A Hunger to Share ( Book Thre...

By Bookoholic777

965 101 0

Let's go to Germany And meet Ada Brooks She thirst for advanture And change Let's meet beautiful men with h... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54

chapter 11

14 2 0
By Bookoholic777


Lighting a cigarette, Nora brought it to her lips. She was so angry with Ada. So fucking angry.

She didn't know what she was still doing here. She didn't belong here, none of her family did. This place wasn't home, not without her sister, neither was Germany, or Amarica or anywhere else.

Nothing felt right without her.

No matter how deep and hard Marcia and her people looked, Nora knew they couldn't find the dead, or people who didn't want to be found. They were wasting their time. It was easier that accepting defeat.

Nora was sick of it, sick of waiting for someone who would never come back.

Ada could be stubborn, and Annoying but Nora still loved her. She had always loved her, even when they used to have petty fights as children, even when they drifted apart after dad turned them.

Ada was her little sister. Nora didn't know how she could continue living without her.

At least Jack had his little brother back. It should make Nora happy, and she was, to some extant . Nora knew how much Jack loved him.

But part of her was enraged. It wasn't fair her sister had to die so his brother could live. Nora knew she should be mature about this, but grief made her selfish.

Nora remembered the moment she had seen Genevieve walk through the door with James's body in her arms, Marcia beside her.

She remembered Jack's choked sob. He had rushed to his sister, riping his brother out of her arms, and asking over, and over if James was dead.

Genevieve swore Marcia had no idea about what they had done, that she had just called her because she needed a portal.

Nora had beat the shit out of Genevieve, tackling her to the gray mosaic, rearranging her pretty face with her fists. By the time Nora was forcefully stopped, Genevieve didn't look pretty anymore.

Genevieve hadn't tried to fight back. It had taken Adrian and the others few tries to get Nora off her. And even then, it had taken Nora a lot of time to cool down.

Things hadn't been peachy between Jack, and Nora ever since. They barely talked. Nora couldn't blame him for hating her when she had used his sister as a punching bag.

"Will you kick me off the steps if I sit beside you?"

"Maybe. Be warned, you'll freez your ass off." Nora answered without looking at him, taking a drag of her cigarette.

Jack chuckled softly, and Nora's heart fluttered in her aching chest. She scolded it. She was still angry, and wasn't planing on stoping anytime soon. Anger was a good friend.

"I've survived worse." He sat next to her.

Nora turned her head to take a look at him and gasped. "What the fuck happened to you?"

His face looked...well nothing like his face. One of his hazel eyes was swallown shut, and his lip was cut in several places. Nora was pretty sure his nose had been broken at least a few times.

Nora was ready to rip the one who had done this to him to shreds. They might not be close anymore, but she wasn't going to let anyone get away with hurting Jack.

"Nothing I can't handle." Jack said with a nonchalant shrug, and lit a cigarette of his own.

Nora grabbed his chin, and stared at him. "Tell me who did this? Was it Genevieve?"

"No Vivi's gone." Jack whispered, pushing her hand away from his face.

"Oh." Nora suddenly felt guilty. "Was it... because of me?" As much as she despised her, she didn't want Jack to have to live without her again.

Jack shook his head, and took a slow drag. "Nah."

"Then who? Gideon?"


"Come on Jack, talk to me."

"Why? You don't care."

His words twisted in her already aching heart. "I do. You know I do."

"Your actions say otherwise."
He sounded so terribly sad.

Nora touched his cold hand. "I'm sorry. I know I've been...cold for the past couple of days..."

"No shit." Jack snorted.

"Jack..." Nora saighed, feeling him slipping through her fingers.

"Are we over? Don't lie to me. I need to know where I stand, where we stand. It's Ok if you don't want to be with me anymore. I get that, but give it to me straight. Should I stop trying? Am I wasting our time?"

Nora opened his hand and slid her fingers between his, then brought it to her lips, and kissed his knuckles. "No we're not over, I'll try with you. I don't want to lose you Jack. My sister was enough."

"I don't want to lose you either." Jack whispered against her lips, and kissed her like a man starved.

Nora loved the bitter taste of smoke on his lips. "Will you tell me who fucked up your face now?"

"James. He woke up yesterday, and wasn't happy about being back."

Nora caressed his bruised cheek lightly. "I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that."

Jack leaned into her touch. "He was hurting, and needed to make someone feel his pain. I would gladly volunteer to get beat up by him a thousand times, if it makes him feel better. It's the only thing I can do."

He sounded so hurt, so insufficient. She didn't want him to feel like that. Nora kissed his nose. "That's sweet, and kinda concerning. You're such a good brother."

He clicked his tongue. "I couldn't keep Jamie safe. I couldn't stop Genevieve from leaving. I'm a shitty brother."

"Don't argue with me. You're perfect. That's the end of it." Jack smiled faintly. "I'm guessing Genevieve left because of something James said."

Jack sighed. "Yeah he went too far but I would have probably reacted the same way if I were in his place."

"I would too."

"You're still angry with him?" Jack took a long drag.

"I'm working on my anger issues." Nora caressed his knuckles.

"You can be angry with me, but not him. Jamie went through hell. When he woke up he was a complete mess. He thought I was Mathias."

"I'm not really angry with him, or you, but with myself. I couldn't save my sister. I'm never going to get her back, and it's not fair..." She burried her face against Jack's shoulder.

He hugged her with one arm, holding her close. "I know how bad it hurts. Believe me, I know." He kissed her hair. "I'm here for you, Ok? I'll help you get through this."

Nora sniffed. "I love you Jack. I really do."

She heard him smile. "I love you more."

"Do you want me to talk to your sister? I know she hates me but maybe I can get her to come back." Nora offered.

Jack shook his head. "No. Adrian, and the others already talked to her, but she left anyway. Maybe it's better this way. Maybe my siblings need some time apart."

Nora leand in to kiss him again because she didn't know how else to take away his pain. 

"Hey Nora, I think we found your siser." A panting guard's urgent voice broke them apart. 

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