The Hellhound's Secret

By Twix3780

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[Book Two] [Sequel to The Hellhound's Return] Since learning the truth, Kali has faced many challenges. It's... More

Answering the Call
Magical Storm, Ranger Form
Looming Thunder
Thunder Strangers, Part I
Thunder Strangers, Part II
Thunder Strangers, Part III
Nowhere to Grow
Snip it, Snip it Good
Return of Thunder, Part I
Return of Thunder, Part II
Return of Thunder, Part III
Return of Thunder, IV
Boxing Bopp-A-Roo
Samurai's Journey, Part I
Samurai's Journey, Part II
Samurai's Journey, Part III
I Love Lothor
Good Will, Hunter
Brother's In Arms
Tori's Birthday
Tori's Birthday, Part II
Shimazu Returns, Part I
Shimazu Returns, Part II
Eye of the Storm
General Deception, Part I
General Deception, Part II
Gem of the Day
The Storm Before the Calm, Part I
The Storm Before the Calm, Part II

Sensei Switcheroo

201 7 1
By Twix3780

"Hey Kali, come meet my dad!" Dustin called.

Kali, who had been sitting in the TV room of Storm Chargers, looked up and smiled. She pushed herself to her feet and wandered over, reaching out a hand to shake with Mr. Brooks.

"Dad, this is Kali Briar," said Dustin, "and yes, she's the same Kali Briar from the Briarwood."

"You mean the Power Ranger?" Mr. Brooks asked, stunned. "Wow, what an achievement."

Kali forced a smile. "Yeah. I'm starting to wish that new station hadn't broadcasted the story if I'm honest," she said. "I now know what it's like to be a celebrity without actually being one."

"Well, I don't know about that," said Mr. Brooks. "You saved the whole of Briarwood from being destroyed. That's pretty celebrity status to me."

Kali chuckled. "I'm glad someone, other than your son, finds it an achievement worth having, Mr. Brooks," she said.

"Call me Jake. Mr. Brooks makes me look for my father."

Kali laughed. "Jake, it is," she said. "You in town long?"

"Only until the end of the day," Jake confirmed. "Just flew into surprise Dustin and his sister for next week.

Kali glanced at Dustin. "What's next week?" she asked, feeling slightly out of the loop.

"My sister's birthday," said Dustin. "Mum and Dad are divorced. He flies in every year to surprise us."

Jake smiled awkwardly.

"Divorce is nothing to be ashamed of," said Kali. "My parents are together, but never around. They're overseas right now, and probably not even in the same country. Pretty sure my mum was in Dublin, last I checked in, and Dad was in Germany."

"That sounds rough," said Jake.

Kali shrugged. "I'm used to it," she said. "If this is the last few hours for with your dad, why are you here? I mean, each to their own and everything, but if I got to spend another day with Joe, I'd be out there -" she pointed towards the door of the store, "and not at work."

"We stopped by to pick up some new riding gloves," said Dustin. "Dad thrashed his new pair."

"You guys ride together?" Kali asked.

"I taught him everything he knows!" Jake grinned.

"That's awesome."

Dustin laughed and clapped his father on the shoulder.

"Well, I'm not going to keep you any longer," said Kali. "It was great to meet you, Jake. I'll see you later, Dustin."

Dustin and Jake both waved as Kali headed for the door. She stopped behind Cam, Hunter, and Blake on her way as they watched Dustin and Jake in the corner.

"A guy and his dad. I miss that," Hunter said.

"Yeah, me too," Blake sighed.

Kali huffed, startling the trio. "Haven't I already apologised for that?" she asked.

"We're not saying it's your fault," said Blake. "At least, not anymore, it's just, we miss it."

Hunter nodded his agreement. At first, he had blamed Kali relentlessly for the death of his parents, but now he knew that was not the case. Sure, the Great Battle had started in order to destroy her and Nick before they could grow into the people they are now, but that didn't mean she had sent his parents purposely into battle. His father had gone to do his job, just like he had a job to do to defend the world against Lothor.

Cam sighed as he watched Dustin and Jake laugh.

"What's your deal?" Kali asked, nudging him.

Cam shook his head. "Just thinking," he said. "I understand where you guys are coming from, missing your dad and all that."

"At least your dad is still around," said Hunter.

"Yeah, but hi-fiving a guinea pig just isn't the same," said Cam, shaking his head.

Kali hugged Cam tightly.


