The Daughter Of Rachel Mason

By _X_Sammii_X_

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Chloe Mason, The Daughter Of Rachel Mason. Fiercely protective of her mum she would do anything for her. What... More

Chapter 1 - Chloe's First Day
Chapter 2 - Bolton Found out
Chapter 3 - Phillip's Party.
Chapter 4 - The End Of Term.
Chapter 5 - Max Tyler Arrives
Chapter 6 - An Affair Begins.
Chapter 7 - Bolton Is Innocent
Chapter 8 - Ethanol And A Baby.
Chapter 9 - My Baby.
Chapter 10 - Max Found Out
Chapter 11 - Its Hard.
Chapter 12 - An Early Arrival
Chapter 13 - Going Back To School
Chapter 14 - Daddy's Here
Chapter 15 - Trip To Hospital
Chapter 16 - Jealous Kim Campbell
Chapter 17 - A New Pupil
Chapter 18 - Max Is Back At Waterloo Road
Chapter 19 - I Shouldn't Love Him But I Do
Chapter 20 - A Night Out With The Girls.
Chapter 21 - What?
Chapter 22 - Me Or Him.
Chapter 23 - Why Would You Do That?
Chapter 24 - An Accident
Chapter 25 - Max Finds Out
Chapter 26 - Jealous Are We ?
Chapter 27 - Chloe's Anger
Chapter 28 - The Talent Show
Chapter 29 - What's Wrong With Her ?
Chapter 30 - Its A New Term.
Chapter 31 - Chlo Is Pregnant
Chapter 32 - Caught
Chapter 33 - Max Can't Find Out
Chapter 35 - Roses
Chapter 36 - You're Evil
Chapter 37 - For The Love Of A Daughter.
Chapter 38 - Blame It On The Alcohol.
Chapter 39 - Charlotte's Breakdown.
Chapter 40 - Getting To Charlotte.
Chapter 41 - Mean Stinks.
Chapter 42 - Chlo's Baby.
Chapter 43 - Heart To Heart
Chapter 44 - Drugs In School
Chapter 45 - Your Baby Didn't Make It.
Chapter 46 - Distancing Herself.
Chapter 47 - Return Of An Old Face.
Chapter 48 - You're Sick
Chapter 49 - I Don't Want Too Live Anymore.
Chapter 50 - School Disco
Chapter 51 - Romance Is Blossoming.
Chapter 52 - Kyle Stack.
Chapter 53 - The End Of A Friendship?
Chapter 54 - Supply Teacher.
Chapter 55 - Aubree's Birthday.
Chapter 56 - I Know You Took Her.
Chapter 57 - Getting Aubree Back.
Chapter 58 - Another Attack.
Chapter 59 - DeJa Vu
Chapter 60 - School Trip.
Chapter 61 - A Deal.
Chapter 62 - Andrew Treneman
Chapter 63 - Half Term Holidays.
Chapter 64 - I'm In Love With You.
Chapter 65 - Attacker Caught.
Chapter 66 - A Complaint Has Been Made.
Chapter 67 - Finding Out Who It Was.
Chapter 68 - Don't Be Jealous
Chapter 69 - Locked In.
Chapter 70 - Stay Away From Me.
Chapter 71 - Arranging A Date.
Chapter 72 - Caught In The Act.
Chapter 73 - Telling Eddie
Chapter 74 - Inspection.
Chapter 75 - Talks.
Chapter 76 - Chloe's Been Attacked.
Chapter 77 - She's Not The Same.
Chapter 78 - I Believe We'll Be Okay.
Chapter 79 - He's Been Caught
Chapter 80 - This Won't Work.
Chapter 81 - Melissa's Back.
Chapter 82 - Michael Byrne.
Chapter 83 - Talking With Tom.
Chapter 84 - I Need Proof You Care.
Chapter 85 - The End Of Term.
Chapter 86 - The Beginning Of The End.
Chapter 87 - P.E Arguments.
Chapter 88 - Sam Kelly.
Chapter 89 - Rumors
Chapter 90 - Goodbye Rochdale.

Chapter 34 - Police Visit To Waterloo Road.

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By _X_Sammii_X_

A/N - This Based Off The Series 2 Storyline When Maxine's Stepdad Was Attacking The Girls Only Its Not Maxine's Stepdad Its Someone Else & This Is Gonnaa Go On For A Few Chapters Before He's Caught, Hope You Like.

