My Fate in Your Hands (Dragon...

By pallakosi17

134 12 0

A simple boy is chosen to save the world. And when he thought that the strongest opponent is the most difficu... More

2. Familiar Faces
* * *
A Grave Mistake
Demon Picoolo

1. Big Comeback

21 2 0
By pallakosi17



He opened eyes interrupting meditation as he sensed the approaching god's ki. In las few months it has been rare for him to be honored by presence of Kami. Many times he had seen him stand pensively at the edge of the marble floor watching his charges on Earth. But he never dared interrupt him. And the closer 23 Tenkaichi Budokai was, the more often the god stayed in isolation.

After the death of his grandfather, he lived he lived away from civilization in harmony with nature and his only companions were wild animals. He never left his home Paozu Mountains and his grandfather was the only human he had ever seen. Then Bulma appeared in his life. She was looking for the mysterious Dragon Balls and he decided to go with her. Everything has changed since then. Their extraordinary adventures made him grow stronger and better. He met many masters, made many friends and faced many dangers. Finally Piccolo Daimao stood in the way of Son Goku. Pure evil that has regin terror on Earth again. Without hesitating, boy took up a fight with him and, miraculously avoiding death, he saved the world. His friends were not so lucky.

However, Goku did not give up. To bring them back to life, he risk again and went where no human had gone before. He reached the thresholds of Heaven and in return for fulfilling his request, he agreed to train under the watchful eye of god himself. Thus, Shen Long returned, fallen friends back to life and he began three years of murderous preparations for the 23 Tenkaichi Budokai on which the reborn Piccolo Daimao was to appear. Goku was determined but also very excited. However, when  Kami made him realize that in order to save the world he would have to kill Piccolo, he did not like this information.

During these three years of hard training in the heavens, he was brutally made aware that killing was evil. In order to regain the balance of his conscience and the purity of heart, which he did not want to lose at all costs, he decided to never take anyone's life again. But god expected Goku to break this resolution and kill Piccolo. And with this, his too. Goku had guessed this for a long time, but it was Mister Popo who confirmed his suspicions. For this Goku could not allow. That's why he wanted to do everything possible to not to have to kill Piccolo Daimao.

It was then, that he decided to enter the Room of Spirit and Time, even though both Kami and Mr. Popo had warned him that he was not ready yet. He ignored it and with his firm resolve he took the risk. Risks which, if not for the interference of Mister Popo, would have cost him his life. He stayed in the Room for only a month, and the torments of body and soul that he experienced there left their mark on him. His body was exhausted and his spirit was broken. Still, he didn't want to give up. As soon as he regained strength, he returned to intense training and put into it twice as much effort as before.

- Son Goku ... - to his ears came the sound of a wooden cane knocking on the marble floor - Are you ready?

- Yes - Goku got up and turned towards the god, clenching his fists. Kami stopped beside him, raised his hand and conjured Goku a new outfit - Turban and cloak? - Asked the boy stroking his head and examining his body - And where is my gi? Kamesennin may not remember it.

- Here - the god conjured up a small bag - along with money for accommodation and food - he held out his hand with a few bills.

- Why can't I wear my gi? - Goku snorted, grabbing the money and stuffing it into his coat pocket.

- I don't want your appearance to attracted attention, Goku. The turban will cover your distinctive hair and the coat will distort your figure. This will make even if Piccolo can sense you, he won't recognize you. If he found you before the Tournament, it could cause serious trouble.

- But I can control my ki - Goku sighed dissatisfied taking things from the Kami.

- I know, but being careful won't hurt. Here. Take this too - Kami handed Goku a red pole that Mister Popo had just brought.

- Grandpa's pole? - the boy shouted in surprise - I thought it had to stay here.

- Take it with you. You may need it.

- Oh that's great! - beaming, Goku grabbed the pole, stroked it in his hands and tied it to the bag - Thank you!

- And an umbrella. It will rain on Papaya Island.

- Thank you, Kami-sama.

- Goku. I hope you finally took what I told you to heart.

- Yes - Goku frowned - But it won't be necessary, Kami-sama. I will defeat Piccolo without killing him.