Kali furrowed her brow as she entered Ninja Ops. She and Cam had parted ways at Storm Chargers, with Cam returning to Home Base and Kali heading through an oak tree homebound for Root core; she'd had a message from her mother on the weird rune that had appeared on both her and Hunter's wrists, and finally had an answer to it. She had just returned, hoping to find Hunter at Ops, seeing as he wasn't at work, like he was supposed to be.

"Why are the lights off?" Kali asked, looking around. She spotted Cam, Tori, Sensei, and Shane at the supercomputer. "Did we have a power cut?"

"Everyone okay?" Cam asked.

Kali cocked her head to the side. Now she was really confused and concerned. "What happened?" she grumbled.

"I'll explain later," said Cam, shaking his head. "Dad," he added, turning to the guinea pig. "Are you okay?"

"Dude, who you calling dad?" the Guinea pig asked.

Kali's eyed widened as she recognised the voice coming from the little furry rodent. "Shane?" she asked.

"Yeah. Why am I looking up at you?" Shane asked. "When did you get so... tall?"

"My height hasn't changed," said Kali. She turned to Cam and Tori. "Do you want to tell him or should I?"

"Tell me what?" Shane asked.

"I think we have a problem," said Cam.

"You think?" Kali asked.

Tori frowned as she continued to look at Shane. "If Shane is in Sensei's body then where is -?" she broke off, her head swivelling around as her gaze sought out her friend. He stood, a little off to the side, leaning against a support beam, his hands clasped in front of him and a small, serene smile on his face.

"Yes, Tori," said Sensei.

"This can't be happening," said Tori, looking from her friend to her teacher and back again. "Shane is in the Sensei's body, and Sensei is in Shane's body?"

"That would appear to be the case," Sensei said.

"Aah!" Cam, Kali, and Tori gasped as the computer sparked and died, completely.

Cam huffed in frustration. "And if that weren't bad enough, the force of the elemental pulse has shorted all of Ninja Ops," he said shaking his head, and making his way towards the computer.

"Why do you look guilty?" Kali asked Tori.

Tori shrugged. She smiled as she spotted Shane and squatted down beside the console. "You know, you look kind of cute when you wrinkle your nose like that," she teased.

Kali snorted.

"This isn't funny, Tori," Shane said. "I can't be a guinea pig today; I have a skate demo."

"Not to mention what we're supposed to do if Lothor attacks," said Cam, gesturing to the supercomputer. "We're on backup power as it is."

"This is what happens when you mess with things that you don't understand, Cam," said Kali.

Cam shot her a dark look.

Kali shrugged in return. "Xander's going to get a kick out of this," she said, snapping a picture of him. "He was devastated that he couldn't get time off for the demo, but he'll feel much better knowing your suffering, too."

"You're mean," Shane pouted.

"Aw, I'm sowwy," Kali teased, scratching Shane's head. At first, he leaned in to it, his tiny lips curving upwards into a satisfied smile; he then seemed to collect himself and shook her off.

Kali and Tori laughed.

"We must not let anyone know of our dilemma," said Sensei.

"Ha!" Shane cried turning to Kali. "Delete that picture."

"I think he means outside of the Ranger family, Shane," said Kali, waving her phone just out of reach of him.

Shane grunted as he jumped up, trying desperately to grab the device that was three sized bigger than him. He stumbled, and almost toppled off the console, but sighed in relief as Kali caught the back of his tunic and lifted him into the air.

"Tori's right, Shane is way cuter as a rodent. Can we leave him like this?" Kali asked, looking around at Cam.

Sensei did his best to hide an amused smile.

"As I was saying," said Sensei. "I will uphold your skating obligations, Shane," he nodded at his student.

Tori glanced at Kali in hesitation. "Uh, no offence, Sensei - you may look like Shane, but skate like Shane. No way," she said.

"Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with her on that one," said Kali.

"You must not underestimate the power of a Ninja Master," Sensei told them.

Kali scratched the back of her head. "Uh, no disrespect, Sensei, but, uh, you didn't strike me as the skater type thirty-years-ago, and you haven't exactly been, you know, human, for a few years," she said, awkwardly. "I don't think this is a good idea."

"Then what would you have me do?" Sensei asked.

"Well, Shane could always forfeit the demo," said Kali. "I mean, there will be other demos. It's not like this will be his last one, ever."

