Destiny 2 Lightfall: Fallen D...

By OreZhc3

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After The Witness and its Pyramid Ships enter a Portal inside of The Traveler, A Guardian and his fireteam fo... More

Chapter One: From Rise to Lightfall
Noble 6 / Fireteam Jester's Bio
Chapter Two: We're Not in Kansas Anymore
Chapter Three: A Hunter's Draw
Chapter Four: A Warlock's Journey
Chapter Five: A Titan's Resistance
Chapter Six: Speak of The Devil
Chapter Seven: Threat Level
Chapter Eight: Almost At Reach
Chapter Nine: The Truth
Chapter Ten: The Unexpected Visitors
Chapter Eleven: Battle of Red Cliffs
Chapter Twelve: A New Frontier
Chapter Thirteen: Made it This Far
Chapter Fourteen: Baptism By Fire [PT.1]
Chapter Fourteen: Baptism By Fire [PT.2]
Chapter Fifteen: Insurrection In Jingzhuo
Chapter Seventeen: The Han Experience [PT.1]
Chapter Seventeen: The Han Experience [PT.2]
Chapter Eighteen: Casual Check Up
Chapter Nineteen: Little Hawk Down
Chapter Twenty: Said Too Soon...
Chapter Twenty One: To The Capital
Chapter Twenty Two: Old Monarchy
Chapter Twenty Three: Who Are You
Chapter Twenty Four: A Promise Behind The Mask
Chapter Twenty Five: Fortunate Son
Chapter Twenty Six: Same Problem Different Day
Chapter Twenty Seven: Breaching Barriers
Chapter Twenty Eight: With Haste
Chapter Twenty Nine: Home Perspective
Chapter Thirty: Looking For Trouble
Chapter Thirty Two: Trouble At Xuchang
Chapter Thirty Three: Under New Management

Chapter Sixteen: Calm Through The Night

482 4 1
By OreZhc3

At night Commander Zavala and the Vanguard Coalition leaders invite the Lords inside the H.E.L.M stood curious of the things they never seen before as they follow Ikora to the Command Center where they saw Zavala and Queen Mara stand near the war table while Caiatl and Misraaks uses a Hologram on its console.
Sun Quan: "what is this place?"
Ikora Rey: "this is The War Table to lead fireteams fighting on and off our Sol System, this is the first time we send this ship further from Earth."
Cao Cao: "a ship like this you must have control territory."
Zavala: "let me get this straight, we didn't come here as Conquerors but as equals in order to fight off the enemies of the Darkness."
Liu Bei: "what is this Darkness you speak of, we never seen anything like those creatures until your Guardian's arrival."

Zavala closes the blast shields and turn on the war table that lights up the room showing Holos Hive, Taken, Scorn and, Vex.
Zavala: "this enemies we faced for centuries after the Collapse of the Golden age which is caused by The Witness..."
Cao Cao: "who is this Witness?"
Mara Sov: "the voice who believes in Salvation, the one who lead the ships to capture the Traveler who left them a long long time ago." The Holo now shows the Traveler's status as the triangular portal stays idle.

Zavala then turn on the lights and open the blast shields as he resumes.
Zavala: "for now, we must pay attention of the situation here and do whatever we can to push back the Shadow Legion and Scorn, and the Insurrection has cause a set back and we need to catch up."

The Lords didn't speak for a moment until Cao Cao approach the Commander.

Cao Cao: "thank you for your assistance of The Coalition Force, especially Raiden who set aside his grudges and saved my Son, his Wife and, Madam Yan."
Liu Bei: "Commander Zavala, does Raiden hold grudges?"
Zavala: "no but he'll be aware and disregard it unless they test his patience."
Sun Quan: "are we sure we can trust you while working with Cao Cao?"

Zavala: "let me repeat, The Vanguard are no vassels and never will be."
Sun Quan: "are you asking us to join you as vessels?"
Zavala: "no not as vessels... as equals."

Mara Sov: "let me remind you all that you agreed to this Ceasefire, Raiden told us about your behavior structures and i advise you all to not try to break that agreement, anything to add to that Empress Caiatl?"
Caiatl: "certainly not Queen Mara, my forces are reporting such behavior amongst your armies, have them checked before a Shadow Legion use that weakness to wipe you all out."

