Broken Glasses [Ongoing]

By RubixCube89201

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This is a story about bullying, and like the hundreds of other books on the topic, it will show you the harsh... More

Broken Glasses
Chapter One: Nice to Meet You Too
Chapter Two: It Ends with Me
Chapter Three: Is This My Pen?
Chapter Four: I Love It When I'm Right
Chapter Five: I Suggest Another Hobby
Chapter Six: Now Give Me Your Backpack
Chapter Seven: You Book Murderer!
Chapter Eight: You're Going to Poison Them
Chapter Nine: Blasphemy!
Chapter Eleven: We Don't Have To
Chapter Twelve: I Don't Work Here

Chapter Ten: You Can't Be Serious

24.4K 1.1K 12.4K
By RubixCube89201

"So much to say but I don't speak. And I hate that I let you stop me. 'Cause it hurts when you hurt somebody."

[Song: "Hurt Somebody" - Noah Kahan, Julia Michaels]


Bennett and Naomi have a group project together for their independent research class about mental health is impacted in a work environment. Despite her workload in other classes, Naomi felt she had to prove herself to Bennett and took up the task to do the pre-research report. However, Bennett ended up writing and submitting the report himself without telling her which led to their teacher to dock points for their miscoordination. When Naomi confronted Bennett, telling him that she was planning on asking the teacher to write her a letter of recommendation for college and scholarships, Bennett offered her money to make up for it, offending Naomi. Much to Declan's and Jordan's discomfort, Naomi and Bennett weren't on speaking terms.

However, they still have a project and they need to talk to each other to complete it.

[No trigger warning, unless you count selfish people thinking they can talk~]


My hand was raised in front of the door but refused to move.

Should I knock or ring the doorbell?

Aside from my indecisiveness to notify my arrival at the door, I was unsure to do anything at all.

It was a quiet trip that led me to stand in front of the door. At his texted instructions, I waited to be picked up by a slick black Maserati SUV. The driver handed me a card that read Riposante Residences: Chauffeur Services. After taking a picture of the license plate and sending it to my dad who told me that he knew I was only showing off I was going to ride in a Maserati, I was chauffeured away. Although the car was too nice for me to actually relax in, I took the time to recollect my thoughts. I continued to be lost in my thoughts as I was escorted into the building, greeted kindly by the staff up until I arrived at the front of the door.

I took a deep breath and lifted my hand once again when the door suddenly opened.

"You were standing in front of the door for five minutes," Bennett informed me.

"Thank you for timing me," I told him before wincing at the reflexive retort.

Despite standing slightly behind the opened door, I could see Bennett that with dark jeans he wore a navy blue zip-neck sweater, zipped down to have the collar of a white shirt peek underneath. He didn't style his hair and had strands fall over his forehead. However, he still wore his earrings, black studs, that both suit and did not suit him.

Bennett was looking at me but glanced away at my response. "I didn't want you to keep standing there," he told me. "If you want to go back home, I can order a car for you and-"

"No," I began quickly, then paused, realizing my sudden interjection. "I mean, it's ok. We have a project to do."

"Right, of course," Bennett said as he widened the door to allow me to step inside.

Slinging my backpack off my shoulder to place it on the couch, I began, "So we can finish the project as fast as possible by finalizing some..." I faltered, then turned back to Bennett. "What is that?"

Bennett walked past me towards a small table with two chairs on opposite sides. "Before we work on our project, I wanted to play a game of chess with you," he told me as he pulled out a chair and motioned a hand to it for me.

I looked at the chess set then back at him then back at the chess set. "You want to play a game of chess?" I clarified slowly, confirming that I heard him right, confirming that he heard himself right.

Bennett's eyes flitted to the chessboard then back to me. "Yes."

Walking over to the table, I went to the other side of the table, not taking the chair Bennett pulled out. I thought against shrugging off my fleece light-blue denim jacket I wore over a white pocket tee and black leggings and sat down before awkwardly scooching the chair forward.

"One game," I told him.

He nodded and took a seat. "One game," he confirmed.

Chess is a two-player strategy game. It had a board that was eight-by-eight, 64 squares, with each player having 16 pieces that vary in their abilities. The goal is to trap the opponent's King piece into a checkmate. Depending on what side you were on, you either had a white set or a black set to which white moves first- because society.

Bennett had the white set, but he rotated the board so that I would have the white set instead. We had played chess a couple of times and would alternate between who starts the game. That one action told me everything- he wanted me to begin first, to give me that edge, because he's looking to reconcile.

I held out my hand to him and he took it for a short handshake- a sign of respect before beginning the game.

I then picked up a pawn piece and moved it forward.

Neither of us spoke as we played the game. We alternated turns without taking a moment to pause to think about the next move. Just as I was confident with each move I made, he was confident with his.

However, as I tried to focus on the game with my eyes on the board, I glanced up at him but only found him staring at the chessboard. I managed to get away with it until the fourth time when I looked up to find us lock eyes before we simultaneously broke it off and stared back at the board.

I didn't know what the true point of having us play a game of chess. We weren't talking as we traded moves. The game was just going to end with one of us winning.

He moved a bishop, I took it with my knight.

He moved a rook, I took a knight he left alone with my pawn.

I moved my knight, he moved his pawn instead of taking it.

Although we had played the entire game without even a moment to stop, it was at that move did my hand halt mid-air, hovering over my queen piece.

I exhaled sharply. "We're starting over," I stated as I began to set my pieces back to their original positions.

Bennett looked up at me, his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. "Why?"

"If you're going to invite me to play a game of chess," I told him as I continued to reset my pieces, "do that with the intention to win, not with the intention to let me win."

This entire time, Bennett has been allowing me to win. He gave me openings for my pieces to move forward, sacrificed his pieces when there were ways to save them, and moved his pieces to avoid having to take mine.

I looked at him, my eyes narrowed. "If your plan was to get me to win a game of chess just so I would forgive you for humiliating me in class- it failed. Try again."

Bennett exhaled before resetting his pieces after me.

When I made the first move with a pawn, I told Bennett, "If you want to talk, you have to move a piece. If you want to move a piece, you have to talk." I folded my arms across my chest. When I said the new rule, he stopped his hand from moving a piece.

After glancing at me, he moved a knight piece. "I apologize for playing the game with the intention of letting you win."

I moved another pawn. "Is that all you're sorry about?"

His hand hovered over the same knight, pausing for a moment before he moved a pawn instead. "No."

Twirling my hand, I motioned for him to not use a move just to say one word.

Bennett exhaled. "It wasn't my intention to... humiliate you in class either. It never was. I'm sorry that it happened." He paused and exhaled again. "And I'm sorry that my first apology wasn't enough to show how truly sorry I am."

I stared at the board, not because I was stuck on what piece to move but what to say. When I moved a bishop out into the open, I said, "You're right, it wasn't. After what happened, an apology wouldn't do anything. I didn't want an apology. I wanted a reason."

When he moved a pawn, he told me, "I know. I didn't give you a reason because I knew it wasn't going to be good enough. However, I should have said it earlier."

Another pawn moved. "With our plan going on, that was the last thing I expected or needed. I thought we were... I don't know. I thought we were friends."

His pawn moved. "We still-" Bennett stopped himself. "We are... if you still want to be."

I hesitated for a moment then moved my bishop piece and took his pawn. "Only if you give me the reason."

No pieces moved on the board. I glanced up at Bennett and was surprised to see him looking at me instead of the board. I then watched him move a pawn piece.

"You... you won't like the reason," Bennett told me. "And I don't think any reason will be enough."

I moved my bishop back so his pawn wouldn't take it. "You keep saying that and I don't care, I-" I stopped myself. "I want to hear it from you, even though I already know why you did it."

Bennett looked up from the board. "You do?" He asked me in surprise.

"Move a piece," I told him.

"Right," he said, moving his knight to take my pawn.

When I moved my pawn to intimidate his knight, I said, "I know it's because you... it's because you don't trust me with the project and that I'm not as smart as you." I winced at my own words. Hearing them out loud solidified the fact. "It hurts knowing that, even more so having to accept that. But even if it's true, that doesn't mean you can just-"

"That isn't the reason."

