percy's. She smirks at him as she shoots him a sultry wink before turning back around but not before seeing the pink tint to his cheeks.

They continue to watch as she pulls back the bow string lining up her arrow. Right before she can let go they watch as her focus gets diverted to something else. They see her lower her arrow as she tilts her body to the side to acknowledge the person to her left. They watch the two girls in what seems to be a heated discussion from their body language. The two boys watch as the brunette girl huffs and walks away but not before receiving a middle finger from the blonde.

"What was that all about?" Percy wonders out loud.

"That's Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena." Grover begins, "The two of them have always been at each others throats ever since we were kids. No one really knows why it's kind of a mystery. Some say Annabeth stole her boyfriend when they were kids while others think Mia accidentally shot her with an arrow. No ones ever really questioned it, it's just always been that way." he says shrugging his shoulders.

"Truthfully, I just stay out of it." Grover says slinging his arm over Percy's shoulder. "And as one of your protectors I advise you do the same. The last thing you want to do is get in the middle of those two."




"Fall in!"

Mia, dressed in red, watches from beside Chiron as the entire camp huddles together to play capture the flag.

"Percy, step forward." Chiron tells the young boy.

Percy locks eyes with Mia as he comes to stand next to her.

"This is Percy Jackson." Chiron announces as the camp erupts in whispers. "And he's gonna need a team."

From somewhere in the back Mia hears a familiar voice, "We'll take him."

Luke Castellan. The son of Hermes who just so happens to be in love with the daughter of Artemis.

Ever since they were kids Luke's had a crush on Mia. It's one sided of course but that doesn't stop him from trying any chance he gets.

"I'm Luke, son of Hermes and camp leader, not necessarily in that order. Where's your helmet?" He says.

Percy shakes his head, "No one gave me one."

"Uh, Chiron you still got your wheelchair? Kid's gonna need it. You're a goner man." He says looking at the centaur.

Mia rolls her eyes before crossing her arms, "Don't be a dick Luke."

Moving his attention to the blonde Luke shoots her a dazzling smile, "aw come on gorgeous don't be like that."

Percy stares at Luke with wide eyes at the mention of the wheelchair.

"I'm messing with you. Smile a little bit. It's good for you kid." Luke playfully pushes his shoulder before turning back to the crowd. "Anybody got an extra helmet? Please pass it up."

Grabbing his attention Mia lightly taps Percy's arm, "Don't worry about Luke, he's an ass. But he's mostly harmless." she whispers to him.

Nodding at her, Percy turns back to face Luke as he throws him a helmet. "Uh, try it on. That'll protect you. So will all of us." he gestures to the people behind him all adorning blue. "Welcome to the Blue Soldiers my friend."

"All right, I want everyone in position for capture the flag. First team to capture the enemy's banner wins. Dismissed." Chiron explains as the teams disperse.

However, before Percy can get too far Mia pulls him back by the back of his shirt. He swivels around to find her directly in front of him. Due to the height difference Percy has to look down at her leaving no space between their bodies.

With a smirk on her face she leans in and whispers, "Game on."


Mia was growing bored of the game. It was a never ending cycle.

Shoot. Run. Shoot again.

So you can imagine her excitement when she just so happens to run into Percy Jackson.

From where she was standing she can see Percy enter the clearing that only the two of them were at.

So far he hasn't seen her but she sure as hell has her eyes locked on him.

Deciding to have a little fun with him she aims her bow at the tree that he was leaning up against. When she got her arrow aimed just where she wanted it she took a deep breath and let the arrow fly through the air.

It embeds itself in the tree not even two inches above his head.

Out of pure shock Percy jumps into the air having been startled. Not having seen anyone when he entered the clearing Percy turns his head to find Mia smirking at him with her bow aimed directly at his face.

With wide eyes he looks up at the arrow that missed him by an inch. "I thought you never miss." he says to her.

Without lowering her bow she darkly chuckles, "Who says I missed."

With that she fires another arrow at him.

Trying his best to dodge her assualt he pulls out his sword as she walks closer to him. "Aren't you supposed to be protecting me?" he questions as she pulls out a large knife from the holster on her leg.

The clashing of metal can be heard throughout the forest as the two of them battle. Mia goes to kick his leg out from underneath him, "Oh come on Percy, you didn't think I would let you off that easy now did you?"

He blocks her advances on him as their weapons meet. "Well I hoped." he says staring into her light eyes.

"That was your first mistake." She says flirtatiously as she backs him up against a tree.

"What's my second?" he asks as his eyes flicker down to her full lips.

He watches as her lips slightly quirk up. "Loosing focus" she whispers.

Immediately his eyes snap up to hers, "Huh?"

Before he can react Mia knocks his sword out of his hand and puts it against his neck pinning him to the tree.

"Rule number one never let your opponent know your weaknesses."

She then pushes herself off the tree and hands him back his sword. "Now go find the flag. I'll give you a hint it's by the water."

Flabberghasted he yells after her retreating figure, "You're just gonna throw the game?"

She turns to him with a ghost of a smile gracing her lips and shrugs her shoulders, "I was getting bored anyway."


Soon after her time with Percy in the woods Mia found Grover and Chiron standing on a big rock watching someone fighting by the water.

"What'd I miss?" she asks the two boys.

Letting out a yelp Grover jumps in fright. Turning around he is met with a smirking Mia. "Can you not sneak up on people. You're gonna give someone a heart attack one day."

She rolls her eyes at his childishness as she pushes past them to the front to see what the commotion is about.

"Why are you even up here? Aren't you in the middle of a game?" Grover asks her once he's recovered from her unannounced arrival.

"Eh, I got tired of playing." She says srugging her shoulders. "What's going on down there?" she asks.

Scoffing, Grover replies, "Annabeth's killing Percy that's what."

Her eyes widen as she looks at the scene in front of her. And sure enough there's Percy getting his ass kicked in front of a crowd of people.

"Shouldn't we stop them?" she asks in concern.

"You've got to be kidding me. This is the best part." Chiron says denying her request.

She cringes as she watches Annabeth kick Percy to the ground.

Just as the red team starts celebrating she catches Percy slowly crawl towards the water. "Come on Percy." she mumbles under her breath. "You've got this."

She watches as the water heals his wounds and he quickly stands back up in awe. The two of them lock eyes as she gives him a genuine smile.

"Take her sword." she mouths to him in reference to Annabeth.

He slowly nods his head in understanding. She watches him turn back around and begin to fight the people in red defending their flag.

He quickly defeats five of them before he gets to Annabeth.

Annabeth runs up to him getting ready to attack before he puts his sword to her neck. She lets out a deep breath as they begin to fight. Their swords clash together as they battle each other.

Mia watches curiously wondering if he'll take her advice. Her question is soon answered though when she sees him grab Annabeth's sword and pin one behind her head and the other one aimed at her neck.

This causes the red team to surrender and he gives her back her sword.

As he grabs the flag his team starts to cheer for him but his eyes fixate on the piercing ones that belong to Mia. He watches as she slowly claps for him with her infamous smirk on her face letting him know that she was impressed.

When Percy breaks eye contact with her she feels the gaze of another burning a hole in her head. She turns her head as she catches the glare from Annabeth.

Annabeth knows that Mia was the one who told Percy to take her sword considering that's her signiture move. And Mia is well aware that she was caught so to add fuel to the fire she meanicingly wiggles her finger at her and blows her a kiss.

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