Same Dimples || L.S.

By hazzasxkiwiii

40.5K 1.3K 3.7K

Harry Styles is a famous singer and he has a secret. Apart from being one of the most popular singers in the... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 10

2.3K 76 286
By hazzasxkiwiii

I honestly don't know what to write. HAPPY LATE NEW YEAR EVERYONE (about 11 days late oop-) I was lowkey drunk while writing half of this soooo yeah ahhahahaahah.

Also, I had a lot of difficulties while writing this chapter. Wattpad didn't save half of it while writing so a lot of it got deleted. I had to rewrite it :/// Honestly I get so mad when this happens I just want to throw the computer from the window along with myself soo that's why the chapter is kinda late sorry lol.

Anygayss here is the new chapter hope y'all like it :))

Harry/Marcel's P.O.V.

I heard my phone ringing. I groaned into my pillow squeezing my eyes closed not wanting to wake up just yet.

I reach out for my phone to snooze the alarm. The ringing stopped and the terrible noise of the alarm was gone. I was ready to go back to sleep then the ringing started again.

I groaned in frustration and slowly opened my eyes only to meet with the sun coming from a small space between the closed curtains. I closed my puffy eyes again, rubbing them with the back of my hand.

I took my phone from the bedside table and when I looked at the screen I realized that the annoying ringing was not my alarm. My best mate Liam was calling.

I accepted the call and took the phone to my ear. I sat straight on the bed glancing around the room wondering what time is it?

"Hey Liam" I started with my morning voice all raspy and deep.

"Hi Harry, Watcha doin Mate?" he greeted me cheerfully. Too cheerfully in the morning for my opinion. I rubbed my eyes once again "Liam" I said without much emotion. "Why the fuck are you calling me so early in the morning" I continued and finished it with a big yawn.

Liam laugh heard through the phone. "It's almost 8 am," he says. "and I needed to say something that's why I'm calling"

I hummed in agreement. "So I was talking to my manager right and we were saying how the concert is gonna be so cool and stuff. Then I thought why not come visit my best mate before our concert." he cheered excitedly. "We also need to practice the song so it's perfect, I'm now in the car heading to Doncaster I'm so excited Mate I missed you so much too I haven't seen you for a month maybe" he literally shouted. "You are in the same house right anyways ı think I know the address, so what do you say," he asked.

What now? I honestly didn't get half of the things he was saying. It was way too early for Liam's shit right now.

"what do I say to what?" I was confused. I heard Liam sigh into the phone "I'm coming to Donny, I'm on my way right now see you there" he said.

"Oh that's great I missed you mate, "I said excitedly as possible for 8 in the morning. A smile formed on my lips. "Sorry I just woke up and didn't really get what you were saying at first. Anyways see you later."

"It's okay I assumed you've just woken up too, see ya," he said his goodbye ending the phone call.

I looked at my phone and saw the time. Shit. It was nearly half-past 8 and my classes started at 9. Shit.

I jumped out of the bed but I guess that wasn't the wisest decision. I dropped back down my eyes going dark. I rubbed my eyes again and glanced around then got up slowly.

I tried to get ready quickly as possible but that was tough when I had to put on these damn lenses

It was almost 9 and I was running through the halls trying to get to my class in time for once. I was supposed to be a nerd and nerds didn't get late to their every class. I was out of breath when I reached the classroom those long hours in the gym didn't help much.

My breath slowly evening out I walked to the empty seat on the back. Nearly everyone was seated but the teacher still wasn't in sight. I dropped my bag next to the desk and sat down.

I looked around me seeing everyone's books were open so I took mine out and opened it too. The class was English which I had the same hour as Louis.

Speaking of Louis after he suddenly left in our tutoring session we haven't seen each other since then. It was yesterday after all. But I couldn't get him out of my head all night. He looked so nervous and terrified even. I've never seen him like that before and the way he literally ran out. It worried me I really wanted to know what was wrong.

With that Louis entered the classroom. He had his English book under his arm while he made his way to his seat. He hung his head down not meeting anyone's eyes. That was unlike him. He was always so bubbly and energetic.

The teacher entered the class a little after and the class began. I eyed Louis the whole lesson but he never lifted his eyes from the teacher or his book nor talked to anyone which he normally did.

This was awfully weird but I wasn't sure If it was my place to ask him. we weren't even friends, right?

The bell was heard and with that, the class ended. I grabbed my backpack hurrying after Louis.