P.S - Really Hoping @StrangeDesires Updates Her Story Soon! I'm Excited For The Next Chapter & I'm Always Happy Too Help With Ideas & AmeliaWilliams44 If You Need Help With Storylines Inbox Me :)


Chloe hadn't been in school since the abortion as she didn't want to see Max although Rachel had been asking her too. That morning Rachel wasn't giving up in getting Chloe to school "come on, you've been off school for 2days" Chloe rolled her eyes "whatever" Rachel frowned "Chloe Is this about Max? Has he hurt you?" Chloe shook her head "no" Rachel sighed "then why don't you wanna go into school?" Chloe shrugged "I don't want people knowing what I did" Rachel smiled "noone knows, only me, Chris, Eddie and Max" Chloe nodded and got her uniform on she had dyed her hair back to blonde as the pink was doing her head in "the blonde suits you better" Chloe rolled her eyes "okay".

Arriving at school Chloe saw Charlotte and Eddie and smiled as Eddie walked over "morning" Chloe frowned "why the hell are you so bloody cheerful?" Eddie grinned "well Chloe its sunny and Charlotte threw up over chocolate" Chloe grinned and turned to Charlotte "really?" Charlotte nodded "its not funny, I love chocolate" Eddie smirked "apparently the little one doesn't" Charlotte rolled her eyes but smiled "as soon as I've given birth I'm buying a massive chocolate" Chloe grinned "I was lucky" Charlotte frowned "how?" Chloe smiled "Aubree hated all the food I did" Charlotte laughed "lucky" Chloe grinned "I know".

Rachel,Kim,Chris And Max had just finished the Senior Managment Meeting "Rach is Chloe any better?" Rachel smiled at Kim "yeah she's fine, back in school today" Kim smiled "what was wrong with her?" "Exhaustion" Kim smiled in sympathy as she had a baby to look after "it must be hard for her, 16 and raising a baby" Rachel sighed "she's coping" Kim was about to speak when Joyce walked in "Miss.Mason the police are here" Rachel frowned "send them in" Joyce nodded and the officers walked in "Miss.Mason and Mr.Tyler?" At their nod the officer continued "my name is Officer Rushton, we need to talk to you about an attack on a young girl in the area" Kim frowned "oh god, another one?" Rachel looked at Kim "what?" Kim sighed "a few years ago, there was a rapist in the area, he attacked 5girls before he had been caught" Rachel nodded "right and have you got the person who did this?" Officer Rushton shook his head "no, do you mind if we speak to the school, mainly the girls?" Rachel nodded "class by class would be better" Officer Rushton nodded and followed Rachel and Max to the first classroom which happened to be where Chloe was.

Chloe and Charlotte were mucking around in Eddie's lesson when Rachel,Max and a police officer walked in "we need too have a chat with the class" Eddie nodded and Rachel spoke "earlier today a female pupil of this school was sexually assaulted by an unknown man, Officer Rushton is here to speak to you about it" Chloe frowned as the officer began speaking "this man wore a mask so we don't have a description but what we do know is that he is 5"9" Chloe scoffed "well that's half the men in Rochdale, great work" Max and Rachel frowned "Chloe?" Chloe rolled her eyes "there's a perv walking the streets and noone knows who he is, he could be a member of bloody staff for all we know" Rachel sighed "Chloe he's not a member of staff" Chloe glared "how do you know? It could be anyone, could even be Mr.Tyler" Max glared "Chloe outside, now" Chloe rolled her eyes and followed Max outside.

Once outside Max turned to Chloe "what was that about in there?" Chloe smirked "we both know you like 'em young, all the times you've had me" Max glared "you're not funny Chloe" Chloe grinned "wasn't trying to be" Max looked at her "back into lesson".

Rachel,Max and the police officer had gone and Chloe sat down "what happened?" Chloe shook her head "nothing, just told me to keep my comments to myself" Charlotte looked at her "what did you say?" Chloe grinned "I'll tell you later" Charlotte nodded "let's just finish this work before we get detention" Chloe grinned.

As soon as lesson ended Chloe shot up and left "why is she in a hurry?" Charlotte shrugged "no idea" Eddie nodded "see you later" Charlotte smiled and left. Chloe was walking when she saw Chlo talking to Donte so walked over to them "everything alright?" Chlo nodded "yeah, just Donte being a pig" Chloe frowned "what's happened?" Donte looked at Chloe "she only got pregnant because Cel is" Chloe scoffed "wow you're mature aren't you? Like seriously" Donte rolled his eyes and walked off "ignore him, he's jealous" Chlo smiled "yeah, sometimes I wish I was still with him but I love Ben loads" Chloe grinned "he loves you too".

Max sat in the office thinking about Chloe and how he was falling in love with her. After a few minutes Kim walked in "where's Rachel?" Max shrugged "doing something useful I presume" Kim scoffed "right, well if you see her tell her I'm looking for her" Max nodded and Kim walked out. A few minutes later Rachel walked in "Kim is looking for you" Rachel nodded "I know, I've seen her" Max nodded and Rachel spoke again "I've got my meeting at the LEA, I'm hoping that nothing happens" Max smirked and watched as Rachel walked off.

