you're the best around - (dan...

By finish__him

31.4K 567 215

[I do not own The Karate Kid/Cobra Kai trilogy] [This is only a fan-made story/fan fiction]... More

ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇsᴛ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ
ᴄʜ.1 (in the beginning)
ch.2 (young times at the beach)


802 14 2
By finish__him

--playing (Don't Fear)The Reaper by The Blue Oyster Cult--

--the next day (cobra kai dojo)--

[Johnny, Dutch, Bobby, and Tommy explain to their sensei that they were jumped by an old man the night before- which wasn't exactly what had occurred, but for all Sensei Kreese knew it was the truth. Scarlette silently trains her karate, she has to sort her thoughts out on how to continue after last night. Daniel and Mr. Miyagi walked into the dojo, they weren't acknowledged or noticed yet. They watch the training proceed after looking above them to see the poster for this year's All Valley Karate Tournament]

"Combat!" [The sensei calls as the students sit in a square on the mat in a perfect and orderly fashion] "Sevem, Brown." [Scarlette and Bobby enter the center of the student's square formation and prepare to spar] "Ai!" [Scarlette stares down Bobby- they chop at eachother a couple times when Scarlette finally kicks him in the chest -making him fall to the mat- and steps away looking at her sensei] "What're you looking at? Finish him!"

"Yes, sensei." [Scarlette chops the blonde boy as he's just getting back up, she steps back away into her original spot in the square formation. Mr. Moyagi frowns and shakes his head, confusing Daniel. Yet Daniel doesn't question it- he remains quiet]

"We do not train to be merciful here, mercy is for the week. Here, on the streets, in competition"[ John Kreese paces the mats and lectures. Daniel and Mr. Miyagi are noticed by Johnny and Scarlette- as John Kreese gives his lecture he notices the two not paying attention] "A man confronts you, he is the enemy- what is the problem Mr. Lawrence and Ms. Sevem?" [He inquires aggressively as Johnny whispers back. Daniel and Scarlette look at each other as Johnny whispers to Sensei Kreese his response. Daniel has another black eye+a couple cuts+a bandaid- and that's just his face. Scarlette's eyebrows tilt- she feels horribly bad for Daniel, he must've been beat badly last night. They both try not to get distracted by eachother but find it difficult]

"Does she even know what happened yesterday? Does she even care? Whose side is she even on?" [Daniel cluelessly asks himself questions in his head. He looks down with his hands on his hips stressfully] "C'mon let's forget this-" [Daniel walks off but is stopped by Mr. Miyagi]

"Wait." [Mr.Miyagi puts Daniel back beside him as they both await the attention of John Kreese]

"Class, we have visitors- fall in behind me." [The students do as they are told- John Kreese walks over to the old man and Daniel with his arms crossed, Johnny Lawrence follows] "I heard you jumped some of my students last night."

"Afraid the facts mixed up" [Mr. Miyagi replies- Scarlette nods at herself, she was correct] "Come ask leave boy alone."

"What's the matter? The boy can't take care of his own problems?"

"One to one problem, yes. Five to one problem, too much ask anyone."

"Is that what's bothering you? The odds? Well we can fix that." [John Kreese smirks at Mr.Miyagi, Johnny smirks at Daniel- Daniel rolls his eyes] "You like matching, Mr. Lawrence?"

"Yes, sensei!" [He loudly responds]

"No more fighting."

"You don't drop a challenge in my dojo and leave, old man."

"Too much advantage your dojo."

"Name a place."

"Tournament." [A laugh leaves John Kreese and some of his students- Daniel's eyes widen at the position Mr.Miyagi had just put him in. Scarlette shakes her head at the ridiculousness of that comment- although it wasn't the craziest thing that Mr. Miyagi had requested]

"You've got real nerve, old man- But we can accommodate you. Can't we, Mr. Lawrence?" [John Kreese smirks at his prized pupil]

"Yes, sensei." [Johnny nods, the sensei turns back around to continue training his students]

"Ask one more request- leave boy alone to train." [Kreese turns back around pointing his finger at the old okinawan man]

"Your a pushy little bastard, ain't ya? But I like that." [The sensei paces the mats once again] "Nobody touches this kid until the tournament, is that understood?"

