A Bright Future

By TashaAmy1803

16.3K 464 43

Isabelle is now separated from her family. But what she didn't have in her first life, could Aslan give it to... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
I have gone to Insta

Chapter 3

1.1K 35 1
By TashaAmy1803

The door to my room opened not long after the food had been left. Lucy, Ed, Susan and Peter came in all in Narnian clothes.

"hi" I greeted them as the all found a place to sit

"its great to be back here " Peter told me "i thought i'd never come back" we all sat down

"you said you built this place." Ed stated as we began eating. I hummed finishing eating some of the fist that was out.

"yes i did. It was Caspian's idea to bring me out of my depression" i told them

"Depression?" Lucy asked

"It his me harder than i thought, when you left, and, i sunk into depression. I barely went out, just sat in my room and gazed at my locket. For two months this went on till Caspian had enough..." i told them of him bringing me here and asking to court me. then before we left he wanted me to help restore Narnia. i told them of how i planned and helped with the build and adding the extra throne.

"i can't believe you did all this. my room was exactly the way it was" Ed gushed

"i knew you'd like it. I wanted the new Narnian's and the Telmarine's to know the heritage and glory days" I explained

"you outdone yourself" Peter took my hand and squeezed it

"so what has been happening in England" I wondered as I continued to eat the spread that was laid out.

"Mum, Dad and I are going over to America. Dad has things to do and will be busy" Susan told me

"i'll be staying with Professor Kirke to study for my entrance exam" Peter was next

"what are you studying?" I question finding interesting and happy that he was moving on without me. I didn't want him to wallow and go the way I had with us being apart.

"Medicine. i'm goign to become a doctor" i grinned

"that's great"

"were going to stay with Aunt Alberta and Uncle Harold" Edmund told me pointing between him and Lucy. I winced and shivered

"oh gosh not Eustece too he's a brat" they nodded. We talked and caught up on what we had missed in both worlds. Peter said he talked to the sky often i could swear he would hear me reply. They all visited me on our birthday but Peter stayed the whole day. after we talked i had Luria take them to see Caspian.

The next day i walked around my room nervous. from my room i could see everyone preparing. We were going to be married on the beach then the celebrations would be held inside. There was a knock on my door.

"come in" Susan and Lucy entered

"how are you feeling? Nervous?" Susan wondered

"very. i know i'm doing the right thing i'm just jittery" I admitted making them smile softly and take my hands in comfort. I can't believe after all this time, I was going to be getting married. It just didn't seem real.

"well you'll be please to know Caspian asked Ed to be the best man" i smiled

"that's nice. wow this is weird i'm actually getting married."

"Caspian's the same although i think Peter scared him last night" Lucy giggled sitting on my bed

"why what happened" I wondered joining her.

"he basically said that if he found out he hurt you he would stop till he'd come back and then well it was rather unpleasent" them two laughed. We had food an talked before it was time to get ready. I had the dress the I first met Caspian in altered to fit it was white and had memories. Susan and Lucy wore there crowns which i had found at the bottom of the chest and had placed in their rooms. My door was knocked on again and Peter stepped in. I was now in my dress with curls cascading down and flowers placed in them.

"you look beautiful" he complemented

"thank you" he was stood tall like he used to as High King with his golden crown

"my last piece" I picked up my crown and handed it to him, curtsying, he placed it on my head. i stood back up giving him a big smile.

"ready?" he asked

"of course" I took his arm and  he lead me out of the castle down to the beach. Everyone stood as they heard of my arrival.  At the front i could see my sisters grinning from ear to ear. Then Edmund with a smug look. he knocked Caspian and gestured to look back which he did. i saw him take a large intake of breathe and smile. Aslan in all his greatness was at the front. We stopped and Peter gave my hand to Caspian. Pete gave me a wink as he went and sat down with the others. Caspian and I took a step closer to one another as everyone sat.

"Friends and Family of Narnia. We are gathered here to witness the special Union of  King Caspian the Tenth and High Queen Isabelle the Delicate. All who are witness know of the love and commitment these two share. " he began

"Edmund do you have the rings" Ed stepped forward and handed us our rings.

"I Caspian promise to cherish every moment  with you till my dying day. I promise to be the light you need when you are dark and to share the weight of anything you hold. Never will i stray or lie. Never will i leave without you by my side. You are my one and constant forever and always" he slipped the ring onto my finger.