Shane's eyes widened. "No way! You know how long it took me to get this far!" he exclaimed. "I'd rather stay a guinea pig for the rest of my life than miss today."

"You may have to if Cam can't find a way to switch you back," said Kali.

"Trust me, Kali, I shall be fine," said Sensei, reassuringly.

Kali shrugged. "Okay. In that case, I'm coming too," she said. "You know, for backup."

"You mean to record it and hold it over me forever!" Shane said.

Kali grinned and scratched his head again. "Now, Shane, would I do that to you?" she asked.

Shane grit is teeth as Sensei nodded.

"Cam, stay here, and correct the situation," said Sensei, addressing his son. "Tori, Kali, take me to the skate park, please?"

Tori nodded and Kali closed her phone.

"Wait a second, what am I supposed to do?" Shane called. "I'm starving."

"Here. Try some of these," said Tori, reaching for a bag of sesame seeds. "We'll be back as soon as we can."

"And if you're a good little guinea pig, we'll bring you a takeout," Kali laughed, teasingly.

Shane growled.


Kali bit her lip as she followed Sensei around the skatepark with her phone, recording every false move he made while trying to act like a normal teenager. It was obvious that he was out of practice, and while she knew the truth, it wouldn't be long for others to realise that something was up if he didn't get his head in the game soon.

"What is up with him today?" Kelly asked. She had come out to watch the start of the demo, and wish Shane luck before his turn, but she couldn't stay as she still had a shop to run.

"I think it's an inner ear thing," said Tori, touching her ear for emphasis. "You know," she added, as Kelly shot her an unconvinced look, "the inside part."

"The equilibrium part?" Kali offered.

Kelly nodded, although both Kali and Tori could tell she wasn't convinced. "I'd better go. Tell him I said good luck."

"Oh, he's going to need all the luck in the world," Kali muttered.

Tori rolled her eyes and shoved her arm, knocking her phone out of focus. Kali laughed and stopped recording, snapped the phone closed and stored it away inside her pocket. She'd had saved enough footage to tease Shane with for one day.

"Ahh!" Sensei cried as he was tossed through the air. He had tried to perform a stunt on the ramp, lost his balance mid-way up and tumbled backwards over the ledge, landing with a crack on the floor at his students' feet.

Tori and Kali gasped. "Are you okay?" they asked, helping him back to his feet.

"I'm not used to being back in human form again," Sensei admitted.

"I did warn you about that," said Kali.

Sensei smiled, patiently.

"A wise rodent once told me to use my inner Ninja in times like these," said Tori.

Sensei paused as he considered her words. He then clapped her on the shoulder, smiled, and skated off again towards the ramp.

"Hey," Dustin called, jogging over to his friends as he arrived.

"You made it," Tori grinned.

"Yeah. I just dropped my dad off at the airport," Dustin said. "Did I miss anything?"

Kali shrugged. "I guess that depends on your definition," she said.

Dustin furrowed his brow before his eyes widened as Tori reached up to whisper in his ear. "No way!" he exclaimed, his voice echoing across the park and interrupting Sensei's concentration, causing him to take another tumble.

Kali winced as she watched him roll to a stop in the centre of the ramp.

As the demo continued, Sensei got more and more in the groove. His inner Ninja shared the same powers as Shane - Air, and while Shane was still a student, Sensei was, has he repeatedly reminded his students, a Ninja Master, and therefore knew how to use the air around him to his advantage.

"I should at least get this on camera, too," said Kali, fishing out her phone. She opened it and hit record. "You know, show Shane that he didn't totally botch his chances today."

"You're being nice," Dustin teased.

Kali stuck her tongue out at him and turned her focus back to Sensei. She grinned and followed his progress around the ramp, filming him as he skated up one side, along the railing, and back down. He did a few simple tricks, and the confidence on his face was magnified tenfold as he passed the spot that Kali was recording from.

"I think he's got," said Kali.

"Yeah," Tori agreed.

A scream cut through the air, and startled, Kali almost dropped her phone as she turned to investigate why.

"Let's go!" said Tori, leading the way into a fray of Kelzaks.

Kali pocketed her phone and followed quickly.

"You ready for this, Sensei?" Tori asked, as Sensei fell into step between her and Dustin.

Sensei considered the situation coolly. "I think the term is - bring it on," he said.

Squawking, the Kelzaks swarmed forward, causing the team to split off and deal with their own handful. Kali ducked under a punch and flipped backwards, kicking up as she did, and taking out a Kelzak with a smack to the face.

