Bad Boyz 2


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Smoke POV

"Turn left" I said as hylian drove

"Your fucking crazy" hylian said as she sped down the road

"Stfu and drive the car" I said as I called a friend

I called an old friend I knew he knew the city better than anybody and always took care of me when I came I told him I needed to spot to lay my head he let me stay one of his houses I made hylian drive there as I held a gun to her side, we pulled up I grabbed her out the car grabbing her wrist she tried to run but she had no strength I pushed her into the house and close the door. She got her phone and tried to call somebody I threw it and shattered it She looked at me

H, what do you want from me
S, nothing
H, why are you doing this haven't we been through enough
S, no
H, kill me
S, what
S, .....
H, get it over with I'm not going thru no more of this just kill me
S, No
H, well then why the fuck am I here why did you just kidnap me and bring me here to do what ?
S, to love you
H, your fucking crazy I should've known
S, your just as crazy
H, wtf is wrong with you your fucking sick
S, you made me this way
H, you need help
S, well then help me
H, I'm leaving
S, no I need you here I haven't been okay I've been worried about you
H, you tried to kill me
S, you pushed me to it I've never been this way you did this shit and now your gonna fix me....

Hylian POV

Smoke was not the same person he looked and acted how he acted the night he shot me he had this whole different way about him he was freaking me out I wanted to go home but I didn't even know my way home we were at this big house a few minutes out the city with a whole bunch of land it was miles before you could reach another house I wanted to give up I was just getting over that night he shot me and now this I blacked out and ran for the door but it was locked I beat on the door screaming smoke grabbed me and pinned me to the wall I screamed and cried cs I knew it was no escaping this...

H, let me go..... LET ME GO !
S, go where we're in the woods
H, I fucking hate you
S, you hate me ?
H, you heard me
S, no you don't
H, get off of me
S, what are you gonna do
H, leave
S, and go where ?
H, home to my baby
S, I want y'all back in New York
H, your not even supposed to around us
S, I don't gaf I want y'all in New York so call your mom and tell her you and Chloe are leaving
H, no

He grabbed me and started threatening me after he gave me his phone

S, call her

I started to cry smoke didn't even care he watched me call my mom as he calmly smoked his blunt

Phone convo

H, hey mom
M, hylian where are you it's pasted the time for you to be off I got Chloe a bath and in bed
H, I had some business to take care of..... umm can you get her ready I'm coming to get her we're going to Detroit to see dad
M, I thought you and your father were on bad terms ?
H, we talked it over and now he wants me to come see him
M, okay be safe I'll have her ready when you get here
H, okay..... I love you
M, I love you too

End convo

She hung  up I threw the phone

S, fix your fucking attitude and get up let's go
H, leave me tf alone
S, stfu and get in the car

Smoke grabbed my eyes and drove I guess he didn't trust me he parked across the street from my moms house

"Don't think about trying nothing either because I will shoot up her house and disrupt this neighborhood tonight you got 5min " Smoke said looking at me

I rolled my eyes getting out the car I put my hood over my head and my sunglasses on because I had bruises on me I ringed the doorbell my mom opened the door talking to me but I wasn't paying attention to wat she was saying I rushed up stairs packing a bag for me and Chloe then grabbed Chloe from my moms room headed out the door my mom grabbed my arm turning me around removing my glasses

M, hylian ?! Look at your face what's going ?
H, nothing ma leave it alone I'll be back in a few days we can talk about it then
M, your not leaving this house looking like that who did this ?
H, bye ma ill be back

I rushed past her out the door she screamed my name from her porch I got Chloe in the car and sat in the back with her smoke speeded off.

Smoke POV

-4 hours later

We landed in New York I got hylian and Chloe a hotel in  the city and left and went to ye's to go get jaylen I pulled up getting out knocking on the door ye answered looking she had been crying or sum

S, what's wrong
Y, nothing....... jaylen your dads here
S, what happened
Y, nothing
S, so you not gon tell me ?
Y, I'm fine
S, no your not
Y, my mother died........ but it's okay
S, it's ok ?
Y, she had cancer I knew she was dying
S, you shouldn't be alone
Y, I'll be okay
S, do you want me to stay with you ?
Y, no you need to go home cs Gianna been calling me looking for you
S, so
Y, smoke go home I'm fine
S, I already know your not okay I've took care of you since you were 16 when you were going from foster home to foster home in the Bronx because she left you and then you find her and y'all were just starting to gain a relationship
Y, I know we were just build a relationship n I've always wanted a relationship with my mother but at least I did get to spend time with her
S, I'm not leaving you by yourself

Jaylen had his music up loud I guess he was upset too he was just building a relationship with his real grandmother. I didn't want to bother ye say or the couch crying I held her I know she hurting...

