Mafia Boss... ๐Ÿ–ค - COMPLETED...

By Koochiminie

207K 7.2K 946

Top Jungkook Bottom Jimin Plot... Jungkook a cold hearted Mafia boss but only sweet to a person that he saw o... More

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- Sequel -


6.3K 203 28
By Koochiminie

Jungkook: *sighed* yeah he is... He is your step brother..


Jimin's eyes widened in shocked he didn't know that he have a step brother..

W-What do you mean Kookie?!

Jungkook: *put his hand on jimin's thighs and caresses it *  look its long story it's better you talk with jin hyung..

Jimin: *hummed*  but kookie why not you instead.. *said it with cute voice *

Jungkook thought " Aish how can i resist this acting cutely just to know the truth "

Jimin-ah look i would like to tell you but it's better tha----

( His sentence got cut off by jin came out of nowhere )

Jin: Do you really want to know the truth..


Jin Pov..

I was going down stairs to the kitchen ..
As i was walking to hallway i passed by jungkook's room.. I heard my name so i leaned to the door and hear their conversation..

Omg why now can't he wait for more weeks or days.. Aish he even acted cutely..

Even if i am not ready..i still want him to know the truth..

( Jin didn't know what to do he just entered the room and said )

Jin: Do you really want to know the truth..

( The two looked at him )

Jungkook: *cleared his throat*  I will leave you two to talk...

( Jungkook left the two in room
Then It became silent between them
Jin broke the silence  )

Jin: Um.. Do you really want to know?!

Jimin: Uh yeah hyung.. Are you not ready?!

Jin: well jimin *sat near jimin and hold his hands* I'm actually so nervous and don't know where to start.. I'm also not ready..but you really deserve to know cause you're stubborn you act cutely just to know it..

Jimin: How did you know?!

Jin: Oh come on you're my step brother i know alot about you..

Jimin: Aish okay but tell me the story.. How come you're my step brother..

Jin: *Sighs*  Well first of all the boys here know that I'm Kim Seokjin but the truth is not i lied to them for my real name..cause my parents forced me to..
Secondly How we found you.. Jimin you're really a helpless and so precious person being hurt.. You were like 6 years old when i found you sitting outside a convenience store..

Hugging a plushie that you said it named chimmy..

Jimin: Wait it's a dog and yellow plushie it's still with me in my apartment..

Jin: Oh really you kept it..

Jimin: *nodded* cause it's cute..

Jin: Okay anyways let me continue..
As i was saying you had a plushie hugging it tightly.. You weren't talking when i was i asking you question you were so scared.. But you looked so helpless i didn't left you there because it was night time when i found you and you are still kid that time..

I decided to bring you home my parents were shocked i told them to talk with you tomorrow because that time you look so tired for crying.. And missing your parents.. The day after that we decided to talk with you.. You told us everything then we got close.. Then my parents signed a adoption papers and your name became '' Park jimin "  Your name was " Kim jimin " But since you're already adopt my parents change it..

So that's the story..

( jimin didn't know what to say he already have some tears falling he just hugged jin it was so sudden jin didn't hugged him back at first but he hugged him..  Jimin sobbed and said )

Thank you for everything hyung i glad that I still have a family..

Jin: Awe shh now calm down I'm also glad to have a cute and looks like mochi baby brother..*pinch his cheeks*

Jimin: *giggled*  Aish hyung don't pinch my cheeks *pouts*

Jin: Okay *chuckles* Do you've water cause my throat got dry? *jimin laughed*

Jimin: Okay wait here..

*he stood up to take a water bottle on jungkook's small fridge ..
Jungkook don't let anyone enter his room or touch his things but when jimin do that he don't get mad *

Here hyungie..

Jin: Thank you *he took it drink it *

Jimin: Woah chill hyung you might choke and spit it on me *giggled*

Jin: Sorry I'm just thirsty..

Jimin: Okay so umm hyung how come when i started studying you weren't by my side ?? And what about jungkook how did you two met??

