Kiss Me Slowly

By pssstayse

12K 540 18

Isabelle Prada, a 19 years old british girl. Since her mom left, she’s living only with her little brother, A... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76

Chapter 72

108 6 0
By pssstayse

Isabelle's POV

"What the fuck do you want now?" Zayn asked harsh, while I was just standing up straight behind him, shaking like hell.

Though, Peter's eyes were all the time on me, he never looked at Zayn. And this thing, like always, made me feel so inferior to him, like he could destroy me in one second. Which was true, actually. I knew I was the one he wanted, not Zayn. I was the one he wanted to make pay.

"Well I just wanted to have a talk with you guys." Peter answered with a shrug. "How funny that we always meet on the street, huh?"

Just like I did some weeks ago when we met Peter at the cinema, I grabbed Zayn's left hand, interlocking our fingers. I was scared, I guess it's obvious. Peter was crazy, literally crazy. The fact that we were face to face with him, away from the bodyguards who could keep him away, horrified me.

I looked around us, hoping to see someone, to feel at least relieved that he won't do something stupid, something that maybe, he'll regret later. Although, no one was around us. How on earth was that even possible? In the middle of the day, in front of a market, in one of the biggest cities in the world....and not a single person around.

"You should go." Zayn said, as calm as he could be in that moment.

"Why would I?" Peter questioned. "I'm friendly..."

"Seriously dude, just fuck off!" Zayn lost himself now, and yelled at him.

And that was the moment when Peter changed his mood. Even if I was behind Zayn, I still noticed how his eyes went to a dark colour, almost black. He furrowed his eyes, and for the first time that day, he stared straight into Zayn's eyes.

Both of them were angry. Peter was all red, while I could feel Zayn's hand getting sweaty. I was still looking around, but no one, literally no one was around. It was obvious the Universe was against us that day.

"You're pissing me off bad boy." Peter said. Surprisingly, his tone was calm now, but that didn't fool me. At the same time, his tone spread anger, and it only made me feel even more inferior, made me fear more. "Take this as an advice, and shut the fuck up."

"What if I don't want to?" Zayn asked, letting go of my hand. He took a step closer to him, making me gasp.

I was just standing there, watching as Zayn got closer to Peter.

And then, I saw how Peter pulled out a black gun, holding it with his right hand. Zayn stopped shocked, while I brought my hands to my mouth, as shocked as Zayn was. I started shaking more, my knees going weak in one second.

Zayn was like...two feet away from Peter, and if he had been taken a step closer, the gun would've touched his chest.

How could that happen? How comes that not a single person was around that day?

I wanted to do something to help Zayn, to make Peter stop. That's why, I slowly let my hands down, and tried to pull out my phone from my pocket, to call someone.

But I didn't succeed, because Peter saw me.

"Don't do that Isabelle!" he yelled, making me jump at his reaction. "Don't you dare call the police!"

Zayn turned his head to look at me then, and I raised my shaky hands up in defense, letting Peter know I won't do anything stupid. I couldn't read Zayn in that moment. Though, his eyes begged me not to move, or do something stupid.

"Speaking about the police..." Peter spoke, making Zayn and I turn our attention to him. "You put it on my ass again, and I don't like that!"

"You deserve it." Zayn answered. "You set s fucking fire at Isabelle's work, you tried to kill her! You deserve more than a fucking police on your ass!"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Peter asked harsh. "I did nothing!"

"Yeah, of course you didn't!" Zayn said sarcastically. "You didn't send that envelope either, did you?"

"I didn't!" Peter yelled. "I did not set a fire at Isabelle's work. I have no idea where was she working actually! I might be mad, and I might want my revenge, but I'm not so crazy to try to kill her! Stop making shit about me!"

To be honest, I had a feeling he wasn't lying. Don't know why, but something deep inside me told me he wasn't the one who did it. He was looking at Zayn shocked, his eyes big. Someone's eyes never lie, no matter who that person is, or how crazy it is. And Peter's eyes showed pure shock.

