Reputation (Kian Lawley)

By Sprinklesofstars

788 20 1

Reputations are everything in our society but they aren't always what they seem. They create a hiding place... More

Chapter 1 - Moving Day
Chapter 2- Exploring
Chapter 3 - Coincidence?
Chapter 4- Unexpected
Chapter 6- Post-Date Dizziness
Chapter 7- Sympathetic Smiles
Chapter 8- Lazy day
Chapter 9 - Strange feelings

Chapter 5 - First Date

105 2 0
By Sprinklesofstars

So far my second day of school was going surprisingly well, the glares from the girls had stopped but unfortunately the winks and comments from the boys had not, nothing I couldn’t deal with though. I hadn’t seen Jess yet this morning but she text me to let me know when she’d be at school.

After maths I made my way out to the back of school where Jess had told me to meet her. I lit a cigarette while I walked towards the oak tree, I could see her stood there with her back against the tree and a cigarette in her mouth.

A smile appeared on her face as I got closer.

“Where have you been?” I asked.

“Taking care of business” She said as she sat on the grass, gesturing for me to do the same.

“Anyway, what happened last night then?” She asked, smirking at me.

 “I met Kian’s girlfriend” I tell her, which isn’t a lie but not what she wants to know.

“And? What are you not telling me Mia” She asked with a smirk.

“Urm Jc kind of asked me on a date” I mumbled, hoping she wouldn’t hear me.

“Ooh little miss Mia going on a date, I thought it was Kian you liked though” She replied.

“Shut up” I said, rolling my eyes.

“And I never said I liked anyone Jess” I added.

Just on cue the bell rang to signal the end of lunch. We put out our cigarettes and made our way back into the school building.


I made my way out of the school doors at the end of the day. The afternoon had gone extremely slow, I couldn’t be more thankful for it to be over. I noticed Brad’s car parked at the front of school but he wasn’t the only one in it.

As I got closer I started to make out who it was. I stopped in my tracks as I realised who it was.


I took a deep breath and climbed into the car. At least that bitch of a girlfriend he had wasn’t with them. Brad turned as I closed the door and smiled at me, Kian did the same.

“How was school sis?” Brad asked, starting the car and heading off.

“It was alright I suppose” I replied with minimal enthusiasm.

“You’ve been smoking again haven’t you?” He asked.

“Yep” I replied.

“You need to stop” He said, in a serious tone.

“I know” I said, rolling my eyes at him.

We passed the turn for the road that took us home, I looked towards Brad confused and back to look out the window so I could figure out where we were going.

“Andreas house is that one with the tree” Kian pointed out to Brad.

We pulled up outside the house and I sighed as she appeared out of the door, making her way towards us. I rolled my eyes when she took the seat next to me, this was going to be hell.

She leant over to kiss Kian before sitting back in her seat and turning to me, shooting me a glare.

We made our way back to the house and I couldn’t get out of the car quick enough.

As I entered the house I saw my mum stood cooking, it was a nice change to coming in and seeing her working. Instead of having to stand there and have all of the usual questions from her, I just walked straight past and up the stairs.

I fell back onto my bed and stared up at the ceiling. Moments later my phone beeped.

Jc: Bring a bikini tonight x

I smiled at the text before putting away my phone.

I’d never actually been on a date before so I had no idea what to wear and I didn’t have a clue how tonight was going to play out. Endless possibilities were rushing around my head and the anxiety hit me.

I was pulled from my thoughts when Felicity came running into my room and jumped on me. I smiled at sat up pulling her off my chest and onto my knee.

“So Felicity I have a job for you, I’m going on a date and I need your help getting ready” I announced.

A smile crept onto her face as she jumped off my knee.

I spread my makeup across my dressing table and got out my curling iron. I had to make an effort tonight. I started the curl my hair while Felicity pulled out my clothes from my wardrobe putting together possible outfits. She might only be 9 but she has amazing fashion sense, something I lacked.

Once my hair was done I started on my makeup. I decided to miss the foundation out today and just stick with some eyeliner, mascara and a dark reddy/purple lipstick. After all that was done I stood up and inspected the clothes Felicity was still laying out.

My eyes were drawn to one of the outfits, she’d layed out some black high waisted shorts, a black crop top with daisys on it and some black vans. I was liking the colour theme in this outfit. Black. I picked out a floral bikini too to put on underneath.

 “That was my favourite” She said, before I went into the bathroom to change.

I walked back into my room to see Brad sat on my bed alongside my little sister.

“Well sis you look beautiful” He said, as he made his way towards me.

I got a text from Jc letting me know he was here. My siblings wished me luck as I picked up my bag and headed out to meet him.

He was stood in the drive looking at his phone but he soon noticed my presence and looked up.

“Wow you look gorgeous Mia” He said, leaning in to give me a hug.

“Thankyou” I replied, looking down at my shoes. I didn’t know how to take compliments very well.

He took my hand and led me down the road. We walked in a comfortable silence and I could feel his eyes on me every now and again.

“So where are we going?” I finally spoke up and asked.

He looked down at me and smiled.

“Now that is a secret” He said, turning to look back at the road in front of us with a smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

After another 5ish minutes of walking we ended up stood on the edge of the beach. He let go off my hand and walked further into the beach, I followed him looking around. He stopped next to a blanket with food set out on it and candles were dotted around.

A smile crept on my face as he sat down gesturing for me to do the same.

“Gosh Jc this is so cute” I said, in awe at the little setup on the beach.

“I may have had some help” He replied.

We spent about an hour eating and laughing and getting to know each other.

He was such a nice, genuine guy and we got on so well. I couldn’t have been happier that he asked me on this date.

“Shall we go for a swim?” He asked, as he lifted off his shirt and kicked off his shoes.

I removed my clothes too and ran behind him down to the water. As my toes dipped into the ocean I shrieked at how cold it was.

Jc just laughed and ran towards me, picking me up and running deeper into the water. I laughed and begged for him to put me down but instead he threw me in further. I screamed and spluttered as I came back up out of the water.

“It’s sooooo cold” I complained as I shivered.

Jc just shook his head and swam towards me. As he reached me he wrapped his arms around my waist picking me up. I slipped my legs around him and put my arms around his neck.

He looked straight into my eyes and smiled. His face edged closer towards mine until his lips were just a centimetre away. At the last moment before our lips connected her jumped and dunked us both under the water. Way to ruin a moment Jc, I mentally cursed at him.

 “I hate you” I joked as we made our way out of the freezing water onto the beach.

*Authors Note*

I'm so sorry for not updating for nearly 2 weeks! I just haven't had the time to sit down and write and I had writers block but I have planned out the next few chapters so I'll be updating again soon!

I wasn't going to end it there but I just ran out of ideas for this chapter, there should be some drama in the next chapter though.

Thankyou for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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