Seducing Him

By SimplySadie

70.3K 1K 175

After being married to a man she's met only a handful of times, Lauren decides it's time to try to make this... More

Seducing Him
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:


13K 228 37
By SimplySadie


I was past breaking point. Lunch with my mother and sister wound up being a discussion about when I was going to have children and how perfect Sophia's children were. The constant nagging is there. It's to the point where I'm running out of excuses.

For three years I have been married. It was purely a business deal. My father's company was going out of business and to get the deal that he needed, he made plans with an old friend for me to wed his son so that he can still have a controlling share in the company. The deal was made and I became Mrs. Dylan Prescott.

Everyone has heard his name. Dylan Prescott was ranked in the Top 5 Wealthy Bachelors for several years in a row. Despite this, he was never seen out with a woman. When news of our engagement became public, everyone was in shock. There had been a wide belief that perhaps he was gay since he hadn't had a single model on his arm. Perhaps he is gay, I wouldn't exactly know.

As surprising as this may be, I have only met my husband a handful of times. The first was to shoot our engagement photos. The second time was our wedding- which he left as soon as the reception ended. Since then I have seen him two other times- for my twenty-six birthday and one Christmas Eve party. Combined I have probably spent an entire day with my husband. Not once have we slept together.

I don't want to sound conceited but I found myself to be fairly attractive. I'd spent the past three years getting in shape, thinking that perhaps my husband doesn't find me attractive. Now I have a body that is at least considered good. Enough foundation has been applied to cover up the light layer of freckles across my nose and cheeks. My teeth were perfectly straight, and I took extra measures to whiten them. So why hasn't my husband at least made a move on me?

Enough was enough, I decided. Due to the deal I couldn't divorce him for another seven years. For ten years I had to be married to a man who most likely doesn't even know my name. The least he could do was do me a favor and help get my parents off my back.

The week before I spent preparing for this moment. I went to a waxing salon. I spent a good amount of money on gorgeous lingerie that I had never even dreamt of wearing before now. The hardest part was tracking him down. Finally I found out that he was in the New York office for at least another month. I hadn't even know he would be in town.

It wasn't like the movies where you see the girl in a trench coat and high heels preparing to seduce a man. No, this wasn't the movies. I dressed in a red dress that hugged my curves. The heels I wore were my 'Make them drool' red pumps as my friend, Gigi, likes to call them. If this didn't even make him look then something had to be wrong with him.

“May I help you, miss?” the receptionist politely asked me as she looked me up and down.

“I'm here to see Dylan Prescott,” I informed her.

“Are you on the list?” she asks. Of course there had to be a list. He was a gorgeous man who had woman constantly flinging themselves at him.

“I'm his wife,” I inform her. “Lauren Prescott.”

She looked at her computer for a moment, typing and scrolling. “Ah, here you are. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, ma'am. Go to the top floor and his office is the first door on the right.”

“Thank you,” I tell her before heading up to see my husband.

In the elevator I could practically hear my heart beating in my chest. The shy girl I had always been was starting to fade away. That girl had never ever thought she'd seduce a man. Then again that girl had thought she'd marry for love not a business arrangement.

Standing in front of his office door, I took a deep breath. You must remain confident. Don't take no for an answer, Lauren. You can do this. Pushing open the door, I stepping into his office. He was sitting at his desk, looking over a document. One hand was nestled in his brown hair, his head propped on that hand.

“May I help you?” he asks in a bored tone, not even looking up.

Closing the door behind me, I walked up to his desk. “I do believe you can.”

He looks up at me, startled. “Lizzie, what are you doing here?”

“It's Lauren,” I cross my arms over my chest.

“Right, Lauren.” he says. “What can I help you with? If this is a divorce then-”

“I'm not asking for a divorce. I'm well aware of the contract. There are a few things you can do for me. For starters, we can consummate our marriage.” I tell him.

“Wha-what?” he stutters.

For a moment I want to laugh at the shock on his face. Instead I kept my game face on. “I need to get my family and friends off my back. It's been three years and they all expect for me to have a house full of screaming kids by now.”

“What does this have to do with me?” he asks.

“According to the contract I'm not allowed to go out and have sex with whomever I please. Instead the only man I can sleep with is you.” I say.


“Do I have to spell it out for you?” I groan in frustration. Embarrassment fills my entire body. I'm just thankful that a blush hasn't yet creeped upon my cheeks. “I need you to get me pregnant.”

He stood up, making his way to stand in front of me. “I'm afraid I don't understand why you are coming to me with this. Why not adopt a child?”

I shake my head. “You really don't get it do you? I want a child of my own. Yes adopting a child would be a good thing, but the child won't be my own. I want someone that has half my DNA running through their blood system. I want to experience going to have ultrasounds done and having a baby bump.”

“You could always try semen fertilization.” Dylan suggests.

That was it. Before I could register what had happened, I heard a loud smack echo across the room. A red print of my hand was on his beautiful cheek. My hand quickly covered my mouth in shock. I had just done that. I have just slapped my husband.

He stares at me. Those beautiful hazel eyes of his storming over. For a moment I thought he was going to yell at me. Closing his eyes, he took several deep breaths before reopening them. “I understand your frustration but I simply do not have time to raise a child.”

 “I'm not asking you to raise a child, I'm asking you to f*ck me,” I say bluntly. “All you have to do is get me pregnant then let me do the rest. I'll do all the messiness myself. Do we have a deal?”

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