Destiny 2 Lightfall: Fallen D...

By OreZhc3

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After The Witness and its Pyramid Ships enter a Portal inside of The Traveler, A Guardian and his fireteam fo... More

Chapter One: From Rise to Lightfall
Noble 6 / Fireteam Jester's Bio
Chapter Two: We're Not in Kansas Anymore
Chapter Three: A Hunter's Draw
Chapter Four: A Warlock's Journey
Chapter Five: A Titan's Resistance
Chapter Six: Speak of The Devil
Chapter Seven: Threat Level
Chapter Eight: Almost At Reach
Chapter Nine: The Truth
Chapter Ten: The Unexpected Visitors
Chapter Eleven: Battle of Red Cliffs
Chapter Twelve: A New Frontier
Chapter Thirteen: Made it This Far
Chapter Fourteen: Baptism By Fire [PT.1]
Chapter Fourteen: Baptism By Fire [PT.2]
Chapter Sixteen: Calm Through The Night
Chapter Seventeen: The Han Experience [PT.1]
Chapter Seventeen: The Han Experience [PT.2]
Chapter Eighteen: Casual Check Up
Chapter Nineteen: Little Hawk Down
Chapter Twenty: Said Too Soon...
Chapter Twenty One: To The Capital
Chapter Twenty Two: Old Monarchy
Chapter Twenty Three: Who Are You
Chapter Twenty Four: A Promise Behind The Mask
Chapter Twenty Five: Fortunate Son
Chapter Twenty Six: Same Problem Different Day
Chapter Twenty Seven: Breaching Barriers
Chapter Twenty Eight: With Haste
Chapter Twenty Nine: Home Perspective
Chapter Thirty: Looking For Trouble
Chapter Thirty Two: Trouble At Xuchang
Chapter Thirty Three: Under New Management

Chapter Fifteen: Insurrection In Jingzhuo

444 6 1
By OreZhc3


From the top of the gate Cai Mao watching a duel between The Guardian and two of Liu Bei's finest warriors. his eyes set on Liu Bei who stopped the fight which no one won.
Cai Mao: "maybe i can take this as an opportunity to take out that big eared lord and please lord Cao Cao... or kill him too..."

Meanwhile on the ground Liu Bei stopped the fight and bow to Raiden.
Liu Bei: "please forgive my third brother's behavior."
Zhang Fei: "why should you plead to this Cao dog."
Raiden: "im not working for Cao Cao or a dog you hairy fuck, and you stay the hell out of my way!" Raiden shoved Liu Bei aside before an arrow strike his face forcing him to kneel.
Immediately Caiatl's Guards drop a large shield to cover everyone within the radius and look around for the attacker.
Zavala: "Eugene!" he rushes to him while Liu Bei assist him.
Dubs: "Guardian are you ok?!?"
Raiden: "씨발 놈아!!!"
           (ssibal nom-a!!!)
Zavala: "hold still." Raiden pulled out the arrow from his face and snap it as his Ghost came out quickly to help him recover.
???: "how dare you get in the way!"

They look up and saw Cai Mao on top of the gate holding a bow.
Cao Cao: "Cai Mao what is the meaning of this!?"
Cai Mao: "My Lord, the day i surrendered to you i am willing to satisfy you by killing Liu Bei."
Cao Cao: "we agreed to this ceasefire and you just broken that truce, insolence!"
Cai Mao: "i see... then i Cai Mao of the Cai Clan has declared war."
Archers came out of cover pull their bows while aiming at the group.
Cai Mao: "kill them all!!!" when arrows flew the shield blocked all their shots without trying.
Cai Mao: "who ever brings me their heads will be rewarded a higher position, onwards to Xuchang!" He then left as the gate open letting dozens of his soldiers charge at them.
Caiatl: "coward, he will pay in blood." after finish healing Raiden stood up growling when a dozen of soldiers charge through gate.
Raiden: "씨발놈들아!!!"

