Ennead: Goddess of Sand

By friendlysneez

26.5K 590 58

Jealousy and birth of lies leads to bloodlust war that will not stop until all power over the world won't con... More

The Creation of Life and Betrayal
The Judgment
Forgotten Son
Judgement of Ennead
He's Back
Warriors of The Sand
The Haunted Past
The Night of Regrets
In Danger
Maternal Ties
The Beginning of the End
The King's Fall
The Truth That Created Chaos
The Breathing Corpse

Victim and the Beast

1.4K 37 4
By friendlysneez

Seutekh gently placed Anubis onto the bed of his room while Isis patiently gazed at her sister, making sure she won't do anything unnecessary. Seutekh stared worryingly at Anubis as sweat formed on his forehead. She didn't say nothing but once she leaned closer she whispered words that were only meant for him. The words were expressed so silently that even Seutekh thought that she said those words to herself.

"What did you tell Anubis?" Isis asked plainly as she leaned to the wall, crossing her arms when Seutekh approached her direction.
"Whatever I told him is only meant for him, not you." Seutekh replied just as plainly as her sister did. Then out of nowhere she formed a mocking smirk on her face
"That bastard really thought everything through. He knows that if I kill him right now then Anubis will die with him. If I leave everything and follow him to Duat, Anubis will survive.....He even harmed Anubis with my own hands...I...." Seutekh started giggling at herself, as if madness slowly taking over her mind. Isis sternly looked at her, not saying a word. Then Seutekh turned her attention towards Isis
"I can't even defeat him. No matter what I do, he always finds a way to screw me over....Even after his death."
Isis was silent the while time

"You really are going mad." Isis commented as Seutekh started laughing afterwards. She slowly approached the statue beside her as her left hand sat on her hip.
"Didn't I tell you, I used to kill many women, especially prostitutes, who looked like you." Said Seutekh as it reminded her of her victims who pathetically, covered in dirt and blood, sat in front of her, waiting for their end. One woman caught her eye as she approached her

"and when I looked at their eyes, I was reminded of you. The eyes that were filled with anger by betrayal of their loved ones rather than the fear of their fate, were very similar to yours. And it made me angry because of how pathetic they looked." Then Seeutekh started walking towards Isis

"The look of a victim, who is a beast underneath..." The goddess then formed her sword in her hand and raised it towards her sister's throat.

"But I wonder. Why did you spill your tears on that day? Was it because you felt Osiris' death through Nile waters? Were you angry at me for killing him? If it were true.... Why did you curse us?" Seutekh asked her sister curiously as she remembered her words on that day

"Nobody will recieve the desired." Isis was silent for a momment before a smile formed on her lips

"And I assumed you were stupid enough to not figure it out until it's too late. Never thought that you would be the first person to know. I'm a little embarrassed." Isis crossed her arms once again while Seutekh lowered her sword.

"Cut the bullshit. Answer my question first: what was the actual reason of you cursing both of us?" Seutekh asked as she impatiently waited for Isis' response. Isis' smiled faded and with her unsurprised expression she answered

"Remember that day... you tried to convince me to join your side and admit you as the ruler? You even promised me a high status and riches in return of my support-" Isis suddenly paused as she smirked at how Seutekh's weakly persuaded her at that time.

"Do you think I have gone mad? For thousands of years you didn't take me for anything. You think I went insane enough to help you? You are the sole reason of my sufferings. And Osiris went insane, not because he killed Nephtus, but because he wanted you!!!" Isis yelled desperately as Seutekh silently listened to her, a furrow growing within each word. She then started clapping, slowly and almost mockingly.

"What a great performance Isis. A very great one......you blaming me for your suffering when you were the one who betrayed me first." Isis then furrowed her brows by Seutekh's reaction.

"Why you-"

"Seriously, I can't even expect anything from you. You blaming me for everything just proves my point."Before Isis could react a hard force hit her face, which made her fall down. Isis widened her eyes in pain and shock as she grabbed her now red cheek and covered it with her hand. She then looked up just as Seutekh approached her, eyes glowing in a sinister light.

"Do not forget who made this mess in the first place, Isis. It is your beloved Osiris who caused you all this suffering, not me. Don't even dare thinking that you tried to prevent that incident from happening. We both know your sins."

'And mine........'

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