Which he jolted up when he heard the bell rang. I quickened my steps and finally tapped his shoulder "Louis" I said. We were now in the middle of the hallway.

He stopped and turned around looking at me. "Yes?" I was stunned forgetting what to say.

"I- ummm" It was really hard to think or speak when he was looking at me this close. Of course, there was a decent amount of space between us but I've never been so close to him. My breath hitched.

"I-I wanted to ask you if you were okay" I finally said. "You know when you left with a hurry." I was looking at him in the eyes. Why did he look so beautiful all the time?

"I'm fine, everything is fine," he said. He looked behind and I looked along with him. There they were 'his group' which contained Zayn. I immediately tensed not wanting to bother him.

"Okay I guess see ya later," I said but Louis didn't say anything in the back, turned around, and left me.

I shuffled and started going my own way.

The day had passed pretty decently, nothing much different. Niall and I had a couple of the same classes and talked between the classes. He was pretty pumped up about a video game he was going to buy that he was saving up money for. I had tons of video games more than I could count nor play. I wanted to invite him to come to play at mine but I was scared that It would be too risky. He was a fan of mine after all.

He then invited me to come to his place at the weekend, unfortunately, I had my concert this weekend so I had to decline the offer.

Now we were both walking to our last class of the day music. It was the other side of the school where the 'fun' in my opinion, classes took place.

We entered the classroom. It was my first time in this room and I was sure it was Nialls too. there were electronic, bass, and acoustic guitars hanging up on the wall. There was a drum set back of the class and lots of other music instruments riled up around. Next to the teacher's desk where he was sitting right now, there was a black piano. I fought against myself not to play.

Niall and I glanced around the big and comfy looking classroom finally taking our seats. There weren't many people yet and everyone was slowly coming in.

The person I was least expected to come through those doors Zayn. Shit, we were in the same class. Even better Louis was following Zayn from behind. Both of them really?

"Hi everyone!" The teacher greeted us, closing the door after Zayn and Louis entered the room. He looked like he was around his 30s. He had a warm face and a nice smile. I already liked him.

The teacher started talking about what he was going to teach us and what he wanted us to do and how we should behave.

After that, he started talking about songwriting. Which I knew a lot about obviously me being a singer.

"So I want everyone to have a partner for the long term project before you guys ask, yes I already choose your partners" groans came from the class.

He started calling the partners names "Ashley and Luke, Mark and Tom, Emily and Sarah, Niall and Marcel" the teacher said and continued calling the names. "Dude we are together," Niall said excitedly, giving me a high five. "Paul and Grace, Louis and Zayn" the teacher finished with. Louis and Zayn together? I was honestly lucky that I wasn't partnered with Zayn.

"Can everyone please sit with their partner and if you guys are wondering I'm not doing partner changes" I wouldn't even think of it.

"You may ask what is this long term project?" said Mr. Jones. "You guys need to write a song, it can be about anything but you need to write a song with melody, lyrics and everything. If you and your partner don't have any instruments we have plenty here you guys are welcome to use them. This project needs to be done by April and you need to present it to the class." Writing a whole ass song! I already have enough shit to deal with and this. I hope Niall knows about this stuff so I don't have to carry all the work.

"Hey Mate what are we gonna do?" I ask. Niall looked pretty excited about this. He was excited about a lot of things.

"Do you sing or play?" he asked. Shit. I didn't think of this part. How much I make my voice high pitched while talking I wasn't sure I could do that while singing because my singing voice was way deeper. I gulped.

"Umm yeah kinda" I answered. "Do you?" I asked after.

"Yeah I used to play guitar and I still have my guitar so it's great" Niall cheered happily. "When should we start practicing?"

"Umm I have some family stuff that I need to do in London this weekend and I'm busy this whole week but next week sounds nice." I gave him a smile.

I had my concert this weekend so normally it was impossible and Liam said he was coming his morning so it wasn't the best time for Niall to come.

I'm sure he would believe me If I said I was friends with Liam Payne, a famous singer and he was staying over at my house. Me being the nerd that's pretty believable isn't it?

"Cool," Niall said while getting up from his seat.

Niall picked out an acoustic guitar and started strumming the strings. He was humming some song along with it.

Everyone was working on their project or just having fun. Mr. Jones let us do whatever he sure was the best teacher I've come across so far.

While everyone was playing some instruments or chatting with their friends I opened an empty page in my notebook and started working on the song I needed to finish before the end of the week.


The last class of the day was over and everyone was making their way out from the school gates.

I said my goodbyes to Niall and got into my car driving off.