He leaves the protection of the Shield and vent his anger by Thunder Crashing into the Archers above and cause the gate and part of the wall collapse and crush those who are under. those who saw this retreat in fear climbing over the rubble and bodies. his team and the unknown Guardian follow him shooting at the retreating Jing soldiers.
Zavala: "Ikora this is an emergency, we need back up."
Ikora Rey: [all Guardians on this channel this is an emergency we need any available hands as backup at this location...]
Zavala: "we're under attack by a force lead by an unknown Commander."
Ikora Rey: [who is attacking us?]
Zavala: "Jing forces on this planet!"

Meanwhile inside a Medical Tent Taina sat up while listening to the girl name Yinping admiring Tiana never seen a different color skin and bright glowing eyes would be so pretty. however to Zhenji she was hostile due to her being Guan Yu's daughter and somewhat jealous as Cao Pi was just minding his business.
Wenji woken from her sleep felt better but was recommended to continue resting.
As for Wang Yi she continues to sleep off the pain but can wake up due to given a large amout of ananesthesia to sleep off the pain but something else is wrong with her.

Guan Yinping: "so your people are called awoken?"

Tiana: "yes im surprise this planet is just only humans, i mean your the cutest girl i ever met."
Zhenji: (no fair!)
Guan Yinping: "yeah- i mean besides the freakish strength i have."
Zhenji: (something i can agree with her.)
Cai Wenji: "it is lovely to meet you Lady Guan."

They heard an explosion and gunfire from afar which got the attention of everyone.
Tiana: "what's happening out there?"
Cai Wenji: "are we under attack?" all the sudden they heard a loud cry as they turn and saw a soldier stabbing a wounded man to death. Tiana grab her SMG and riddled the the soldier who felt dead.
Tiana: "what the hell was that!?!?" more enemies enter and try to attack the defenseless injured men as Tiana shoot short bursts to until she has to reload. Cao Pi grab his sword and fought back to defend and kill the remaining survivors. after the coast is clear the medical staff were shaken up but rush to aid the now serious wounded included.

When a nurse notice a soldier who is still alive but injured and following the code she tends to the soldier which she will regret.
Tiana: "Zavala what the hell going on, why are we being attacked?"
Zavala: "we are under attack by the forces of Jing, reinforcements are on the way, hold strong."
all the sudden the nurse was stabbed through the chest by the injured soldier as she collapses to the ground dead.
Tiana sicken by the atrocity held the trigger and mag dump into the soldier until the mag is empty and his face unrecognizable.
Tiana: "asshole!"

???: "Tiana." Saint 14 came in armed and ready but stop when he saw nurses trying to save their colleague but to no avail.
Saint 14: "where is the humanity in them..." Lord Saladin joins in with his LMG armed and ready.

Lord Saladin: "we have to go, any who can move help the ones who can't and follow me to a safe place."
Saint 14: "reinforcements are on the way, we will hold our ground until they come."
Cai Wenji: "but Wang Yi is still unconscious."
Saint 14: "allow me." The Titan carries Wang Yi and led the medics and wounded out while Saladin and Tiana act as rear guard shooting any attacker that follows them.
Lord Saladin: "i have my troops within an area with a few Awoken Corsairs."
Tiana: "lead the way!"

(Cotae's POV)

Leading the team including the Unknown Hunter they push through streets as Civilians ran through them to get away from the carnage that awaits ahead but Raiden wasn't seen anywhere.
Cotae: "everyone go through the northern gate!" they heard gunfire and from the next block and saw a squad of Red Jacks lead by Shaxx pushing through a small contended of the army.
Cotae: "Shaxx!"
Lord Shaxx: "ah Young Wolf, care to join me in a rescue?" The Guardians join the ranks and assist slowly pushing towards the Jing Troops.
Cotae: "you know where Tiana and have you seen Raiden?"
Lord Shaxx: "she, Saint and, Saladin are defending the injured and civilians up ahead, and as for Raiden no, i figure he's on his own hunting ground."
Niko: "hey here they come!" a large cavalry unit lead a counter attack supported by foot solders following behind getting killing at a fast rate, some manage to pierce through the first line of Red Jacks but struggled to learn why can't they prenetrate their armor which turn their sharp swords and spears dull. the Guardians conduct their own counter attack turning a range battle into close quarters combat in the streets.

