Take my Hand (A KYLO REN X RE...

By Littlelight2077

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Y/N is from a small almost unknown planet. Your family taken from you when you were young you had nothing lef... More

Authors note
Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter three.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen
Authors Note
Chapter Sixteen.

Chapter four.

532 20 20
By Littlelight2077

***Hey readers! Thanks for reading this far. Your support is appreciated. <3

Let me know how you're feeling and what you're thinking!

Kylo Ren

"Show me again..." he looked down on the helmet his grandfather once wore. "I need you to show me again the power of the darkness..." his stare intense.

"Darth Vader..." he whispered.

Since the beginning he held a battle inside between light and dark. He thought finding you would help him grow strong. Instead the tug of war inside him increased as the light side began to pull harder.

He thought back to you placing your hand over his heart and filling it with a warmth he did not know.

"NO!" He barked swiping the helmet off its stand and smashing it into a wall. He paced the room back and forth fighting his growing need to see your face again with rage that he needed you to join him.

Join me instead. Your words repeating in his mind.

Kylo let out another yell "NO" before he drew his saber and slashed at the walls around him letting out his rage in a fireball of destruction.

Something froze him completely. He felt something. Sensed you. His eyes widened.

You were escaping...

"FUCK" he ran out of his quarters to find you.


The plan Poe had seemed too simple. Too easy. But you went along with it to amuse him.

He marched you down the halls in his trooper disguise leading you toward the launch bay. A second trooper joined your group and you gave a look of concern to Poe.

"He's with us dont worry" he whispered to you.

Your group reached the bays doors and were greeted by the guarding troopers.

"Where are you taking the captive?" One asked Poe.

"Following direct orders to bring her to a transport" Poe answered him.

"I was not aware of any transport. I'll need to check before you continue" the trooper began fumbling through his data pad.

"I mean.. alright. If you want to be the one to explain to Commander Ren why he was left waiting... be my guest" Poe shrugged and laughed at the other storm trooper that joined you.

"Head on through but we're still checking. Well be watching you" he pushed the bay door button and it hissed open.

You were marched to a transport. Poe and the other trooper prepared it for launch. Your eyes worriedly watching the guards as they were making contact. No doubt realizing soon this was all a lie.

"Come on quick it's ready!" Poe rushed you throwing off his helmet as the other one boarded the craft. D-O boarded and chirped his "Thank you" to Poe.

You froze. Suddenly you were feeling sick to your stomach. The force was pushing you to stay near Ren. You were stronger when you were near him. Frozen, your eyes locked on the bay doors knowing who was about to march through.

"Hey! Snap out of it! We gotta go!" Poe yelled at you.

The bay doors flew open and the familiar glowing red saber flashed through beheading the guards at the door. Kylo Ren slid across the floor locking eyes with you.

Stay. For me little dove. Stay.

Your heart sank as his voice echoed in your mind. Blasters from storm troopers flying past you as they went after your rescuers.

"WE NEED TO GO!" Poe screamed reaching a hand out for you and snapping you out of your daze. You ran to him.

You gave one final look back at Ren. His eyes were full of rage but something else lingered there too..

Come with us Ben.

His fists clenched.

You watched him as you took Poes hand and he pulled you into the ship. Rens face fell and you felt like you just broke him.

With Poes excellent flight skills and your new friends insight you managed to escape quickly.

The other trooper removed his helmet and turned to you "Finn" he reached to shake your hand.

"Thanks for the save Finn" you shook and gave him a smile.

"I'll be honest" you turned to Poe. "I thought your plan sounded ridiculous. Impossible" you laughed. "But it worked!"

"Yeah well it almost didn't" he looked at you deeply. "Why did you hesitate for so long?"

"The force... it froze me. Like I couldn't leave Ren" you looked down knowing if the mission had gone south it would have been your fault. You felt guilty.

"Leia will be interested to hear that I guess.." Poe sounded Jealous. You reached over and grabbed his hand.

"I'm sorry" you whispered over. "You pulled me out of it though"

His eyes glimmered and he let out a smile and a sigh. He felt good knowing he was your light.

"I'll allow it" he laughed.

As the transporter landed in the Tantive IV you saw the crowd of people cheering your crews return.

Princess Leia standing quiet and proud in the back.

As you exited the ship you heard shouts to Poe exclaim

"You did it man!"
"What a badass!"
"Welcome back to the number one Pilot!"

Leia motioned for you and Poe to join her.

"Kylo Ren had her captive" he spoke directly into her ear.

"Then we have some things to discuss" she said to you as D-O wheeled his way next to you. "Poe take our friend here and see what you can do about that squeaky wheel" she smiled at them and lead you to a small conference room.

Taking a seat she asked "What do you know of Kylo Ren".

"To be honest not much. I know of his role with the first order. That he was once Ben Solo..Of his destructive ways... but when I think about it. That's really all I know." You studied her face.

"What happened on the finalizer?"

