My Ship Oneshots

By beautynme

1.2K 32 3

All my personal favourite relationship oneshots. More

She's is normal! ~ Camren
Turn Around ~ Clexa
Jauregui Clubs - Vercy and Camren
Baby Woods ~ Clexa
Blood Must Have Blood ~ Clexa
Take a Hint - Supercorp
Freeze! ~ Sanvers
It's Okay. ~Camren.
Luna ~ Camren
Texting - Clexa
Challenge - Clexa
Snap ~ Vercy
A Raised Eyebrow - Camren
Clarke Tube ~ Clexa
NO! ~ Camren
Howling - Camren

No! ~ Supercorp (Little bit of Sanvers)

65 3 0
By beautynme

A cold gust of wind swept its way across the floor of Al's Dive, making the occupants all look towards the door where a messy Kara Danvers and Meggie Sawyer stood taking their coats off and pulling gloves from their fingers. The duo walked over towards the 5 booths and slid onto the ends of the one closest to the wall. Maggie slipped her arm around Alex Danvers neck, pulling her in for quick kiss. Kara grabbed Lena Luthor's hand, bringing it into her lap, slowly tracing the sparkling diamond ring that sat delicately upon her finger.

"Sorry we're late, I had paperwork and this one didn't want to leave me on my own." Maggie explained to the group, who all waved them off smiling. A throat being cleared beside her drew Kara's attention.

"Oh, Hi Mon-El how are you?" Kara asked politely, not noticing the eyes of the boy light up now he had her attention.

"Yeah! I'm good. You?" He quickly supplied and smiled at Kara's smile. Not realising the smile was because Lena had interlocked their hands under the table. "Drinks?" he asked the group, finally dragging his eyes away from blue ones. Winn laughed and quietened when James nudged him in the ribs, covering it up with a badly times cough making Alex laugh.

"Yeah, my round." Lena announced and glared playfully at Winn when he challenged it, "Guys?" Lena asked to the boys at the table, the two of them replying with a simple 'beer' making the group laugh. "Ladies?" Lena asked the two women cuddled up opposite her.

"A couple of bourbon's hold the ice this time Mon-El." Maggie said and thanked Lena.

"Oh, tequila too!" Alex cheered when Lena agreed.

"Can I grab a bottle of red, 1 glass." Lena said and smiled at the girl who was distracted with their hands. "Kara?" shocking her from her distant thoughts. Smiling Lena leaned in and whispered "Drink?" although she knew exactly what she was about to say. Gin and Tonic, lemon squeezed and loads of ice.

"Oh, can I get a gin and tonic, can you squeeze the lemon in the glass and loads of ice please." Kara smiled at the boy who scrambled with his notepad writing her instructions down.

"No problem be right back!" he chirped and walked off.

"He is so hopelessly in love with you." Alex laughed, Kara smiled and shook her head.

"He's just being polite." Kara explained, Lena smiled and kissed her cheek.

"You are so innocent." Maggie chuckled and nearly spat her drink out when Lena mumbled something about not being innocent the prior night.

"Ew!" Alex Danvers squealed and glared when Winn and James laughed.

"6 tequila's, 2 beers, 2 bourbons, 1 bottle of our finest red wine with 1 glass and a gin and tonic with the lemon squeezed and plenty of ice." A voice said approaching their table. He sat the tray down allowing everyone to grab their drinks and settle back against the seats behind them "That'll be $45." Mon-El said and looked at Lena who grabbed her purse pulling a $50 bill from within, handing it to the barman. He left after being told to keep the change. Maybe he could get some flowers for Kara.

A few hours later, the group of 6 were off to a good buzz. They were celebrating after all. Kara had finally proposed to Lena after 3 years of them dating. The group were all happy for the duo and thought what better then to get shitfaced?

It was now Winn's round and he grumbled walking to the bar, Mon-El only seemed to want to come to the table when it involved Kara.

"Hey Mon-El, same again please. Make it 8 tequila's this time." Winn said and produced a $50 bill, sliding it across the bar, accepting his change. "You cool to take it over? I'm going to piss myself." Winn laughed making Mon-El and a few other drinkers laugh too, waiting for the nod Winn shot off to the toilets.

"Okay, 2 bourbons, 2 beers, 2 gin and tonics and 8 tequilas. courtesy of Winn." Mon-El announced setting the tray down and placing the empty glasses and bottles onto the now empty tray. Winn finally, after releasing his bladder, sat back down at the table. Downing his two shots and turned to Alex and Maggie.

"Oh, here we go." Alex mumbled making Maggie smirk and raise her eyebrow.

"$50, me and James kick your arse this time." Winn announced making James nod too. Alex laughed aloud and slid from the booth pulling her girlfriend with her.

"Best out of 3?" Alex asked and the boys nodded. The group all walked over to the pool table; the girls 'graciously' allowed the boys to go first. While the 4 played, on the high table beside them was Kara and Lena who were wrapped up in each other, laughing when Winn would miss and try and cheat.