I stared at Bennett. "What?"

Bennett moved his rook forward behind his pawn. "That wasn't the reason, Naomi."

"But-" I stopped to take his knight, frowning why he didn't move it back. "But you were the one who wanted to do the project together because you thought I was able to keep up with you. If you didn't, we would have just done the project separately. So why else would you..." My throat went dry. "No..."

Bennett looked at me, his eyes saying it all.

I put my face in my hands. Don't tell me..."

I heard a muted tap as he moved a piece on the chessboard.

"I... Dammit," I muttered.

"When I told the others we have a class together, Jordan said that I should take any assignment with you. He wanted us to be closer friends."

Jordan let out an exasperated sigh. "Look, I know the whole 'tall, dark, and handsome' trope with your silent and mysterious bit, is your 'thing'-" throwing in a gesture of air-quotes "-but you need to change that. Wait, I got a great idea! You have a class together, right, Bent? If there's any projects you can take with someone, team up with Naomi. You can be friends faster that way!"

"I'm going to kill him," I grumbled. I moved a rook piece. "We're not children who need help getting friends for our playdates."

Bennett moved a pawn to block a bishop from his rook. "But he was right. Without the group project, we would be more like random strangers, as Jordan puts it, compared to you with Jordan or Declan."

I let out a sigh, trying to process all of this. Rather than picking up the piece, I merely slid a rook right a couple of spaces. "Fine. You didn't want to do the project together in the first place. And-" Bennett looked like he wanted to defend himself "-I wanted the same thing. I was fine with doing the project by myself too. But that still doesn't explain why you did that report without telling me."

Bennett moved his knight closer to his queen piece. "It doesn't, and that's why I didn't say anything because nothing I could say would make up for it."

My pawn moved with a quiet tap. "Bennett, if it's something really personal, you don't have to tell me. Just know that I'm someone you can talk to." I pursed my lips together. "I know offering that sounds stupid because of the way I reacted. Being passive-aggressive and all didn't give you any real opening for you to explain yourself, and that was bad on my part."

I exhaled. "If something bad happened to you, you have the right to react however you want because of it, but not to hurt people around you. If you do, then they should know why or else no one will be able to move past it or know to offer their help."

Bennett was quiet for what felt like a long time. He then slowly moved a bishop across the board. "Check."

I looked at the board and frowned at the sight of his queen aimed at my king piece.

"There are many reasons that existed before we first started our project," Bennett told me as he stared at the pieces he had taken from me. "But the reason why I decided to do the report was when you told me that you had assignments for other classes. I believed that I could finish the report and turn it in before you, for you."

If that was his attempt to flatter me, it didn't work. I tsked at that. "And you did. Two days before the deadline."

He glanced up from the board at me.

I realized I spoke without moving a chess piece. I moved my bishop between his queen and my king. Unless he wanted to sacrifice his most powerful piece just to take a bishop when I had a piece ready to take it in retaliation, he should retreat.

"You thought you were doing me a favor, but you didn't. And what's worse is that your decision didn't even backfire on you, it backfired on me," I snapped at him. I stopped, realizing what I had done. "I'm sorry. I said I wasn't going to be mad-"

"No, you have every right to be, Naomi," Bennett assured me.

I forced out a chuckle. "If things went differently, I would have been thankful, but that didn't happen." I shook my head to myself. "It felt like you were doing most for our project. That's why I wanted to do the report despite my workload for my other classes. You should have told me, Bennett. Why didn't you?"

Bennett made the right move as he retreated his queen piece by a space.

"For our research project, I was assigned as the lead," Bennett reminded me. It was obvious that he would be chosen as the lead between the two of us. "I was always the team lead for group projects in my previous school."

I frowned, remembering how he used to go to the elite school Noura Academy before somehow downgrading himself to attending Dartwell High. No one knew how the school had produced so many successful alumni, but whatever they did, it worked.

Bennett looked out through the window, the city skyline in plain view. "Noura Academy is a school for legacies, students who are expected, who have to follow their family's successful footprints," Bennett explained. "Every aspect of that school was to prepare us for it. All assignments, group projects especially, had more at stake than just grades. Noura was less of a school, not even a networking event."

It was a battlefield.

"I can't believe it," she said in disbelief. "Kang's mother lost the election and Dawson's business went bankrupt. Do you know how much time and money I put into their connections? My parents are going to kill me for wasting their money on them. What should I do now? Wait, how did you cut off your ex when his company's stocks dropped?"


"Have you heard?" A classmate whispered between his snickering. "The top student of the junior year dropped to the tenth rank. Now his parents are threatening his inheritance. We're placing bets on what happened. Everyone thinks it's drugs, but I'm put in a thousand that it's something stupid like a mental breakdown."


"Since we made Frazier the team lead for our project, we should be able to jump up a few ranks. I want to get closer to him, but people told me he doesn't give or take any offers." She rolled her eyes. "Does he think he's better than us or is he an idiot that doesn't know how things actually work? I hope it's the latter- he'd be easier to use and he still has his looks."


He smirked. "I was never going to do the final analysis, Frazier. You're the team lead, you should've completed and submitted it on your own. Hey, consider it tough love. You know I'm looking out for you to prepare you as your company's next CEO. Anyway, with my folks out on a business trip, you're invited to the party I'm having in my family's summer villa in the Hamptons."


The teacher tutted in disapproval, shaking her head. "Mr. Frazier, I understand your request for an extension, but I will be marking you down for not better handling your teammates. All assignments recreate business situations to prepare you for your careers and such incidents are an opportunity to show your competence in management to which you have failed at. I'd hate to inform your father about this, but I can overlook this... if my name were to perhaps appear on the guest list of your company's upcoming stockholder banquet."


I felt a pit in my stomach as I listened to Bennett's explanation. His school had a competitive environment that drilled into them the lesson: if you want something done right, do it yourself, but if you can't do anything right, then you shouldn't be here.

"I know that Dartwell High isn't Noura Academy," Bennett told me. "It wasn't until I turned in the report did I realize what I had done. Instead of telling you or Ms. Kaito, I had asked her if she could do an overview of each group's progress as they did in my old school. My school did that to spark... competitiveness." It wasn't healthy competitiveness, it was forced and toxic.

Bennett pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "If she did, I... would have been able to at least avoid confronting you." When he said that, he wore a pained expression. "Then our grade wouldn't have been affected when you realize you didn't have to turn it in. But Dartwell High isn't Noura Academy, and Ms. Kaito didn't do that."

I exhaled, placing a hand on my forehead. "You should have told me, Bennett. Then we could've avoided all of this. You wanted to avoid confronting me? Your report would've been better than mine anyway, so you shouldn't have even cared what I'd think." I gritted my teeth and bit out, "Why would you ever care what I thought of you?"

"Because I do care," Bennett countered fiercely, not raising his voice at me but displaying a weight behind his tone, surprising the both of us.

Bennett winced at his retort, knowing that it was out of character, and it looked like he was backing away and forcing a wall between us once more.

"Of course I care," Bennett said quietly. "You're one of the few people who I found I can actually talk to, who see me and not my last name. And I didn't want my mistake to be the reason that pushed us both away."

Bennett closed his eyes and sighed. "But I couldn't find any way out of the hole I dug myself in and what I did was cowardly." He then quietly muttered to himself, "Everything I do is."

I stared at the board, going over everything Bennett had told me. I suddenly became furious at myself for thinking I was the exception. I knew he was a person, his own person- Bennett not Frazier, a high schooler not a legacy, a human not an idol. I was putting him on a pedestal and looking up at him when he was actually standing right beside me, looking up at the same embellished statue of him on the pedestal. He's human, he makes mistakes, he's entitled to make mistakes even though his background and his character say that he shouldn't, that he couldn't. He was a walking contradiction and he knew it.

I moved another piece forward.

Glaring at the chessboard, I told him, "At first I was angry- angry at you for doing that and angry at myself for being someone you didn't trust in. Then I was disappointed in you and myself. And then I was just hurt. Really hurt. I still am."

