My dearest // a Larry Stylins...


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Louis and Harry are your typical teenagers and have "hated" each other for as long as they can remember. One... More

Chapter 1: Waking Up
Chapter 2: Little Black Dress
Chapter 3: Girl Crush
Chapter 5: Something Great
Chapter 6: Staring at The Stars on The Ceiling
Chapter 7: Share a Single Bed and Tell Each Other What We Dream About
Chapter 8: Two Hearts in One Home
Chapter 9: Secret Little Rendezvous
Chapter 10: It's a Church of Burnt Romances
Chapter 11: Choose your Words Cause Theres no Antidote
Chapter 12: Apologies are Never Gonna Fix This
Chapter 13: You Don't Have to Say You Love me
Chapter 14: You're all I Want, so Much it's Hurting
Chapter 15: I Don't Care What People Say When we're Together
Chapter 16: This Bed was Never Made for Two
Chapter 17: Two Weeks and I'll be Home
Chapter 18: Wherever I go, you Bring me Home

Chapter 4: Things We'd Never Say to Someone Else Out Loud

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School was finally over and everyone had decided they were going to go over to Diana's house so that they could begin planning the party.

Niall and Zayn decided to tweet that Louis would be throwing a huge party at his house tonight around 9pm and that the entry fee was either a bottle of alcohol, some weed, a little cocaine or even shrooms. (Just in case anyone was feeling experimental.)

Ed and Lewis showed up to Louis' house around 8:30 and of course Lewis brought Guinness because he knows how much Niall loves it. He was always trying to suck up to him for who knows why, but clearly Niall didn't mind all too much because it resulted in him getting free Guinness.

By 10:30pm there were around 100 people who had already arrived, most of them were freshmen trying to get a reputation but there were quite a few people from other grades. People kept flooding in with big groups and they honestly lost track of both time and how many people were there.

Louis was sitting on top of the kitchen table doing body shots with random people and all Harry could think about while he was sitting in the corner of the room watching this all happen was how ridiculously stupid, but at the same time kind of hot Louis looked. He tried to push the whole hot thing out of his mind because he knew at this point Louis would absolutely never like him, especially considering the fact he's probably straight.

To no surprise Louis was completely wasted by 12am. It seemed like he must have had a little of everything that was brought to the party (I'm not talking about the food), which wasn't surprising to anyone considering Louis always gets like this at parties, but for some reason this time seemed like it was a little bit different, it could be simply because Harry never really goes to parties so he has never really seen Louis in his, what some may say "natural habitat", but it seemed unhealthy and quite frankly dangerous. The poor boy was hardly even able to walk or talk and on top of that he could barely even open his damn eyes. Harry decided to shake it off because if everyone is used to him being like this then there shouldn't really be an issue. He found himself in the living room sitting on the couch watching people as they awkwardly tried kissing others or trying to dance on them, he felt embarrassed for them and couldn't bear to watch any longer so he went up to the bathroom to have a little breather (and because he had to pee a little bit)

Harry walked up the stairs and opened the first door on his left. There he found a drunk and high Louis who was nearly passed out in the bathtub.

Harry didn't know what to do but he knew he couldn't just let him sit there in a pool of throw up that may not even be his. He lifted Louis' head up a little bit "Louis? You alright lad?"... No response. "Louis? I know you can hear me, so please stop ignoring me, I know we don't get along and all but I'm just trying to help you because I most definitely can't let you sit here in a pool of throw up'' There was still no response, just a few gasps for air. Harry sighed and decided to take him outside to the backyard so he could rinse him off with the hose.