"Now there's something you don't see every day," said Tori. She had just finished with her Kelzaks when Kali and Dustin returned to her side, ahead of them, demolishing the last of his own foot soldiers, was Sensei.

Kali nodded in agreement. "I'll ask again - can we keep him instead of Shane?" she asked.

Tori smiled and shook her head.

With the Kelzaks officially destroyed, the three friends regrouped with their teacher, congratulating him on his first fight in months. Their victory was short-lived, however, as a second later a weird foot-like monster appeared in the deserted Skate park.

"Ready to get stomped on by Footzilla?" the monster asked.

"I hate feet!" Kali grumbled.

"Come on. Let's play!"

Tori turned to Sensei. "You want to do the honours?" she asked.

"It would be my pleasure," said Sensei. He turned his attention back to Footzilla. "Ready?"


"Ninja Storm, Ranger Form! Power of Earth! Power of Water! Power of Air!"

"Magical Storm, Ranger Form! Power of Darkness!"

"This feels quite pleasant," said Sensei, flexing his arms and reaching them out either side of himself, before clasping his hands behind his back.

Footzilla clapped his hands together. "I'll keep you on your toes," he laughed. He took a step forward and then broke into a run.

Kali stepped forward, stopping as Sensei flung out his arm in front of her. "Wait," he said. "Allow me if you please."

"Um, okay," said Kali, nodding. She stepped back and glanced at Tori and Dustin.

Sensei squared off against Footzilla, considering him. He held out his hand, palm up, and motioned with his fingers towards the monster. "Come," he said, inviting him to fight.

Footzilla screeched and raced forward. He took a startled step backwards when Sensei pulled his Ninja Sword over his shoulder and deftly slashed, several times, across his chest and torso. Sensei then leapt over Footzilla, landed on top of the skate ramp, and sheathed his sword.

The minute the hilt hit the top of its sheath, Footzilla exploded.

"Whoa," Dustin breathed.

"I must say, I am enjoying being full-size again," said Sensei, walking through the air as he returned to Tori, Dustin, and Kali.

Tori grinned and turned to her teacher. "You're awesome!" she said.

"Wicked moves, dude," said Dustin, laughing.

"Dustin you will kindly not refer to me as... dude."

Kali bit her lip to keep from laughing.

"Oh. I'm sorry, Sensei, "Dustin apologised, bowing his head in respect.

Footzilla growled as he straightened up. "Now I'm hopping mad!" he said, facing the group of four again. He lunged forward, swinging his fists, but was blocked by Sensei, who delivered a well-aimed punch to Footzilla's stomach and knocked him back.

"Go!" Sensei ordered.

Without thinking, Kali rushed at Footzilla and flipped over him, as Tori and Dustin chart wheeled either side of him.

Stunned at their intervention, Footzilla turned to fight them, but was knocked back as they kicked him in the stomach, simultaneously. He grunted and tripped, landing with a smack on the floor.

"Hold him!" Kali called.

Dustin and Tori nodded, each racing forward and taking hold of Footzilla's arms. They hauled him to his feet, as Sensei and Kali each unsheathed their swords and leapt into the air.

"Darkness Wave!" Kali called, wielding her sword above her head and striking it down on Footzilla as she landed, Sensei, on the other hand, leapt into the air, spun in a complete circle, and delivered his own resounding attacking, slicing right down Footzilla's chest and causing him to crackle.

Tori and Dustin spun away from Footzilla seconds before he exploded.

"Time for some sole searching," said Footzilla, stumbling back to his feet. He was breathing heavily, and, after putting his hands together, quickly disappeared.

"Guess he knew when to make tracks," said Tori, thoughtfully.


"Go for Sensei — I always wanted to say that."

Kali smiled.

"Everything's back up and running here," said Cam. "Come in, and I'll make the switch back."

"Aw, do we have to?" Dustin groaned.

"Thank you!" Kali said, clapping Dustin on the shoulder. "Finally, someone who agrees with me."

"Don't try and persuade him, Kali," Shane said.

Kali grinned. "Dustin doesn't need persuading, Shane," she said. "Just a little prompting, and I didn't even say anything this time."

Tori rolled her eyes.


The minute Sensei, Tori, Dustin, and Kali returned to Ops, Cam set about explaining what he had done, and what he needed to do in order to make the switch. "By implementing a new wireless power supply, I think I've fixed the problem," he explained. "As long as nothing disturbs the energy flow this time, everything should go according to plan."