Liu bei: "wait The Cabal Empress is present, does she not command them?"
Caiatl: [my father, Emperor Calus was exiled after the Midnight Coup and during those days drifting in space he found something he only imagines and join as one of a Disciple of the Witness, those Cabal he used to command are nothing but clones of my father's vision.]
Sun Quan: "those are not real but clones?"
Caiatl: [most of them mixed with former Cabal joining within the ranks either for vengeance of their lost during the Red War or Fools who believe in my father's ideals.]
Liu Bei: "Queen Mara is it, who are you?"
Mara Sov: "i am Queen of The Awoken... once humans who have been send into the corner of space where we were touched with light and dark, i ruled my people for centuries before the Guardian's arrival to the Reef, after witnessing the prowess of the Guardians during the House of Wolf's rebellion, in return i pledge to protect The Last City and Earth, we too will not be underestimated by the enemy... so to the Cabal, Eliksni and, Earthlings."
Mithrax: [allow me to introduce myself, i am Misraaks, Kell of House Light... you may call me Mithrax.]
Sun Quan: "Kell of House Light, who was those... mutated creatures who killed my brother?"
Mithrax: [Scorn once Eliksni who was cursed by a wish made by Prince Uldren to revive Fikrul who in return created Dark Either to revive the dead Eliksni and form an Undead Army, now they are under control of the Witness which made them well organized fighting force."
Zavala: "as for Fikrul, the Hidden are trying track him down but he is not leading these Scorn, I've heard they taken a Eastern City within hours... allow me to show you the Tactical Map to show you what were dealing with..."

Meanwhile at Jingzhuo Raiden sat on top the wall trying to have some time alone with his Ghost watching the full moon.

Raiden: ". . ."
Dubs: ". . ."
Raiden: ". . ."
Dubs: ". . ."
Raiden: ". . . i still don't know what went wrong back there."
Dubs: "The Vanguard wanted Cai Mao alive."
Raiden: "and he killed many of his own kind, these primitives are selfish, rabid animals who asking to be cleansed and forgotten."
Dubs: "the way you say it sounds Xenophobic."
Raiden: "have you not seen and listen to what I've been through?"

???: "i wouldn't say that about ourselves."
He turn his head and saw the man with his white feather fan approach him.

???: "i didn't introduce myself before the chaos Cai Mao caused... my name his Zhuge Liang, The Sleeping Dragon." he bows as Raiden stares at him quietly annoyed.

Zhuge Liang: "i serve under Liu Bei as his Strategist."
Raiden: "why should i care?"
Zhuge Liang: "i know you are not loyal Cao Cao."
Raiden: "you people don't know jack shit about me, since being on this dirt all you freaks do is talk, boast and, bitch like someone would care and, get offended over some childish shit that would be laughable and embarrassing."
Zhuge Liang stood there quietly as he never met anyone more fierce then Zhang Fei.
Raiden: "i don't have time to listen about lectures from strangers like you or anyone else... talk to someone who give a damn."

He growled and lept down and land on his feet before stomping back towards camp... before he punched a tree once that collapsed while a few Wei soldiers watch and immediately turn when Raiden glare at them.
Meanwhile Zhuge Liang watch the ordeal and shook his head followed by a sigh.
Zhuge Liang: "what a unfortunate man, it is true what The Young Wolf said.
Dubs: "excuse me." he saw a Ghost coming towards him.
Dubs: "excuse my Guardian he's having a very rough time since he's here."
Zhuge Liang: "it is fine, he seems to have that kind of behavior."
Dubs: "he just needs some time on his own, he's upset in the meantime while trying to adjust here."
Zhuge Liang: "then i apologies for interrupting him."

(Nikolai/Tiana's POV)

At the Wu camp Nikolai has been talking to the old officers who are close to the Sun Family.
Lu Meng: "i say that team leader of yours is a Valorous Warrior, if you said he is remembered for killing a God King Powerful enough to destroy a world brings shiver down our spines."
Niko: "scary but at least he's on our side, and he doesn't have the power to destroy a world."
Huang Gai: "our men began to rumor that he is a recarnation of Lu Bu created by heaven... this could be either a punishment by heaven's will or a bad omen."
Niko: "heaven's will, bad omen... you believe these rumors?"
Huang Gai: "since Lord Sun Jian's death yes, a flag pole broke by the wind, soon that same day he was killed by arrows."
Niko: "oof, that doesn't look like an omen, he was just there at the wrong place at the wrong time..."