"Yes sensei!" [All the students respond firmly. Scarlette glances at Daniel again- they make eye contact and look to the ground]

"If you don't show, then it's open season." [Kreese slowly walks towards Mr. Miyagi again intimidatingly. The old man nods with the same calm expression, and walks out of the dojo with a flustered Daniel at his side. The students watch them exit the dojo and continue to train- but Scarlette is still a little distracted]

"Mr. Miyagi is taking Daniel under his wing now- things are really gonna be back to normal now. It'll be almost if Daniel doesn't exist." [Scarlette thinks to herself as she trains- she doesn't believe in the Miyagi Do karate way. She thinks all it will do is keep Daniel away from the Cobra Kais until the tournament- only so that he won't get bullied anymore] "That's good for him, I guess." [Scarlette continues to think, she feels might miss Daniel but denies herself] "I don't need him at all." [Finishes her thoughts on the subject and focuses on training, although difficult since there had been so much going on in her head. She still sighs at this fact but has to move on the way she had been taught]

--after practice--

[Scarlette walks home by herself today, denying a ride from Johnny and her friends. She was somewhat hoping that they would catch up on her feelings and simply ask if she was alright- but no. They weren't like that, and although it bothered Scarlette, she believed she just had to accept it. As the night falls, Scarlette arrives in Reseda by herself. She steps up the stairs and spots Daniel outside of his apartment too, he wears a white karate headband he had been given by Mr.Miyagi. All the questions they both had for each other could not go unanswered- Daniel approaches her] "Hey, I've been wanting to talk to you." [Daniel follows her until she stops walking. She looks tired- hadn't gotten good rest the night before because of the event. She blankly responds]


"Well, about yesterday-" [Daniel sighs, he feels a little offended that Scarlette is being insensitive with what happened the day before] "when I almost died."

"You picked a fight and got what you asked for- then you let your friend almost kill my friends. I'd say we're even." [She snaps with her fists tight]

"You are always mad, I saw you arguing with Ali the day before yesterday- you are always arguing with someone!" [He yells back just as loud, pointing his finger at her. He was tired as well of course- and just as angry]

"This isn't about me at all- I'm not involved." [She steps closer to him, pointing her finger as well]

"Screw this- screw you! We're done." [Daniel steps away from her, finally giving up. Scarlette's nose scrunches up, she would fight him but her sensei forbids her to do so. Daniel wasn't one to continue an argument, he had a problem with giving up- which he was exercising massively now]

"Fuck that! We were never anything, Daniel!" [She lies, there was a point that she liked him a lot- and more than a friend at that. Daniel opens the door to his apartment and slams it in his anger. Scarlette goes inside her apartment and kicks the lamp beside the door. She's so angry that she throws furniture at the walls and doesn't clean up the mess- She doesn't care about that at all. A tear rolls down her face as she looks at the damage she's done to her friendship with Daniel] "Fuck!" [She yells very loudly with her head in her hands- Daniel can hear it from his room. He puts his head in his hand as well. Those both blame themselves, but Daniel can alos see that Scarlette's anger had been taken into account]

"No, it's her god damn fault. We're over. It's fucking over!" [He yells at himself, but Scarlette cannot hear him. She sits on the floor feeling completely broken, but she tries to stop crying. She keeps yelling]

"No! You can't be crying right now! Crying is for pussies!" [She continues to cry despite her words. She sits up and looks at the ceiling- her hands on the floor instead of over her face like they'd been previously] "Cobras don't cry." [She whimpers. Scarlette is only more determined now, but is she more stable? Is she a better person? Not emotionally, definitely not emotionally better. She's lost the only person she could truly speak her mind around, be her truest self. But she doesnt think that she needs him, she only thinks he's brought her pain in the end - The walls of the apartment so thin Daniel can hear her say the last thing she did. He shakes his head]

"Damn." [Daniel sighs and takes a seat to think to rest. His hands through his hair. He needs to be alone, he just wants to be alone]

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