Ye ended up crying herself to sleep on my chest I picked her up and put her in her room and then went and checked on jaylen he was sleep too I left locking the door driving to my house I pulled up going inside Gianna was still up cleaning up the house she stopped what she was doing and looked at me

G, wea tf were you smoke
S, does it matter?
G, I will fucking stab you smoke
S, I'll be stabbed n you'll be dead then
G, you got me pregnant to cheat ?
S, you sound stupid
G, you look stupid somewhere else when you have a home a fucking home smoke
S, you should be sleep
G, yea I should but I'm up worried about your ass
S, I'm not finna do this tonight I promise I'm not
G, what you gon do leave again ?
S, Gianna-
G, no smoke I'm sick of you not coming home
S, if you don't want to be alone go spend the night with ya moms cs you know what I do
G, you stress me out every fucking day it's always something else
S, I'm gone I'm not doing this

I left out I'm not finna argue with Gianna she's pregnant and full of emotions and she not finna take them out on me . I ended up going back to hylians hotel and crashing cs I was tired asfc and shit was quiet I could sleep they we're sleep...

-Next morning

I woke up rolling up I grabbed my phone and called a friend to get Chloe and hylian a personal driver to take them places because I have shit to do and can't watch them all the time. I walked back to hylians room I got the penthouse at the hotel for space, Chloe was still sleep in bed I picked her up cs I wanted to hold my baby. Hylian was taking a shower I guess I laid on the bed with Chloe on my chest. Hylian walked out the bathroom in a towel and her hair up shit turned me on a lil bit but Hylian was not on that shit so I left her alone I was just glad to have her here with me I finally got real sleep without waking up n shit.

H, why are you in here ?
S, don't start I wanted to see my baby
H, you see her she's fine now leave I gotta get dressed
S, So get dressed I've been too deep inside of you for you to be scared to change clothes infront of me
H, I never said I was scared
S, well then get dressed

I walked out the room calling ye making sure she was straight I also sent her sum roses so she knows I care. Gianna been calling me but I didn't answer. I called my brother and talked to him while waiting on hylian, she walked out dressed in some tight as shit I told my brother to hold on and stared at her for a good 5 min cs I know she anit she was finna go outside like that

H, what ?
S, go take that shit off
H, no these are my clothes I paid for them
S, hylian
H, no you didn't pay for it so stfu I'm finna put on a jacket anyway
S, yea Igh

I started talking back to my brother he eventually hung up, the driver was here for them so I gave hylian 10 bands and told her to take Chloe somewhere fun in the city and I got them some security too keep a eye on hylian.

I drove back home to my house Gianna wanted to argue again but all she needed was sum dick so I gave her what she wanted and she went right to sleep. I showered and grabbed a couple of things and left I went to go get jaylen from ye she wanted to fly to Florida where the rest of her family was so I got jaylen for her. I took him to work with me to show him the game he actually had a good mouth piece so shit went well fast money always excited him, after we went out to eat and talked I love jaylen he's basically my first born I'm always here for him. While we were eating I got a call of the security guys called me telling me something about a guy named Greg and how they got in a shoot out with him I instantly got up and rushed to the hotel because he said he dropped them off there.

