Give Me Love - A One Directio...

By allourmemories

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Amanda is a troubled girl with no direction in her life. When she found out that her best friend was cheating... More

Chapter 1 - I Wanna Be Drunk When I Wake Up
Chapter 2 - Burnt Lungs, Sour Taste
Chapter 3 - Take This Bird In, With It's Broken Leg
Chapter 4 - Replace It With The Elephant In The Room
Chapter 5 - I'm Falling For Your Eyes
Chapter 6 - If I Fall For You, Would You Fall Too?
Chapter 7 - Sew Your Heart To My Sleeve
Chapter 8 - She's Like Cold Coffee in the Morning
Chapter 10 - I Hold You Tight, Tight Enough to Know, That You Are Mine
Chapter 11 - I'll Hold You Tightly, And Give You Nothing But Truth
Chapter 12 - Your Mind Is My New Best Friend
Chapter 13 - Strange As It Seems, She's Endless To Me
Chapter 14 - When I Feel Cold you Keep Me Warm
Chapter 15 - Then We'll Crash, Crash, Right Down Again
Chapter 16 - And You're Miles Away and Yesterday You Were Here With Me
Chapter 17 - I Was Told to Put My Job in Front of You

Chapter 9 - We're Resembling Cutlery

997 20 13
By allourmemories


Zayns Perspective

I couldn't be more happier than what I was in that moment. Amanda and I were laying on the couch watching old movies on a lazy Sunday morning, my body curve behind hers with one arm as her pillow and the other cradling her waist.

I sung Little Things softly in her ear, making her blush terribly and giggle. After I finished, I kissed her head and started to draw lazy circles on the back of her hand. Gathering up my courage, I turned Amanda around in my arms until she was facing me. I brushed a stray hair of hers back behind her ear.

I smiled at her and she frowned up at me. "Amanda, I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight. You know, as a date?" Suddenly, Amanda burst out in laughter, an unexpected reaction to what I thought it would be. "What is it, did I say something wrong?" I frowned at her, but she just laughed more. "No, no, it's not like that. It's just that I feel as if we've known each other for forever and we practically live together, but we still haven't been on a date." She pointed out in a nonchalant tone.

I smile and pulled her close, giving her a sly smirk. "So is that a yes?" She nodded and kissed my nose before getting up and leaving me cold with her absence. "Where are you going?" I asked her, lightly grabbing her hips. "Shopping, duh! I need a new outfit." She pulled away and started to walk towards the door. "Before you ask, I've got my own money." She winked at me and I rolled my eyes.

Secretly, I grabbed a handful of hundred dollar bills and slipped them into the pocket of her coat before helping her into it. Waving her off until she rounded the corner, I closed the door with excitement and nerves bubbling in my stomach.

Amanda's Perspective

As always, this particular London Sunday was extremely cold, forcing me to snuggle down under the folds of my coat to keep myself warm. Shoving my hands in my pockets in an attempt to keep them toasty, my fingers wrapped around something papery. Curious, I pulled it out, only to find a number of hundred dollar bills nestled in my hand. I shook my head with a smile, placing them back in my pocket.

Soon I arrived at a large shopping centre and began to window shop, finding that I could peek into more expensive windows with the help of Zayn. As I started to give up, I noticed a certain dress inside a shop, and deciding it was worth a look at, entered.

The shop was called 'Lisa Mya' and, unfortunately, was extremely expensive. Never the less, I walked over to the dress that had caught my eye and slowly pulled it off the rack. It was a gorgeous deep red number, sweetheart neckline, strapless, tight down it's length and a thin gold belt around the waist. It was perfect.

"And how can I help you today ma'am?" I turned to the tall and extremely thin, blonde shop assistant who was offering me a stiff smile. "Yes actually, could I please try this dress on?" She took the dress from me and headed towards the change rooms. Walking behind her, I flinched at the echoing click of her stilettos on the hard wood floor. "Her you are darling." I thanked her and entered the stall, staring at the dress before me.