"So, this just switches them back?" Kali asked. "It's not going to transform Sensei into a human, too?"

Cam shook his head. "No. I think I need a bit longer to figure out how to do that," he said.

Kali nodded. "Great. So, let's fire this baby up and switch them back," she said. "Unless, of course, Sensei wants to take me up on the offer to stay as Shane for a couple more days?"

Shane narrowed his beady little eyes at Kali.

Sensei chuckled under his breath. "Do not worry, Shane," he said. "I am ready to return to my rodent form. While today was fun, it is not my life."

"Thank you, Sensei," said Shane, sighing happily.

Kali smiled and shook her head.

"Everyone take a step back," Cam instructed.

Tori, Dustin, and Kali stepped back from the machine, watching intently as two forcefields appeared around Shane and Sensei, and current of brightly coloured energy raced back and forth.

"Hey, I think it's working!" Dustin exclaimed, excitedly. He gripped his hands into fists and thrust them out towards Shane.

There was a split-second pause, and then the energy transfer encased Dustin's hands.

"Oh no..." Dustin whispered, glancing fearfully at his friends. He knew he had messed up, and there was nothing any of them could do about it, and neither of them knew exactly how screwed up this would make things once the transfer was complete.

There was a blast and Dustin was thrown backward into Kali and Tori, both of whom stabled him before he could hit the floor, but Shane and Sensei were not so lucky. They were thrown from their podiums onto the floor.

Sitting up, Shane grinned and patted his legs. "Oh, I got legs! I got legs!" he gushed, pushing himself upright and sliding his palms over his upper thighs, stomach and flourishing his hands out with a grin. "I'm me again!"

Kali rolled her eyes and steadied Dustin on his own two feet. "That's great, Shane," she said. "But what about Dustin and Sensei? Are you two okay?"

"Dad?" Cam asked, picking his father up from the floor and setting him back down on the console. "How do you feel?"

"Like I could go for a big bag of sunflower seeds," said Dustin.

Kali blinked as she stared at the tiny rodent and then slowly turned to stare at Dustin. He was still sandwiched between her and Tori.

"We seem to have solved one problem and created another," said Sensei.

"Oh boy," Tori groaned.

Kali released Sensei and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"...Just do it right this time!"

Cam turned to the computer as Kapri's annoyed and frustrated voice echoed over the speakers. "Hey, I think we're back online," he said, bringing up the scene. It showed Marah, Kapri, and Footzilla at the shopping district, rifting through baskets of shoes and tossing aside ones that weren't to their satisfaction.

"He's obviously not looking for bargains," said Shane, leaning on the chair beside Cam.

"Have the Thunder Rangers meet us there," said Sensei, standing idly nearby.

Cam nodded. "I'll join you after I fill them in," he said, opening a second screen to contact Hunter and Blake.

The others nodded and, while Sensei, Shane, and Tori Ninja-streaked from Ops, Kali followed behind them using her teleportation spell.


"Oh! They never have my size!" Footzilla complained, tossing aside another boot.

"Maybe because they don't make sizes for monsters," said Kali, arriving beside the others.

Footzilla jumped and spun around. "Rangers!" he snarled. "You're not going to step on my party!"

"We're here to wipe you out, toe jam!" Shane said.

"Ready?" asked Sensei.


"Ninja Storm, Ranger Form! Power of Water, Earth, Air!"

"Magical Storm, Ranger Form! Power of Darkness!"

Sensei nodded at the trio alongside him. "After you," he said, allowing them the chance to prove themselves.

Without needing to be told twice, Kali pulled her sword over her shoulder and rushed forward. Fighting alongside a teacher while in ranger form wasn't a new thing to her, Daggeron had fought many battles with her and the other Mystics, while also training them for future ones. Whereas Tori, Shane, and Dustin had never fought alongside a teacher before, and it showed - the blue and red rangers hesitated, more than they usually did, occasionally checking to see if Sensei was watching them.

Kali rolled her eyes and blocked a punch from Footzilla, kicking up and kneeing him the stomach as he dismantled Shane and later Tori within seconds of the battle starting.

"Give it up, Black Ranger," said Footzilla.

"Not a chance!" Kali said. She shoved him back and spun around, slashing her sword across his chest and knocking him backward.