Deeper within the Wu Camp Tiana speaks with Shangxiang and the Unknown Guardian still wearing her helmet but Shangxiang noticed her body language is similar to someone she knew very much.
???: "everyone is talking about it, Raiden holding his own against two of the best Warriors and could've won if it weren't for that idiot who shot him."
Tiana: "i don't understand what's in his head, believing he can win against a guy who kills nightmares for fun."
???: "at least they're learning it the hard way."

With courage Shangxiang ask the Unknown Guardian something.
Sun Shangxiang: "say... you haven't introduce yourself yet, can you tell me what's your name."
???: "oh i... i don't know..." as the unknown Hunter thought about it, Shangxiang looks at Tiana who spoke about it.
Tiana: "when Guardians are revived for the first time they don't have memories of themselves or they're past lives."
Sun Shangxiang: "oh... can i see what you look like at?"
???: "uh- sure."

When she reach for her helmet and reveal herself she let out her hair and with a smile.
???: "see im-"
Sun Shangxiang: "Lianshi?" her suspicions were correct and held Lianshi for a closer look before hugging her close and tight while crying.
Sun Shangxiang: "im i dreaming, please don't let this be a dream?" Both Guardians looked at eachother so confused with Lianshi? trying pry The Princess's hands off to explain to herself.
Lianshi?: "im sorry but who is Lianshi?"

(Cotae's POV)

Guan Yinping: "this way."
Cotae: "are you sure it's ok to leave the camp?"
Guan Yinping: "yes besides your with me." Cotae was taken by Yinping far away from Liu Bei's camp and find a natural hot springs in a well lit area with a view of the moon above.
Guan Yinping: "you like it?"
Cotae: "wow what is this place?"
Guan Yinping: "it's a hot spring good enough to bathe in."
Thatcher: "i recommend you should take a bath... you reek." Cotae held his hips and look at his Ghost with silence and disappointment.

When he disappeared Cotae sighs as he took off his gear then Warlock robes and gear one by one on the ground. Yinping quickly hid behind a bush and when she heared the splash of water she pokes her head and saw Cotae in the springs relaxing.
Guan Yinping: "do you want my assistance?"
Cotae: "i think im fine."
Guan Yinping: "i insist."
Cotae: "... ok but make it quick, i don't like being exposed for too long." Yinping came out of cover and kneeled behind him as she massaged his shoulders. she inspects his muscles and scars that run across his back and shoulders.

Cotae: "what's the special occasion?"
Guan Yinping: "after what you did during battle, you deserve to relax... wow your muscles are tough."
Cotae: "i do work out."
Guan Yinping: "did this work out benefit your actions?"
Cotae: "yes and no, Warlocks are ment for the Library but i can do multitask."
Guan Yinping: "that's great." she joins Cotae in the pool naked catching Cotae off guard as he quickly turn his back to her.
Cotae: "whoa- whoa- wait what are you doing?"
Guan Yinping: "i can't join you?"
Cotae: "no it's not that- i think im done-"
Guan Yinping: "it's ok, look at me..."

Cotae slowly turn as she gets closer to wrap her arms behind him and her chest pressed against his.
Their foreheads touch eachother with their face blushing.
Guan Yinping: "i want give my personally thanks for accepting me..."
Cotae: "what do you mean by that?"

Meanwhile two Fallen Vandals Raskis and Zaxik patrol through the woods for Mithrax.
Zaxik: "remember our mission, find any Scorn and report their movements and get out, got it... hey did you hear what i said?"
Raskis: "i see something... no i see Humans doing... what are they doing?"
Zaxik look through the scopes and saw two naked Human in the pool doing things these Fallen never seen before.
Zaxik: "i think its some kind of human ritual, we should listen to what they are saying."
Raskis: "nonsense, we have a mission."
Zaxik: "and yet you are not stopping me."

They use a special device to listen to the conversation between the two humans.
???#1: "ready? im going in."
???#2: "yes- ahhh your too big!"
???#1: "sorry your really... better hang on to me."

Zaxik: "by the ether ar- are they-" they can hear the wet fap and lewd sounds that girl on top is making.
???#2: "yes take me!"
???#1: "holy Traveler- this is- amazing... something happening-"

Zaxik stopped just in time before continuing the mission.

Zaxik: "i should have listened to you."

Raskis: "i feel disgusted by your actions."
Zaxik: "still you have not stopped me Raskis..."
Unknown to their awareness, a Psion scout for the Shadow Legion was rocking on the ground and traumatize by the actions what humans called sex.
???: "i need an adult, i need an adult, i need an adult, i need an adult, i need an adult." For now the Psion will not forget that day...


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