Chloe,Charlotte and Chlo were sitting in the common room when Chloe had a thought "where's Janeece?" Chlo looked up from her phone and shrugged "I don't know, not seen her all day" Chloe frowned and got her phone to dial Janeece's phone number

*This is Janeece, leave me a message and I'll get back too you*

"Jan its Chloe, where are you? I'm worried, call me back" Chloe hung up "she's not answering" Charlotte frowned "do you think somethings happened to her?" Chloe shrugged "I'll be back soon" Chlo and Charlotte nodded and Chloe left.

Chloe headed to the office to speak to Max "I need your car" Max frowned "why?" Chloe sighed "Janeece isn't in school, and she's always in school" Max sighed "she's probably ill" Chloe scoffed "yeah right, she's never ill" Max stood and led Chloe out the office "what's happening?" "We're going to find Janeece" Chloe smiled.

Max pulled up outside Janeece's house "its best I go alone, her mum is a right cow" Max nodded and Chloe got out the car. Knocking the door Chloe plastered on a fake smile "is Janeece here?" Her mum nodded "you best come in Chloe" Chloe frowned and entered the house "Janeece? Chloe's here" Chloe walked into the living room and saw Janeece who looked pale and scared "Jan? What happened babe?" Janeece looked at Chloe with fear in her eyes "I was attacked by the perv" Chloe paled and felt tears sting her eyes "oh my god" Janeece broke down "shh its alright, I'm here for you" Chloe pulled Janeece into a hug "you're gonna get through this, I promise" Janeece smiled "thanks, can you not tell anyone about this?" Chloe nodded "I won't, promise".

Chloe left the house in tears and got back into Max's car "what happened?" Chloe looked at him "she was attacked by the sicko" Max sighed "we should go back to school" Chloe nodded "yeah". Arriving back at school Chloe received a text from Janeece -

*Jan - can you tell Charlotte& Chlo? X

*Chloe - only if u want me too? X

*Jan - yeah, no1 else tho x

*Chloe - okay x

Chloe looked at Max "I need too find Chlo and Charlotte" Max nodded "Chloe come and find me later" Chloe smiled and nodded. Charlotte and Chlo were walking when they saw Chloe and she was crying "what's wrong?" "I've seen Janeece" Charlotte frowned "then why you crying?" Chloe shook her head "not here" Chloe pulled them into the cooler as it was empty "she was attacked by the pervert" Chlo felt her eyes water "no, is she alright?" Chloe shook her head "she's nothing like herself" Charlotte sighed "we should do something for her" Chloe frowned "like what?" Charlotte shrugged "we'll think of something".

Chloe sat in the common room crying when Max walked in "Chloe?" Chloe looked up and smiled "hiya" Max sat down "you alright?" Chloe nodded "yeah I'm fine" Max frowned "you're not" Chloe sighed "seeing Janeece, it brought back what my dad did to me" Max sgain frowned until Chloe spoke again "oh my god, its him!" "Who?" Chloe rolled her eyes "my sicko father is the rapist! He's done it before and he'll do it again" Chloe stood to leave when Max took her arm "get off! He needs too be arrested!" Max glared "you can't accuse the man without proof" Chloe scoffed "he did it too me, that's proof enough, get off me" Chloe attempted to get his hand off her but he wasn't budging "get the hell off me" Max refused and pulled Chloe into him "stop fighting me" Chloe glared "let me go then" Max kissed her "wow, doing that to shut me up? Stops working after a while" Chloe pushed him away and walked out.

Rachel had asked Eddie if he could take Chloe home as her meeting would be running late "Chloe I'm taking you home" Chloe nodded and followed Eddie and Charlotte to Eddie's car "how about you and Charlotte have a sleepover tonight?" Chloe grinned "yeah" Charlotte smiled "yay".

Rachel returned and knew Charlotte was sleeping over "hi girls" the girls smiled "mum can we order pizza?" Rachel smiled and nodded "yeah, I suppose so" Chloe grinned "thanks" Rachel smiled "I'm gonna have a shower then I'll order" Chloe nodded.

After the pizza Chloe put Aubree to bed and went to speak with Charlotte "so does you know who know you're pregnant?" Charlotte shook her head "I'm scared to" Chloe smiled "tell him, it won't be that bad" Charlotte sighed "how did you tell Max?" Chloe grinned "told him in the office and then walked out" Charlotte laughed "wow" Chloe smiled "tell him" Charlotte nodded "I'll tell him next time I see him" Chloe smiled "good".

A/N - Hope You Likeed, I'm Starting The Next Update Tonight Just As Soon As I Figure Out What's Gonnaa Happen. And I'm Secretly Hoping StrangeDesires Updates Her Story Soon & AmeliaWilliams44 Updates Hers :D xoxo

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