Bennett pushed a pawn forward and glanced away. "I understand. I had already accepted what will happen if you didn't forgive me."

"I had already forgiven you long before our chess game," I told him with a wry smile as I moved another piece. "I wanted to be angry at you, because if I wasn't, then I could only be angry at myself. I wanted to wait until you actually talked to me, but I was also scared of the truth. It was my fault we didn't resolve this sooner and for that I'm sorry."

Bennett shook his head. "Don't apologize, Naomi, it wasn't your fault. I should've done better."

I exhaled. "People have clashing cultures, customs, knowledge, habits, personalities. If someone wronged you because they were ignorant or was raised differently from you, do you get angry at them for not knowing better or stop and talk to them about what they did?"

Bennett didn't respond to the rhetorical question.

"I can't possibly stay mad at you after what you told me how things were like for you in your old school. You said that you were worried that your reason wasn't good enough, but they were actually too good seeing how awful I feel." I winced. "Sorry, I wasn't thinking when I said that."

"No, it's alright. I just didn't think you'd ever want to speak to me again."

I moved my piece in place. "Noura seemed to be a really competitive place that focused on what you can do on your own more than with others. I think we both know through our research project that communication is just as important, if not, more important."

He sighed. "It is and I know the irony of it," Bennett said as he moved another pawn.

I hesitated to move another piece but eventually did. "Do... Do you regret doing the research project with me?" I asked him.

"No, I don't," Bennett assured me, quickly exchanging pieces as he did. "Your topic and your ideas made me think more about my own research topic more clearly. I was focused on the wrong aspect of business, not on strategies but the people using them. I wouldn't have considered them if we didn't do the project together."

I gave him a small smile as I moved another piece. "Me too. I'm glad you think the same. I didn't want to stop the research project. Not just because it would've made us look bad to Ms. Kaito, but also because I enjoy the research project too. It made me think more narrowly about mental health instead of a general view of it."

Bennett gave me a hint of a smile before it was replaced by a small frown. He moved a chess piece. "Thank you for being understanding, but... there was also the whole incident with... the check."

To Bennett's surprise, I let out a laugh. "Don't worry," I said as I moved a rook piece. "Jordan and Declan explained your... habit. God, I hope it isn't a habit, Bennett. Did you know they bet how long it would take for you to try to write me a check? I think Declan won by a week."

"Of course they did," Bennett said with a sigh.

"Just please do me a favor and try not to do that again," I asked him when I moved a piece. "I don't want your money," said the girl whose parents work under his father's company. "And anyway, you're the one who's driving the three of us to school. The least we can do is help with the gas money. I'm planning on making them chip in."

"You don't have to do that," Bennett assured me.

"Yeah, I know we don't have to, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't," I told him. "I know you're... let's say, 'well off', but we're your friends and I don't want you to ever think we're using you to our advantage. I'm grateful for not having to walk or take the bus to and from school, and I would like to show my appreciation to my chauffeur monetarily."

Bennett wore a faint smile at that. "I understand but I don't want your money because of it. We can come up with something else instead."

I sighed and slightly shrugged. "I'll take it."

I picked up a knight piece I took from Bennett and studied it in my hand. "I think the real problem was that we became friends at Jordan's pace, not our own. That's why I think we should start all over."

"The chess game?" Bennett asked me.

"What? No, of course not. But only because I won." I moved my queen piece forward. "Checkmate."

Bennett looked down at the chessboard to see how I trapped his king with a queen, a rook, and a bishop.

"I think we can introduce ourselves in better terms and start again at our own pace," I said with a smile as I held out my hand to him as sportsmanship for ending the game.

Bennett's eyes flitted between me and my hand as if that would be any help in figuring me out. He then reached his hand out and met with a firm handshake.

"Hi, my name is Naomi Lorraine," I introduced myself with a smile.

He paused, taking in my introduction, then gave me a small smile. "It's nice to meet you, Naomi," he told me. "I'm Bennett Frazier."

After cleaning up the chessboard, we went to the couch to start working on our project. As we did, I began, "So Bennett, I heard you just recently transferred to Dartwell High. How are you liking your new school? Are you adjusting well?"

Bennett stifled a short chuckle. "My new school is so relaxed, it's almost concerning. I never knew people would actually sleep during class. But I was able to adjust well thanks to my friends."

I took out my laptop from my backpack. "Well, I can only imagine that your friends are quite amazing- at least one of them."

"You really don't have to do this, Naomi," Bennett assured me.

"I'll stop the act once you stop finding it funny," told him, noting how he was fighting back a smile. Sitting down on the couch, I told him, "How about this?"

I cleared my throat. "Thank you for arriving on time, Mr. Frazier. I hope the parking wasn't too bad for you. I see that you're applying for the open position in our company. Your resume tells me you're very accomplished. To start, tell me a little about yourself."

Bennett put a hand over his eyes and shook his head in disbelief. "Please, don't turn this into an interview."

"You don't have to do the interview," I assured him. "But that means you won't get the job," I said with a shrug making him chuckle.

"I had to do an interview for a scholarship, so I know all of the basic questions," I told him with a grin. "What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? Why do you want to work at this company? Why do you believe we should hire you?"

"Well," Bennett began, once he took a seat. "Depending on the situation, I believe strengths can become weaknesses and vise versa. I can be straight-forward which would save time during projects, but it is a trait that won't work with certain personalities. I can also be critical to myself and others when it affects a project, which can slow down the progress in the effort to perfect it."

"Your company is a pioneer in the industry, known to be both daring and resourceful. Through my skills and achievements that are shown in my resume, I can be a great asset to your company and will bring a unique dynamic to the team."

I was quiet, surprised that he was actually answering the questions and answering them more seriously than I had intended.

He looked at me expectantly. "Do you have any other questions you would like to ask me... Ms. Interviewer?"

His question snapped me back and I ignored my embarrassment. "Yes- No. You're hired! Welcome to the team! You can start on Monday."

Bennett chuckled to himself. "I think it's only fair if you get interviewed now," Bennett told me, before adding, "Also, I emailed you a document of articles I found for best working environments."

"Thanks," I said as I opened my email. "In the shared folder, I also attached a research paper I found on how a working environment is tied to job satisfaction, engagement, and performance."

"Ms. Lorraine, your resume and business references show that you exceed the qualifications of the position you're applying for," Bennett said in a serious tone, making me feel anxious as if I'm in an actual interview. "We would like to hire you, but we want to know if you will be a good fit for the company. Do you work best by yourself or with others? What do you look for in a company?"

I paused to think about his questions before answering. "The position I'm applying for requires me to work both by myself and with others. My character and values are important for me to complete the assignments completely and on time," I told him as I uploaded some of my work into the shared folder.

"My time management when working alone is sourced from my traits of being organized in my work, realistic in my ability, and..." I paused, trying to find the right word. "-and persistent in my efforts. When working with others, we are able to fill in the gaps in skills and knowledge, and I'm comfortable asking for help just as I'm more than happy to provide it."

I glanced at Bennett, seeing that he wasn't working on his laptop and was instead listening to me earnestly.

"I want to work in a company with good values that are reflected in the working environment," I explained. "Just as my coworkers should be resourceful and dependable during our work, I want to work alongside people of different backgrounds who create a welcoming..." I faltered.

"Is something wrong?" Bennett asked me.

"Diversity!" I blurted out.

I couldn't blame him for how confused he looked. "I'm sorry?"

"That's what we're missing for our research project," I told him excitedly. "An ideal working environment is where you have supervisors who respect and listen to you, you have a decent workload with reasonable deadlines, and have coworkers that have different knowledge and skills to fill in what you lack, right?"

"Yes, that's what we concluded with our project so far," Bennett confirmed.

"But what about cultural diversity?" I asked him as I typed away into my computer. "There must be hundreds of articles discussing it- here's the first one I found." My eyes scanned the article. "There will be challenges like prejudice and stereotypes, misinterpretation of cultures and customs, and obstacles with workplace requirements depending on their citizenship status."

