The Heart of the Forest

By Aranelr

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Running from one's past ghost's is never a good idea. Lútharían learned that the hard way when a choice that... More

Chapter One - Disturbing the Peace
Chapter Two - Back at Last
Chapter Three - As if Young
Chapter Four - Late Realisations
Chapter Six - Finally
Chapter Seven - Garden Conversations
Chapter Eight - Broken

Chapter Five - Feast of Starlight

40 2 1
By Aranelr

Lútharían P.O.V

As Thranduil leads me through the doors I gape as I see the splendor. The great hall is illuminated by thousands of lights and if you look up it feels as if you are standing under the starry night. The hall is filled with hundreds of elves and nobles and all eyes turn to us as we enter. As Thranduil leads me to our table I see Elrond sitting there with his two sons, Elrohir and Elladan. Aragorn is also seated at the table together with his wife Arwen. Their little son and infant daughter is nowhere to be seen. As Thranduil greets them I can't help but wonder why they did not enter with us. Surely we are not more honored guests than them? I am guided into my seat, and when I am seated Thranduil walks away to address the crowd. I find myself missing his warmth and for a moment I take myself in wishing that he had never let go. I am too deep in thought to hear what he is saying, however the cheer of the many elves present brings me back to reality. I look to my left and see Thranduil walking towards me before sitting down in his seat. And first now I realize that I have been seated on the king's right side. A seat that is reserved for the queen, or in the case where there is no queen the closest male advisor...

I look at him, my surprise and confusion evident on my face but he only smiles at me, and I realize that I will not get an answer to that question now. I look around the table, my adar sits across from me and naneth is seated beside him. Then it is Elrond and Elladan. Legolas sits on my right side and Aragorn sits next to him. On Aragorn's left side is Arwen. She is sitting between her husband and Elrohir. "Le suilon Lútharían (I greet you)" I move my eyes to Lord Elrond who is looking at me. "Well meet My Lord. I am surprised to see you here, I was not informed of your coming." I cast a quick look towards the King but he is only smiling and lifts his wine glass to his lips. I force myself to shift my attention back to Lord Elrond. "We have not been coming for a few years. But we were invited once again and gladly accepted. We arrived today and our messenger arrived just minutes before us so it is not strange that this was a surprise. King Thranduil himself hardly knew." At the end of his sentence he is looking at the King with a smile and gives a slight apologetic nod. But Thranduil just waves his hand. "No worries my friend. I had a feeling you would come. And you are not the only one who came in the nick of time." He gesticulates towards Aragorn who is deep in conversation with Legolas. They must also have arrived earlier today then. I turn my attention to Legolas' and Aragorn's conversation. "I am sure it will work out well, do not worry too much." Aragorn reassures Legolas and though I am curious the expression on the elf's face prevents me from asking. I am sure he will tell me if it is important. "How have you been Aragorn?" I still use his old name, despite knowing that he now mostly goes by the name Elessar, that he was given when he was crowned King of Gondor. I will probably never get used to that change. "I am well, Eldarion is healthy and so is Elanor. They have both been put to bed being very tired after the journey. And everything is well and peaceful in Gondor." I nod, pleased that they all are in Mirkwood and that Gondor is well. I haven't been there since Aragorn was crowned King and that is starting to be a few years ago by now. "I miss Gondor. I will have to travel down there sometime soon." He nods, happy at my wish. "We would be delighted to have you! And yourself, how have you been? You have not traveled here for many years I believe. How do you find being here again?" Aragorn looks at me curiously. He is the only one apart from Linnoriel who knows the entire story, in detail about me and the Woodland King. Legolas turns to look at me expectantly, and despite not fully knowing Aragorn's intentions I am certain he has a better understanding now than only a few days ago. Although I can't see Thranduil I know that he is listening and I can feel his eyes resting on me. "I am well, although I could use a little adventure." He and Legolas laugh at my comment, knowing exactly what I mean. We are all very thankful that Middle Earth has peace. Even though we all miss the thrill of the adventure. I answer the rest of his question knowing it would be rather suspicious to avoid it. "And you are right, it is many years since last I was here so it is very nice to be back. I adore these woods." I give the safest answer I can think of hoping that he will let it be sufficient enough. But it seems everyone wants to throw me into the deep end these days. "And the people I hope. Legolas is very agreeable and the king has his moments despite trying to keep up his reputation." Thranduil chuckles at Aragorn's statement, and Aragorn looks intently at me making it very clear that his statement is hiding a question that needs answering. I look at Legolas and then cast a quick glance at the king who is watching me intently. "Certainly", I give a short answer but with a smile and a little laugh, I hope it is enough. And based on Aragorn's expression he is both pleased and a little impressed that I managed to get away from that question. And honestly, so am I. The food arrives and I have various conversations with the people around the table as the meal progresses. Nothing very interesting to be honest, Elrond complains about yet another one of his son's many pranks, I reminisce about old times with the two other members of the fellowship and my father spends the majority of the meal talking with the King. I will admit that Aragorn catches me zoning out of our conversation more than once. But I am really struggling to ignore the smooth, dark melodious voice of the king. The music starts playing louder, a sign that the time has come for dancing. Arwen and Aragorn leave the table and I turn around to look at the many dancing couples, wishing I could dance too. 

