Finally Found You (TayNew AU)

By GoldenOwl28

5.2K 293 67

All he wants is to have a choice in his life, to choose who to love and be with... All he longs for is to bel... More

Author's Note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Author's Note
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 1

551 27 0
By GoldenOwl28

Tay's POV

"Trish, any more files that needs to be looked over?" I beeped over the intercom to my secretary as I sign the last of the documents I have just finished reading and that has been pending for my approval.

"That's all there is Sir. No more." she replies.

I look at my watch and see that it was already 9:15pm. I forgot to eat my lunch earlier and now looking at the time, would probably skip dinner, same as yesterday and the day before. I'm so dead tired already so I might just go straight to sleep once I get home. My neck and back has been aching since yesterday from all the work I've been doing but all I can do is crack my neck and shake my hands to relieve it from hurting, soldier on in spite of the pain and hunger and finish all these in time.

My secretary comes in to take the stack of paperwork on my desk.

"Is there anything you need Sir?" she asks.

"Nope. I think that's it. Oh! Any update on my schedule for this weekend?"

"I have done as you requested Sir. There were no work engagements penciled in for this weekend and all meetings scheduled were pushed back for a later date next week. You are free this weekend" she answers as she double checks with her planner.

I smile and sigh a relief as it has been a long while since I had some free time and God knows I need it terribly.

"Thanks Trish you're truly an angel. Sorry for the overtime again. I just wanted to finish all this so that-"

"That there'd be no distraction in your weekend away? The big worrywart that you are won't get to relax at all if you knew that there's unfinished work here for you." she chuckles.

"That's my girl. What would I do without you?" I moan as I fake cry and reach a hand towards her. She just laughs at my antics and proceeds to take away the files on my desk.

"Enjoy your weekend Sir! You deserve it." she says as she bids me farewell.

As I stretch my hands to relieve the soreness in them, a sense of accomplishment rushes in for a day well spent. Work has been hounding me nonstop these past couple of weeks and I can't seem to catch a break. It hasn't been long since I was appointed in my position as Management Head so the transition period has left me with a mountain of things to do. I've been overwhelmed with the amount of work that needs to be handled that I haven't really had a proper day-off. Even on the weekends, I'm elbow-deep in paperwork or whisked away to some meeting or work function that I haven't had any time to myself.

As I was heading for my door, ready to go home, my phone suddenly rings. I check who it is and a smile automatically forms on my face. Mild. Just seeing her name flashing on my phone's screen and I can't help smiling.

"Nice of you to finally pick up Mr. Tawan. I've been calling all day. I was starting to think you lost your phone or something." she says as I pick up her call.

"Sorry. I've been stuck at work and had no time to even check my phone. Forgive me?"

"Depends on how you'll answer my question so answer wisely. Can you make it this weekend?" she asks and I could practically picture her hands on her hips, a little pout on her face, waiting for my answer.

"Of course I'll be there. I just finished things up here so that I could go."

"Well then you are most certainly forgiven. I thought you'd forget 'cause you're like the busiest man I know." Her tone changes to something more cheerful after hearing my answer.

"How could I when it's also your birthday? I mean you'd probably disown me if I ever not go so I will most definitely be there. I promise."

"Good thing you know. Was just calling to ask you again. The gang said they all would so I expect you to be there too. Can't wait to see you guys!"

"Can't wait to see you too." I answer back with a little chuckle.

"And don't forget my gift too! Don't bother showing up if you come empty-handed."

"Yes ma'am. Copy that. See you soon."

"Take care Tay". She ends the call and I see that I was already beside my car. I somehow felt refreshed after our conversation. Aside from a weekend's worth of rest, I was also looking forward to finally meet with my friends again. Especially her.

The gang has been planning a get-together since forever and since Mild's birthday was also coming up, we've decided to just go this weekend and celebrate it with a weekend away together. We'll visit some local spots and shops there, swim by the beach and party hard at night. It's gonna be fun and exciting.

I enter my condo, drop my bag on the sofa and go to my room. I take a quick shower, change into something comfortable and lay on my bed. As I was getting ready to sleep, my phone buzzes and I see that my mother is calling. Why is she calling this late?

"Hello mom. Why are you calling so late?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to check on you. You haven't really called lately."

"Sorry I meant to call the other day but I haven't had the time and then I just completely forgot. I've been so busy in the office lately"

"I know things are hectic at work, well it'll always be anyway, but do try to call us more often. And take care of yourself more sweetie. Have you eaten dinner yet?"

I scratch my head and feel guilty. "I haven't. I finished late and I didn't bother to get something or cook anything anymore because I'm so tired anyway and I'd rather sleep it off".

"What should I do with you?" she sighs. "You're such a workaholic. You truly are your father's son. You know, I can stay there for awhile and-"

"No, no need mom. I can take care of myself. I'll do better I promise so no need to come over"

"Okay then. Rest well and I'll be seeing you this Sunday for dinner, okay?"

Shit. I nearly forgot about that dinner. My father has told me about it last week and said that I need to be there, no excuses. I was planning to tell my mom I probably can't make it because of our weekend away but then I forgot to call her. Great.

I scratch the back of my head as I try to reason with her. "Right. Do I really have to go? Can't we reschedule or something? It's just dinner anyways and I have somewhere to be."

"Your father insists. You can ask him instead if you like." Then that means no. Awesome.

"Fine. I'll be there. See you Sunday then. I miss you."

"Miss you too sweetie. And remember to call more often and don't forget to take care of yourself or you'll get sick again, okay? Love you" she bids farewell.

I curse myself for forgetting that I had to go home and have dinner with my parents this weekend. I'd probably just leave earlier and go straight to my parents' house from where we'll be staying. I hope my friends don't mind. I text Off about it since he was supposed to come pick me up and we're supposed to head off together.

Tay: Hey! Change of plans. I'll be driving there myself. Need my car to drive back anyways.
Off: Aow. Why? I can drive us back.
T: Have to go back earlier, don't want to cut your fun short.
O: Oh? Thought you were free. What changed?
T: Dinner at my parent's. Forgot about it but my mom just called to remind me. Need to be there.
O: Oh. Okay. No worries. Here.
O: *sends location*
T: Thanks. See you there!
O: See yah pal!

I put my phone on my nightstand and as I try to get comfortable, I can't help but wonder what the dinner was for. It must be important if they really want me to go, even dad called about it. It's useless worrying about it now so it's probably best to just get some sleep. So I did.

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