I looked at him with a grin. "But there are benefits for having a diverse team, there is room for better productivity as well as  personal and professional growth." I was typing away, finding more and more articles. "Just imagine working in a welcoming environment filled with people who are different from you but you can learn from. You can be yourself and don't have to be worried about being excluded because of your ethnicity, disability, gender, or sexuality, and can work to your full potential. With something like that-" I stopped myself.

I slowly put my laptop on the coffee table and stared at the screen as I tried to ignore the increasing warmth of my cheeks. "I may have gotten carried away," I admitted slowly.

"No," Bennett interjected, making me look up at him in surprise. "I think that would be a great addition to our project but..."

Bennett set his laptop on the table. He leaned back in his seat and absentmindedly rubbed his chin with his eyebrows furrowed together. "The pre-research paper was already turned in and the final report is due in two weeks after midterms," Bennett stated. "If we prepare enough research, we can persuade Ms. Kaito to allow us to add it into our project." The two of us smiled at the opportunity.

Bennett and I began simultaneously, "I can email-"

He cleared his throat. "You should email Ms. Kaito... Then you would be able to ask her about that letter of recommendation." He glanced away. "I explained it was my fault and asked for only my grade to be affected, not yours. I wanted to tell you myself, but we weren't talking at the time."

I smiled. "Ok, I will."

His gaze then shifted to the direction of the kitchen. "Do you want anything? Have you already eaten?"

"I'm alright," I told him. "I was planning on eating some leftovers for dinner when I get back home. I just wanted to catch up on work for our project today."

Bennett abruptly stood up from his seat on the couch. "Let's move to the dining table. There's better lighting."

I frowned. "Why the din-" Bennett didn't let me finish when he walked into the kitchen.

We usually worked on our project in the living room, but Bennett must have realized it wasn't good to sit on the couch with a laptop on your lap for a couple hours. I got up and stretched my back and arms. Then I picked up my laptop and Bennett's and placed them on the small four-person dining table. As I typed up the email for Ms. Kaito, I heard clatters coming from the kitchen. I figured he was setting up some drinks and cookies, I mean "biscuits'', while we worked again, but there was another lingering smell that I decided must be from his earlier lunch.

"I finished the email," I called out to Bennett as I read through the email for any grammar mistakes. "Do you want to look over it before I send it?"

I slightly turned around to check where he was when I became aware of his presence on the other side of my body. Bennett leaned over my shoulder from behind my chair, his hand rested against the table for support as he looked down at the laptop screen. I leaned slightly away from him, both to give him space and because he was so close without any warning. His eyes scanned my email before he gave a slight nod. When I hit send, Bennett closed my laptop shut before sliding it away.

"Um... I think I need my laptop open so I can keep working," I explained to him slowly.

"Before we continue working, I wanted you to take a break first."

Bennett went around my chair then smoothly set a plate in front of me. What I was smelling earlier wasn't some leftover lunch, it was from this plate instead. On a bed of spaghetti covered a thick, dark red-brown sauce dusted with cheese and green herbs sprinkled on top. My mouth nearly watered at the sight and don't even get me started on how great it smelled.

After placing a napkin and fork on one side of the plate and a glass of water on the other, Bennett took off a short black chef apron and hung it at the back of the chair opposite of me before taking a seat.

"This is spaghetti Bolognese," Bennett explained to me. "The sauce is made of ground beef, tomatoes, onions, garlic, herbs like bay leaves and thyme, and red wine. On top, I put parmesan cheese and chopped fresh parsley. Tell me if you'd like more of the topping."

I stared at the dish as if I had never seen spaghetti before. "This is uh... Wow, ok." I nodded to myself before I stopped short. "Wait, Bolognese..."

I suddenly burst out laughing, earning myself a look of surprise from him. "Don't tell me you got this because of Filipino spaghetti." Filipino spaghetti was based on Bolognese sauce introduced by Americans. All that was missing was sugar, cheese, and hot dogs to make it Filipino spaghetti.

Bennett cleared his throat and straightened himself up in his seat, but still glanced away. "I wanted you to know-"

"-what actual spaghetti tastes like?" I finished before stifling another laugh. Before he had the chance to defend himself, I assured him, "Don't worry, Bennett. I have gone to Italian restaurants before. I am perfectly aware that Filipino spaghetti doesn't compare to Italian spaghetti." I smiled at him. "I really appreciate you went out of your way to buy this for me."

Bennett frowned. "I didn't buy this dish. I made it myself."

"Oh my God, that apron wasn't for show," I muttered under my breath.

He slightly tilted his head in confusion. "I'm sorry?"

"Oh my God, I said that out loud," I muttered under my breath.

Oh my God, I need to shut up.

Oh my God, I need to stop saying 'oh my God'.

"You made this for me? You made it yourself? You can cook? Willingly?"

Bennett gave me a small smile. "Yes," he told me. "I was worried the pasta I made wasn't going to be done in time, but I managed to finish the dish before you arrived. It was already done, but I didn't plate it until now."

"Wait, you can make pasta from scratch? As in not from just buying it in a store pack on sale?"

"On sale? No, of course not," Bennett said. "I think that would revoke my Italian heritage."

Oh my God, he just made a joke.

"But that's just me being strict with myself," Bennett explained. After a pause, he asked me,  "Would you like to see how I made the pasta before eating?"

"Yes," I said excitedly, standing up from my seat.

I followed Bennett to the kitchen when the lights turned on automatically when we walked in. I stopped in my tracks at the sight- my mom would kill for this kitchen. The kitchen looked like it was professionally decorated for an open house so people would buy the apartment. It was a large kitchen with spacious countertops and a small kitchen island.

What caught my eye was the countertop that had kitchen appliances aligned against the wall like soldiers ready for battle- slow cooker, crockpot, convection oven, air fryer, mixer, blender, coffee machine, toaster, and microwave. On another counter was the knife section, whether it be hanging off the wall in a magnet display or set proudly on a wooden rack was an alarming assortment of different kinds of kitchen knives from a Chinese cleaver to a butter knife.

Beside the stove was a clean display of pots and pans of different sizes and materials as well as a small kettle. I suddenly stopped and slowly looked up, seeing a fridge towering over me. I studied it and a black rectangle in front of it lit up into a digital screen, showing me the date, time, temperature, and a handwritten list of food items.

"Smart fridge," I whispered in awe.

"Oh, that's just my grocery list," Bennett said, tapping on the screen to have it blink out.

"Here's the pasta maker," Bennett showcased, leading me to the countertop. "I got it as a gift. It has to be a hand-cranked one, a machine wouldn't do."

"So it really had to take an argument for you to show me my dream kitchen?" I asked as I turned the handle out of curiosity.

"If I had known you wanted to look at the kitchen, I would have shown it to you sooner," Bennett assured me. "I just didn't see why you would be interested in it."

"Actually, I wouldn't call it my dream kitchen just yet. You're missing a very important appliance critical to my survival."

Bennett frowned. "What is it?"

"A rice cooker."

Before I was able to give him a sonnet of the beauty of the rice cooker, Bennett told me with a small smile, "Many of these appliances are gifts. The only rice dish I ever made is risotto and I don't need a rice cooker for it."

"That needs to change," I grumbled. "You're missing out."

"Well, since you cooked for us, the least I can do is wash the dishes after," I offered him as I looked at the sink filled with pans and utensils.

Bennett shook his head. "It's ok, it'll be washed later and-"

"You have a garden!" I exclaimed before walking towards the window.

On the window sill and on either side of the window hanging off a wall were different pots of plants. I didn't know enough about herbs, but I knew it was an assortment of them given the smell drifting through me.

"They're so cute," I said in amazement.

Bennett chuckled to himself. "I didn't know you can call herbs cute. There is a large difference in flavor between a fresh herb and a dried herb," Bennett explained. He pointed at each one and listed them out: thyme, chives, mint, sage, basil, oregano, parsley, rosemary.

I eventually forced myself out of the kitchen before I started taking pictures. We sat back down at the dining table and I looked at Bennett, waiting for him.

"Are you going to eat?" Bennett asked me hesitantly.

"Oh, I was waiting for you to grab your own plate," I told him.

Bennett looked at me in confusion. "I don't have one. I made one serving for you."