As Footzilla caught his bearings, Kali turned to Sensei as he approached her. It was strange for her to see Dustin's body and face look so serious, especially since she was used to Dustin being the loveable goofball that he was.

"Do you mind if I cut in?" Sensei asked.

"Sure," said Kali, lowering her sword and stepping back. "Be my guest."

Sensei nodded and stepped up to Footzilla.

"You and I are going toe-to-toe!" Footzilla warned. He swung his fist at Sensei, who merely leaned back, out of the way. Flustered, Footzilla tried again, but each time Sensei merely stepped back or leaned aside, and Footzilla missed again.

Though, Kali did notice that the more he missed, the more anxious and frustrated Footzilla got. Once he was at his breaking point, Sensei clenched his hand into a fist and smashed it into Footzilla's chest, knocking him backward through the air.

"Wow," said Tori, racing over to her teacher.

"It is interesting to note the difference between Red Ranger and Yellow Ranger's physiology," said Sensei, looking to Shane.

Kali shrugged, nonchalantly. "Maybe we could do that after the fight?" she asked.

"Excellent point," Sensei agreed. He turned back to Footzilla. "You must pay, evil space alien."

Kali scrunched up her nose, and then shook her head.

Footzilla laughed and fired his boom-blaster at them. Sensei ducked aside, just as Kali threw up a shield. The boom-blast hit the reflective surface, causing it to shimmer but not falter.

"Nicely done, Kali," said Sensei, nodding.

"That's not all my shield can do," said Kali. "My magical ability his absorption. I can absorb any attack through my shield and use it for my own convenience. I used to only be able to do it in Titan form, but through training I can apply it to any form of magic I see fit."

"Sweet!" Shane grinned.

Tori nudged Kali. "Maybe we should keep it for a surprise attack," she suggested.

"Good idea," said Kali, nodding.

Growling, Footzilla stamped his feet into the ground and looked from the trio of Rangers to his left, and then around at the lone Ranger on his right. He snarled and started for Sensei, obliviously to the ass-kicking he had just received. He hadn't made it less than a foot, though, when Hunter and Blake leapt into view, kicking him back and onto the green near the fountain.

"Time to give this foot the boot," said Hunter, falling into line beside Blake. "Ready?"


"Thunder Storm, Ranger Form! Power of Thunder!"

Once morphed, the two brothers streaked towards Footzilla, caught him under the arms and took off across the city centre and deposited him in the middle of a rock quarry.


"Oh, great! Another one!" Footzilla complained as Cam joined the chaos.

"Don't worry," Cam assured him. "I'm the last one." He attacked, keeping Footzilla at bay long enough for the others to arrive and regroup with the team.

Breaking away from Cam, Footzilla laughed and held out his boom-blaster. He turned it upright, firing a shot that was again deflected by Kali's shield.

"Try again!" Kali challenged. "You're only adding to the power that will eventually destroy you."

Footzilla laughed. "Think again, Black Ranger," he said. "I just tagged you all with anti-gravity bunion pads!"

"Anti-what now?" Kali asked looking around at the others. Her brow furrowed as she spotted a small, grey patch on Tori's under arm and reached over to try and tear it off.

Tori did the same. Reaching for the back of Kali's shoulder. "It won't come off!" she said, struggling against the seal.

"Neither will yours," said Kali. "Guys?" she looked around at the others, noticing them also struggling with their own patches. They were all on different parts of their bodies - arms, shoulders, underarms, legs, even ankles - and they were all stuck fast.

Footzilla laughed and lifted his boom-blaster into the air. "A little lighter on your feet — Anti-gravity power now!" he bellowed.

Kali gasped as she was lifted into the air. She wasn't afraid of heights or falling, for that matter, but being this high in the air, especially when her ability to control it was in the hands of one of Lothor's monsters, unnerved her.

"Still hanging in there, Rangers?" Footzilla called.

"Put us down!" Shane called back.

Footzilla laughed. "Okay, you asked for it," he said, using his staff to pull Shane back to the ground. He landed with such a force that he was wedged into the ground, his arms bound tightly at his side to prevent him from escaping.

"Shane!" Tori called.

"You're grounded, Red Ranger!" Footzilla laughed, prancing over and petting Shane on the head.

"Shane, focus your energy," Sensei called. "I'll distract Footzilla."