-At the hotel

I let myself into the room with jaylen with me hylian was otp when I came I grabbed her pulling her into the bedroom

"Jaylen watch your sister" I said closing the door

S, I thought I told you not to talk to Greg no more?
H, can you let me explain what happened first
S, you stupid asfc I promise
H,  he seen us at the mall then called me and kept calling me I answered tryna explain why I'm in New York but he wasn't hearing it and started shooting at the guys
S,you fucking him ?
H, why does it matter
S, don't fucking play with me
H, ......
S, I knew it
H,  I never asked you to come get or even be around me I could've been fw anybody
S, I'm not talking about anybody I'm talking about him
H, you are in a relationship with Gianna and she's pregnant
S, so you still letting him fuck you ?
H, are you still fucking Gianna?
S, she's never did nothing to you that Niggah stabbed me in the back and fucked on you and still was in my face it's not the same
H,  so you have Gianna in the house I designed and picked out it's the same
S, you left me for him
H,  I left you for myself you treated me bad I should've never went back after I slept with Greg because you never got pasted it
S, I never treated you bad
H, you had me crying every night and you started getting back on pills
S, I fucking loved you
H, no you didn't
S, Igh

I left out the room picking up Chloe and telling jaylen to come on and we left and went back to my house I told my mom to come over so she could watch Chloe and jaylen while I left she said yes and came over I left getting my car I was pissed off I don't even know what she sees in Greg. I called him...

Phone convo

G, who is this ?
S, you know who this is bitch
G, ah it's smoke I knew you would call sooner or later
S, leave her alone
G, no
S, I will kill you
G, I might not be good for her but at least I actually show her love you've fucked her over so many times-
S, wtf that got to do with you
G, a lot that's why she come to me
S, yea Igh
G, I be fucking the shit outta her
S, you do Igh like I said leave her alone.
G,*laughs* bye.....smoke

I sped down the road heading to the hylians hotel I went up to the penthouse letting myself hylian was sleep on the couch I woke her up

H, what ?!
S, why did you have to fuck him
H, smoke we already went over this
S, and you still fucking him
H, and I can
S, you can ? You look stupid asfc that was my right hand 
H, Idgaf he treats me better than you ever did
S,that's a lie I gave you everything at one point n you left
H, because you never got over the fact I got with Greg you talked down on me everyday
S, you didn't give me a chance to get over it
H, I'm finna go back to sleep go smoke n calm your nerves cs your getting on mines

She said getting her pillow n going to the room I followed her She got in the bed I sat at the bottom

H, where's Chloe?
S, at my house
H, at your house ?
S, my mother is at my house so chill

Hylian's phone started ringing she tried to hide it but I grabbed it and answered it was Greg

Phone convo

S, I thought I told you to leave her alone
G, damn you with her I was just finna come to the hotel
S, yea Igh
G, tell her I love her

I hung up and went outside on the balcony to smoke ion why shit get me heated but it does like that used to be brother.

Hylian POV

I told Greg that smoke was here and he still called he did that shit on purpose sometimes I wonder did he really like me or was it all just to get back at smoke I felt bad I went outside to see about smoke he was smoking on the balcony I stood by the screen door staring at him

H, smoke
H, smoke
S, ............
H, he wasn't going to come up here I told him you were here before he called he did it to make you mad
S, ..........
H, smoke
S, wassup
H, stop ignoring me
S, ...........

He got up grabbing my waist moving me from in front of the door and walking past me

H, stop fucking ignoring me
S, what do we have to talk about cs ion want to talk about that green ass Niggah
H, we don't have to talk about him
S, yea Igh
H, what's your problem?

Smoke POV

Hylian was talking to me but I wasn't listening Gianna started calling me I answered hylian got pissed

Phone convo

G, babe
S, yea ?
G, You went n got Chloe from her mother's ? Or ?
S, sum like that
G, her mother is out the hospital?
S, yes
G, babe I thought there was a restraining order against Chloe and her mother
S, do you want me to have my daughter or not ?
G, it's just I'm pregnant n this is a lot with Chloe and jaylen and your mother you know how demanding she is
S, deal with it you wanna be part of my world play your part
G, can you come home
S, you'll be fine my mom is there
G, I want you
S, Igh
G, I love you be safe
S, love ya too

I hung up hylian was pissed tf off shit was hilarious but I couldn't laugh

H, couldn't even answer the phone when i was pregnant
S, you were annoying you called me every 5 mins
H, you never fucking answered that's why
S, anyways Gianna different that's basically my wife
H, idgaf everybody had you there thru they're while pregnancy but I had to go thru that shit alone
S, you already know I feel bad about that shit so why bring it up
H, cs that shit is not right you were they're for them but not for me
S, I can't go back all I can do is do right in the future
H, you could've been there tho you choose not to
S, I apologized for that already hylian when you gon get over it cs I can't change it
H, get over it ?
S, I'm not finna argue with you over this shit

She walked away from me calling Greg asking him to come get her I snatched her phone and threw it I pinned her to the bed

S, you needa get over shit that's yo problem you holding on to old shit that can't be fixed
H, get off me n go home to your "wife"
S, you mad cs you got replaced
H, replaced?