"You made food only for me?" I clarified slowly to which he nodded in confirmation.

I was surprised Bennett didn't leave to lower the thermostat seeing the heat radiating off of my face at the moment.

Bennett frowned, looking concerned. "Is that... weird?"

"N-No," I quickly assured him. "I just never had someone make food only for me before. I mean, my parents cook me food but usually it's for all of us for dinner. But you just made food with no intention of eating any for yourself. You have amazing self-control."

Bennett gave me a faint smile. "Well, I just wanted to make this when we reconciled to show how sincere I am. That...  and because of the Filipino spaghetti."

I chuckled at the last part, but it faltered away. "What if we didn't reconcile?" I asked him.

Bennett's eyes shifted to his left. Following his line of sight, I saw a plastic tupperware on the kitchen counter. "In case we didn't, I still wanted to give you the dish. I made it for you after all."

I smiled to myself. "But I still feel bad eating by myself and in front of you," I admitted shyly.

"I didn't consider you would feel uncomfortable for that," Bennett said before standing up and leaving the table.

He shortly came back and placed two small plates on the table before sitting down. Each plate was a small semicircle of a chocolate cake that looked like they were just halved in two.

"This is torta di nocciole, hazelnut cake with chocolate ganache and caster sugar on top," Bennett described. "It's a dessert from Piedmont, Italy- where my family is from. I made one serving of it for you, but if you don't mind, I halved it so you won't be eating alone."

"I don't mind at all. Did you make this too?" I asked which he answered with a short nod. "So hazelnut and chocolate, like Nutella?"

"Well, yes. Nutella was actually made from the Italian chocolate company Ferrero that makes Ferrero Rocher. Ferrero itself was founded in Alba, Piedmont."

My head was spinning now. "I didn't know that. I love Nutella and Ferrero Rocher. Now you're telling me that it's all connected to where you're from? This is amazing." I twirled some spaghetti into my fork and ate it, immediately falling in love. "And this is amazing too. Maybe we should get into more arguments if it means I can eat food like this from you."

Bennett was in the middle of a bite of his cake and had to cover his mouth as he chuckled. After taking a sip of water, he told me, "I would much rather cook something for you than get on your bad side again."

"Great choice, Frazier," I told him with a chuckle.

As I ate my main course, we briefly discussed what we need to do for our research project before Bennett explained how he cooked the spaghetti and baked the cake. It was nice hearing him describe the process with great detail, even going so far as motioning with his hands some steps. Once I was done, I shamelessly pushed the empty plate away and slid the hazelnut-chocolate cake in front of me.

"You have been on my mind ever since I first laid eyes on you," I muttered under my breath, licking my lips in anticipation. I took a bite and I knew I had ascended to hazelnut-chocolate heaven. I just hoped they would let me carry the plate with me.

"How do you say it again?" I asked Bennett. "Torta di... nico? No, that did not sound right at all."

"Torta di nocciole," Bennett corrected.

"Torta di... nocciole," I repeated slowly after him.

Bennett nodded. "I grew up eating this because of Eloisa," he said, referring to the family-friend I had met the first time I visited his place. "Many of the dishes I know were the ones she made when I was younger. Although I mainly know Italian dishes and some British ones, I would like to try others."

My face lit up at the last part. "Well, I think you're talking to the right person. My parents got me to love trying new food, and I have extended family outside of being Filipino and Hawaiian. So if you want to add Asian food to your palette or have someone to go with when trying out new restaurants- I'll be more than happy to help. And to put the icing on the cake- we can split the bill," I told him with a grin.

Bennett nodded, and I saw a flash of the faintest smile. "I would appreciate that."

"I'm not much of a cook but I enjoy the end product cooks make," I admitted sheepishly. "I find it great that you enjoy cooking without the whole... 'needing to eat to live' part." The two of us chuckled at that.

"I really love to cook." He only stated it, but the fleeting tone behind it showed that it wasn't a simple statement at all. "With the right ingredients, I can make anything I'd like, and be able to see people enjoy them. The dinner at your house and seeing how proud your mother looked made me want to learn about more cuisines."

I smiled, thinking about how like Declan and his music, Bennett will be pursuing a career in the arts too. "I heard that you can choose a specialization in culinary school. Do you already know what you-" I stopped myself, realizing my mistake.

He's the heir of a business conglomerate. He's not going to major in cooking to be a chef, but business to be a CEO.

"I'm sorry, that was really stupid of me," I stammered. "I don't know why I thought that just because you love to cook meant you want to be a professional chef."

Bennett looked down at the cake he made, the small smile fading before me. "No, it's a bit... embarrassing, but I wanted to be a chef when I was younger. However, it's not an option for me anymore."

I held back the urge to wince. "That isn't embarrassing at all, Bennett," I assured him. "You're still cooking because you love it and that should be what matters in the end."

Bennett paused. "Yeah, it should," he agreed.


"Ms. Kaito replied back," I told Bennett. "She said the additional topic is close enough to our research topic to be added. But since the pre-research paper is already graded, we need to be extra thorough in our final research report and presentation to make up for it."

We had migrated back to the couch and were sitting next to each other as we worked on our project.

"That's good," Bennett said. "Were you able to talk to her about... anything else?" He asked.

"I want to wait until we get back to school and I'll talk to her in person." I was hesitant with the idea, but telling him made me decide to go through with it.

Bennett nodded. "I wanted to ask, what do you think about this outline for the report?"

I leaned over to look at Bennett's laptop screen, tucking some hair behind my ear as I read through the list. "I was thinking we can introduce cultural diversity in the end for a build up. And we can add some examples as support."

When I looked back at Bennett, I realized that with our positioning, we were inches away from each other. I snapped away from him and stared at my computer screen, ignoring the fact he smelled like chocolate. I probably smelled like chocolate too since I ate the cake. Maybe I just smelled my breath. I froze at the thought that I might have chocolate breath.

"I feel that explaining business management concepts interrupts the flow of the report if we place it here," Bennett said.

"You're right," I muttered, frowning. "Maybe we can introduce it in the beginning?" I offered. "We can find a way to work it into the introduction instead."

"I was thinking the same thing," Bennett told me.

I was about to go back to my work when Bennett cleared his throat. "Naomi, I wanted to ask you something else."

"Is it about the powerpoint presentation?" I asked. "Because I was thinking we can start working on it in our next meet up."

"No, it's not about that." Bennett straightened himself up in his seat, clearing his throat. "About what you said earlier, with your offer of going to new restaurants, I wanted to know if you-"

The door suddenly burst open causing Bennett and I to jump in surprise. I turned around on the couch to look at the door when my eyes slowly widened at the sight. Still on the couch, I rose up from my seat from my knees, pulling my body up with my hands on the back of the couch. I couldn't look away.

"No way..." I muttered. "You can't be-" I interrupted myself when I fell over the back of the couch. I managed to stand back up, my eyes having never left. I shook my head in disbelief. "You can't be serious."

Declan leaned against the doorframe with his arms folded across his chest, shaking his head to himself. "I wish he actually was."

Jordan smirked, posing with his hand on his hip. "I'm not just serious... I'm sexy too."

Maid costume.

Jordan freaking Wallace is wearing a maid costume.

The black and white dress was trimmed with white lace at the hems of the sleeves and skirt. It came with a white apron with the same lacy frills and black bows. He wore long white gloves that went past his elbows but looked like they were a size too small and were going to tear through the circumference of his arms. The skirt of the dress hung over thighs and met with white over-the-knee socks with a black bow on each end. And to complete the outfit, he wore a white lace headband with black bows on top of his ruffled dirty blonde hair. The puffy sleeves and gloves as well as the short skirt and long socks actually exposed how relatively fit Jordan actually is, marking the sharp contrast with the cute dress.

And do you know what the best and worst part of it is?

He looks amazing in it!

Declan and I immediately whipped our phones out and transformed into professional photographers bringing the best out of our model.

"Over here, Jordan! Smile for us! You own the camera!"

"Work it, sweetheart! You're amazing! Love it, babe!"

"Make another pose! You're doing great! Hollywood here we come!"

