TOOG: 8 Growing up fast

By Alisterwelton

29 1 0

find out what happened to Kazsava to get him where he is today More

Destroyed home
Trained fight
Intersecting paths
New location
Special training
The fake
Back up
Going into duty

Moving on

2 0 0
By Alisterwelton

the time came for Kaz to continue his training in another location they said the ship would arrive at the end of the day so he was able to say goodbye to the people he met here Kaz walked back to the training room and looked at the girl who faked being weak he walked over to her looking at her seeing her being flipped on her butt the opponent walked off and Kaz walked over to her and got on his knee

Kaz: hey how are you going now Girl: hey I heard your leaving soon Kaz: ya I am I also am bound to someone but I guess betraying people hasn't got you to far maybe you should befriend people as they can give you feedback on how you can improve yourself but also can make you not feel like the stress is on you

Kaz got up and walked off feeling like he helped her a little but it wouldn't fully help her he knew she was too much in her own head but he felt like it may pull her back a little walking over to the Sargent seeing him give the new guys a tough time Kaz smiled seeing this when he spotted Kaz he stopped what they were doing and told them to run laps before walking over to him

Sargent: so your leaving soon and you came to talk with me Kaz: got any advice for dealing with the new training grounds Sargent: don't complain to anyone or they'll think your weak where your going is where I trained I remember how well they ran that place it was brutal at first but I found that it was quite simple even though at times it feels like it to tough for someone still not knowing much about combat to go through but I became someone better I know that now I am better than I was I changed to be able to handle any challenge that life threw at me hell I even started to teach others those teachings I mean when you first showed up you knew little about defence but now you can kill if need be you can take down those that betray you even when they get the first shot on you, you really grown pass everyone here you even know more than the standard I can see you doing great things in your future like being right hand man to the emperor himself big Kaz: you know that's reserved for his wife right and no one messes with her Sargent: I know but that is like the bottom of the big things you can do when you let go of all limits you can do anything you want and people like Marince won't stop you Kaz: who Sargent: the person who back stabbed you

Kaz smiled at him before he got back to breaking the new ones in Kaz looked around once more before walking back to meet Paron as she wanted to say good bye to him he knew she loved him and he loved her waiting to see what there baby would be like was something he didn't want to miss but he knew he would have to if he were to look after them

Paron: I wish you could be there when he's born Kaz: I do to but you know I'll be stuck on a base and no way would I be able to leave you know how strict they are about that if it were my military I would allow it but it's not and we can't change that no matter how much we want to you know I love you Paron: I love you too there won't be a day that goes by that I won't think about you and how you'll be saving lives while I spend mine razing our new one and giving him the proper life he deserves

Kaz kissed her before he was called to get to the ship he looked at Paron one last time feeling like it was the last time he wasn't going to be seeing her but he hoped he was going to see her again he thought about what the place would be like and who he would meet

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