He lifted Louis up out of the vomit and held him bridal style all the way down the stairs and through the house, he was trying his hardest to not bump into people but it was quite difficult since the lights weren't on. He finally made it outside to the backyard. He put Louis down on the grass and went to go find the hose. When Harry came back a few seconds later Louis was sitting up, clearly confused as to how he got outside and what was going on. "Um why am I outside?" he asked while rubbing his head. "You passed out in vomit and I am pretty sure it wasn't even yours" Louis laughed and shook his head "oh okay" Harry smiled and completely forgot what was going on, he was lost in his eyes again, he was drowning. "Um Harold?" Harry's eyes slowly moved away from the smaller boys, Louis' voice was like the anchor that always helped Harry stay stable when he thought he was drowning in his eyes. "Yeah?" Louis ruffled Harry's hair, causing his stomach to flip upside down. "Will you help me rinse off now? This throw up kind of reeks" Harry laughed at Louis, however Louis didn't seem to mind as he was smiling at the taller boy. Harry turned the hose on and rinsed Louis off, surprisingly Louis didn't resist and he was pretty easy going.

Once Louis was done getting rinsed off they went up to the balcony that overlooked the backyard. It could only be accessed by Louis' parents room so they had to walk through there first, Harry felt like he was invading Louis' parents privacy but Louis insisted that it was fine.

Once they were on the balcony Louis plopped down into one of the chairs and started to giggle uncontrollably which caused Harry to start giggling as well. Louis looked up at Harry and pushed his fringe aside, since he was so fucked to the point where he was slurring his words Louis mumbled something that Harry really couldn't understand so he just laughed at him. Louis furrowed his eyebrows at the taller boy "Harold, Hazza, Harry why are you laughin at me?" Harry looked down at Louis and smiled "First off my name isn't Harold or Hazza, it's Harry and secondly I'm laughing at how wasted you are''

Louis was still looking up at Harry with wide eyes and he had been the whole time Harry was speaking. "I know it's not but I like pissing you off." Harry rolled his eyes. "yeah I know that, I've known forever but I just don't understand why you like to, I mean does it bring you joy knowing that you hurt my feelings so much to the point where I'm scared to be myself?" Louis looked down and knew that what Harry was saying was serious and important, but he was drunk and to be fair didn't have complete control over his mouth. "Well no that's not why, it's because you look cute when you get angry" he said while tilting his head. Harry looked up from the ground but before he could say anything Louis reached towards Harry's face and pinched his cheeks. Harry grabbed his cheek and whined "Ow that hurtttt. What was that for?"

"because you looked cute" Louis said with a grin on his face. Harry rolled his eyes and giggled "Lou you are so wasted right now" Louis shook his head "yeah but drunk words are sober thoughts... Hey Hazz? Can you keep a secret?" Harry looked at Louis and blushed, hoping Louis didn't see he was. "yeah I mean I kept your whole Diana thing a secret, did I not?" Louis looked up, but this time with a look of sincerity on his face "yeah but this is different. Like way different."

Harry was nervous but far too curious about what the secret was to even care about it. "Erm ok go on tell me your secret Louis, I mean after all you said it's different and according to everyone I'm different so maybe I will understand." Louis smiled and felt his stomach erupt with butterflies and his heart seemed to melt into a big puddle in his chest

"Harold has anyone ever told you that you are very pretty?" Harry began to blush even more than before "My name isn't Harold and no, not that I can remember." Louis rolled his eyes and said "Okay HAZZA!" Harry rolled his eyes back at him before he got up "alright I think it's time you get some sleep" Louis refused to go back inside the house so he practically latched himself around the younger boy's legs. He rested his head on Harry's knees and looked up at him and started making puppy dog eyes. Harry looked down and said "Oh for god's sake. Fine stay out here in the cold. I won't help you if you get cold." Louis laughed and said "Yes you will and you know it" Harry smiled and knew that he would help him if he got cold, but he didn't want Louis to know that, obviously.

Louis looked back up at Harry and raised his eyebrows "Hey! Whatcha thinking about Harold, oops I mean Hazza." Harry was still looking down at the older boy who was still latched to his leg and let out a laugh "The fact that I'm attending one of the world famous Louis Tomlinson parties and sitting out here on his parents balcony talking with the man himself is just unbelievable." Harry said while throwing his arms back and laughing.