"Lútharían, do you want to dance?" Legolas looks at me and I nod excitedly: "I would love to!" I take his hand and he leads me out on the dancefloor. He takes my hand in his and places the other one on my waist. I put my free hand on his shoulder and we start swaying to the music. I dearly love dancing so I decide to remember this because I know that it may be a long time until the next time. Many elves look at us, wondering who is dancing with the Prince but I could not care less. Although may ellith look at me with a jealous expression, if only they knew that there was nothing to worry about. The thought makes me chuckle and Legolas looks at me confused. I just shake my head: "you did not tell me you were this popular." I tease him and nods my head in their direction. His eyes follow and he chuckles. "I haven't really noticed", I give him a disbelieving look. "No seriously, I don't really dance that much anymore..." There was a hint of sadness in his voice and I knew why. "However, I dance ten times more than my adar." That was true, the Prince was always dancing with someone, seldom more than one or two but he was still dancing. The King however had not been seen dancing since the wedding with the passed Queen. As the music finished Legolas let go of me and we began walking back. "Hannon le (thank you)" he turns to look at me and gives me one of his biggest smiles. "Of course, I know how much you love to dance, and I don't think my Ada would dare to ask you" I chuckle wondering what he means by that, but before I have a chance to ask a young ellon comes up to me. "Forgive me, My Lady, my name is Beinion. I was wondering if you would do me the honor of letting me lead you in the next dance?" I look at the elf. He is tall and has long dark brown hair. His features are soft yet defined and his eyes are honest and kind. I would normally not dance with strangers, but seeing as the one I actually wishes to dance with won't ask me I decide that I can at least take the opportunity to do something I love. "I would like that" I smile at him and his face light up. Legolas gives him my arm and we walk back out on the floor. Beinion turns out to be the first of several ellyn who asks me to dance that evening, and I spend most of the remainder of the evening dancing to my heart's content. Only I wish someone else would ask. There is nothing I desire more than to be held in his arms and lead across the floor of the great hall.

Legolas P.O.V

I hand Lútharían's arm over to the dark-haired ellon and walk back to the table alone. My adar looks at me with a questioning look, and I nod my head in the direction of the dance floor. He follows my directions and must have seen her dancing with the young elf, because his expression hardens. Then he looks back at me with a questioning look. "He asked her to dance" I shrug my shoulder "She is most definitely the most beautiful elleth here, so unless you keep her for yourself the entire night she is bound to have many dance partners." I know that she will most probably not accept more than the one she is dancing with now, and perhaps one other but I decide to play it up. 'Maybe I can use this to get Ada to ask her to dance with him.' He looks at me, clearly very displeased and I add: "But I am sure no one would dare to ask her if she had been dancing with the King." By my Adar's look I know I have achieved what I had hoped to. He sits drinking his wine until the song I had given her to Beinion was over, and at the end of the following song, he rises from his seat and walks down towards the dance floor. This did not go unnoticed by any of the others at the table, as Lady Galadriel looks at me with a smile that shows that she is very aware of what I was doing. I had come across Lady Galadriel and Lútharían in the garden yesterday evening, and Lútharían must have told her of the recent events between them because Galadriel has been very sly ever since. I look out over the dance floor and sees that he has now approached her and the poor ellon she had started dancing with. The ellon quickly leaves and Lútharían bows to Adar before taking the hand he has extended towards him. There is not a single soul who has not turned to look at this woman that has caught the King's attention, and I can't help but smile. Proud that I have gotten my stubborn father to do something about this situation.