- Optimism is a magnificent trait, Goku - sighed the old man - But you are the one who know best, that life is not that simple.

- I know. That's why I'd rather fight than give up at the start! - from Goku was beating incredible confidence, which for a moment eclipsed even Kami.

- Good luck then, boy - the worried god placed his old hand on Goku's shoulder - From now on, my fate is in your hands. I will watch over you.

Goku nodded humbly, grabbed his things and ran to the edge of the floor.

- See ya! - he shouted jumping down. He was falling with incredible speed, feeling the wind in his hair and growing excitement - Hey Korin-sama! Do you have Senzu for me? - he asked, when he landed on the railing of Korin's tower, then grabbed the three beans that the cat had thrown him - Thanks!

- Good luck Goku! - Korin shouted.

Goku smiled and summoned Kinto. Cloud, although it had not seen him for three years, immediately appeared on call.

- It's nice to see you - Goku hugged a yellow cloud - Do you know that I can fly too? Are we racing?

The cloud whirred cheerfully and started. Goku after it. They flew head to head, but the boy slowly began to lag behind until he finally stopped.

- Poof, you are so fast, I can barely catch you - the cloud returned to the gasping Goku and lifted him on its back. Goku stroked her affectionately - This Bukujutsu is not that easy - he sighed - I'll have to practice it. But now to Papaya Island! I can't wait! Here I come, Piccolo! - he shouted happily. The cloud was flying and he spread his hands to felt the refreshing breeze with his whole body. Finally felt free.

Meanwhile, the Kami was standing at the edge of his lookout, looking in the direction where his pupil had disappeared, and he felt the blow of the same refreshing breeze. Leaning on his cane, he sighed, closed his eyes, and let his consciousness drift away from him.


- Kami-sama was right, it's raining - Goku unfolded the red umbrella. Seeing the contours of a small island, he lowered flight and landed near the arena. He jumped off the Kinto - I'll go on my own now - patted the cloud and walked forward, looking around.

For almost three years he was completely cut off from civilization. Appearing after such a time among people, in the hustle and bustle of the city, it was like his first encounter with the world after leaving Mount Paozu. Goku couldn't stop looking at the huge neon lights and posters advertising Tenkaichi Budokai, passing cars and people bumping into him and running away from the rain to hotels. His excitement grew. When he passed the corner of the red wall, he noticed familiar figures standing in front of the tournament arena entry. A short, old man in a suit, a piglet, a flying cat and two women. Seeing them, his heart skipped a beat and a big smile appeared on his face. The younger woman unsuccessfully tried to reach the balloon tangled in the leaves of the tree. Goku would recognize her blue hair anywhere. While she and the old man started arguing, Goku approached them and easily reached for the balloon.

- Hey! - he shouted cheerfully. They stopped their quarrel and looked at him in surprise - Here you are, Bulma - the boy give the balloon to the stunned girl - Master! You are back to life. You all look great - Goku continued happily. The friends were still watching confused. Only the blue-haired Lunch seemed to suspect something. Finally, when the boy asked about the absentees, mentioning their names, they realized.

- No way! Goku? Is it you? - they were asking in disbelief.

- What are you talking about? Of course it's me - Goku laughed, but quickly understood why his friends acted like that. The Kami's camouflage. It worked perfectly. They didn't recognize him - Just because I've got this wrapped around my head you don't recognize me? I'll take it off. Take a good look.

Goku started unwrapping the bandages from his head, and the shock of the friends grew more and more, instead of decrease.

- Well? Obvious now, right? It's me, Son Goku - he smiled - Did you guys shrink or something? - he asked surprised, approaching to Bulma.

- No, it's you who have grown up - the girl replied, speechless.

- I might have grown some... - Goku stroked head.

- Is that really you, Son? - Bulma still couldn't believe what she was seeing. During their last meeting, Goku was far from looking like this. However, her doubts were dispelled when the boy seriously asked if she was sick, pointing to her red lips - It's lipstick! - she huffed and then added - Yes, it is Son.

- Goku, go sign up - Muten Roshi urged the boy as the organizers again called for those who want to take part in the tournament.

- And Kuririn and the rest have already done it? - Goku asked.