When I came to my house I walked over to my doorstep. I was ruffling my keys. I finally opened the door but the door wasn't locked as I left it.

That was weird. Liam said he was coming maybe it was him right? I slowly got inside and glanced around no sight of Liam.

I closed the door behind me with making a loud sound. After a couple of seconds, later Liam's head popped up from the living room. He looked at me and shrieked "Who the hell are you?" he yelled.

He was holding a broomstick as a defense."What the fuck are you doing here" he yelled.

I started laughing loudly and wasn't able to hold it in anymore. He didn't really recognize me. Did I really look like a nerd that my best friend wouldn't even recognize my appearance?"It's-" I couldn't stop laughing at him and I can see he was looking at me shocked."It's me Liam, Harry" I finally spitted out and continued laughing hard. I finally had to stop because my stomach was starting to hurt.

"Harry?" Liam said, dropping the broomstick. He ran into my arms giving me a big bear hug. I hugged him tightly."Yes, Lima who did you think?" I said with an amused smile.

"I don't know a creep or a nerd looking robber?" I let out another laugh into Liam's shoulder."I panicked okay, don't laugh."

"Okay," I said, still giggling.

"I missed you, Harry, it's been months, dude," he said, pulling apart.

"Yeah, I missed you too" I smiled back at my best friend.

"How did you get in here anyway?" I wondered looking back at the front door. I was sure I locked it before I left.

"Um you always put extra keys under the plants so I checked them and I was right" he grinned.

"Anyways are we going to stand here all day? I didn't come to visit you for this?" Started walking towards the back, to the living room."I was about to order some food. Want some?" He asked.

To say I was hungry was an understatement. So I nodded and Liam got into the living room ordering food.

While he was busy on the phone I got upstairs to change from my nerdy outfit to some comfy clothes.

I ran a hand through my hair ruffling it. It didn't really look nice or felt like it so I decided to wash my hair real quick.

After I was done I changed into some sweatpants and a hoodie.

When I came back downstairs Liam was lying on the big couch looking comfy. He was going through the channels to find something to watch.

"Hey Mate" greeted me while I walked to the couch and lied on the other side of it. "Now you look like yourself, where are those nerd clothes even came from?" he asked curiously.

About a year ago when I first started going to school I told him about it but never going into detail he was in London anyway we couldn't really talk much.

"Remember I said I wanted to finish high school right?" He nodded. "So Simon and some people in the management to agree I needed to be unrecognizable. I thought why not be a nerd? It's like the most opposite thing to me."

"It was decided so I bought some 'nerdy clothes' to go along with my cover and I gel my hair and stuff," I say Liam lets out a little laugh. "It does work doesn't it?" I ask him.

"Yeah, It seems like it, I mean you even got me." He laughed.

"Yeah" I mumbled. "So what about you? What have you been doing? It's been months mate you gotta tell me everything!"

Liam and I caught up on most of the things. He told me about how his album was coming up and he seemed very excited about it. I still remember we used to write songs together when we were younger. It was nice to not have pressure on your shoulders and people not expecting stuff from you. Writing should be fun and something I need to do when I want but because of Simon's orders, I can't do that.

Liam talks about his new place in London. He told me about it a couple of times before he moved in and now I really want to visit the place.

While we were talking I heard the doorbell ring. I get up and open the door.

I return to the living room without food. He has ordered some pizza.

"How's it going with Maya?" I ask. They have been dating for a couple of months now and from what I knew about her she was great.

"Uhm we kinda break up mate," Liam said.

"What! Seriously? I thought everything was going okay, what happened?"

"I guess...I guess the concerts and stuff got in the way you know?" He mumbled.

I had a feeling he wasn't letting on the full truth about it. So I opened my mouth the question it but he beat me to it.

"So do you have anyone you are interested in?" Liam asked, grabbing a slice of pizza from the box. "A little crush maybe?" He grins.

I forgot what I was going to ask and felt my cheeks heat up even the thought of Louis. He was probably more than a crush to me but no one needed to know that.

"Yeah I guess may be there is someone," I say quietly. I usually won't really be interested in people so I can see that Liam's taken aback.

He wasn't expecting me to have a crush because I normally never have one and he always teases me about it.

"Wh-a-at" he chocks on the pizza. Trying to calm himself.

He coughs a couple of times and asks again "what? You have a crush? For real?" He asks.

I nod. He literally jumped from the couch and landed on me giving me a big hug and literally pressing himself against me.