Jin: *gulped* Well as you are starting studying i moved out... my parents told me it's better that you and me will seperate each other and see again after how many years... So you see we're here found each other again and talked..

But.. I was there at our parents furenal you were crying and thought you don't have family were with a guy looks like alien but quiet handsome..

Jimin: Oh really.. That's weird that they separated us also that guy is my only soulmate/best friend we were friends from high school till now in college..
He was the one who have been in my side and didn't left..

Jin: Oh.. Well good to hear you know actually It's better that jungkook will tell you how we met ..

Jimin: *sighed* Okay it's nice talking with you jin hyung .. * smiles with his famous eye smile*

Jin: Yes also to you.. You're so cute
So umm i will ask you something what was happening here before i entered..
You and jungkook were so close he was caressing your thighs but your inner thighs??

Jimin: *blushed hard and cover his face with his cute hand *

Aish hyungie.. It was nothing

Jin: Oh really come on innocent boy don't hide anything to your hyung..

Jimin: It was nothing..

Jin: umm really then why is my innocent baby brother became so shy and frustrated *smirks and teases jimin*

Jimin: Oh god hyung stop..

Jin: *laughs* Okay fine but if you will be in a relationship with him i hope you will change him.. He is really a cold hearted person but have a soft side only to me and to you..

Jimin: Okay will can we go out now.. I'm hungry

Jin: Okay let's go but could you walk?

Jimin: Umm.. I don't think so can you call kookie for me??

Jin: Kookie *smirks* already have nickname.. Okay i will go call your hot boyfriend kookie..

Jimin: Hyung * throws pillow at him and jin laughed now he likes teasing jimin cause he became so shy and blushes so hard *

..Time Skip..

- At dinning table -

Jin: Hey guys..

( They all tilt their head to jin)

Jungkook: Hi hyung, So how did it go..

Jin: It went will he didn't became mad or hurt he just cried about happiness and relieved that he still have a family..

Jungkook: Oh good to hear, why did he not come down stairs with you..

Jin: Well *Cleared his throat*  your baby wants you to bring him here down stairs..

( jhope spit the water out and Namjoon choked on his food of the word baby  Jungkook became frustrated  then his hyungs said)

Jhope: Oohh baby huh *smirks* that's why you care so much about the viral video..

Namjoon: Wow didn't know a cold-hearted person can be soft..
Do you guys think the time why he was going out just to see him? *smirks*

Yoongi: Well congrats i will go to sleep

Jungkook: Ugh shut up guys just prepare the food and we've meeting later..
( he got up and went to his room)


( knocks ✊✊ )

Jimin: Come in..

( Jungkook entered)

Jungkook: Hey baby ( approach him and peck his lips)

Jimin: What took you so long *pouts*

Jungkook: Well the hyungs teasing me when jin hyung said that my baby needs me..

Jimin: Aish he really didn't stop he also teased me a while ago saying " Okay your handsome/hot kookie will come "

Jungkook: *smirks and whispers to jimin's ear with deep voice * Oh really what do you need me for carry you or give you pleasure

* then his hands starts caressing jimin's thighs to his inner thighs  and went to jimin's neck giving light kisses *

Jimin: Pervert.. Ah kookie stop it tickles *giggles*

Jungkook: Oh really *Starts tickling jimin*

Jimin: Oh god HAHAHAH--HAHA
KOOKIE *laughs more*

AH KOOKIE STOP HAHA *pants and breathing heavily*

Jungkook: Ticklish *chuckles and gave jimin a kiss *

Jimin: *broke the kiss* come on let's go I'm hungry..

Jungkook: Okay

( he picked him up bridal style and went down stairs)


- Down stairs at dinning room -

Jin: Oh look here come the love birds *smirks*

Jungkook: Shut up we are not in relationship..

Yoongi: Oh really than what you both took so long and if you two aren't in relationship than what are you in??
If you two are not then why so close also you guys are so touchy and why did you went straight to him when you came home??