"Blow us a kiss, love! Make a heart-shape! Beautiful, just beautiful!"

The entire time, Jordan was playing along with us. He made different poses whether it be cute or sexy. He threw peace signs and heart shapes. Blew us kisses. Flipped non-existent long hair. Bit his bottom lip. Then he went against the wall and posed against it. His inner model was unleashed and he was basking in the attention.

When we took enough pictures, Declan and I began showing each other the photos we got.

"I managed to get a great angle with the light illuminating him best here."

"My stupid camera blurred out when he struck this pose. Did you get a better one?"

"I can touch up the photos and work out the contrasts and highlights."

"This pose best shows the entire outfit and the character he's trying to bring out."

"Enough of the photos, pay attention to me," Jordan said in exasperation. "Shower me with compliments for looking great in this thing."

With a grin, I said, "Jordan, you look so cute in this outfit."

"Obviously," Jordan said, rolling his eyes and flipping imaginary hair. "Don't forget hot, sexy, and beautiful- to name a few."

"Yeah, hot, sexy, beautiful- This is insane! How are you pulling this off?" I asked in disbelief as I circled around him. "Why do you look better in it than I could ever dream if I wore it?"

"I just look great in everything," he said smugly with an innocent shrug, adjusting the hairband on his head. "I know you're jealous, but don't take it out on me. Some people are just born this beautiful."

"You're even wearing makeup!" I said excitedly, moving close to him to study how much he wore. I barely noticed that Jordan's eyes widened in surprise and slightly leaned away from me. "How long did it take to-" I stopped and realized that I was wrong.

"You're not wearing makeup," I accused. "You're blushing." Even though he was embarrassed, Jordan had the self-confidence to push through it.

"No, I'm not!" Jordan blurted out, backing away from me before looking away. "It's just really hot outside and yeah- heat, sun rays, temperature."

I grinned at him. "Jordan Wallace, are you feeling... flustered?"

He gasped and glared at me. "How dare you use my own iconic line on me! I could sue you!"

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, now I have to ask. Why are you wearing this? Don't get me wrong, I love it, but there has to be a reason."

"I'm redefining masculinity!" Jordan declared, clenching a gloved hand into a fist as the fire lit up in his eyes. "No longer shall we conform to society's outdated gendered definitions of clothing! Clothes don't belong to a gender but to the individual! And I'll lead this revolution to victory by first showing how damn great I look in this!"

Declan coughed. "That and because of the penalty thing of the contract."

"Wait, do you mean Article One Section Five of the Starbooks Contract?" I asked.

"The Operation was Jordan's idea and it not only failed, but it also ruined our reputations and hurt you," Bennett explained, still sitting on the couch. "Jordan then decided to follow the contract and submit to the penalty clause. Now he had to do something for each of us as punishment."

Walking past us, Jordan put the back of his hand on his forehead then asked dramatically, "And what could I possibly do for someone that can buy anything he wants even though he already has everything?"

Jordan then jumped to sit across Bennett's lap, making Bennett wince at the impact of Jordan's weight. Jordan looped his arms over Bennett's neck and looked at him lovingly. "I can fulfill his fantasy of me in a maid outfit! I know you've fallen in love with me, Frazier. But please don't make me sign a prenup."

Bennett immediately shoved Jordan off of him, making Jordan crash on the ground with a disturbingly loud thud. Jordan groaned and wailed out in agony at Bennett's betrayal. Bennett stood up from his seat, walked over Jordan's body and towards us.

"Pourquoi!" Jordan called out, reaching his hand out towards Bennett pathetically, already knowing that he wouldn't come back to him. "Reviens, mon amour!"

"Jordan is going to wash the dishes for the meal I cooked for you, Naomi," Bennett explained, ignoring Jordan. "It was Jordan's idea to wear the costume."

"In my defense, I said it as a joke," Jordan said calmly, standing back up, completely recovered. "Then I figured you'd probably love seeing me in a dress and fall in love with me. But now?" He scoffed and waved me off. "Forget you. I look amazing. I've been seeing this femboy trend in social media and I totally get them. I feel so pretty in this thing."

Jordan said, looking down at his dress before lightly flapping his skirt. "And a bonus, I'm Scottish descent and Scots wear kilts, and I now know why. It makes so much more sense for guys to wear skirts. It's so... freeing."

Jordan suddenly jumped on top of the coffee table, startling all of us. He raised a fist in the air, basking under the spotlight. He then quoted the iconic line by William Wallace in the movie Braveheart and passionately exclaimed in a terrible Scottish accent, "They may take our lives... but they'll never take our FREEDOM!"

In pure awe, Bennett, Declan, and I started applauding as Jordan bowed down for his performance. "Oh, stop it. I know, I know. I deserve it. I would just like to thank my mom for believing in me."

"Anyway," Jordan said, hopping off of the coffee table. "Pants are so restricting and boring anyway. Bennett, Declan, wear a skirt and you'll see that I'm right!"

"We'll take your word for it," Declan assured him.

Jordan rolled his eyes. "Oh so now you'll believe something I said."

"So I take it the two of you made up and we can hang out like normal without the whole fake bullying?" Declan asked. "Because I don't think I can take another day with you both not on speaking terms." We assured him that everything is fine now.

"Forgiveness. Can you imagine?" Jordan sang out, quoting a song from Hamilton.

"You're unbelievable," I told Jordan, too busy rolling my eyes at the basis of the reference rather than to fangirl over the reference itself.

"Anywho, I got some dishes to clean!" Jordan exclaimed as he took off the long white gloves and threw them in our direction before walking towards the kitchen. "I hope you used some pans, Bent! I love pans!"

"Wait, how long did it take for you to plan this?" I asked them.

"Actually, right after the dinner at your place," Declan explained as he went over to turn on Bennett's TV before opening a cabinet to reveal a game console and starting it up. "We talked about it on the car ride back."

"And we were able to get the maid costume just yesterday!" Jordan called out from the kitchen. "I know. Bennett is express-one-day-delivery-rich."

"I didn't know you played video games, Bennett," I told him.

"I don't," Bennett answered at the same time as Declan who said, "He doesn't."

"The console's mine," Declan told me. "I brought it from home so my parents wouldn't nag at me for playing video games instead of practicing on my music," Declan admitted with a sheepish smile.

"Wait actually, I'm wrong," Declan said in realization. "When I'm playing Breath of the Wild, I hand Bennett the controller and he cooks up stuff for me. The food has different effects on my stats for battles or traveling, but it gets boring making them."

Bennett gave a slight shrug. "It was interesting seeing you can cook food in the game with different ingredients."

Sitting down on the couch, I smiled at Bennett. "So your love for cooking crosses dimensions into 2D?"

"We should make Bennett watch the anime Food Wars, Naomi!" Jordan called out. "They even have characters who are half-Italian and cook Italian dishes!"

Bennett frowned. "Food what?"

"Nothing!" I abruptly exclaimed. "He meant nothing. Hey, Declan, let Bennett make some food in the game."

"What?" Declan asked distractedly with his eyes glued to the TV screen. "But I'm battling something right now."

I gasped in delight. "Oh my gosh, you guys wouldn't believe what happened yesterday," I said excitedly. "I met Declan's parents in their music store yesterday and they did the cutest thing-"

"You remember how cooking works in this game, right, Bennett?" Declan asked urgently as he shoved the game console in his hands. "I'm planning on fighting the next boss in the desert and need food to help cool me down. I'll show you some recipes for them."

As we waited for Jordan to finish washing the dishes, Declan and I watched as Bennett cooked some dishes in the video game. After that, Bennett and I watched Declan play the video game, battling monsters or talking to in-game characters for quests.

"You know, I was thinking about the entire penalty clause," I told them. "Yes, Jordan came up with the entire operation and decided he'd take up the penalty- which is very admirable of him."

"Thank you for the compliment!" He called out. "Feel free to say more!"

"But technically, by following the operation, you have also wronged me and should be subject to the penalty clause too."

Declan paused his game and frowned at me. "You just want to have us do something for you."

I pouted and saw his eyebrows furrow together. "But you hurt me and my poor, little feelings. It's only right for you to make up for it."