- They haven't come yet - said old man worried.

The boy went to sign on the list of participants, and when he came back his absent friends still weren't here. Soon after, it was announced that registration time was about to end. Friends started to get nervous and think what to do in this situation. It was impossible to sign for the absent ones and Puar and Ulong would not have had time to turn into all of them to impersonate them. Even the rain had stopped. All that's left was to wait. Everyone was very concerned. Everyone except Goku.

- They will be soon - he ensured worried Bulma. She anxiously walked around. The others kept glancing hopefully at the passing cars. Goku, on the other hand, with stoic calmness, leaned against the wall and followed the rapidly approaching ki of his friends. And then, when the organizer announced the last two minutes of signups, Goku felt it - They made it.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Kuririn, Yamcha, Tenshinhan, and Chaozu appeared. Each of them smiling. They looked much stronger and more hardened. Without wasting time, they went to register. They made it at the last minute. Surprised friends approached to greet them.

- Hi! - Yamcha waved the crowd. Puar flew to his arms happily. Tenshinhan and Chaozu also said hello.

- We just bumped into each other - explained Kuririn - Look at as, Master. Look how much I grew - he laughed as he approached Muten Roshi.

- You look great, Kuririn - Goku replied with a smile, placing hand on his friend's shoulder - Now we are all here.

- G-G... Goku ... - Kuririn could not hide his surprise and growing emotion. The others were also looking at Goku in bewilderment - Goku! You idiot! - Kuririn hugged a friend much taller than him - I came back to life thanks to you! I will never forget it! Thank you!

- I'm also happy, Kuririn - Goku's heart pouredwith warmth seeing his friend's joy and hearing his gratitude. Only now did hefeel how much he missed all of them.


When the first emotions subsided, fatigue and hunger were felt. Luckily, Muten Roshi rented out rooms at a nearby hotel to everyone. As soon as they entered and the Master went to get the keys, they were struck by the smells of the dishes from the hotel restaurant.

- Master, I'm starving - Goku groaned to the returning old man.

- Oh, yes, we are hungry too - joined the men.

- Okay, let's go eat - Muten Roshi smiled and they go to the restaurant.

Not only Goku, but the other warriors, ordered large portions of various dishes. After a while, there was nothing to hear but swallowing, munching and smacking plates. Fifteen minutes later, everyone was smiling with full belly.

- Are you done? - Muten Roshi asked. A cheerful nodding answered him - OK. I'll pay - the old man got up. Unexpectedly, Goku got up too.

- Master, is this enough for my meal? - boy took crumpled bills from his coat pocket and handed Muten Roshi.

- Goku! You have the money? How? - the old man asked, surprised.

- Kami-sama gave me. For food and room.

- You don't have to Goku. Keep them for another occasion.

- But I don't need money - replied Goku.

- I'll pay - Bulma came up to him, put hand on his shoulder and smiled coquettishly. Goku shyly gave a smile back - Roshi is right. Keep the money for another time - she closed the bills in his fist.

- Ok.

- You heard it? Bulma pays! - Kuririn shouted and poured a glass of strong drink, which was on the table next to the food. Bulma broke away from Goku and was about to say something but Muten Roshi spoke.

- Kuririn, be careful with alcohol - warned his pupil and turned to the others - Don't sit too long and get enough sleep, my dear boys. Come on, Lunch. I will show you your room - he started walk to the door. Summoned, the girl got up and carefully passed him, disappearing in the doorway - Good night - he muttered as he left.

- Good night, Master! - the men shouted after the old man.

- Well, what would you like to drink? - Kuririn asked looking at his friends. Everyone looked at each other uncertainly - Oh, come on. We're grown up. We meet after all this time. We have to celebrate this.

- Kuririn is right - Bulma joined - I'll drink, and you Goku? - she looked at her friend.

The idea of drinking alcohol with him seemed brilliant to Bulma. They will relax and be able to talk freely. Ever since she saw him, she couldn't take her eyes off him. And when he finally removed his broad coat, she could clearly see his muscles sketched on his slender black shirt. He was tall and handsome and much better built. He was nothing like this little runt she had seen three years ago. He was a man now, fully grown man. She seemed that Goku also noticed that she changed. He asked her about lipstick and she saw him glanced at her and her breasts while they waited for the boys. Bulma wondered, maybe he finally became interested in women.

