A Bright Future

By TashaAmy1803

16.8K 464 43

Isabelle is now separated from her family. But what she didn't have in her first life, could Aslan give it to... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
I have gone to Insta

Chapter Five

1.1K 27 10
By TashaAmy1803

"Excuse me lad have you seen a girl anywhere" Cas teased and Lucy hit him i just rolled my eyes and we led my brother and sister to the state room. I stood to the side and watched them look around.

"Aslan" Lu beamed as she touched the carving of the great Lion's head

"Look Susan's bow and arrows" Lucy went over to them. Caspian went to retrieve her dagger and Cordial.

"Lucy" Caspian said and she turned around.

"my healing cordial and dagger she went to get them then pulled back.

"oh may i?2 she asked

"of course they're yours" she too them and fixed it around her waist.

"Peter's sword" Edmund went over to it.

"Yes" Cas joined him as i went to Get Ed's torch "Looked after as promised. Here hold it if you wish" he held it out to my brother.

"no. no its yours Peter gave it to you"

"We did save this for you though" i grinned chucking him his torch. He looked down at it and switched it on, still workedAs it shone brightly in his eyes.


"I wanted to have this aboard to have a sense of you all being here" i told them

"lets go to the map room shall we" Caspian gestured to the door and we left.

"so how old are you now?" Lucy asked me as we made our way into the next room.

"i turned 20 a month ago. how longs it been since you last saw me?" I wondered, time always seemed to move differently between places it was hard to keep track. Especially now that I was permanently in Narnia.

"5 months we've moved in with Eustace as you can see" I groaned in disgust and pity for them having to live with him.

"wow how awful"

"oaky so if there are no wars to fight what are we doing here?" Ed asked we looked to him and Caspian having a conversation.

"I've been asking myself the same thing" Cas replied

"So where are we sailing to" Ed wondered

"before i took back the throne from my uncle he tried to kill my fathers friends and most loyal supporters. The Seven Lords of Telmar. they fled to the lone islands and no one has heard from them since." he told them i rubbed his shoulder and he tapped my hand gratefully

"so you think something has happened to them?" Edmund questioned following his line of thought.

"well if it as it's my duty to find out" Caspian answered

"well what's east of the Lone islands" Lu asked

"Uncharted waters" Drinian spoke for the first time coming in to join us "things you can barely imagine tales of sea serpents or worse."

"alright Captain that's enough of your tall tales" i bit into a apple. We all left for the deck and while Lu went to talk with Reep i sat on the edge and watched as my brother and husband sword fight. I wasn't supporting because that would be mean. Lucy joined me.

"Can i have a look at your ring Iz?" i smiled and held out my hand which wore my wedding and engagement ring on.

"its beautiful"she trailed he finger across my wedding ring

"it was forged out of a the light of a star. it is said to bring the wearer good fortune. Second gift from Aslan"  I told her with a small smile remembering back to a couple of years ago.

"I wish i was like you" she sighed

"why would you want to be when you are more special than anything" i stroked her cheek

"but your the one who gets to live here and continue to be Queen. you have everything, crown, husband. beauty" she listed off

"Lu just because i have them doesn't mean you won't too. I know that one day a man will thank his stars to have you as a wife. And talk of beauty when you yourself are gorgeous" I assured her, knowing she was going through that stage I had done a few times of doubting herself and her looks.

"not like you and Susan" there was clapping and i saw they had drawn. Edmund came up with a cup of water

"all right back to work" Drinian shouted

"Edmund do you think if we keep sailing to the end of the world we'll just...fall of the edge?" Lu questioned

"don't worry Lu we're a long way from there" the hatch to the belly of the ship opened and Eustace stood up

"i see your still talking nonsense the both of you" he commented

"hello to you too Eustace" he jumped

"but, but you died how can you be alive! i went to your funeral" he insisted pointing to me in utter shock.

"please tell me he's kidding" i groan to my siblings

"afraid not" Ed responded

"what is the world coming to" i sigh then look back at him "well as you can see i'm very much alive, are you going to faint again." i asked getting hyper "please do then i won't have to listen to you"

"Isabelle that's very mean" Lucy scolded i shrugged as Edmund grinned  "are you feeling better ?" she continued

"Yes no thanks to you. Its lucky i have a iron constitution" he retorted and I scoffed wrapping my arms around my brother and resting my cheek on his shoulder.

"As evervesent i see. Find your sea legs?" Reep wondered joining us.

"never lost them. Simply dealing with the shock of things" Reep climbed up to shit on my shoulder. he did that. to see better. We were never allowed to hug him but with permission he would gladly use you to be taller "Mother says i have an accute disposition due to my intelligence" i snorted with laughed as Ed spit out his water.

"i don't think he has an acute anything" i agreed with the mouse

"i''l have you know as soon as i find civilisation. I'm contacting the British consul. Have you all arrested for kidnapping" he bumped into Caspian as i stood behind my annoying cousin.

"Kidnapping is it? i thought we saved your life" he stepped back but bumped into me

"you held me against my will!"

"did we?" i asked Cas

"in what i must say are the most unhygienic quarters. Its like a zoo down there" he further complained

"he's quite the complaner isn't he?" Reep asked

"he's just warming up" Ed replied

"well it is a shame Eustace that your expectations have been shattered dear cousin but don't worry you can't arrest a dead woman" i whispered the last part then went to kiss my husband. the crew whistled.

"Land ho" the spotter yelled. Caspian and i ran to the Poop deck and looked out. there in the distance was the Lone Islands.

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