Lútharían P.O.V

I am dancing with Galadher when he suddenly lets go of me and bows. I am mighty confused, until I realize that he is looking at something behind me. My heart leaps into my chest for I know there is only one person who would make him do that. 'Is this finally happening? Can it really be him?' I turn around and there he is. Thranduil is standing in front of me, with an extended hand. I cannot keep the smile off my face as I place my hand in his. His hand is large and strong, and he pulls me towards him much closer than is necessary. As he places his other hand on my waist I swear I almost passed out. My heart is pounding and the blood is coursing through my veins. I place my left hand on his shoulder and grip on as if my life depends on it. He leads me expertly on the dance floor. A slow waltz is playing and I allow myself to become completely lost in the moment. He smells like the forest, a musky scent that suits him incredibly well. His eyes are fixed on mine and I can feel my cheeks turn pink under his intense gaze. "I thought the King didn't dance?" I ask him curiously. He gives me a smile, or rather it is more of a smirk, and replies: "How can he not when his Lady wishes to?" 'His Lady'.  For a moment that is all I can focus on. He phrases it as a question but knowing that he does not actually expect a response I remain silent. We continue dancing in silence and I enjoy the feeling of being this close to him. I am sure that every single soul in this hall is watching us with curiosity, but has he holds me in his arms, much closer than proper mind you, I do not care. My heart has longed for this for so long. Somewhere during the duration of the dance I notice that my head is considerably closer to where his shoulder ends and his neck begins, and I quickly redraw my head. Looking up at him I know he noticed, but his expression is unreadable. When we danced before I would almost always lay my head at his shoulder. When we were alone of course. And we spent a considerably large amount of our time together dancing. I focus on his eyes hoping to see what I barely dare to hope for. I allow myself to show my emotions. I have learned to hide them but now I don't. I lay them bare for him to see, terrified of his reaction. He moves his face closer to mine until our foreheads are touching and I know that is all the reassurance I will get while we are among this many people. But for now, it is enough. We come to a halt as the music stops, our foreheads still touching, and after what seems like an eternity he lets me go. The spell is broken and as I look around I can feel the heat spread through my cheeks. Everyone, every single person is looking at us intently, and I am paralyzed with fear. Normally I handle very well being the center of attention. I have had to learn how, after all being Galadriel's daughter comes with a fair share of public appearances. But this is different. I feel naked, exposed that they have witnessed an encounter this intimate. I feel a large warm hand taking my own, and carefully lead me off the dancefloor. It takes me a moment to realize that it is Thranduil who stepped in. I look at him thankfully and he gives me a small smile. My heart swells in my chest and as we approach the table the smile vanishes and his expression returns to his usual one. I sit down again, thankful that no one at the table seemed to have noticed the commotion down at the dance floor. I try to focus on the conversation but my head swims with emotions. The way that he held me, the strength in his arms, the musky smell, and those icy blue eyes that could get me to confess every secret I ever have had.

The conversations seem to be never ending. I try to answer when being addressed, but I fear that I miss a few questions for every one I answer. I stay seated at the table for a little while longer before I excuse myself. 'I have to get out of here'. This has proven to be too much for my heart. Being this close and allowing him to see everything here was perhaps a bad choice. As I bid Thranduil farewell he looks at me with a slightly worried look. Normally I would reassure him with my expression but I know that I won't manage to keep it together much longer. I quickly turn around and walk down towards the entrance we came through a few hours earlier as quickly as I can. I start running as soon as I am out the door not waiting for it to close. And I run to the garden. I escape to the only place I know non-other than Thranduil would find me. Quickly opening the door and slamming it behind me I take a few steps into the garden before I collapse onto the ground. Loud sobs escape my lips as I desperately try to drown them with my hands. The pain, love, and confusion in my soul make it hard to breathe and I gasp after air. 'Why does this hurt so much? I have been fine for eighty years! Why is it suddenly so painful?!' I know the answer, and it is only my own fault. Because of my fear that I would come close to fading again I completely shut off my emotions after Erebor. Or in the sense an elf can shut off their emotions. The emotions that I kept at a distance then is now resurfacing. Lútharían. My mother's voice sound in my head. Being too vulnerable to close my mind to her and stop the emotions of our bond I pray that they will leave me alone. Let me be in peace. Lútharían please? Her plea is honest but I am in no mood to share anything now. NO! My reply is much harsher than I intended, but the last thing I need now is my mother prying. I can feel her disappointment but she leaves and the connection is broken. My sobs don't stop and I allow my emotions to flow freely. I will admit that I am slightly worried about Thranduil feeling them however, I am so exhausted from hiding them that I don't care. Not now, not anymore.

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