"He tried to interrogate me. He blocked me from you but I managed to reach you it seems" you smiled at her. "Thank you for the rescue".

"Don't thank me. It was all Poes handiwork." She waved off your thanks. "Is that all that happened?" She was eyeing your bruise on your face.

You turned your cheek the other way and covered it with your hand like you were embarrassed. "He didn't like my answers..."

She looked pained.

"But after this happened he took me to his quarters and he attempted to aid my injuries" you said suddenly worried about her reaction.

"So you don't know how Ben Solo became commander Ren?" She asked.

"No.." you watched her look down in sadness.

"Do you believe there is any light left in him?" You could tell she longed for a good answer.

"1000% yes there is" you quickly blurted. "I felt the battle within him. I felt the pull back to the light side. I know it's there!"

"And you think you could help him?" She asked.

"Well I'm not sure. I do know for some reason the force has connected us deeply. When Poe was saving me..."

"Go on" she encouraged.

"It felt like I couldn't leave his side. Like... like I'd weaken to nothing without him".

"Interesting." She stood and began to pace the room. "You're going to need a teacher."

"Everyone keeps telling me that" you laughed.

"A scavenger girl... Rey. She's been working with Poe and I. She found the map to Luke."

For a second hearing that Poe had been working with some other girl sent a stabbing pain into your heart. Then you remembered what happened on the finalizer and pain turned to guilt.

"Luke Skywalker?! THE Luke Skywalker?" You felt like a giddy child. Your father once told you the stories of the adventures of Skywalker.

"He's your best chance. Without him..."

"Where is he?" You asked.

"He's at the ancient Jedi temple. Have you ever flown a ship before?" She asked.

You laughed loudly "me fly? I never left my planet until Poe came along."

"Well to get to Luke you'll need to go alone"

"How am I supposed to do that?!" You panicked.

"I know the ship. And I know the teacher" she said as she flicked her fingers to open the door.

Leaning outside the door in the hallway was Han Solo. Snarky and handsome as ever.

"Leia" he nodded at her as he walked in. "This is who I'm trusting my falcon with?!" He stood over you.

"H-hi..." you said looking down like you weren't worthy.

"Better get to work. Let's go kid" he said walking out the door but you were paralyzed from shock. Leia patted your shoulder and laughed.

"I said let's go kid!" He said dipping his head back in the door. "I don't have forever".

You staggered to your feet your legs felt like Jello and your stomach was turning. How quickly your life went from being a droid mechanic to... whatever it is you are now.

You spent the next three days intensely training on flying. Whenever you felt like you were getting a grasp on it Han would bring you down with lists of everything you did wrong.

After your final test flight you both walked off the ship

"Kid. Well be lucky if you make it out of the launch bay. You need to-"

"Give it a rest Solo" Poe interrupted him. "She is doing great" he hugged you as you noticed a girl trailing behind him.

"This is Rey" he pulled her forward wrapping his arm around her back. "She got us the map".

"Thanks" you said to Rey trying to hold back your jealousy. You watched closely as Poe starred at her lovingly. "Why doesn't she find Skywalker?" You accidentally let some jealousy slip.

Han, Poe, and Rey laughed. "You have the force. She doesn't". Solo had begun loading some luggage into the falcon for you. "You're the one connected to..." his face filled with sadness.

"I'll bring him back to you" you reassured him as you pulled him in for a hug.

"I hope so..." he stepped away and finished readying the ship. Poe had snuck off walking across the bay with Rey.

Maybe you should just let him go to her. They make a good couple. You pictured them happy together.

"I'm going to go get ready and say goodbye to D-O" you shouted over to Han before heading to your quarters.

"I know bud. I'll miss you too. I promise I'll be back" you sat down on the floor with your droid. He spun circles around you showing off his wheel.

"Squeak is gone" he said over and over.

"I know you're brand new!" You laughed.

You felt a tug in your brain and you held your breath, starting forward.

His figure began to take shape. You saw him as if he was sitting right in front of you.

"Where are you" he asked. "How are you doing this?"

"I'm not.."

"Can you see my surroundings? I can't see yours.." he studied you.

"I can only see you" you felt his grasp on you grow.

"Where are you Little Dove?" He tilted his head.

"I'll be coming back to you soon. To bring Ben home.." you reached to touch his face but he pulled back.

"Ben. Isn't. Alive." He fumed.

There was a knock at your door and Both of your heads turned.

"Time to go rockstar!" Poe yelled in.

"Him..." Kylo growled before he disappeared.

"Coming!" You stood and grabbed your bag.

"Who were you talking to?" Poe asked as you both headed toward the falcon.

"Just D-O" you quickly lied. "Saying goodbye is hard for him" you laughed.

Leia, Han, Rey, Finn, and Poe all stood at your ship.

"Be safe" Poe said kissing your forehead. You thought you noticed a look of jealousy on Rey.

