The Isomniac's Nightmare

By zanedire

45 0 4

What happens when uou wake up and the only thing thats matters is survival? More

Following the Memory
A Spark of the Truth

Waking up

22 0 1
By zanedire

My 7th patient in the clinic. Male. 27 years of age. Patient says he has been having trouble sleeping and gets 1 hour of sleep a day at the most. Patient has been diagnosed with insomnia, and has been given experimental medication. Patient was told to check up in a week or two.


I woke up in the middle of a hospital room. I was wearing a hospital gown and I- I didn't know who 'I' was. I don't remember anything about myself or how I got here. Nothing made sense. I didn't feel any pain or anything. What do I do? My head was empty and I couldn't think. I glanced into a mirror and saw an unfamilar person staring back. I had dark hair. Whether it was dark brown or black was hard to see in this light. My hair was long and I definately want it cut as soon as possible. I had small lips that were a light shade of pink. Clear skin as far as I could tell. My nose was small and and round. Last but not least, there were my eyes. I didn't want to look but I couldn't help it. Purple eyes were staring me down. They freaked me out. That's not exactly normal, right? I have to look away. The clock: 10:47. The window: white powder was laying on the ground, snow. Means Winter. The sun was shining behind a few clouds. It's AM...

Where is everybody? I decided it best to check the halls. The halls were empty. Nobody was in the building's halls. I did however take note that I was in room G3. Lets check room F3. The room over was exactly like mine except a girl was roaming around. "I'm sorry to disturb you." She jumped at my voice. I did too actually. I didn't remember how my voice sounded. What if I was a mute. I'd hate that.

"It's alright... I don't know who you are... Or who I am for that matter." She stared at me with the same shade of purple in her eyes. "Do you know what's going on?" I shoke my head no, waiting for her next responce, which never came. She had red hair and the same hospital gown. Nothing else about her mattered to me.

"The halls are empy, but I'm checking the rooms around here to gather as many people as I can. You are welcome to join me." She nodded and I saw her sadness. I felt her sadness. The feeling of the unknown did that. We have to find others.


After searching the entire building, we found 9 other people, totaling to 11 of us altogether. (6 guys, 5 girls) We were all on the 3rd floor. There were no other floors with alive people. The rest had dead people in them. It was mystifying, that only one floor survives and the rest of the hospital is deserted, or dead. To be quite honest I was spooked and had no clue what to do. None of the survivers know who they are or how they got to be here. They know nothing, just like me. I don't quite know how to find the patient files, but they have to be here somewhere. For now we go by the letter of the room we were in.

"Hey G. What do we do next?" I became the unoffical leader by coming into the hall first. I try to remember the letter assigned to everyone but I think I will be better when I know their names.

"Well we have to find the patient files. Once we find them we know our names and things about us that we don't remember. Maybe we can start to remember small pieces that have been forgotten." They nodded in agreement. "So lets start with a computer." We began out hunt for the files.

"G over here!" Progress being made and we are about to find our identity. "I found a computer but it's in a locked room. Should we search for the keys?" I raised my foot and slamed near the door knob, breaking open the door."

"Why waist the time, when it could very well be in here." I walked to the computer and began to take down the firewall for the hospital. Then I hacked into the account last used on this computer. Wasn't too hard. "Okay A. You ready?" A girl nodded her head. I pulled up the information for the patient in A3. "Your name is Elizabeth." Print. "Here look over it see if you remember.


A Elizabeth
B Victor
C Kyle
D Valentine
E Rachel
F Bella
G I don't want to know yet....
H Abby
I Matt
J Alex
K Ryder

We all knew our names except me. Honestly I was wondering if I should start over. "Aren't you gonna see your file?" Bella stared at me with deep purple eyes. None of us actually had purple eyes in our profile so I don't know how we all ended with the same color eyes. "Hmm?" Shoot she was still waiting for an answer.

"To be honest, ... I don't know if I want to know." I stared at the file in my hands. "I guess if I know the truth, I might be someone I don't want to be." She nodded.

"Well then choose to be someone else. Be anybody you want to be. Pick a name, then we''ll look at the file together. So what name do you want?"

"Umm... Nex." She looked at me curiously. "I don't know. It sounds cool." She nodded her head to the file. I...I... Uggh! I opened the file. A face was staring at me from the corner of the paperclipped stack. Everything was basically the same as the man I saw in the mirror. The hair was shorter and the eyes were brown. I am supposively 23 and 5'10". I wasn't married, yet I didn't know if I was single, yet it's possible they could be dead if I wasn't. These are the only people know that are still alive. As far as the windows show there is no one else alive. There is a man on a the street, but he's obvously dead. No rise or fall just an expanded stomach. I kept reading the file.

I was actually a doctor at the hospital we are in. More specifically a diagnostician. I closed the file after glancing at the name... Nexyson Louis Ray. Guess old habits never end.

What if I had someone that I left? What if they are alive? What if they are waiting? ~~~ My head started to hurt and everything became fuzzy. I saw a guy joking about with me. He was about my age and friendly. Then I came back to reality. All I knew was a name: Gage Baker. "A memory."

"What was that?" I jumped. Valentine had a questioning look behind me.

"I think... I think I remember something."

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