Without hesitation, I quickly undressed and stepped into the dress, zipping it up the side. I turned to the mirror behind me and was instantly shocked at the beautiful woman standing in my reflection. The dress hugged her bust and butt, giving her gorgeous curves but yet slimming her in all necessary places. The dress made her look sophisticated and elegant, both at the same time, and I loved it.

Hoping Zayn would love it as much as I did, I took it to the counter and placed it gently on the table top. The shop assistant scanned the tag and looked at me with disinterest. "That's £350 please." My eyes went wide and the amount and I frowned, not sure if I had enough. "Honey, this is actually a cheap dress. If you can't afford it, then I suggest you leave."

She tapped her long fingernails on the counter before beginning to take the dress away. In desperation, I clutched onto the dress, receiving a long stare from the woman, raising her perfectly manicured eyebrow at me. "No, I can afford it! Here." I handed her four bills and impatiently tapped my foot.

She gave me my change and began to wrap the dress. "That won't be necessary." I assured her, but she just continued to wrap. "No. I must, it's customary." She finally handed me my dress along with an extremely fake smile. "Have a nice day, ma'am." I mirrored her smile and left, shaking my head.

Feeling terrible about how much I has spent on one dress, I set my mind on getting out of the centre. However, I passed a gorgeous cream coat in a window and couldn't help but imagine how well it would go with my new dress. As I walked in to pay for the coat, I also noticed a pair of gold pumps that matched the belt, and being the shopaholic I was, I also added them to my buys.

Finally walking out of the centre £730 lighter, regret hung heavy in my stomach. I had never spent that much money on an outfit in my lifetime. I guess that it was the fact that I wanted to impress Zayn tonight, it being our first date and all.

Wondering how much Zayn had actually given me, I fished out the remaining bills, finding another two. Feeling guilty, I added a hundred of my own, feeling better that I would be giving back £300 rather than £200.

Coming to the single brick house which I now called home, I knocked for Zayn to answer the door. The door swung open and I was greeted by a shirtless Zayn who had a huge grin plastered to his face. "Took you long enough." He stepped aside to let me in and shut the door, coming towards me. Quickly pulling out the remaining money, I pushed it into his palm and ran off to my room, yelling out a simple thank you before slamming the door to stop him giving it back.

Sighing, I threw my buys on the big double bed and checked my watch, deciding I had an hour and a half to get ready for 6:00. I wandered into the bathroom and decided that a shower would be a perfect start to getting ready.

Turning it on and striping off, I stepped under the hot stream of water, letting the heat fold over every inch of me as if it was a huge, warm blanket. Showers were one of my favourite places in the world. It was makeshift rain where you could relax and think or where no one judges you when you sing. It was almost like my get out of jail free card for that short time, helping me escape my reality. But, as with all good things, showers must come to an end, and I had to step out and leave my nirvana.

Wrapping myself in a towel, I searched for a blow dryer to do something with my long brown hair. Unfortunately, Zayn hadn't packed my 'hair stylers' and I was left without my trusty straightener or blow dryer. Finally finding one, I styled my hair as best as I could, hoping it would be enough.

Padding back into the room, I carefully took my clothes from their bags and laid them on the bed. Tapping my finger to my lip for a second, I searched for my beloved make up bag, silently grateful that Zayn had packed these beauty products. Giving myself gold eyeshadow and cats-eye liner, I finished it off with some red lipstick to match my outfit.

The exciting moment had come where I could get dressed, so without hesitation, I zipped myself into my new dress, slipped my shoes onto my feet, grabbed a black clutch and slung my coat over my arm. 6:00, right on time. Feeling satisfied with how I looked in the mirror, I opened the door to find Zayn sitting on the couch with his phone.

He was dressed in black jeans with a navy button down where all the buttons were done up. I could also see a burgundy coat slung over the couch arm. He looked so handsome. Then it suddenly dawned on me that Zayn had most probably been in the other room while I had been taking my shower. Rather, was most probably in the other room...naked.