I gave Bennett a smile. "I know we made up already, but you can't possibly think that Jordan wearing a maid costume will clear you." When Bennett opened his mouth to defend himself, I held up a finger to stop him. "And no, that delicious meal you made me doesn't count because you like to cook. That isn't a punishment. That's a pleasure."

Bennett looked away and exhaled.

Then my attention turned to Declan. "And Declan," I began, shaking my head to myself. "Declan, Declan, Declan." I let out a sigh as I looked at my nails nonchalantly. "I don't believe I have to explain myself as to why you have to receive the penalty too." I frowned. "Or should I have to explain it? I mean as a girl, it's only... second nature."

Declan put his face in his hands and sighed.

I heard Jordan cackling from the kitchen.

"You're evil," Declan whispered.

"I'm resourceful," I corrected.

I flipped my hair over my shoulder and smirked at them. "I haven't come up with anything for you, Lynch. But Frazier... you're going to absolutely love what I have for you."


"Thank you for joining us here at Jollibee!" The employee said with a salesman smile. "We hope to see you again! Have a jolly afternoon!"

Welcome to Jollibee, the multinational Filipino fast-food chain that was so powerful catering to Filipinos that not even WcDonalds could compare and barely managed to grasp a hold of the Philippines before Jollibee whacked it out of their island with a rice paddle.

I set down two plastic bags of food on the table. When I told my parents where I was going, I had to promise them that I would buy some food to-go for them. I got my dad a burger steak meal which is gravy and mushrooms over burgers steaks sided with rice while I got my mom palabok which is noodles with garlic, pork rinds, shrimp, and egg. I also got them each pineapple juice and peach mango pie for dessert.

I took a seat and smiled at the sight of Bennett staring at the plate of food in front of him, his arms folded across his chest.

Bennett looked up and narrowed his eyes at me. "No."

I tilted my head to the side and pouted. "No?"

Bennett looked away and cleared his throat. "No."

"Wow, that jolly spaghetti looks and smells really good," I commented, goading him.

"I smell nothing but ketchup, cheese, and hot dogs," Bennett replied. "And why did they have to call it jolly spaghetti?"

"Don't knock it 'til you try it because it tastes pretty good," Jordan said as he leaned over the table to get another forkful of spaghetti off the same plate before eating it.

"This is called burger steak, right?" Declan asked me. "I love burgers but I've been missing out when I could eat it with rice like this."

"Hey, save half for me," Jordan reminded him. "We made a deal. I'd give you the other fried chicken drumstick for it."

Also, no, Jordan is not wearing the maid costume in the restaurant. It turns out that he changed into the costume in the hallway outside of Bennett's apartment door at Bennett's request so he wouldn't walk into the building in the costume. So, to everyone's dismay, he was wearing a simple sweater and jeans with the costume in his backpack.

Jordan grinned at me. "I know you already miss seeing me wear the dress, but you still have those pictures to drool over," he said arrogantly with a smirk. I couldn't do anything but roll my eyes at him.

"What?" Jordan asked, raising an eyebrow at an older woman giving us a disapproving side look. "You got a problem with guys looking good in dresses?"

I smacked his shoulder. "Don't be rude. You were just being loud." I looked at the woman and slightly bowed my head at her. "Sorry about that, po." The word po is used at the end of a sentence for respect when speaking to someone older than you.

"You're not going to eat anything, Naomi?" Declan asked me.

"Nope," I said brightly. "I already ate a great meal for dinner thanks to chef Bennett here." Bennett exhaled at the compliment but knew better than to be tricked by a little flattery. "However... Bennett hasn't eaten anything for dinner yet."

"No," Bennett said again, glaring at the plate.

I couldn't help but snicker to myself. "Sorry, but I can't help but picture you as one of my younger cousins. It became a sort of tradition among my cousins to have the younger ones try stuff like this spaghetti for the first time. You're acting just like her."

Bennett frowned. "I don't appreciate being compared to your younger cousin."

"Well then you need to stop reminding me of her," I said, now laughing.

He was crossing his arms and glaring at the food just like my cousin. She complained about the spaghetti, called it names, but eventually tried it and fell in love with it. She kept demanding it so much, her parents scolded all of the cousins for getting her addicted.

With a sigh, I twirled a forkful of spaghetti then held it up. "Kali, you won't know if you like it or not if you don't even give it a chance. Just take a bite and-" I froze.

They all slowly looked at me. Declan raised an eyebrow, Jordan stopped mid chew, and Bennett frowned at me.

My older sister instincts kicked in and I thought I was trying to coax my younger cousin to eat the food. I realized that this was in fact not my little cousin, but a friend, a guy, a guy friend, who I was offering to spoonfeed. My mom would kill me if she learned about this for her employer's son, but by the time she found out, I would already have crawled into a hole and died.

"Are you serious, Bent?" Jordan exclaimed in disbelief. "This is Business 101. If a girl's offering to spoonfeed you- You. Take. The. Offer."

Jordan suddenly pushed Bennett away and leaned over so the fork was in front of his face. He grinned at me. "Naomi, make it a train and go choo choo, chew chew!"

I calmly set the fork down. I then picked up another fork, but instead of holding it underhand as you would normally hold a fork, I held it overhand as it was a knife and raised it to aim it in Jordan's direction. Jordan burst out laughing as Declan persuaded me to not stab Jordan with a fork with so many witnesses.

After calming down, I cleared my throat. "It is time for me to do the big reveal," I began dramatically. "Bennett Frazier, your penalty was not for you to be forced to try Filipino spaghetti that would bring dishonor to you and your Italian ancestors, but for me to see you being absolutely disgusted by its existence when it's right in front of you. Having found that I was right and it was hilarious, you are now free from the penalty clause."

Declan and Jordan started to applaud and I slightly bowed and elegantly waved. "Thank you. Thank you. You're too kind. I'm nothing without my fans."

Bennett looked at me, confused. "So I don't have to try it?" He clarified.

I smiled at Bennett. "No, you really don't have to force yourself. I'm sorry if it seemed that I-"

Bennett suddenly grabbed the fork and took a bite of the spaghetti. We all stared in awe, mouths agape at the action, the courage, the guts. Bennett turned away with a hand covering his mouth as he slowly moved his jaw to chew. He closed his eyes and slightly coughed but held up his hand to stop us from reacting to help him. Eventually, he managed to force it down before letting out another small cough.

"Water, he needs water!" Jordan said urgently. "We gotta save him! He's too young! He hasn't even put me in his will!"

Declan opened up a plastic cup of water and handed it to Bennett. Bennett graciously took it and downed the water so fast that some trickled out of his mouth. He then slammed the cup on the table before he wiped the side of his mouth with his sleeve.

I would have laughed if I wasn't so shocked and worried. I put my hands over my mouth. "Bennett, are you ok?"

He slightly nodded. "I'm alright."

"Why did you take a bite?" I asked in disbelief. "I was just telling you that you didn't have to eat it, that I didn't want you to eat it."

Bennett let out a slight cough. "I didn't like how you already knew I wouldn't want to eat it."

"So you did it out of spite?" I was stunned at the fact that I really don't know Bennett at all. "I'm sorry, Bennett. I shouldn't have done this in the first place."

He shook his head. "No, I'm sorry for not being... strong enough."

My hand went over my heart.

"So how was it?" Declan asked tentatively.

"I... don't want to comment," Bennett concluded.

"That's very sweet of you. Get it? Because the spaghetti is sweet and- Ow!" Jordan complained when I smacked his shoulder again.

All three of us applauded Bennett and his valiant effort that will live on even after we were long gone.

As in, everyone in the restaurant watched the entire scene play out and will remember it even after we leave, to our regret.


I'd say Bennett and Bennomi shined in this chapter, but Jordan blinded me.

Not going to lie, I didn't come up with a reason why Bennett did that to Naomi until after I posted the chapter and I was taking a shower. I was hoping it would work itself out and it did. Thankfully. I considered pausing the book if I couldn't come up with a reason.