"You happy?" Lena mumbled against her temple. Kara looked up and grinned.

"The happiest I've ever been. You?" Kara asked pulling their conjoined hands up and kissing Lena's knuckle.

"Hell yes!" Lena cheered making Kara laugh loudly, tipping her head back. A few metres away the detective leaned into her girlfriend's ear.

"They seem happy." Alex nodded and took her shot.

"I'm glad." Alex replied and kiss the other woman.

"Mon-El you can finish!" Al shouted across the room to Mon-El who nodded and threw the rag down and grabbed his jacket before shrugging it on his shoulders. Elliot knocked his knuckled against Mon-El's as they passed, swapping over shifts. He grabbed a beer and wondered over to the group.

"Mind if I join you?" He asked and Winn and James nodded, knocking their beer bottle necks against his. He noticed Kara and Lena were whispering to one another. They really were best friends and it made Mon-El smile. He's going to Ask Kara to dance.

Well... he was but he needed some alien liquid courage. So, 2 hours later and the detective and DEO agent were playing a 1v1 match of pool, both trying to distract each other by sensually rubbing their arm across the others. Now everyone had a good buzz, Al turned the music up so there was a low thumping travelling across the room, there was some dancing to the music and some bobbing along in their chairs.

A few of Mon-El's friend had turned up about an hour ago and were egging him on to ask Kara to dance. Quickly downing two tequila shots he straightened his jacket and walked over to the girls. Alex and Maggie both glaring at him as he went.

"Hey Kara?" he mumbled but was ignored. Looking back at his friends who nodded, he tapped Kara's shoulder who whipped her head away from Lena's shoulder.

"Mon-El? Oh no I don't want another drink thanks. I think it's Alex's around anyway." She said and smiled; James burst out in giggles beside Winn.

"Um I finished work about 2 hours ago Kara." Mon-El explained and noticed the blush that travelled across Kara's face. I make her nervous.

"Oh, sorry." Kara said smiling, by now he had lost his confidence, so he nodded and retreated to his friends who pushed him in laughter.

"It isn't that hard to get a girl," Adam said and laughed at Mon-El. "Watch how its done." He said confidently and stalked over to the girls who seemed to be lost in each other again. He noticed two women walking closer to him to his right but ignored it. He cleared his throat rather loudly pulling he two away from each other. One had a small smile on their face, and one had a glare. The glare was menacing but Adam shrugged it off. he looked to his friends who all cheered and gave him a thumbs up. Kara raised her eyebrow and looked at Adam, he looked to be around 25, medium length shaggy hair which was pulled up into a ponytail, his white shirt was barely buttoned, his jeans 2 sizes to tight and his shoes not shined.

"Can I just say that you two ladies look gorgeous." Adam said turning his 'charm' on. He flexed his arms slightly smirking them he drew the attention of the pretty blonde. "I thought I'd come over and see if I can get you two beautiful ladies a few drinks?" he sweet told them and faltered when the glare intensified.

"You know I think it's so cute and I think it's so sweet." The blonde said drawing the attention from the group around them.

"What's that? The drink, that's no problem darling." He smiled widely.

"How you let your friends encourage you to try and talk to me," she smiled and raised her hand when he went to speak. "But let me stop you there, before you speak." She sighed and sat up straighter. Looking directly into his eyes, "My name is no, my sign is no, my number is no, you need to let it go." She said and took a sip from her drink. She noticed that the boy had taken a step back and the smirk had been wiped from his face. He cleared his throat and settled his drink upon a table.

"Okay..." he tried to speak but Kara wasn't done.

"First, you going to say you ain't running a game, thinking I'm believing every word, calling me beautiful?" Kara rolled her eyes. "So original, tell me I'm not like other girls. You know I was in my zone before you came along, now I'm thinking you maybe should go." She waved at him. The had changed and crazy in love boomed across the room, he smirked and opened his mouth.

"Ladies, I think we got off to the wrong foot." He tried again.

"Thank you in advance, I don't want to dance, I don't need your hands all over me. If I want a man, then Imma get a man, but its never my priority" she smirked this time looking over into Lena's eyes which sparkling back at her. "I was in my zone, before you came along, don't want you to take this personal but let me remind you, my name is no, my sign is no, my number is no, you need to let it go. Bye now." Kara announced and shooed the boy away, who grabbed his beer and shoved past his friend before nudging Mon-El.

"You don't stand a chance." He sneered and stormed out of the bar, his friends following. Mon-El looked at Kara who looked back at him. Lena managed to catch his eye and she raised an eyebrow at him, daring him to try something. He mumbled and ran over his friends. The group of 6 all laughed and cheered.

"At least you never have to worry about Kara cheating." Maggie smirked making Kara smile.

"I didn't have to worry about that anyway." Lena smiled, kissing her fiancé firmly on the lips ignoring the cheers from the group.

"Shots everyone!" Winn announced and the group cheered again.

It was a good night, Lena thought smiling and kissing Kara again. and it was about to get better.

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