When he noticed me, he instantly stood up and took in my appearance. A slow smile crept onto his features and I couldn't help but blush. "You look beautiful." He whispered, kissing my cheek. With a smile, he led me out of the house and locked up. We took a long drive, but I had no idea where. "Zayn, why can't you just tell me?" I whined for the hundredth time, but he only smiled and shook his head. With a huff, I looked out the window, noticing that we had come down to the coast line. Confused, I looked over at Zayn, but he only grinned, keeping his mouth shut.

We came to a stop outside an extremely fancy looking restaurant. We parked and Zayn came around to my side, opened the door and offered me his arm before walking up to the restaurant. We were soon seated with menus and began to browse through them.

I kept catching Zayn staring at me, and after a while I placed my menu down and looked straight back at him. "I'm not that gorgeous." I flicked my hair and pretended to be stuck up, being rewarded with a laugh from Zayn. "But you are." He looked straight at me, and my heart suddenly fluttered, causing me to look away.

"Are you ready to order?" We both looked up at the waitress who had a pen and paper at the ready. Zayn winked at me before flashing the woman a dazzling smile. "Of course."

Zayn's Perspective

We say there, laughing and eating, not caring what others thought of us and paying no attention to the stares we were receiving. We finished our meals and left, but this was not the end of our date.

I had made sure Amanda would really enjoy this date, so I had planned for us to walk down to the water and I had never wanted to make a girl so happy in my entire life, and I felt that if I didn't make her happy, then I would lose her.

So, I lead Amanda to the beach, the brisk night chilly on our skin. I could see her in the corner of my eye, rubbing her hands together to keep them warm. Without a second thought, I grabbed her hand and linked my fingers with hers, putting both our hands in my pocket. I looked over at her and saw her blushing, making me grin.

"I love when you blush." I laughed, making her turn redder. "It's cute." She looked up at me with a frown, rolling her eyes. "It's not cute, it's embarrassing." She mumbled, looking down at her feet. "Whatever you say." I squeezed her hand and smirked at her, arriving at the beach.

We sat down on an old bench under a street lamp and looked out onto the ocean. "This is beautiful. I've never been to the beach at night before." Amanda sighed, leaning her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her head, leaning my own head on hers.

I couldn't be more content than in that moment, a gorgeous girl in my arms, a gorgeous view before me and a thousand butterflies in my stomach. We sat in a comfortable silence for a long time, just sharing each others warmth. But the night was becoming colder, and there was nothing I could do to keep a shivering Amanda warm. So we decided it was best to head home, to our home.

Amanda's Perspective

I stood under the shower, thinking over our first date. I realized that I hadn't laughed that much in a long time, and that I actually had enjoyed myself. Dan had never tried to make me happy, it was always about him, doing what he wanted, making him happy, never giving me the time of day.

But with Zayn it was all different. He made sure that I was happy, that he made me smile and that I was completely comfortable with what he was doing, never pushing me. Now I could finally see that the relationship that I was in with Dan was not healthy and was only one way, and that I deserved so much better.

Tilting my head back, I closed my eyes, a smile creeping onto my lips. Suddenly, I felt someone's arms snake around my waste from behind me, pulling my body close to theirs. They kissed my shoulder and I stretched my neck to the side, allowing them better access to my skin as they kissed up to my jaw.

Slowly turning me around, Zayn connected his lips to my own, his hands running through my long, wet hair. I opened my mouth, letting his tongue slip inside before he sucked my bottom lip and pulled away. I looked up into his hazel eyes, short of breath and my heart speeding. "Do you...?" I cut Zayn off with my lips, tangling my fingers in his thick hair. He pushed my up against the wall, beginning to kiss along my collar bone and making me shiver. I scratched my fingernails down his back, sighing as he reattached his lips to mine.

One word formed in my mind, and one word only. Happy.



Cosying up to each other, are they? They are getting cuter, and are definitely falling for each other, but will it last for forever?

This chapter was a bit of a filler, but I did really want them to go on a date and for Amanda to begin to warm up to Zayn, so here it is!

Please comment, vote and all of that, I'm really happy you guys are enjoying my story :D xx

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