The Last Apprentice: A Star W...

By Corona1223

278 2 0

It is a time of fear. The Galactic Empire continues to expand its evil clutches on the galaxy. Several planet... More

Part 1: Arrival on Calda
Part 2: The Jedi
Part 3: The Funeral
Part 4: The Command
Part 5: The Temple
Part 6: The Invasion
Part 7: The Journey
Part 8: The Rebels
Part 10: The Lesson
Part 11: The Battle (Pt. I)
Part. 12: The Battle (Pt. II)
Part 13: The Duel
Part 14: The Rescue
Part 15: Epilogue

Part 9: The Trap

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By Corona1223

The capitol city of Andoridge had been an Imperial stronghold since the fall of the Republic. Many people native to Calda feared the capitol city. The only people you would find there were Imperials and Imperial loyalists of the planet. You only went there if it was absolutely necessary, and you would never be completely welcome by the locals of Andoridge. There were Stormtroopers all over the place on patrol, officers walking about, and Imperial probe droids floating around every street. The eyes of the Empire were everywhere, and little went on in the city without the Governor knowing about it.

Melenna and Korran had arrived when the full invasion and occupation took place. They had ridiculed the governor for his weak hold on the planet, and it took some convincing so that Korran didn't decapitate him on the spot. They had remained in Andoridge after the invasion, waiting for Grand Admiral Thrawn to arrive with new orders. It had been two weeks since their arrival and Thrawn was expected to arrive later in the day.

"Do you think we did everything right?" Korran asked as he and Melenna walked out to the hangar where a shuttle was landing

"Well, we'll find out today when we meet with Thrawn."

"The real question is, do you think they bought it? They are Jedi after all, don't you think they would be able to sense if something was off?"

"The Jedi Council themselves couldn't sense the true plan of the Emperor during the Clone Wars, and they were the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy at the time. Not even Master Yoda was aware of the plot to kill all the Jedi with Order 66 and dissolve the Republic and replace it with the Empire. Their vanity blinded them."

"Well yes, but these three have nothing to be vain about. How would they not recognize the underlying plot."

"You forget Korran, they still have compassion. That is what is keeping them from discovering the truth."

The two arrived at the hanger where the shuttle landed in front of them. Thrawn came down the ramp, still looking as imposing as ever. His cold analytical gaze swept across the room.

"I take it the plan has gone well?"

"Yes Grand Admiral. Everything seems to be falling into place."

"Very good Inquisitor. Bring Governor Sherman to the meeting. After all, this is his planet and his city, he should be advised as to what is to come."

As Korran and Thrawn made their way to the meeting room, Melenna went to find Governor Sherman. She entered his office to find him Cass staring out his window. He was a thick man with a strong build. He had a heavy mustache and always had a merciless look about him.

"Thrawn wants to see you."

"What have I done now?"

"Nothing. But you already knew that. Now get your ass out of that chair and follow me to the conference room."

Governor Sherman got up grumbling and followed Melenna to the room. They both entered and took a seat away from each other.

"Welcome Governor Sherman. I assume that your rule here has gone smoothly?"

"Up until the discovery of the Jedi, I was doing fine! I hope you have a plan to get rid of this problem!"

"I do indeed Governor. Thankfully, our Inquisitors here have discovered not only the last apprentice, but we will also be able to identify and crush the rebellion on the planet which you have failed to handle properly."

Sherman crossed his arms in anger and Thrawn sat back in his chair comfortably.

"Actually, Grand Admiral, there is more than one Jedi apprentice. There are three." Melenna said

"And I believe that none of them are Padawans. They all appear to be Knights." Korran chimed in

"Then we have moved too slowly and failed to take our first window of opportunity. No matter, as I have prepared for your failures. We had planted a turncoat in the village who was given the coordinates of the location of the rebel base. Did he give the map to the Jedi?"

"Yes, he did" answered Korran, "and we disposed of him shortly after."

"Excellent, then the advantage still lies with us. We will set up three execution locations where the Jedi will be forced to split up to save the villagers. The rebel soldiers will also be divided as a fraction of the entire force will accompany each Jedi to their destination. We will have to increase Stormtrooper presence by 200% and the Inquisitors will each be stationed at an execution location, while you Governor, will position your finest legion at the third location. This will lead to the capture of both the Jedi and the rebel soldiers and their leader."

"This sounds too easy Thrawn, I feel like you underestimating three young Jedi." Sherman said disapprovingly

"It is supposed to be simple. Any other heightened form of city defense would raise suspicion from the Jedi, and would then lead them to alter their strategy. We can only afford to miss so many windows of opportunity Governor."

"Please, if you ask me, the Jedi are going to see right through this. They can sense things Thrawn, you're crazy if you think this'll work."

Thrawn calmly got up from his chair and began to pace around the room. He shot a look to Korran who stood up and stood behind the Governor's chair.

"Governor, it's seems that your paranoia has blinded you from thinking rationally. Much like how you have been blinded by fear, so to can Jedi be blinded by their drive to do good and help others. Their compassion and their desire to rescue the innocent will get in the way of them seeing the trap they are leading themselves and their allies right into. It seems to me that the plan is near foolproof, and the only possible factor that could ruin the integrity of the plan would be your irrational fear and anxiety. So Governor, I just have one question for you. Is Minister Zana Hardin on world?"

"Yes, she is. Why do you need to know?"

"She will be replacing you effectively immediately."


In an instant, a red blade went through the Governor's chest, with Korran holding the blade. He deactivated his lightsaber and Sherman's lifeless body slumped to the ground. Thrawn pressed a button which called in two Stormtroopers to drag the corpse out of the room and into the disposal. Thrawn then pressed another button that contacted Minister Hardin via hologram

"Grand Admiral Thrawn! Such an honor to receive a call from you!"

"On the contrary Minister, as I have the honor of giving you a promotion. Effective immediately, you are now the Governor of Calda and we will await your arrival in Andoridge."

"What of Governor Sherman?"

"He was relieved of his duty just now for...poor performance."

"I see. I shall arrive tomorrow. Thank you Grand Admiral."

"The pleasure is mine Minister."

The call ended and Thrawn looked around the room, his mind always seeming to be at work even when it wasn't needed.

"Everyone is dismissed. We get to work on the plan execution starting tomorrow, and somebody mobilize a spy to ensure that the rebels are on our time, not their own."

"Yes Grand Admiral" The Inquisitors said in unison.

The Inquisitors and Stormtroopers all left the room, with Melenna going to fetch the spy and Korran to oversee preparations. Thrawn walked to his office, where he locked the door behind him. He queued up a hologram map of the city and with his cold, analytical state, he looked at the map of the city. His gaze sweeping over every street, alley, entry point, possible escape route, constantly at work to make sure that his plan succeeded when it mattered. He smiled to himself, realizing that his plan would, in fact, prove to be incredibly effective. He sat in his chair, and folded his hands, waiting to make his next move.


Governor Sherman

Minister Harding

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