Cotae pull out his Black Talon and clash with one of them who got cut down immediately. he looked at the soldier he just killed still young enough to on his late teens.
Cotae: (this is not right...)
Nikolai stood on a roof and fire his rifle getting the attention of a group of archers who shoot the arrows and miss.
Niko: "catch this!" The dredgen throw his gernade far enough to reach and one of them caught the gernade before it explodes and kill most of the group.

iko: "these guys are idiots, come get some!"
???: "allow me to join the battle!" immediately Guan Yu and his cavalry charge into the fray which cause the enemy to retreat in fear.
???: "it- it's General Guan Yu, run!!!"
???#2: "run away!!!"
Cotae look up ahead and saw the only General giving orders he saw a Calvary man try to retreat Raiden appear after breaking through wall and jump in to air kick the rider off and rode the horse to get close to the General.
Getting closer he summon his glaive and ready his attack and as General turn around he was impaled and dismounted from his horse.
The Jing troops saw Raiden rise his glaive and watch in fear as their General was gargling and screaming before a twist silence him as his corpes slides down the blade to the hilt. This cause chaos among the enemy troops and force them to drop their weapons and run.
???: "run, run away!!!"
???#2: "he's a demon, heavens save us!!!"
Raiden: "you can run but you can't hide from me!" he threw the corpse off and resume the rescue while they chase after them either cutting them down or running them over with his horse.

(Guan Yinping's POV)

While within the safety she covers her ears as The Guardians and a few Awoken Corsairs and Cabal fire at the approaching enemy using shields to block the bullets but was sort of effective but a Cabal threw gernades at them breaking the formation forcing them to retreat.

Lord Saladin: "there is no end to them."
Saint 14: "sadly these people have not learn their lesson." as another large shield formation march forward a Rocket exploded above them which shrapnel and a concussion either kill and seriously injured them. Raiden arrived first on horse follows by a team of Guardians, Red Jacks and, Guan Yu with his Cavalry rush in to regroup with the defenders who join in to push back the stragglers who ran from the presents of Guan Yu but especially Raiden who was cutting them down.

When Yinping peek from cover and immediately rushes to Cotae as he held and swing her around before setting her back on her feet.

Guan Yinping: "i knew you will come back, father, brothers?"
Cotae: "we're all in this together." Lord Saladin regrouped with Raiden who dismounted from his horse to speak to him.
Lord Saladin: "what is the situation?"
Raiden: "i want to kill that slant eyed punk."
Niko: "they're killing civilians and using their heads to scare us off and most of them are... kids."
Guan Yu: "he will not get away with this, i will have his head when i find him."
He sees one of the enemy survived the blast and i try to crawl away until he was grabbed by the ankle and dragged back to them where he turns as he pleads for his life to be spared.
???: "no- have mercy please spare me!"
Raiden: "where's Cai Mao?" too slow to answer Raiden step on his wound and possibly broke a bone screaming in pain.
Raiden: "where you imbred fuck!"
???: "h- he's within the palace, over there!" he pointed at the direction which he steps off.
???: "please... spare me." before he rise his gun to shoot, Saladin held a hand on his rifle to stop and get his attention.
Lord Saladin: "In war there must be mercy."
Raiden: "... get him out of here before i kill him." Nikolai hand cuffs the soldier and takes him away.
Guan Yu: "allow me assist you Guardian." Raiden glared at Guan Yu and what he saw is a demon possessing The Guardian.
Raiden: "you back off, he. is. mine."