Louis giggled at what Harry had just said "It's my honor." he replied with a soft smile.

Zayn flung open the door that led to the balcony and screamed "VAS SAPPENIN BOYS"

Which caused Louis and Harry to look at each other and burst into laughter. Louis realized he was still latched onto Harry's legs so before Zayn could notice that, he quickly backed up and rested himself against the railings.

Harry being the only one who was almost completely sober looked between Louis and Zayn and decided they should probably get some sleep "alright you two have had enough fun tonight, I say it's time to get you guys to bed." Louis whined but didn't protest this time.

As Harry was walking out of the room Louis grabbed Harry's hand and held it all the way until they reached Louis' room. Harry just assumed it was because he was so wasted he could hardly walk, but in the back of his mind he had hoped it was because Louis just wanted to hold his hand.

Once they entered Louis' room Louis raised his arms out and stuck his bottom lip out and basically began whining and throwing a fit about how it wasn't fair that he had to go to bed but Zayn got to party still. Harry just rolled his eyes at him and grabbed him a pair of PJ's and waited outside his room until he let him know he could come back in again by screaming some random gibberish words.

Harry opened the door and found Louis sitting on his bed, his legs were criss-crossed "HAROLD, oops I meant HAZZA! COME JOIN ME!" Louis yelped. Harry shook his head and laughed but decided he would join Louis anyway.

Louis lightly grabbed Harry's chin and pulled it upwards so that Harry was looking into his eyes, he smiled at the boy and lightly pushed Harry's curls out of his eyes. Harry was confused about what Louis was doing but he wasn't complaining about it, if he's being completely honest he has always had a small crush on Louis but nobody knows this, not even Liam or Noelle.

Harry just smiled at the thought that THE Louis Tomlinson was showing HIM affection in a way that wasn't tripping him in the hallway or by shoving him into the lockers and pinning him against the wall or even by choking him. This time he was pinning him against the bed and choking him in a way that wasn't to make sure he couldn't breathe or speak.

Harry was flustered but he quickly remembered that Louis was drunk out of his mind  so he tried to get out of the situation so he didn't feel guilty or that he took advantage of Louis, but before he was able to free himself he felt the warmth of Louis' soft lips against his own. Harry quickly pulled away, and shook his head. He got up and looked at Louis "Louis you're completely fucked right now" with that said he got up and headed towards the door but right as he grabbed the doorknob Louis yelled out "yeah completely fucked for you" Hearing Louis say that made Harry's stomach twist into a knot, he felt like throwing up so he rushed out of the room and sent Ed up to his room so he could take care of Louis for the rest of the night because Harry most certainly couldn't, not without something happening again.

As Harry left the party everything that happened on the balcony and in his room kept replaying in his head. Harry tried his hardest to take his mind off of it but he just couldn't. All he could think about was how Louis fucking Tomlinson kissed him.

Harry could NOT fall asleep that night, he still couldn't stop thinking about Louis and how he's completely head over heels for the boy. Though he really didn't want to be, he just couldn't help it. Louis was far too charming.

All of the next day Harry tried to take his mind off of what had happened last night and so he decided to call Liam and see if he wanted to hang out, Liam obviously said yes, I mean he would NEVER turn down hanging out with his best friend.

Harry was contemplating whether he should tell Liam about last night or not, he decided not to or at least not until he knew that everything that had happened last night was genuine and not just because Louis was on a whole bunch of stuff, and plus he still wasn't sure if Louis was gay and if he was he wouldn't want to out him.

Harry and Liam ended up going to get pizza and watch a movie afterwards, everything was going smooth and there was still no mention of the party or about how Harry wasn't with Liam and Noelle at all last night, until Liam brought it up on the way back from the movie.