- What would you like to drink? - she asked.

- Goku loves beer - Kuririn laughed - Do you remember Goku? You drank Muten Roshi beer thinking it was juice.

- I remember. It was terribly bitter - Goku grimaced.

- Bitter, but you drank the whole can.

- I was thirsty.

Bulma chuckled, but it came out her too nervous. Everyone looked at her.

- Come on, Son. Try this - Bulma poured the contents of the jug standing by the buffet into a glass and handed it to him.

- What's that? - Goku asked receiving the drink.

- Sake. Taste it - she encouraged him, pushing his hand to his mouth. Goku looked at her uncertainly, but drained the glass - You like it? - she asked seeing no reaction from him.

- Not bad.

- Oh, then have another - she smiled - you need... ymm... I mean you all need - Bulma corrected quickly - relaxation before tomorrow.

- Bulma is right. Let's relax - Kuririn laughed.

- Tell me guys. How was yours preparation for the tournament? - Goku asked with smile, after Bulma put another glass in his hand.

Tenshinhan and Kuririn began to talk vividly abouttheir adventures, travel around the world and hard training. Bulma tried tolisten and show interest in the conversation, but she failed. Tired withstories excited men and alcohol, she was drifting away more and more towardsthe laughing Goku.

Various scenarios were born in her mind. Perhaps she would escort him to his room and say goodbye with a kiss. But does Son know what a kiss is. Has he ever kissed someone? He traveled the world, maybe he learned a few things. After all, he doesn't pat random women anymore. Bulma giggled. With dreamy eyes, leaning on elbows, she was watching Goku gesticulating vividly and her eyes were falling lower and lower. She was wonder if he is so well built there too...

- You are bored? - Bulma jumped up and looked at Yamcha, who moved closer to her - I can entertain you - he kissed her cheek.

- I do not want to. You left me without a word for so long - she snorted, turning away from him.

- I missed you - Yamcha continued stroking her neck.

- How much did you drink?

- Just a little - he muttered and touched her breasts. Bulma jumped to her feet. Everyone looked at her.

- Bulma? You are going to sleep? Goku asked innocently.

- Yes. I mean ... we should all go to sleep by now. After all, tomorrow you must be in full strength.

- Yes Bulma is right - Tenshinhan also stood up - It's nice to talk, but let's not forget that tomorrow we will be rivals - he looked significantly at Goku - I can't wait for our fight Goku.

Goku also got up and smiling defiantly, he replied in a serious tone, after which Bulma felt a tingling in the lower body.

- Me too. This time the victory will be mine.

Tenshinhan give back smile, then turned and left room with Chaozu.

- It is going to be very interesting tournament - Kuririn tapped Goku on the shoulder, standing up.

- Yes - Goku frowned - I'm going to sleep.

- I'm going with you. We have the same room - Kuririn took from his pocket the key that Muten Roshi had given him earlier.

- Great! Together again. Like in the old days - Goku smiled.

- Yes. To think that we will get this far - Kuririn sighed and with his friend went to the door - I still can't forgive you that you were sleeping with Lunch and I had to listen to the Master's snoring.

- It just happened - Goku laughed, rubbing his head - Apparently she liked me.

- Yes - Kuririn muttered - all the girls have always liked you - he added glumly and disappeared with Goku in the doorway.

Bulma all this time wondered what was happening to her. The longer she looked at Goku, the more she couldn't take eyes off him. She watched him carefully, listened to what he was saying and his innocent smile making her legs soft. She sighed. The chance to escort him to his room is gone, but all is not lost. Tomorrow after the tournament, they will celebrate his victory, and then no one will be surprised when she congratulates him and kisses him on the cheek or lips. And after that, she will offer him to stay with her. And she will introduce him to the world of male-female relations and teach him everything. Bulma felt that she was blushing

- So, are we going to the room? - Yamcha asked seeing her blush. Bulma looked at him coldly.