It's still a long process figuring Bennett out. He's straightforward but hates confrontation, seems to be a quick decision maker but may have its shortcomings. If he's insecure like Naomi, why does he always seem confident, put together, and sure of himself? He's both a balance and a contradiction.  He's an enigma- my enigma, and I enjoy the challenge.

I gotta be honest with you- I did not know that Nutella came from Ferrero Rocher and that Ferrero was an Italian company that was founded in Piedmont. I had spoken to some Italian readers who were amazing enough to answer my questions and one reader helped me decide on Bennett's family being from Northern Italy, specifically Turin because it's a business city which would help build into his background and would make anything I write in Italian easier since Southern Italy would be difficult for me due to dialects. So yeah, this was an amazing coincidence and the planets had aligned for me and BG Bennett. Also, Nutella and Ferrero Rocher are my favorite things in the world- I'm a sucker for hazelnuts, and throwing chocolate in there completes me. When I was younger, I had eaten an entire large jar of Nutella by myself with a spoon and without fear. I miss having a great metabolism.

Also here's a collage of the food mentioned. And yes, I did just get lazy and copy-pasted a Jollibee menu. Burger steaks and peach mango pie and pineapple juice smack.

Now for what you are all wondering about- why have you blessed us with Maid Jordan?

I was scrolling through social media when I happened upon a Tik Tok (I know I'm the scum of the Earth). I have taken it upon myself to upload the video and another video on my YouTube (not WeTube or MeTube) for all to see. You're welcome.

When I watched the first video, calmed down after laughing, and calmed down again when I saw how cute the guy is, I had one single thought: Jordan would look so cute in a maid outfit. And then this scene was born.

I, obviously, did research and found articles on this because there actually is a trend on social media like Tik Tok of teenage boys, queer and straight, wearing dresses and skirts, wearing nail polish and makeup, to push the spread of the existence wholesome "femboys" (males who are under 30 who dress femininely either sometimes or all the time). I remember when I first saw videos like that. And my first reaction is, 'whoa I never saw a guy wear skirts before and it seems kinda weird', but then I thought good for them for being comfortable with themselves to wear them and show them to other people so other people can be comfortable with themselves. By telling you this, I'm showing that it's ok to have these initial reactions due to how society has taught you to think, but it's always your second thought/reaction that really shows who you are and what you believe in. Please share any stories or thoughts about this!

Along with this trend was another trend of guys wearing maid outfits because their followers requested them to or were done on a dare and were then caught on video wearing them. This trend aligned with both femboy and anime/weeb which is why it became a popular trend. And as both an LGBTQ ally who hates society's gender definitions AND a weeb- I love it!

And obviously this isn't going to be the only time we will see LGBTQ+ validation/representation (aside from a gay or bisexual character)- and I'm so excited when I can! I also felt Jordan is the perfect character to introduce this, as well as being a perfect character.

Storytime: It was 2016 and I was 16 when I went to my first Anime Expo, a giant annual convention in Los Angeles where you can buy merch, watch old and new anime, play games, dress up, and have fun! Anime Expo is very crowded (which is why it was canceled this summer, summertime sadness). I remember passing by this super pretty girl in a maid outfit. When we accidentally bumped into each other, I apologized frantically before being told "It's alright" in the deepest voice I was not prepared for. It was like the YouTuber Corpse voice deep. After that, I have embraced the fact that there are guys who will be cuter and prettier than me and can look better in those kinds of outfits. And that was the story of my first exposure to crossdressing~

I had wanted to have Jordan wear a bra to insert the joke that he got C-cups because he's a C-student, but then there was the trouble of where they got the bra and I didn't want to write that I also wanted him to wear heels, but I didn't want the chance for him to break his ankle- I'm a sneaker person myself and I don't want Jordan to get hurt.

No character profile, but here's some behind the scenes/outtakes!


(Naomi leans down to look at Bennett's laptop. She tucks her hair behind her ear as she reads.)

Bennett: (Thinking) Oh she's really close... And she's doing that habit of hers again, when she tucks her hair.

[Bennett, Jordan, and Declan are sitting in silence in the car as Bennett drives them back home.]

Jordan: (Sighs) Ok look, I feel really bad how Operation That Did Not End Well turned out, especially since it ruined your reputations and hurt Naomi.

Declan: Thanks for reminding us, but continue.

Jordan: So I was thinking of enacting the penalty clause. Then I'd do anything you want, if it's reasonable, as punishment.

Declan: So like... anything?

Jordan: Now I'm getting worried there, Lynch.

Declan: I'll come up with something eventually.

Jordan: Ugh... fine. What about you, Bennett?

Bennett: I'm alright. You don't need to do anything.

Jordan: Can you just work with me? I feel bad. I'll eat chocolate and say it tastes good.

Declan: Can you do that for strawberries?

Jordan: (Ignores Declan) You said you're planning on cooking something for Naomi when you make up, right? I'll wash the dishes.

Bennett: (Sighs) No, I'm capable of washing my own dishes with my dishwasher.

Jordan: Well, what if my punishment also makes Naomi feel better? Two birds with one stone.

Bennett: (Pauses) How would you be able to do that?

Jordan: I don't know. Since I'll wash the dishes... (Snorts to himself) I can just dress up as your maid or something.

[The whole car is silent.]

Bennett: You are not going to do th-

Jordan: I already found an outfit in the RainForest app.

Declan: Get express shipping! Get express shipping!

Jordan: What a great idea you had, Bent. Thanks for paying for it. I'll text you the receipt later.

Bennett: (At the red stoplight, he rests his forehead on the steering wheel) Just do me a favor and don't walk into my apartment building wearing that. They have to report everything to my uncle.


[In the hallway outside of Bennett's apartment door.]

Declan: (Sighing) Hurry up. You're taking forever.

Jordan: (Glaring at him as he jumps on one foot putting on a long sock) I'm sorry, it's not like I'm putting a freaking maid costume in the middle of a hallway!

Declan: Shut up! The neighbors will hear you. Then how would you want to explain this to them?

Jordan: Just help me zip up the back of the dress. I can't reach it.

Declan: (Rolls eyes) Fine. (Turns around and zips him up) Are you actually wearing the gloves?

Jordan: Yeah, it completes the look. (Presents himself) C'mon. Admit it. I look hella cute.

Declan: (Gives him a blank stare) You really want me to answer that?

Jordan: Yeah, not really.


[Actor Jordan jumps on top of the coffee table to do his Braveheart speech when the coffee table breaks under him and he falls down faceplant with the skirt flipped over. Actor Declan checks on him, Actor Bennett falls on the ground laughing, Actress Naomi is covering her eyes while blushing.]

Director Rubix: (Scrubs a hand down her face, sighing) Everyone take five while they check on him and replace the coffee table. I need something stronger than coffee. Maybe an Irish coffee...


[Bennett sitting in front of a laptop with Jordan standing next to him. They're watching the first episode of the anime Food Wars]

Bennett: (Closes the laptop) I can't believe you showed me this. Get out of my house. I'm never inviting you here again.

Jordan: Aw c'mon, Bent. They just really, really love the food. And you haven't seen any of the Italian dishes yet.

Bennett: (Pauses) Show me what episodes they appear in. If I see a scene like that again, I'm throwing you out the window.


[Jordan in his bedroom checking himself out in the mirror while wearing the maid costume.]

Jordan's Mom: (Opens the door) Jordan I-

Jordan: (Turns around, giving her a smile) Yeah, mom?

Jordan's Mom: I was wondering if you were fine with sandwiches for dinner.

Jordan: Sounds great! I'll be out in a bit.

Jordan's Mom: Alright, see you in a bit. (Shuts the door.)

Jordan: (Looks back at the mirror and puts his face in his hands in embarrassment) Merde.


[Bennett, Declan, and Jordan come out of the room all wearing maid costumes. Naomi starts applauding and taking pictures.]

Bennett: I don't know how you dragged me into this.

Jordan: C'mon. Admit it. It feels nice wearing a skirt.

Declan: Well, I'm not... denying it.

Naomi: (Being levitated into the air, brilliant light surrounds her, choir music echoes heard from the distance) I have ascended.


Bon Voyage! (2020)



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