I got off her and rolled up she kept trying to argue but I just wanted to be around her fr so I just listened I had missed her and Chloe that's why I bought them down here. I wanna spend time with her and Chloe cs when my son come I know Gianna not gon let me move around so I'm taking chances. I ended up making hylian smoke cs she was doing to much after a few hits she was quiet I started laughing cs shit was funny she ordered a whole bunch of food we ended up eating and chilling I was getting ready to leave and hylian got up to take a shower she was in the bathroom for a min then she screamed my name I went to see what she wanted, she wanted her duffle bag I guess she forgot I brought it to her

"Smoke" hylian said as I was leaving out the bathroom

S, wassup ?
H, can you ......
S, can I what ?
H, ........stay in here I don't want to be by myself
S, Igh

Hylian acts so hard but she's really soft she just doesn't like expressing herself. I sat on the counter while she took a shower. She got out and got wrapped herself in a towel she was in the mirror putting on her clothes when I noticed her scars from me shooting her I felt horrible I over thought about the shit for a lil min sitting there

H, wats wrong
S, nothing

She put on a big t shirt and put her hair i got off the counter grabbing her waist telling her I was sorry
She looked down at my hands removing them she ignored me and started to clean back up the bathroom I grabbed her

S, I'm serious
H, *sighs* I don't want to talk about that
S, you know I love you right ?
H, ...... smoke-
S, you know that right ?

She walked away I grabbed her and sat her on counter she looked away from me

S, hylian
H, what ?
S, answer me
H, I'm not answering that
S, why
H, cs it doesn't matter
S, Igh look I didn't mean to-
H, I don't want to talk about it
S, man we talking about this shit so I can get this shit off mind. I fucking love you don't ever think different I was upset and I handle that the wrong way I should've never did it I don't have an excuse for myself but I know I got issues I got off the pills and I started going to therapy and shit I'm tryna change I don't want nothing like that to happen again
H, who are you changing for? A bitch ? It's never for me I had to go through that shit with you but your changing so you won't do it to her what about me ? Why didn't you get therapy when you were spazzing out n shit on me-
S, I'm not changing for no bitch I'm changing for myself and I'm doing this so I won't do that shit to nobody else I haven't been able to sleep right or nothing so yea I'm doing it for me but I guess that's not enough huh?
H, it's not.
S, what do you want me to do hylian
H, fix it but you can't because you couldn't even let me get myself for a month without fucking on another bitch like I wasn't nothing to you
S, I would've fixed it if I knew you were serious
H, you knew I was serious
S, no tf I didn't not with you changing your mind everyday remember you do that shit a lot
H, you change your mind everyday too
S, I've never changed on you like that I've always loved you and everybody knows that it's not a secret and no body is unsure about that shit except for you even Gianna knows I love you so stfu and just say you fucked up
H, I needed a fucking break
S, you didn't need a break you needed Greg and now you got him I really can't even look at you the same after that
H, you always bring thing that shit up
S, of course he still calling your phone
H, you don't have to keep bringing that up
S, that shit is foul and you know it that's really why I didn't want you back because I don't trust you I'm disgusted you knew better and you went back to him when I was giving you everything you asked I'm not even the problem it's you, you made me like this
H, leave!

I left and drove back home. I came in the house seen it was clean and shit my mom was on the couch holding Chloe while she was asleep and jaylen was next to her asleep. I went upstairs kissing Gianna forehead and rubbing her belly she woke up

G, we missed you
S, I missed y'all too

I took a shower then fell asleep.

Hylian POV

I've been crying ever since smoke left he makes me feel so bad about that shit everytime we talk I know he hates me for it I know it's true he doesn't look at me the same way because he shows it. I called my mom to talk to her

Phone convo

M, hylian ?
H, hi mom
M, come home
H, we'll be home in a few days dad has planned a big dinner this-
M, I know your not at your dads
H, but-
M, just come home tell him to bring y'all home you don't have to be with him

I cried on the phone with my mom as she talked to me she knew better than me.

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