Jungkook: Woah chill grandpa..
We're just close best friends i went straight to him cause he makes me calm..

Yoongi: Wow like i would believe and I'm not grandpa kid..

Jungkook: I'm also not kid..

Yoongi: Really you're not then why were you acting like a kid begging for banana milk and lamb skewers ..

Jungkook: Oh that was a long time ago i am still young now I'm 21 years old ..

( the two just bickering while the others minding there own business but jimin decided to break it)


( Two of them stopped and looked at jimin in disbelief)

Chill guys it's just a small thing and yet you two still bicker about it.. Stop acting like kids .. Let's all eat now..

( They all ate silently and enjoyed the meal after they finish Jungkook picked jimin up and bought him to his room to have some rest..

While him and others made a plan to fight over Kai)

...Time Skip...

- At Jungkook's Office -

Jungkook sat on his chair while the others sit on the couch..

Jhope: So what's the plan Boss..

Jungkook: Well here is the plan we all need jimin to heal first and I'm planning that next week we will visit the abandoned apartment were he kidnapped jimin.. We will hide and make sure to kill and torture his mens..
But you and Yoongi do that job.. While you Namjoon hyung cover us be careful that no one can see us.. Got it

Yoongi: Yes Boss got it

Namjoon: Got it too

Jhope: Got it too but don't we need another member of the group??

Jungkook: Oh well you got a point we do need one, hmm do you guys know someone..

Jin: Umm i do but don't him too well jimin have a best friend and his look kinda fit in a mafia group..

Jungkook: Oh really do you've any picture of him??

Jin: Yeah here..

Jungkook: Oh well seems like let's invite him in this weekend i need you jhope and Yoongi hyung to find him and bring him here understood..

Jhope/Yoongi: Yes Boss

Namjoon: *cleared throat* Boss look at this another viral video..

( A new viral video is spread on the world talking about the quiet beautiful man with the most popular mafia boss.. That this gay person have a crush on him the rumour is that this gay person is looking for that beautiful man the one with the most popular mafia boss)

( Jungkook clenched his fist)

Who the F*ck is this ugly disgusting and stupid person.. I won't share jimin with him .. From now on no one will dare let jimin walk out alone understood..

Jin: Yes boss

( The others agreed)

Jungkook: Okay now you all may leave and jin hyung could you please bring jimin here..

Jin: Sure..

..Time Skip...


( Jin knocked on the door ✊)

Jimin: Come in..

Jin: Hey what are you doing?!

Jimin: Nothing i was talking to my best friend on the phone but I'm done now..

Jin: Oh did you tell him that you're with the most popular Mafia boss..

Jimin: No i told him i am somewhere and that he don't need to worry about me.. He said he is missing me.. That's why he called me..

Jin: Oh okay..

Jimin: Well what brings you here??

Jin: Um.. Well Jungkook needs you he is so tired and stress.. He told me to sent you there..

Jimin: Oh okay

Jin: Could you walk?!

Jimin: I will try..

( he got up he wince a bit but fought for it he doesn't want to be so weak)

Jin: Are you okay?!

Jimin: Yes now come on let's go..

( They exist the room and walked to Jungkook's office they knocked)

Come in

( jimin entered then jin close the door and left them)

Jimin: Hey you okay..

( said to jungkook who looks really stress with messy hair , Jungkook looked up and signal Jimin to approach him , jimin giggled and did what Jungkook said..

He straddles Jungkook and hugged him)

Jungkook: You smell so good..
( sniffles him and he became calm jimin's scent makes his stress go away

Jimin is his happy pill)

Jimin: *giggled*  Well thank you..
Are you okay now, you really like my scent..

Jungkook: Yes baby i do cause it calms me to *chuckles*

( jimin leaned in and captured his lip
Jungkook kissed back and start caressing jimin's back while jimin's hand caressing and gripping Jungkook's  hair..   )

- To be continue 🌸🌸🌸 -


Hi Readers long chapter for you all, hope you like it Stay safe and have a great day..

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