Shadows of Reform (Probably b...

By NotePadmin

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Jason Willets is one of the fourth generation to have survived the Events, an apocalyptic event that has chan... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter One

193 13 11
By NotePadmin

Jason Willets crouched low behind a group of jagged rocks, and looked down on the land below from atop the cliff. When he took a closer look at the expanse in front of him, his eyes saw something. His black hair rustled against the headset he wore, which he never really used, but it made him think he was safer than he actually was. He owned a pair of binoculars, which were hanging from his belt, and he pulled them up in front of him to survey the area. Jason saw the moderately-sized camp, but he was more focused on the guards sitting out front. There were three of them, and Jason saw that the third kept himself within shouting distance of the other two, but not visual distance. That gave him an idea.  

Jason stood, and leaving the binoculars and heavy equipment behind, began making his way down the carefully hidden path he took the time to scout earlier. The bushes in his way were dead, as was many of the life here. Some plants even made themselves look dead to blend in, like Jason was doing now.  

The blending in part, that is. He picked his path around the stones, and was at the bottom of the hill. His mind moved to the next task at hand. If I start with the third man, and botch the attempt, he will make noise. The others look alert, and they will be able to find me among the reeds. But taking the men at the gate is a no go. At least until I have rendered them blind. So the decision was made.  

Jason waited in the grass for his first target. The brawny man was moving slowly in his direction. Jason decided to give his opponent a nickname. How about Snail? No, Muscles. That seemed to fit his new friend better.  

Muscles was almost in place. Jason paused and drew the knife he held in his belt holster, on his left side. The knife itself was small, but Jason had been taught how to use it with more efficiency than anyone he knew. So he waited. Muscles made a call to the men at the gate, and Jason moved in as soon as his target finished. A blade through the base of the skull was enough to stop any noises escaping the now dead Muscles. The beige-colored foliage was tall enough to hide the body, and no other guards would be coming by here any time soon. The time had come to take the gate.  

There was no one left there, it looked as if the gate itself had been abandoned. This was very strange, as Jason had expected at least a small conflict. But it relieved him not to have to fight those two, or give them nicknames. For Jason, people he did not know were given nicknames so that he could personalize them. Otherwise, His mind went rampant with rage, because of his past. At least this way, he could make the engagement more personal.  

But Jason did not trust the nonexistent. Instead, he scaled the wall a few feet from the gate, dropped down the side and into a roll. From there he took an inventory of his possessions, to make sure he still had everything.  

My knife is back where it belongs, the camera is in place, my headset is still on my head, which is great, and I have the map and charges. He was ready to go. Jason looked at the map, which he held in his hands like a lifeline, and located the mess hall. While it did not seem like an important position, the cafeteria was part of his mission layout. So he went there first. Perhaps that is where my guard pals went, he thought as he moved through the shadows to the backside of the building, not the best choice.  

Quickly Jason retrieved the charges and timer from his small pack, which he carried on his back during combat missions only. He placed the charge on the back wall, making sure not to get too may fingerprints on it, as that would mess up the explosives themselves, which reacted to oils in an unfriendly way. The second charge was a directed charge, and Jason placed it under the dumpster. Then he proceeded to grab the timer, and since there was only one, for whatever reason, he placed it in between the two explosives. Jason set the time to ten minutes, and depressed the button. 

Here we go... 

The map told him that his actual target was not too far away. Jason made sure to keep quiet, but made his way hastily towards his objective. He reached the door, and tried to get inside. 

Eight and a half minutes... 

The door was locked, of course. Jason tried to look for a way inside when he stumbled into a guard around the corner. Jason Tore a piece of cloth from his opponents outfit and used it to choke the man out. Here ya go, Mr. Sneaky. 

Six minutes... 

The keys left on the body were enough to convince Jason he had found his way in. Taking the guard's rifle, he stood to try his luck at the door again. After the fifteenth key, he was in. Now to find what he was looking for.  

Five minutes... 

There were two rooms. Jason did not have time to rummage through drawers, so he moved to the second area. There were blueprints lining the entirety of the room. He drew his camera from the pack. Snappity snap! 


That should be a good amount of photos for his employer. Jason turned just in time to see a burly looking man come charging at him. This man looks older than the others.  

Muscles Sr., I presume? Jason dodged the advance, swung his rifle into the attack, and dropped the elder Muscles. There was no time to finish the man, and Jason really did not care. He had the camera... 

One minute... 

Jason realized he dropped the camera. He stooped to pick it up, and bolted out the door, dropping the keys in his haste. By this point, alarms were sounding, and two guards could be seen pulling in a third through the gate. They had found the body! But He had no time to take care of his mistakes.  

This is it, wait one more- 

The explosion blew the side off the cafeteria, and knocked the dumpster on its side. Then the second explosion occurred, sending the metal receptacle flying across the compound, before lodging itself in a building. Jason laughed a bit, and then ran for the exit. A fusillade of bullets rang out from the left, catching Jason in his right shoulder. He lurched to the side, yelling in pain, but he did not stop running. There was a Buggy stationed ahead, which he had not noticed on his way in. Jason jumped in the front seat, and pulled the starting lever. It stuck for a second... Then it released, and Jason was off, crashing through the fences and into the grass.  

Once he reached the hills, he ditched the vehicle, and made light treads on his way to the lookout point. The bag containing his bigger equipment was still there, and so were the binoculars. Jason checked for tails first, making sure he had not been followed, then proceeded to grab his equipment.  

Down the hill, and onward to home. I could use the rest. Jason was indeed tired, and it could be some time before he could have the chance to sleep again. Get it when you can. He finished the mission early, so Jason decided he deserved this. He hurried back to the capitol.

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