I guess Zayn thought something like that too, because he wasn't saying something, he was just staring at him.

"You're an idiot!" Peter yelled again, shaking his gun in Zayn's face. "The police is looking for me again, for what? For something I didn't do? I didn't go to my flat, I didn't live like a normal person because of you! I hope you know you have to pay now."

I almost yelled when I saw Peter pushing his gun in Zayn's chest, making him take a step back.

"Calm the fuck down dude!" Zayn yelled in his face.

I was looking around desperately, looking for someone. Things escalated quickly, and Peter was now too mad. I knew he was going to do something stupid, I was sure of that.

Don't know how, but right in that moment, we heard the police siren. In less than a minute, police cars surrounded us. I was relieved, honestly. But that didn't last long.

Peter had time to ran past Zayn while we were staring at the police. He grabbed my neck while he was still running, making me yell in shock.

Peter took a step back, pulling me with him, his left arm locked around my neck, while he held his gun at my temple.

Zayn's eyes widened at the view. I knew he felt guilty because he let Peter walk past him so easily, so he was able to grab me.

Officers got out from their cars, all of them resting their elbows on their car doors, their black gun pointing to us. They yelled at Peter, telling him to let me go, but of course, he didn't listen.
I was shaking with fear, on the verge of tears. My eyes never left Zayn, knowing that maybe, this would be the last time I will see him. I saw him trying to take a step closer to us, but this thing only made Peter take a step back, tightening his grip on my neck.

My breath was heavy, my whole body never stoping from its trembling. I was feeling like I was about to fall soon, my knees were too weak to hold me. My vision was blurry from the tears which began to fill my eyes.

Surprisingly, Peter was shaking too. Even if his arm which was around my neck was firm, his hand with the gun was shaking like hell. I could feel his hot breath on my neck, and it did nothing, but send chills of horror down my back.

I can't describe what I was feeling in that moment. I was thinking I was going to die, that my time there was done. I was thinking at Aiden, at how I was going to leave him alone in that mean world. I was thinking at Zayn, at how much I loved him, at how much I complicated his life. I was thinking at the others, at how much I was going to miss them.

"Put the gun down, Peter." Zayn said slowly, raising his hands up a little. "Don't do this, let her go."

Once again, he tried to come closer, but Peter pushed the gun harder on my temple, making Zayn stop. I closed my eyes because of the pain I felt in that moment.

"Take a step closer again, and your girlfriend is dead!" Peter yelled at Zayn. His harsh voice echoed through my ears, making me feel a deep pain inside me.

The officers told him again to put that fucking gun down, but he never listened. I'm sure he was fighting with himself, trying to figure out what to do. He might have been crazy, but I knew he wasn't capable of killing someone. I knew he wasn't the one who set that fire, so I tried to make him stop.

"Peter..." I said slowly, swallowing hard after. "Please let me go...I believe you. I believe you weren't the one who tried to kill me. You're not like this Peter, you don't kill people...I'm sorry for everything, but please, let me go?"

"You believe me?" he questioned, just loud enough for me to hear him.

"I do." I nodded quickly. "Please Peter..."

He remained silent for a moment, so I really thought he was going to let me go. The air was heavy, filled with terror. I looked at Zayn with the corner of my eye, and noticed how he was shaking too. I knew he was scared.

"No, you don't believe me!" Peter said harshly. "You just want to fool me, like everyone does."

"I swear I'm not lying to you." I said, swallowing hard. "Peter, you know me, you know I'm only swearing when I'm sure of myself. Please, just...just let me go Peter, Aiden is waiting for me home, I can't leave him alone...Please?"

He thought about it for a second, and after a sigh, I felt how his arms slowly began to let me go. Though, right when I was getting ready to get away from him, he grabbed my neck again, making me gasp surprised. Before I realised what was happing around me, I heard a loud gun shot, and my eyes went wide, yelling scared.

I honestly thought he shot Zayn, because his gun was in that direction, but he didn't. Peter shot an officer, who was now on the ground, wincing in pain, his both hands covering a place on his leg from where blood was falling down.