Shane nodded and, while Sensei threw his lion hammer, striking Footzilla in the back, Shane summoned his power over Air and burst out of the ground. Spinning rapidly in a circle, Shane skirted across the air and hauled Footzilla up.

"Hey! Put me down!" Footzilla whined.

Shane did as asked and dropped the monster back onto the ground with a resounding smack. He then dropped down, landing in front of Footzilla again and summoning his Hawk Blaster.

As Footzilla sparked and fell to one knee, the patches on the others disappeared, and they fell, landing in different heaps around the area where Shane had been trapped. At least, all of them except Sensei. He landed, perfectly, and lifted Shane's Ninja sword up, ready to give it back to his student as he joined them.

"Good job, Shane," said Sensei.

"Thanks, Sensei," said Shane, taking back his sword. "I think a little of you must've rubbed off on me."

"I wonder how long the wisdom will last?" Kali teased.

Shane rolled his eyes and turned back to Footzilla as he straightened up. He was not happy with being defeated.

"I'm not through yet!" Footzilla swore.

"Oh, you are so done," said Kali.

Shane nodded. "Come on, guys," he said. The others followed his lead and summoned their secondary weapons, combining them all together to form the Thunderstorm Cannon.

"Hold on," said Kali, placing her hand over the top of the cannon. "Here's a little 'return to sender' present for you." She muttered a spell, enchanting the cannon with the powers she had absorbed from Footzilla.

"Fire!" Shane called.

The ball of energy soared through the air, ripping through Footzilla and causing him to implode.


Kali folded her arms and leaned against a support beam beside the supercomputer. Alongside her, each one waiting and watching with bated breaths were the other Rangers, as Cam set up the machine that would transfer Dustin and his father's souls back into their respective bodies.

"Everything's all set," said Cam, once he had finished the fine tuning. He turned to his father, as Dustin jumped up onto the console, fully ready to be returned to his human form. He had quite a chilled day, not being a Ranger.

"Are you ready for this, Sensei?" Kali asked.

Sensei nodded at her and then turned his attention to Cam. "I never realised how hard it must be for you not having a human father any longer."

"Whatever form you're in, I'll always be there for you, and I know you're always there for me," said Cam.

Sensei nodded.

"That's really cool," said Dustin, interrupting. "But can we get this over with? I think I got fleas." He reached back to scratch behind his ears, his nose wrinkling in discomfort.

The others laughed and Kali pushed away from the support beam. "I'll go get the flea repellent," she said, patting Cam on the shoulder as she passed on her way to the kitchen.

"Thank you, Kali," said Sensei.

Kali waved over her shoulder as she disappeared from view. The others could hear her searching the cupboards and muttering to herself, as Cam made sure there was no chance of any of them disrupting the machine's current by keeping them at a safe distance.

There was a spark of power, a bright light, and then Dustin blinked, grinned, and jumped down from the podium, checking himself over for any unfamiliarity's.

"Oh, yeah!" Dustin cheered. "I'm unfurry! Oh, what a trip!"

"And I have returned to my rodent form," said Sensei, looking at his hands.

"Don't worry, Dad. I'm going to find a way to make you human again," said Cam.

"I know you will do your very best, son," said Sensei, wrinkling his nose. He looked up as Kali returned and smiled at the small bottle in her hand. "Would it be too much trouble to ask if you could make it rodent size?" he asked.

Kali smiled, snapped open her Mystic morpher, and pointed the wand-tip at the bottle. She muttered a shrinking spell and watched as the bottle shrunk down to a more manageable size for Sensei to use.

"Thank you, Kali," said Sensei, bowing his head.

Kali nodded back and carried him over the sliding door on the other side of the room. It opened and she set him down on the side, next to a miniature wash basin and left him alone. The door slid shut as she left, giving Sensei all the privacy, he needed to deal with his issues.

"Maybe we should dismantle that thing," said Kali, pointing at Cam's machine. "You know, so no other accidents can happen?"

Cam nodded. "I'll get right on it," he said.

"Cool. In the meantime," said Kali, grinning. "Who wants to see the results of Shane's demo while he was in Sensei's body?"

Shane narrowed his eyes as Kali withdrew her phone. "Give me that!" he yelled, lunging for her.

Kali howled with laugher and made a dash for the door.

I hope everyone had a Happy Christmas/Holidays.

I do apologise for the varied updates. I have been extremely busy prepping a new writing project ready for 1st of January 2021, I haven't had a chance to do any writing on this story.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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