"Hey Harry, can I ask you something?" Harry looked up from his phone and turned to look at Liam "yeah, you know you can ask me anything. What's up?" Liam quickly looked away from the road to look over at Harry then he quickly turned his eyes back to the road "you disappeared last night." Harry felt his heart start to beat faster, he got a little nervous but he couldn't let Liam know that. "erm, yeah" Liam didn't move his eyes off the road this time "Where did you go?"

Harry knew he couldn't tell Liam the truth because he didn't want Louis to find out that he knew and after all Louis might not even remember last night so for those reasons he NEEDED to come up with a lie.

"Erm yeah sorry 'bout that Li, I was upstairs helping out this one girl I met named Olivia or something like that. She got really sick and was throwing up all over the floor and I couldn't just leave her there like that" Harry technically didn't lie he just switched the names, Olivia was this girl from school that wasn't too popular so the chances of her being at the party were pretty low which was what made it a good lie.

Liam tore his eyes from the road for a quick second and looked over at Harry with a look that made Harry's stomach drop, he could tell Liam didn't believe him. "What?" Harry asked. "Nothing, I just didn't know Olivia liked parties all that much" Harry looked at Liam "well we don't like parties that much either but we went, did we not?" Liam shook his head and laughed "yeah I guess so" Right as Liam finished his sentence he pulled up in front of Harry's house. Harry invited him in to play some video games but Liam politely declined and said he had promised his mom he'd be home by 9, so with that said they said a quick goodbye and then Harry hopped out of the car and waved at Liam before entering his house.

As Harry opened his front door he called out a quick "I'M HOME" before he ran up the stairs and plopped down on his bed. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and debated on whether he should text Louis and ask how he's feeling or not, he decided he would.

Meanwhile at Louis'...

Louis woke up drenched in sweat and probably had one of the worst hangovers he's ever had. He was extremely confused about why there was no girl in his arms, considering that's what usually happened. He was also confused about what exactly happened the night before, Louis couldn't tell if that actually happened or it was just a dream.

Throughout the whole day the thought rattled inside Louis' brain, he thought to himself "Even if it was a dream, why with Haz- Harry?!" It would have been worse if it was real though, Louis hates Harry, or at least that's what he tries to make people believe.

Louis was trying his best to forget about the dream he had so he decided to go get ready for the day by taking a shower and brushing his teeth.

Once he was finished he quickly ruffled his wet hair into a towel and then wrapped it around his waist and walked back to his room so he could get dressed. He picked out a plain white t-shirt and a pair of red pants.

He threw the towel in the laundry basket and made his way down the stairs to the kitchen so he could grab something to eat.

When he got downstairs he was greeted by the smell of alcohol and sweat. He saw about 10 people passed out on the floor, two of which being Noelle and Niall. "For fucks sake Niall." Louis said under his breath. He rolled his eyes at the scene and made his way over to the kitchen and grabbed an apple. He sat down at the kitchen table and was scrolling through Instagram, Facebook and twitter, making sure to like and comment on peoples posts about the party.

Once he finished his apple he stood up and stretched before making his way over to the compost bin to dispose of his apple core.

He took another look at the people who were passed out and shook his head before waking everyone up and forcing them to leave his home

After everyone had left Louis' house he went around and checked out all the bedrooms in the house to see who was in each room and how trashed it was.

He went to all four main rooms and surprisingly no one was in any of them and they were all in pretty decent shape, despite a few empty solo cups and a few condom wrappers on the floor.

When he reached the last bedroom of the house, the guest bedroom, he saw Diana and Zayn in the bed. Louis' jaw dropped at the sight, he wasn't surprised but he definitely was not expecting this.

Zayn and Diana were cuddling, and that's not what surprised him because they are usually like that, the thing that he was surprised about was the fact that they had no clothes on.

Louis quietly shut the door and ran downstairs to grab Niall so he could bring him to the room and show him what was going on.

Of course Niall being who he is, he started to laugh uncontrollably. Niall's loud laugh ended up startling Diana and Zayn, causing them to wake up in a panic.  Zayn's eyes widened so much they looked like they were going to pop out of his head and fall on the floor, Niall started laughing even harder than before. "GET THE FUCK OUT" Zayn yelled, clearly annoyed and a little confused as to what was happening. Niall and Louis turned around and exited the room in tears from laughing so hard.