"Awww little Hazza has a crush," he says in an annoying teasing voice. I roll my eyes and push him off me.

He looks back up and says "So aren't you tell me about him?" He asks. Of course, he knows I'm gay how could he not he is my best friend.

"Umm his name is Louis. He goes to school with me here" I mumbled quietly, still embarrassed talking about him.

"Louis huh?" Liam repeats.

"Is he nice to you though?" He questions. He starts with his dad's questions again. He acts like he is my parent or something but he is not. It comes as annoying at some point.

"Yeah he is most of the time, we don't talk much. He is pretty popular and I'm the nerd so you can see where I'm going with it," I say letting out a sigh.

The nods."But I also tutor him sometimes" I add like I'm trying to prove that I have a chance with him but I know I'm just fooling myself.

"Really that's interesting," Liam says.

We decide to drop the subject and go on chatting for a while.

After a while of catching on, I realize I need to be working on the song.

"Lima," I say, trying to get his attention." Yes?" he replies.

"I'm working on a song İts now quite finished yet but I need to finish it till next week wanna help?" I ask grinning.

"Yeah, Of course, I would love to help"

With that, I jumped from my seat and ran to the stairs to grab my guitar from my bedroom."Why are you running?" Liam calls while laughing.

"Just getting my guitar" I call back letting out a laugh. I came back quickly with my guitar and my papers.

I plop down on my previous seat and place my notebook and paper that has the lyrics on them to my side.

I position the guitar in my arms and look up at Liam who is watching me with curious eyes "Ready?" I ask grinning.

"Yup, Let's see what you got," He says.

I look back down at my notes and start strumming the guitar strings. I hum the melody and start singing the first verses.

Down to Earth

Keep on falling when I know it hurts

Going faster than a million miles an hour

Tryna catch my breath some way, somehow

I catch my breath and continue on with the verses.

Down to Earth

It's like I'm frozen, but the world still turns

Stuck in motion, and the wheels keep spinning 'round

Moving in reverse with no way out

I finish the first verses and let out a sigh

And now I'm one step closer to being

Two steps far from you

When everybody wants you

Everybody wants you

And here it comes the chorus.

How many nights does it take to count the stars?

That's the time it would take to fix my heart

Oh, baby, I was there for you

All I ever wanted was the truth, yeah, yeah

How many nights have you wished someone would stay?

Lie awake only hoping they're okay

I never counted all of mine

If I tried, I know it would feel like infinity

Infinity, infinity, yeah


I finish the chorus dragging the 'infinities' at the end.

I look back up at Liam trying to read his face. "Harry, that was so good! Seriously wow. I know it's now finished yet but I can see that song being the next big hit or something. Also, I can help you with the middle past, and end and I have a great idea. Okay so we are going to put the chorus a- wait a minute"

He was rambling. He does this all the time. He gets too excited sometimes. Liam got up and ran to find a pencil. I laughed at his actions.

He came back with a pen in hand and he sat back down pulling his legs to his chest.

We both discussed which parts should be in and watch should be excluded. Liam started working on the second versus.

After about an hour later Liam had come up with something he was overly excited to show me.

"Let me," he said, reaching for the guitar. He grabbed it, putting it under his shoulders.

He was looking down at the notebook."These are the notes for the song right?" He checked.

After a while, Liam started playing the guitar and humming the lyrics and looking at the new lyrics he wrote started to sing.

Eyes can't shine

Unless there's something burning bright behind

Since you went away, there's nothing left in mine

I feel myself running out of time

Liam sang with his amazing voice echoing through the house making it sound incredible.

"Wow," I said. "Really that was so good! That will fit perfectly with the first part" I said frantically taking the guitar from Liam.

Liam was smiling widely pleased with himself, more than happy to help.

So was I.

I don't remember being this excited to write a song for so long. I used to enjoy it a lot because I could do it my way but with Simon's rules and the pressure he puts on me, it feels like doing a chore or something.

But making a song with Liam made me remember why I do what I do.


After a couple of hours of writing, singing, and goofing around we found ourselves in the kitchen looking for snacks.

I was going through the top drawers and Liam was looking at the bottoms.

"Liam" I called him. Liam looked up at me.

"Pringles or Doritos?" I asked, holding the packets of chips in my hands. "Can't choose."

"Both" Liam replies.

"Wise choice," I say with a small laugh. I grab the chips and some drinks and make our way back to the living room.

We sit back down on the couch and I open my Netflix trying to find something to watch. We end up watching some Rom-com. Which I love.

