The Lost Princesses- COMPLETE...

By zoehill0130

431 33 2

What happens when a girl has the whole world on her shoulders, discovers an unknown secret and has worst high... More

N.O 1 Sophia Elizabeth Davidson
N.O 2 'Can I help?'
N.O 3 'Long story '
N.O 4 'yesterday'
N.O 5 'They're cute'
N.O 6 'Happy Birthday'
N.o 7 'Happy Birthday' Part 2
N.o 8 The beginning of something
N.o 9 Its what flows through you
N.O 10 - The Mirror
N.O 11 -The Prophecy?
N.O 12 - Athena?
N.O 14 - The Futures Past
N.O 15 - She
N.O 16 - Alone?
N.O 17 - Get Answers
N.O 18- peace
N.O 19- Training
N.O 20 - The library
N.O 21- Magic lesson 1
N.O 22- Memories
N.O 23- Peatro
N.O 24 - i'll find you
N.O 25 - She did it
N.O 26- Found
N.O 27- I've got you
N.O 28 - 'She's here'
N.O 29 'Together?. Always'
N.O 30 'Her story'
N.O 31 'You're supposed to be dead Bitch'
N.O 32 The End.
N.O 33 Epilogue

N.O 13 - Secrets.

7 2 0
By zoehill0130

Sophia's P.O.V

It has been a couple of weeks since Sophia has been discharged form the hospital and everything has gone back to normal, no memory loss, no flash backs no out of body experiences especially no mirrors becoming forests. Everything was just how it should have been yet it didn't feel normal to Sophia. The feeling that she was always being watched followed her everywhere but it was always stronger when she was alone, just when she was vulnerable with no one to save her. Yet every time the feeling got too strong her phone would ring, dread would drown her instead, only to be pulled above the water by Alex.

"have you done the geometry homework yet?" his voice rang out from the phone, his voice like a shield from the world that laid waiting for her.

"Yeah, why what are you stuck on?" her room around her was as neat as it would get, the desk holding a few books the chair holding a few folded clothes the windows wide open to let some fresh air in. Her bed made to perfection.

"The part with the triangles" he says his voice stressed

"That's all of it!" she laughs through the phone "do you not get it at all?" she says once her laugh had died down into little giggles

"was that obvious?" his line went silent for a while "look can you help me with it, at lunch or something?"

"why not now?" she wanted to ask but agreed instead

"look I've got to go; I will speak to you later" before she could answer he hung up the birds chirping outside filling the silence

Wishing there was more things to do in her room, she walked downstairs to bake something. A slight ringing in her head began once she left her room but pushed it aside ignoring the bells for now. Reaching the bottom of her stairs, what met her gaze was not what she was expecting. Her mum and dad both crowded around the table looking at sheets of paper in front of them. Unknown of her presence, she walked slowly to look over their shoulders. She was close enough to read them but far enough that they still couldn't see her, the bubble of concentration still not broken around them.

A letter stood of to the side her parents names scribbled in fancy italic handwriting

Mr and Mrs Davison,

I'm sorry for what we have done in the past and what we are proceeding to do but for your and her safety please take care of her, she's more precious than we will ever know. we trust you will protect her as if she was you own.


Amalia A Y

Moving away from the table backing in her mind frozen, the letter to her 'parents' about a girl, was she the girl? She's got to be who else is there? She wasn't properly adopted? What happened to me? Are my real parents' dead? The ringing in her head came back more powerful this time unable to hold it back stumbling back into the kitchen a few pans falling to the ground, a few glasses joining in smashing along the floor, startling her.

"Sophia?! Is that you?" her parents voices blend into one as they come round the corner into the kitchen. There faces holding shock and panic at the same time. Sophia stood in a perfect circle of glass a few pans on the floor a few steps but none of the glass had cut her.

"are you ok? Darling?" she mum looked over her from a distance the glass to dangerous to walk nearby.

"yeah, I'm fine just accidently hit the pan off the side which hit the glasses, ill clear it up its fine" she says bending down to pick up the pieces of glass

"ow" a piece of glass stood out form her finger, deep red blood surrounding the glass before pulling the glass out and moving towards the sink to get rid of the blood and remaining glass near the cut. But there was no cut to see, her skin completely healed, there was nothing there.

"are you ok?" her mum asks looking at the back of her daughter

Turning around her face full of confusion "yeah I'm fine just had a bit of glass in my finger that's all" waving her hand in the direction of them, hoping to dissolve some worry in the gesture

A couple of hours have passed since the accident and the kitchen is all clean a fresh batch of cookies sat on the island in the middle. Her parents still talking in hushed voices at the dining table the files all spread out around them the letter untouched in the middle of them.

The door bell ringing pulled her out of her thoughts her feet automatically moving towards the door to answer it.

"hey?" she says staring at her 3 friends standing at her door step

Before any questions could be asked. She is dragged up to up her room the 2 boys following behind "we are having a movie night no complaining, it is happening" she says with determined look on her face as she places her bag on the bed pulling the blankets off and pillows placing them in the floor taking the first movie out of the bag and putting into the DVD player. Reaching back into the bag she pulls out a massive bag of popcorn before plopping her self onto the floor when she's done.

Looking at the statutes of people still stood by the door "well what are you waiting for? Are you coming or not?"

Turning the lights off so the only light is from the tv they all sit down on the blankest getting comfortable as the movie began.

By the time we had already finished the first movie it was 6 0'clock so pizza was ordered and extras that people wanted. The room that was once clean littered with sweet packets and empty soda cans.

"I'll be back, I need to get this phone call" Alex shows them the back of his phone before getting up and walking out of the room to the bathroom for some privacy

"I will go gets more drinks" standing up and collecting the drink cans before walking out of the room to depose of them.

"I think she should be told she is remembering things again and it's not good, she's in danger" at the sound of Alex's voice she pauses, knowing that she shouldn't be listening into his conversations she slowly walked past hearing a couple of words more

"yes, I know but it has begun"

Happy new year !

Here's a new chapter hope you enjoyed it
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'We cannot become what we want by staying where we are '

Love y'all

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