Louis and Niall were in the living room talking about the party and how neither of them really remembered anything, well Louis obviously did remember something, but he didn't want to think about it.

He felt his phone buzz in his pocket so he reached into them and retrieved it. "Who is it?" Niall asked, observing the look of confusion that was quickly placed onto Louis' face. "Uh I actually don't know, it's from an unsaved number"  Niall raised his eyebrows and smirked "you don't think it's some rando girl from last night, do you?" Louis rolled his eyes and opened the message. "Hey Lou, it's Harry" Louis' heart dropped. "Is it, Louis?" Niall asked, trying to get a look at Louis' screen. Louis turned his phone away from Niall so he was unable to read it. "No it's not some rando girl from last night, as a matter of fact I didn't even sleep with anyone, so screw off" Niall laughed and then got up from his seat and made his way to the bathroom.

Louis finally opened the message up fully and began to read.

Harry: Hey Lou, It's Harry. I don't know how much you remember from last night but I just wanted to make sure you're feeling better. Last night you were pretty wasted and I found you almost passed out on the floor and so I had to help you find your way to bed last night.

Louis furrowed his eyebrows and was nervous that what he was trying to convince himself was a dream actually wasn't a dream. He didn't know what to respond with so he typed the first thing that came to mind.

Louis: How'd you get my number you creep?

As Harry read the message Louis sent him he laughed at it a little, he was also expecting him to just ignore the message altogether so the fact he got a response almost immediately made him smile.

Harry: Niall gave it to me last night.

Louis shook his head and was going to kill Niall once he was out of the bathroom.

Louis: Damn that blonde headed Irish boy.

Louis: So curly. What exactly happened last night?

Harry was contemplating if he should tell Louis the truth or if he should lie about it. Harry knew it was only right to tell him because he should know what happened so he decided he would tell him, but not right now, and especially not over text because he didn't want anyone to accidentally see his messages and Louis probably didn't want that either.

Harry: I'll tell you at school because I'm pretty sure we would both be pretty embarrassed if someone accidentally saw these messages.

Louis' heart stopped for a moment, he was worried he had done something more than a kiss. There was absolutely no way he could wait until school to hear about last night.

Louis: nooooooo tell me nowwwwww

Harry could hear Louis' voice while he read the message, "fuck" he said quietly to himself, he knew he was in great danger because his heart was all light and his stomach felt like it was being used as a trampoline.

Harry: noooo, I can'tttt.

Harry all of a sudden had a brilliant idea, he was going to ask Louis to hangout. I mean technically it's not hanging out because it will probably just be Harry telling Louis what happened last night and then Louis nodding his head and then leaving, so therefore it wasn't really hanging out.

Harry: Actually you know what? How about you meet me at Princess park in 30mins and then I'll tell you then, sound good?

Louis smiled at the message but quickly wiped it away once he realized who he was texting.

Louis: But what if I get seen in public with YOU?

Harry's heart felt like it got stabbed a little bit as he read the message from Louis, he thought things were going pretty good considering the only insult Louis had used so far was creep but now it seems like things took a turn for the worse.

Harry: Ouch that didn't hurt

Louis frowned and felt bad about what he said, truth be told, Louis always felt bad for the shit he did to Harry, but he just couldn't help it. It's not his fault Harry looks like that.

Louis: awe curly, I was only joking. And yeah that sounds good, see you then.

Harry smiled so wide it caused his cheeks to hurt, he couldn't believe what was going to happen in THIRTY minutes. He realized he had no clue what he was thinking and began to panic. "HOLY SHIT I'M GOING TO HANGOUT WITH THE LOUIS TOMLINSON IN THIRTY MINUTES! WHAT DO I WEAR???" Harry practically screamed.

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