- You' don't sleep with Puar? - she snapped - Anyway, I sleep with Lunch - she got up and threw the wallet on the table - Here, pay - and then she left.

Moments later, without a word, she entered room and sat down on the bed. She watched Lunch getting ready to go to sleep.

- That old pervert didn't hurt you? - she asked.

- No - Lunch smiled. Bulma sent her a doubting look and turned at the window.

- It's raining again. I hope they not cancel the tournament - she sighed.

- It will be fine. They predict sunny weather for tomorrow.

Smiling, Bulma fell on the bed. Despite the exhaustion, she felt that she would not fall asleep today. So many emotions, so many crazy, unexpected thoughts. Tomorrow promises to be exciting. She closed her eyes and started thinking about Goku again.

But, she was not the only one.



She was standing at the window. With her heart racing, she listened to the melody played by the clock tower. For this moment, she have been preparing for the last few months, or actually the last seven years. She couldn't stopped her excitement. Tomorrow was to be the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai, during which ChiChi would step against her dreams and face her destiny, which name was Son Goku.

When she meet him she was twelve. He appeared suddenly and did something that no one else could do before. He made, that her impetuous father never hurt anyone again and she could finally enjoy a peaceful childhood surrounded by her peers and love, without death and evil around. This inconspicuous boy with a tail on a magic cloud changed her life forever. She owes him everything.

He agreed to come back to her one day and marry her. Since then, she has thought nothing but him and their life together. She bought teen magazines and read the love stories of her peers, imagining Goku's longed-for return. Helping the maids and cooks, she became familiar with the basic duties of a housewife to run her future home impeccably. She read many books on cooking, sewing, knitting, and raising children, as well as articles on a wife's responsibilities to her husband. She was very knowledgeable, not afraid of challenges, and she quickly gained experience in every new field that would help her become the perfect wife she wanted to be for Goku.

Martial arts could not be missing among it. And being the daughter of the great Gyu-Mao, "demons lord", graduate of the Turtle School, ChiChi had the perfect conditions to become a martial artist. Even as a little girl, she was far beyond her peers, which was noticed even by Goku. She knew that he was a two-time runner-up for Tenkaichi Budokai, which made him one of the strongest men in the world. She was also pretty sure that he had defeated the RR Army and killed Piccolo Daimao. Martial arts was his life, so she had to train diligently to impress him and meet all his requirements. She couldn't be his wife and not keep up with him. And she wanted a strong husband. She knew that only a strong man would be able to cope with her impulsive temperament. So her husband must have been very strong. Stronger than her. The strongest in the world.

She was patiently waiting for Goku. She guessed that, as true artist of art, he travels, getting stronger and perfecting his skills before the next tournament where she knew he would be showing up to win the championship he wanted. As a child, she still had a lot of time to get married. But now she was a young woman and she wanted to get married. So when she couldn't wait for Goku to return to her after the 23 Tenkaichi Budokai, she had no doubts about it, she had a crazy idea and decided to take part in tournament herself. She will personally find out how strong Goku is and prove to him that she is the right woman to become his wife.

Yesterday she packed a small bag and left the house under the cover of night. After arriving at Papaya Island, she went to apply as a participant in the Tenkaichi Budokai. Hearing that Son Goku has not arrived yet, she decided to wait for him. She hoped they would spend the night together before the tournament and catch up. However, the rain spoiled her plans. She did not have an umbrella and she did not want to greet her chosen one, being soaked. So she went to the hotel and decided that tomorrow would be this big day.

Staring at the dancing drops, observing the wet city, ChiChi got scared when she heard a very close strike of lightning. The clock tower's melody had stopped. Torn out of her thoughts, she shaded the curtains, as the blue-haired woman in the opposite window did it. She went to bed, but was unable to sleep. She imagined that when she met Goku, he would be so happy to see her. He will see her as a beautiful woman, an outstanding martial artist, and he will want to marry her as soon as possible. They will have a perfect life, a wonderful home, and will raise a beautiful and strong child.

ChiChi hugged the pillow and, remembering the pleasant moments she spent with Goku, she fell asleep happy. She had no idea that her beloved was closer than she thought, sleeping across the street and expecting nothing.

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Next: Familiar Faces

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