"I Isabelle promise to love and honour you and to love and live every moment with you till my dying day. I promise to be the wife you deserve and nothing less. Never will i abandon you. never will i stray or lie. You are my one and constant forever and always." i slipped his ring on.

"Who consents to the marriage" Aslan asked and my siblings stood up.

"I High King Peter the Magnificent as the twin brother of the High Queen do consent to this marriage." Peter winked at me

"I Queen Susan the Gentle. Sister to the High Queen do Consent to this marriage"

"I King Edmund the Just. Brother to the High Queen consent to this marriage "

"I Queen Lucy the Valiant. Sister to the High Queen consent to this marriage" they all sat down.

"then with the power vested in me i now pronounce you man and wife. you may kiss the bride " Caspian pulled me in by the waist and kissed me everyone clapped.

"my wife" he whispered

"my husband" i replied with a grin. we turned to face everyone before making our way back. i lifted my skirt lightly as we ascended the stairs.

"this is the dress i first saw you in" he commented when we reached the throne room which would hold our celebrations.

"yes i thought it was fitting" we waited outside while the hall filled with guests. when it was full my sibling went in first and sat at their thrones. followed by Caspian and I. Mine was still next to Peter but Caspian sat on my Left with Edmund sitting next to him. We ate food and talked till Peter stood up to make a speech.

"On behalf of my family i would like to thank everyone for attending today. I actually never thought i would see my sister marry because never had she taken a liking to anyone and it wasn't because i scared them off" we laughed

"As much as i would love to tease my twin  i actually like breathing so i'll say Caspian you better look after my sister or i'll kick your arse. To Caspian and Isabelle" i shook my head and they repeated. The tables were moved out the way and we danced. first with Caspian then with Edmund and Finally Peter,i danced with my sisters as well. It was a glorious night my family were the last ones to leave and believe it or not i still had lots of energy.


Caspian was asleep lying on his chest when i woke up the next morning i bit my lip as i had a smirk on my face. slowly i kissed up his back and round his neck, he groaned but still slept oh was that how he was going to be. i lined my hand up and started ticking him

"argh" i laughed and fell out of bed taking the cover with me

"ha very funny" he looked over the bed

"i thought so" i calmed down and lifted myself back on to our bed  he kissed me

"see was that so hard" i smirked

"you tickled me and scared me half to death just to get a kiss" i nodded innocently i got a dark look on his face and i gulped. He started ticking me i screamed and laughed

"say sorry" he told me

"why for wanting what's mine  never" i denied i continued to laugh.

"you could have just turned me over" he suggested

"your heavy though" i pouted he stopped and captured my lips i kissed back  which then lead too...

Caspian chased me through the halls as i had made the act of tickling him again. The doors opened to the breakfast  hall and i giggled as i ran behind my brother.

"what's going on?" Lucy asked

"Caspian does not like being tickled" i giggled Caspian came running in and stopped short seeing everyone.

"morning" he greeted 

"morning" they replied i took my seat and bit my lip and let out snorts of laughter

"it's not funny" he sulked

"it is your reaction priceless" he said nothing so i kissed his cheek.

"when do you think we'll see each other after today" Lucy asks the room became quiet. She spoke what everyone else was thinking but didn't say not wanting to be upset.

"i don't know only Aslan does." i looked to my twin and held his hand. After breakfast the five of us rode to the old battlefield where we fought the white witch. Soon enough it was nearly Mid day. when we slowed down at the lamp post. They all said their goodbyes to Caspian and i walked them to the overgrow that lead into the wardrobe.

"i'll see you soon" Lucy hugged me

"humm real soon i hope." I then hugged Edmund

"behave and give Eustace hell" i told him. Edmund gave a hearty laugh as he returned the hug then pulled away to answer me properly

"oh i will" I then went to Susan

"enjoy America and tell Lucy everything so she can tell me" she laughed

"i promise" I then stopped at my twin brother

"It's never get easy saying goodbye to you" he told me

"how do you think i feel" i hugged him and snuggled into his neck taking in his sent he let go and kissed my forehead. Each of the waved goodbye and the walked through into the wardrobe i sniffled as i walked back to Caspian. He came over and hugged me. It never became easy but i had to live with the fact we had different world now.

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