At the end of the movie, I feel my eyelids start to get heavy. I look at Liam he doesn't look better so I nug his arm and say "I'm tired Imma go to sleep"

"me too" he murmurs.

We get up and clean up the place. Cleaning up only consists of putting the empty packets of chips in the bin and leaving all the other stuff lying around the living room.

We make our way upstairs. I think Liam already settled down to the guest room where he usually stays when he comes to visit. So say our goodnights and I go over to my room which is on the opposite side of Liam's.

I get inside the room closing the door behind me. I sleepily walk over to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

After I'm done I jump on the empty bed quickly getting under the covers and making myself comfortable. I feel my eyes drop and slowly drift off to sleep.

I wake up with something hitting me on my head. "Ow," I growl. I don't open my eyes just curl more into my warm bed.

"Harry!" I hear someone call. "Mate get up now" I hear again which realize now is Liam.

What the fuck is wrong with him. Why is he waking me up early in the morning? "What the fuck mate" I growl.

"Don't you need to go to school?" he says.

School. Shit. I really don't want to go, do I have to?

"Didn't you say your school starts at 9 am its already 8:30 mate you better get up and I'm dropping you off today so come on," he says pulling the cover off my body

I feel the cold air hit my skin making goosebumps appear. I let out a little scream and tried to get a hold of the cover but they are already gone.

"Come on now," Liam says. "Fuck you" I reply opening my eyes and looking around the bedroom.

I see the curtains are half-open letting the sunlight into the room.

Liam finally leaves me when he ıs convinced that I'm awake. I get ready for school putting my nerd outfit on.

After I'm done I found Liam downstairs trying to cook breakfast. He is not the best cook but not the worst either.

We make some toast and come coffee when we are done with our food I see that we are gonna be late. We quickly leave the house and get into Liam's car which is a white Range Rover.

Driving to school I open some music and we sing along to it. I do most as I can considering it's still very early in the morning.

Shortly after we arrive at school I ask Liam to drop me off at the entrance of the school grounds so that we won't make much of a scene. I open the car door grabbing my backpack, swinging it to my shoulder. "I'll pick you up after school okay we'll go for a cup of coffee?" Liam says.

"Yeah sure Lima, don't be late the school ends at 3 pm," I say. He nods. "See you later then Bye Harry"

"See ya," I say, pushing the car door shut and waving at Liam while he drives off of the school. I start to make my way to the entrance and mentally prepare myself for the long day ahead of me.

The day went on pretty normally. Me going into classes, walking around with Niall looking for a special someone in the hallways.

After my attempt of asking Louis what happened during our tutoring session, he was totally avoiding me. I think. More than usual.

He used to give me a small smile or something but after he left that day he isn't acting the same as he used to or is it just me?

Today I gathered all my courage and tried talking to him again. I went by his locker but when he saw me coming his way he got off his locker going in the other direction without a glance back. I don't know why he is acting like this. Did I do something wrong?

Currently, I'm in my last class counting down the seconds until the end. I heard a buzz come from my backpack. I looked down from my seat to my bag. I reached down and grabbed my Harry phone. I positioned it under my desk making it not noticeable.

I saw the notification and it was a message from Liam.

Liam: Be there in 5 Mate!

After I looked at the phone I shot my head up to see if anyone was watching me especially the teacher. We were not supposed to look at our phones in class so I had to be careful.

I checked the time the lesson should be ending about 10 minutes later. I groaned and put my phone back to my bag.

Those 10 minutes passed way too slow and when the bell rang I got up fastly and hurriedly walked out of the classroom heading to my locker to drop off some books.

Niall was coming towards me probably to walk me to my car, as usual, we always went together but for once I didn't come with a car and Liam was picking me up hopefully there wouldn't be a problem.

"Hey Mate" Niall greeted me with his thick Irısh accent. "Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah" I replied.

Me and Niall walked through the halls and we got out of the school building. The fresh air hit my face. It wasn't really cold yet it was only October.

We were walking to the parking lot by the building where I saw Liams White Range Rover parked on the front. He was out of the car leaning against it but there was someone else with him.

The raven black-haired boy with tattoos.

Zayn was next to Liam and they looked like they were just talking. But that couldn't be any good right?

Finally done with the chapter!

What do you think about Liam?

Also the Zayn's new song :O it's honestly soooo good!! I have been listening to it on repeat !!!!!!


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Thank y'all soo much for 2.05K reads and 154 votes <333

~ N ♡

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