"Good luck kid" Han said hugging you.

"May the force be with you" Leia said walking you to the ship.

"And with you" you said as you closed the door and prepared to fly.

You set the auto pilot to the maps coordinates and set off waving a final 'see you later' to your friends below.

The island looked peaceful and deserted. If Luke was there you couldn't tell. You managed to gently land the falcon on a flat part of land and stretched as you exited the craft. Your eyes searched the scene in front of you.

Then there he was. A figure standing on top of the highest peak looking down on you. You sensed who it was immediately.

"Go away" he yelled before disappearing behind the peak.

Your feet carried you quickly up the massive amount of steps leading to a platform where Luke sat glaring at you.

"We need your help. I need your help" you pleaded.

"I didn't come her to be found" he rolled his eyes and looked away to stare at the water.

"You're our only hope to save the resistance. To save.. Ben".

"Ben is gone" he turned to you with anger in his eyes and pain in his heart. "Who are you?"

"I'm nobody from nowhere" you answered.

"You can't be from nowhere-"

"Cielo. I'm from Cielo" you interrupted.

"Yeah you're right that's pretty much nowhere. So why did they send you? Who are you?"

"I'm new. Leia thought you could train me. She said the force was so strong with me... you're my only hope."

"I can't train you" he stood and stormed away.

Following him you said "Please! I know there is good left in Ben. I saw it"

"What do you mean you saw it!" He turned quickly back to you shaking you.

"He... he captured me. Our minds connected. I saw the light still bubbling inside of him." You muttered out.

"Impossible. Wait- your minds connected?!" he yelled.

"Uhm... yes?" You grew confused.

"Do you realize you most likely lead him here?" He turned kicking a nearby rock. "Damnit!"

"I'm sorry I-I didn't realize. They told me to find you I-"

"I don't believe in Ben. But if they believed it important enough to send you to me then we will test your strength. Maybe.. maybe there could be some hope for you" he looked deep in thought. "We'll train in the morning" he walked to a hut and shut the door.

The next morning Skywalker had you back in the platform in meditations pose like Leia had done before.

"Calm your entire self. Quiet everything inside your mind. Let the force show you what it wants to show you. Don't lead it" he said.

You sat eyes closed. The smell of the water filling your lungs as you took a deep breath. All you could hear were the waves lapping in the islands cliffs. It felt like your soul left your body as it rose into the sky. You could see every inch of the island.

"I can see everything" you said.

"Shhh" he hummed. "Let it speak to you"

You continued letting the force guide you around. It was full of peace. Light. The ground beneath you began to vibrate as the force grew within you. You felt a wave of power as it lifted your body into the air levitating into the sky. The island grumbled beneath you as the vibrations grew into an earth quake and Skywalker stood back in awe.

Slowly you floated your body back down and stood on the platform. You opened your eyes and met Skywalker.

"Have you ever held one of these?" He asked tossing your a saber.

"No.." you said weary of even holding such an intimidating weapon.

"Well it's time you start" he said drawing his.

You spent the next several days deep in your work with Skywalker. It was almost like everything else happening in the universe didn't exist.

First Solo taught you to fly, and now Skywalker is teaching you to fight...

One night Skywalker took your hands in his and he projected the worst night for your to see. He showed you when Ben Solo became Kylo Ren. At first you were angry with Luke but seeing how much he punished himself for creating kylo Ren you decided to let it go. The only important thing now was the bring Ben back.

One night you sat by your fire and a familiar tug in your brain began to start.

"Not now" you said.

"You're Getting stronger" Ren said as he materialized in front of you again. "I still can't see your surroundings."

"What do you want?" You asked angrily.

"You found him didn't you. You found Skywalker."

"Ben.." you called for the light inside him.

"Answer me little dove" he continued.

"He's been training me. I'm coming to you next" you said.

"Join me little dove." He said reaching out his hand. "Take my hand. Join me" his rage burning inside him. "Let me train you. Not Skywalker. He's weak, a runaway."

You shook your head.

"Join me!" He demanded.

"I will never succumb to the darkness. Ben Solo." You hissed at him. His rage flooded into you as he stood drawing his saber and turning on the red blades.

"Fine. But you'll want to know what's about to happen next" he snarled down at you.

"What are you talking about?" You stood panic tinged your voice.

"I'm going to take care of a persistent problem in OUR life" he turned to look to the side of him but you couldn't see what he was looking at. You only heard the painful scream escape someone's lungs as Kylo had him in a force hold.

He had Poe.

"Let him go!" You screamed.

"No. You'll be mine. Only mine" he waved his hand and his image disappeared.

You collapsed to the ground weeping in a helpless rage.

"It's time for you to go" Skywalker said.

"How long have you been standing there" tears filled your eyes and rolled down your cheeks.

"Long enough." He walked over and helped you up. "It's time. Help him. Help Ben..." he said.

You ran to falcon and prepared for take off.

Help him. Help Ben.

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