Forged in Frost and Fire (Boo...


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"As I laid on the filthy mat, my white hair fanning out like a halo around my head, I felt that ice inside of... Еще

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four

Chapter Nine

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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

The snow was falling in soft little flurries the morning I was supposed to leave.

They fell down onto my cheeks and clung to my eyelashes as I moved through the trees and away from the cottage I had not only been reborn in, but the place I had called 'home' for two days. I was going to miss Gretchen, and her tea, and her endless supply of quilts. I was going to even miss her shitty spectacles that made her look like an insect. We had said goodbye at the doorstep and she made sure my sack was packed full of food to keep me going for my entire journey, if not longer. Elda had told me exactly where to go and what to expect on the journey to Hiraeth, so while I was no less afraid, I did feel a little less unprepared.

And now we were extremely close to the border that separated the magic from the unmagic. I could still feel the pulse of power from the border, that feeling of something...other, brushing against my skin and taking root deep beneath my bones. It felt less conflicting then it had when I was human. Now it felt like a caress against me, rather than a chafing.

"How are you feeling," Dimitri asked, walking up to my side. He was still chipper this morning despite the fact that I was leaving. Everyone seemed to be somber this morning except for him. Nothing seemed to put a damper on his mood. I couldn't tell if I was envious or annoyed.

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel like vomiting," I said.

"That's natural. That's how I felt my first time crossing over," he said, giving me a bright smile.

"It's not how I felt," Anastasia said, falling back so that she could be on my other side. "I was angry. I was excited to cross over the border."

"Then again, you did think you were going to be kicking fae ass and you were sorely mistaken," Elda said, looking over her shoulder at the three of us. Anastasia sighed, glaring at her adoptive-mother. Now that Anastasia had described her past to me, I could certainly see the connection between the two of them. Anastasia was a lot closer to her than she was to anyone else. The two of them laughed and joked, over the span of time we were in the cottage together, I could hear their laughter echoing around the halls. Another thing I noticed about Anastasia was that she was alright to turn her back on Elda. She didn't turn her back to anyone but the wall. I wondered what it would've been like to have such a good relationship with someone like that. To have a mother figure. I'd had a Mom once, and while I could still remember what that felt like, the memories were heavily seen through the rose-colored glasses of childhood bliss. Not to mention they were foggy. I was starting to forget my parents faces.

"I should've been kicking fae ass. I still should be. I'm more than capable," Anastasia said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Maybe Elda just doesn't want to unleash that type of fury on the world yet. Better to keep you locked up," I said, winking at Anastasia. She grinned down at me.

"So true," she purred, her tongue gliding over her teeth, sliding over the sharpened canines.

We continued to joke and laugh the entire rest of the way there. More than we had in the past couple days. I knew the three of them were trying to distract me from what I was doing. What I was walking towards. But I didn't mind it. Why would I try to stop them when we were having so much fun? I'd rather have good memories of them to hold onto as I journeyed to Hiraeth.

"We're at the edge now," Elda said, pausing by a large oak tree that soared high into the sky. It's branches were strange, curving at odd angles and in looping lines. This tree must've been the marking point that we were at the border.

"Remember, there really is no patrol in the forest, but once you get into civilization you'll have to keep your head down and make sure those papers we forged are nearby. Keep those safe as well, grubby hands will take them from you before you can call out," Elda said. I nodded, her words were just mere echoes of what she had told me before. She had warned me of fae magic, though thanks to my 'stubborn mortal mind' I'd be able to resist pretty much all glamorous and mind-twisting spells. Their magic wasn't created to manipulate mortal brains in fae bodies. I was too complex for them.

"And remember to keep a knife in arms-reach at all times. And to keep one in your boot for safekeeping," Anastasia said. I might've imagined it, but I could've sworn I saw something...protective flash inside her cat eyes. "Be brave and keep that ice close to you. It should be your last weapon of choice since its rather...flashy, but it is your strongest weapon, remember that." She was right. Elda had warned me not to use any form of my ice magic in Hiraeth unless I desperately needed to. My magic was not a common one, and any form of otherly magic was extremely valuable in Hiraeth. And the last thing a spy needed was any extra attention on them.

"Right, and remember to keep your eyes as well as your ears open. Listen to everything and report anything you hear, wether or not you think it could be valuable," Dimitri said, placing a hand on my arm. He let out a sigh before pulling me into his arms. He was warm and soft and smelt of comforting things. He stroked my hair once.

"Please be safe." He pulled away from me and offered me an encouraging smile that I struggled to return.

"Remember, you'll never be alone in there, someone will always be watching out for you. Think of it like I'm watching your every waking move," Elda said, coming up to my side.

"Well, that's not creepy at all," I said, offering her a grin. She barked out a laugh before wrapping me in her arms. She smelt of something sharp and dark.

"Remember you'll always be welcome back to us. You have a family in us now." Her words brought tears rushing to my eyes and I clenched my jaw, trying to keep them in.

"You have no idea how much that means to me," I whispered, my voice trembling.

Elda held me tighter, letting out a weak chuckle. "I do. I really do." She squeezed my arm gently before pulling away. She turned her face away too quickly but I could've sworn I saw her eyes flash with something glossy.

"Oh gods above. Since we're all giving gods damned hugs," Anastasia said, reaching out an arm and pulling it around my shoulders. She hugged me tightly, the smell of something akin to brandy and orchids greeted my nose. An odd combination, but it somehow worked for her.

"I'm not going to pretend I hate you anymore," she said lowly in my ear. "You've made quite the impression on not only me but Elda so make sure you come back in one piece, okay?" She gave me a gentle pulse before letting me go. And all I could do was gape at her in return. I had never heard her say anything so genuinely...kind before to me.

"You should get going now," Elda said, making sure my bag straps were well adjusted on my shoulders. "You'll want to try and get out of the forest before day breaks." She had told me of the monsters and many, many dangerous creatures that prowled the forest during the nighttime. How it wasn't suitable for anyone, not even a powerful full fae with ice powers.

"Alright. I think I'm ready." I said. Even though I felt like I'd never be fully ready for this journey.

"Do us proud, Eira," Dimitri said, causing Anastasia to elbow him in the ribs.

"I already know she will." Elda said, some sort of dangerous twinkle glowing in her deep blue eyes. I didn't have time to question it though because then I was facing the forest, and the invisible border. One couldn't see the border but it was very much there. Mortals could not physically pass it, and without the right help, fae could not cross over to the mortal side. Half fae could though, which was how Elda had escaped from Hiraeth in the first place.

"Alright, go kick fae ass, mortal girl," Anastasia said, grinning at me. I found myself grinning back as I scanned the faces around me. Three people who had become so much to me in such little time.

"Thank you," I said, glancing between the three of them. "For everything." Elda nodded, clasping her hands to her chest and bowing her head.

"Good luck. We'll be in contact," she said, winking at me. I bid them one more goodbye before sucking in a sharp breath and taking that one step over the border. Magic washed over my skin, sending prickles of something like electricity skittering over me from my scalp down to my toes.

Glancing around, I saw that the world around me had changed. While it still looked like a forest, something about it was more...vivid. The colors seemed brighter, the sounds sharper. The smells were louder and it felt like I could see things more clearly. The magic in my veins pounded and swirled as if it was excited. I suddenly realized why. My fae body was home.

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