Sensei Switcheroo

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"Hey Kali, come meet my dad!" Dustin called.

Kali, who had been sitting in the TV room of Storm Chargers, looked up and smiled. She pushed herself to her feet and wandered over, reaching out a hand to shake with Mr. Brooks.

"Dad, this is Kali Briar," said Dustin, "and yes, she's the same Kali Briar from the Briarwood."

"You mean the Power Ranger?" Mr. Brooks asked, stunned. "Wow, what an achievement."

Kali forced a smile. "Yeah. I'm starting to wish that new station hadn't broadcasted the story if I'm honest," she said. "I now know what it's like to be a celebrity without actually being one."

"Well, I don't know about that," said Mr. Brooks. "You saved the whole of Briarwood from being destroyed. That's pretty celebrity status to me."

Kali chuckled. "I'm glad someone, other than your son, finds it an achievement worth having, Mr. Brooks," she said.

"Call me Jake. Mr. Brooks makes me look for my father."

Kali laughed. "Jake, it is," she said. "You in town long?"

"Only until the end of the day," Jake confirmed. "Just flew into surprise Dustin and his sister for next week.

Kali glanced at Dustin. "What's next week?" she asked, feeling slightly out of the loop.

"My sister's birthday," said Dustin. "Mum and Dad are divorced. He flies in every year to surprise us."

Jake smiled awkwardly.

"Divorce is nothing to be ashamed of," said Kali. "My parents are together, but never around. They're overseas right now, and probably not even in the same country. Pretty sure my mum was in Dublin, last I checked in, and Dad was in Germany."

"That sounds rough," said Jake.

Kali shrugged. "I'm used to it," she said. "If this is the last few hours for with your dad, why are you here? I mean, each to their own and everything, but if I got to spend another day with Joe, I'd be out there -" she pointed towards the door of the store, "and not at work."

"We stopped by to pick up some new riding gloves," said Dustin. "Dad thrashed his new pair."

"You guys ride together?" Kali asked.

"I taught him everything he knows!" Jake grinned.

"That's awesome."

Dustin laughed and clapped his father on the shoulder.

"Well, I'm not going to keep you any longer," said Kali. "It was great to meet you, Jake. I'll see you later, Dustin."

Dustin and Jake both waved as Kali headed for the door. She stopped behind Cam, Hunter, and Blake on her way as they watched Dustin and Jake in the corner.

"A guy and his dad. I miss that," Hunter said.

"Yeah, me too," Blake sighed.

Kali huffed, startling the trio. "Haven't I already apologised for that?" she asked.

"We're not saying it's your fault," said Blake. "At least, not anymore, it's just, we miss it."

Hunter nodded his agreement. At first, he had blamed Kali relentlessly for the death of his parents, but now he knew that was not the case. Sure, the Great Battle had started in order to destroy her and Nick before they could grow into the people they are now, but that didn't mean she had sent his parents purposely into battle. His father had gone to do his job, just like he had a job to do to defend the world against Lothor.

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