Zayn was looking shocked too, while my tears were falling down more and more. I closed my eyes, crying.

And then, I heard another gun shot. I heard Peter gasping in my ear, and felt how his grip softened. I didn't feel his presence behind me anymore. I opened my eyes and turned around, my eyes widening in shock when I saw Peter on the ground, in a huge pool of blood.

I didn't have air anymore, I couldn't get my eyes off of him. His eyes were still open, but he wasn't moving. And those eyes...those eyes were glassy, back to their normal colour. They didn't show anger anymore, they looked like they...were sorry. In that moment, I knew he was...dead.

Before I knew it, I was in Zayn's arms, while officers were all over Peter's body. I was shaking, crying hard. I couldn't hear Zayn, though I know he was trying to calm me down.

But I couldn't calm down. My ex died right next to me....and I couldn't believe that.

"You're okay now, calm down!" Zayn said, raising my head with his hangs, making me look at him. I could hear the desperation in his voice. His eyes were soft, begging me to stop crying. "Everything is over."

I hardly tried to catch my breath, but it was harder than I thought it will be. My vision was still blurry, my body was still shaking. In one word, I was a mess.

I had so many feels in that moment. I couldn't find the strength to move, or even to say something. I've never in my life went through this kind of experience. And it sucked, it really sucked.

I guess Zayn knew I couldn't move, because he lifted me up in his arms, carrying me bridal style to one ambulance which was there. Though, I have no idea when it arrived.

Some doctor gave me a pill, which luckily, calmed me down a little. Zayn took a seat next to me there, throwing his arms around me. I rested my head on his shoulder, tears still falling down a little.

Another ambulance took Peter's body, while I was looking at it without any words.

I saw a black car pulling over to the police cars, the boys getting out of it. They rushed to us, bombarding us with questions like 'what happened?'; 'are you two okay?'; 'where's Peter?'. And after Zayn told them what happened, they were all silent, looking down at the ground.

A few minutes passed, and one officer came to us, asking me if everything was alright with me. I found out they didn't find any evidence to accuse Peter for what happened at the cafeteria, which meant that he didn't lie. He didn't set that fire, he didn't try to kill me. And it hurt like a bitch to think that he died. Yes, he was crazy, but he didn't deserve to die.

"Did you really have to kill him?" I asked the officer, my voice weak.

"He hurt one officer, and as you saw too, he was trying to hurt you, miss." the officer answered. "We've been through this situations before, and from our experience, we know shooting him was the only way to stop him. The officer shot him from behind, so the dead was sure. I'm sorry miss."

"How did you know we were here?" Zayn asked the officer.

"A civil called the police, saying a boy has a gun, and that he's threatening two other persons. We came as fast as we could." the officer answered.

Which civil? I haven't seen one...

Zayn talked with the police for a few minutes, then everyone left. I went with Zayn in his car, back to our flat. The boys followed us, and the next thing I knew is that I was sitting on the huge couch, surrounded by the others.

I still couldn't believe what happened. I just wanted to wake up from that nightmare, to come back to my old life. When nothing bad was happening around me, when I was living happily with my brother. These times seemed so far away then...

I couldn't sleep that night. Peter's dead body was hunting me. I felt like he was in the bedroom, staring at me.

Zayn's POV

After what happened that day, Isabelle wasn't the same. She was cold with me, with the others, even with Aiden. I've tried, I really tried to bring her back to her old self. I understood that this experience marked her, but I needed her. I needed her to talk with me, to tell me what was she feeling, what I can help her with.

Almost a month passed like this. At nights, she barely let her lips fall on mine. She wasn't talking with me like she used to. She wasn't the Isabelle I fell in love with. She was locking herself in our bedroom sometimes, crying, never telling me why.

She didn't let me get to her, help her. She pushed me away all the time. And each time she did so, it killed me a little on the inside. It killed me to know that we were slowly drifting away, more space getting between us.

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