Maternal Ties

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Anubis peacefully slept in the temple. He quietly dreamed his past life with his mom. When he was little, she taught him how to hunt without being seen by his prey. Whenever he caught it, his mom would raise him to her arms and kiss him lovingly. Anubis shed tears by the memory, but he felt uneasiness when he suddenly woke up by the harsh sound. But when he stood up, it was quiet, only the crackling and popping noises of firewood that lit up his view. It was silent for a momment until he heard another sound, now the sound of pounding. Anubis turned around towards the firewood and felt an uneasy presence, a very powerful presence. He was confused

"Lord Osiris?" He called out, not knowing how to react. Anubis gazed at the fireplace, whose flames has risen. The presence he felt has started to grow but he didn't know the reason.

"Why...?" He asked. And in the dark, Anubis' own shadow started forming the body of Osiris. That same uneasy sound began again and the flames grew even larger. Anubis was now scared and he tried to get away. But the flames grew to an immense size and started engulfing Anubis as the figure of Osiris has become more vivid.

"AAAHHHHH!" Anubis screeched before the flames completely engulfed him.

"Anubis!" Seutekh yelled as she searched the whole temple. Her body, her sand looked at every corner and at every sight.

"He must be here...somewhere." she thought to herself. But out of nowhere she noticed a figure moving in the corner of her eye. She started moving towards it when she suddenly stopped dead in her track. Seutekh saw Osiris, or at least the version of him. His skin was wrinkled with veins at the back of his neck and back, while his eyes looked dead as a night sky. Osiris turned his attention on Seutekh and she looked at him in shock.

"WHERE IS ANUBIS!" she demanded from Osiris as she looked at him with disgust. She was repulsed to even see such grotesque form in front of her, especially when it was the man she hated. However, desperation of finding her son was what she felt the most. So without thinking, she demanded answers

"DON'T TELL ME YOU...YOU..!" She paused, as if hoping her speculation is not correct. Osiris silently stared at her, not saying a word. He then looked at her hand that was stained with her own blood.

"It won't work." He replied coldly. He was aware on what she was doing and why.

"What?!" Seutekh exclaimed, puzzled by his words.

"Your ritual won't work on him. It will not protect anyone, even Anubis." Something snapped in her mind as her eyes widened with rage and she gritted her teeth with just him saying his name.

"YOU BASTARD!!!" she yelled as she formed a sword in her hand and quickly attacked Osiris. But when she was about to strike him her attack was blocked by the god's hand. She struggled to get her hand back and when her eyes met with Osiris', her anger grew even more. She turned her hand into a sand and pushes her arm back to get free. The god of life looked at her hand that slowly sank into a sand with a heavy mind

"I would be fair to give Isis a chance for revenge." Osiris spoke calmly as Seutekh's arms twitched to readjust her hands with sand. His gaze was now pointed towards her

"But this is enough. You are going with me to Duat." He replied quietly. Seutekh's eyes widened by such response and she noticed that instead of hands, a group of thorns started growing instead.

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