Meanwhile at the Palace in Jingzhuo, Cai Mao sat on his "throne" as he hears the report of his soldiers either wiped out or surrender on mass. He throught using psychological warfare will turn the tide but instead it was the opposite and now his reinforcements were wiped out by their flying giant ships.
Cai Mao: "cowards all of them!" his Generals enter the room most of them were wounded.
Gen???: "my lord we lost most of our men to there weapons, our Archers can't fire their arrows and are killed immediately, our reinforcements have been annihilated by their flying ships before they can even march a mile."
Gen???: "My Lord... our calvary has been wiped out including horses... their weapons kill without honor, they have powers that can destroy armies... please you must-" all the sudden the wall next to them explode forcing them to drop to the ground, those closer within the radius were killed by shrapnel or splinters.

Once Cai Mao stood on his back on his feet and saw The Guardian he shot with his Handcannon aimed at him.
Cai Mao: "how dare you not bow to me, my family are the most powerful clan of Jing Province."
Raiden didn't say a word and holster his guns and reach for his Kukuri and slowly approach Cai Mao who pointed his sword at him.
Cai Mao: "you- you stay away from me!" once The Guardian reach to his sword he grip the blade and broke it in half scaring him to drop his sword and fall to the ground before backing up to a corner.
Cai Mao: "no please, I'll give you everything, everything i promise!!!" his word mean nothing to the Guardian as he's walking towards him menacingly.
Cai Mao: "you want gold? Women? or- or you want the Seal of Jing Province." he pulled out a Seal of approval and hand it to Raiden who looked at it. Cai Mao notice The Guardian eyeing on the Seal and slowly reach for it.
Cai Mao: "yes, in exchange for my life I will give this seal and-" instead if grabbing the Seal The Guardian stab his thigh which Cai Mao scream in agony before The Guardian grab his throat and force him to stand.
Cai Mao: "please- please don't... i beg you- spare me... ha- ha- have mercy!"
Raiden: "you think a rock can save you from me... so primitive."

(Hours Later Dawn)

After the battle every Jing Soldier surrender in mass dropped their weapons and banners in a pile as they exit the city gates.
Zavala over looks the prisoners passing back but no word from Raiden for hours so his team went to go look for him.
Ikora Rey: "Zavala, the last section surrendered and now we have the city under control for now, but the instigator has not been found yet, so is Raiden."
Zavala: "he must be found before that man, we need him alive."
Ikora Rey: "finding him is easy but Raiden... his team his still searching for him."
Cotae: "Zavala, you got see this!"
Zavala and Ikora ran to where Cotae is and saw a horse carrying what seems to be Cai Mao but once closer they were horrified to see him tied up and holding his own decapitate head.
His eyes were rolled back and mouth it seems to be forcefully stuffed with a large carved Jade rock.
Those nearby were more horrified and Guardians who saw this immediately knew who would do that kind of method.
Ikora Rey: "oh my god..."
Zavala: "where is Raiden?"
Cotae: "i don't know..."

Cai Wenji's POV

Hearing that Raiden is missing she searches alone and looked around passing by families who were searching for their love one, most are grieving upon seeing whats left of them especially the children who are now possibly orphaned.
Cai Wenji: (so terrible...) her dark memories resurface but continues to look for Raiden until she found him carrying corpses of civilians and laying them side most of them with no heads.
Cai Wenji: "Raiden..." he stopped and turn
to see Wenji standing their looking at him.
Raiden: "are you ok miss?"
Cai Wenji: "yes but-"
Raiden: "it's best if you leave..."
Cai Wenji: "but-"
Raiden: "they can find me here, just go..."
Cai Wenji: "do you need some help?"
Raiden: "no, i need time by myself." he said calmly and he lays another body this time a headless child before covering them with a large cloth he found.
Raiden: "again, thank you though but i need to clear my head a bit..."

Meanwhile Tiana and the Unknown Hunter found him from a distance and contact Zavala.

Tiana: "I found Raiden."
Zavala: "what is he doing?"
Tiana: "he's helping the people with their dead, do you still need him?"
Zavala: "no... on second thought let him be..."
Tiana: "heard you, out."
???: "should we help him?"
Tiana: "no, he need some space..."


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